Sukoon Mily [ Short Story Ser...

By lllenallyy

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✨Desi Short stories . 𝟏.)𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐅-𝐄-πˆππ€π˜π€π“ (𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩π₯𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝). Inara's first crush becomes her fian... More

HARF-E-INAYAT P11{walima}
𝐋π₯π₯𝐞𝐧𝐚π₯π₯𝐲𝐲 '𝐬 ππŽπ“π„
The Intro Of : 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ [ Chp1]..
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ [Chp2]
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ [Chp3]
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ : Chp 4
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ : Chp 5
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ Chp:7
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ :Chp 8
Ψ―Ω„Ϊ©Ψ΄ΫŒ1 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„:chp9
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ Chp:10/ Ψ―Ω„Ϊ©Ψ΄ΫŒ

𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 πŽπ… π‹πŽπ•π„ Chapter:6

155 6 4
By lllenallyy

I sat in the car, we were driving at a normal speed when a ping.. Caught our attention he told me,to check it for him ,

It was so heart warming , I don't know but it felt soo couples thing to do ,

I checked his phone "it's a text from an  unknown number ,saying why aren't you texting back ." he frowned
Ping.. "it's another msg from the same contact ,it sa..says ahm Its me wareeshay" his frown deepened ,

"leave it ."
I placed the phone back where it belonged ,
As I stared out of the window , watching the now Grey sky ,with white clouds ,

I was deep in my thoughts as a question escaped my mouth , softly "since when did you fell for wareeshay "
Aryan hit the brake ,with a sharp screech the car stopped , she didn't noticed he was fast driving ,before ,

"shut up "

"I am your wife I have this right ,our wese bhi ap mano na mano dastakht ka dhabba tho lag chuka hai ,/well no matter what you say we have signature stamped the marriage contract "

He inhaled and said "Get Out "
"wha..What? "
He stood up opened the door and pulled me out by my wrist ,
"I said get out "
Just like that the happy hours ended my brain was blank and tears were threatening to come out as I took sharp breaths and looked around scared , I wanted to tell him to please take me with him but he didn't stopped at all ,after finishing the sentence he drove his car so fast that I couldn't see him in the other second ,

I wished for him to not get too angry and be safe ,because I .. I should not have asked but still I have the right to know ,and ..

I couldn't justify the situation anymore , for a while I was there standing staring at the sky ,then my feet then at the road where he left on the day when he just became my everything ,
He may not know ,but legally all I have is him now ,it's only him ,

A lone tear betrayed me as it left my eye sliding down my cheek and getting absorbed by my hijab ,
I holded back on the hardest days of my life where I had no one ,literally no one but now that I have this only person ,I can't stand it ya rab ,

I can't see him in pain ,I can't even endure this pain as it is from love ,
I am aching.. Aching soo badd that I think I might die ,I might loose my contiousness,

Controlling my inner thoughts I walked along the foot path shivering in cold ,rubbing my hands together ,thinking how will the night end? I guess on the floor! Or just by me walking towards ...
I couldn't finish the sentence as I didn't realized ,I still don't have a place to call home ,even though the lady gives me soo much love I don't know her name yet she loves me like her own daughter

But I am not . I am just me ,

Honk..honk.. I looked at the car beside me ,inspecting the driver ,when I realized it was Zoya ,

"behen chal ghar chalty hai "
Ghar =home ,she said let's go Home ,

Is that my home now that I married him ,

The whole ride was in silence neither of us spoke ,there wasn't anything to speak of ,so I stayed silent and upon arrival ,I stepped out and ran up to my room not waiting for her or anyone ,

I went to the room and closed the door behind me ,did my wuzu,placed the prayer mat and prayed my prayer after which as I couldn't think of anything and was feeling suffocated I removed the hijab and Abaya , as I sat on the bed and poured myself a glass full, of water ,

My throat felt soo dry ,that I couldn't even breath ,I gulped the water in one go and inhaled deep breaths as I was at a lose for oxygen ,

My hand involuntarily went to my chest as my heart was aching ,and my brain was blank ,

Why did this have to happen ?,why did I have to ask? Why couldn't I shut up ?
Why was I so anxious ?,why was the fate not in my favor ?

Questions were rushing into my head one after another but I didn't had any answer for any of them ,i just stared at the floor ,when the voice of Azan touched my ears ,and I instantly stood up went to washing room ,

I came back placed the prayer mat ,I prayed all my prayers despite the inconvenient environment ,I always carried a prayer cloath with me ,
So I somehow managed to pray ,

I stood on the mat and started my prayer , once I was finished I started recitation of holy Quran and recited 2 to 3 [parahh]/[chapters ] in one sitting ,

After that I started to make my dua and I tend to do the last half of it in sajdah position ,which I did so today too,


I woke up with a knock on the door Again ,I looked at the clock it was late I was late I had to pray Fajr fast so I rushed to the washing room and then prayed my Fajr ,this time I didn't did my dua first I just went to check the door , and when I opened it I just saw a shadow and my feet went cold ,was this actually jinnat, Allahhh allahhh I am kinda little bit scared of themmm,

I was reciting ayahs ,under my breath I decided to just look at what it was so I followed the shadow ,Allah whatever it was it helped me pray my Fajr two times I was so delightful and thankfully to that ,

I heard such incidents that the good jinnat help the people pray by waking them up for Fajr or any prayer , it is true I guess ,

I was still following the shadow ,when it just stopped,the oxygen just got caught up in my throat it was heavy to breath or scream or walk or run I was stuck ,my feet glued to the ground I once wondered why ,why the people not move when they see the ghost ,

Noww I don't even wanna know ,that as I am practically experienceing it ,
My heart ran a marathon as I got covered in sweat out of fear ,

"so why are YOU following me " the jinnat was now at a very good distance ,I can't measure it though ,I m not in such a place ,I could only saw his  feet in the light ,as people say was wearing something white but fancy ,

The jinnat have a style ,ya Allah filhal mujhe bachalenn ,I couldn't voice out or answer the JINS question ,

He came forward, allahh allahhhh a slow but a Suttle scream escaped unexpectedly from my mouth ,and the Jin captured me in his arms ,his one arm holding my frame ,and the other placed  on my face ,

My eyes went glossy as tears wild up ,I shut them up as  I muttered ,"I have a husband " he senced and loosened his grip on my mouth said
"what say again"

"Mr. JIN I have a husband" I said and he seemed shocked under my close eyes I could still sence it but I didn't had the guts to open my eyes up so I just didn't bothered when I heard a chuckle ,I  frowned , I heard another sound
"open your eyes Misses ARYAN IRSAL"

Wass it him,I opened my eyes I was now crying soft sobs and sniffs escaping my mouth , my vision blurred ,due to the tears and my heart sunk deep ,

Was it him or not I looked up to the beings face but still couldn't figure it out ,
"I am so sorry ,did I scare you ,please don't cry ,I am sorry princes  Yarr"

The being hugged me caressing my hair but I tried to not do so ,even though it was warm and comforting but I still tried to escape his grip muttering ,
"l... have.."
"hey hey hey princess look at me ,open your eyes" he tried to clean my tears ,and held my face up to look at him ,
"it's me your Husband ,look ,why are you crying hn ,its hurting  "

I looked up to him my eyes saw a glimpse of him and I just melted ,I literally did ,I fisted his shirt in my hands as the situation sucked up all of my energy I just placed my head on his chest ,he was tall ,

He caressed me "why did u came out like this princes " it took me a whole minute to process this information ,as I did a new horror crept up to me my scarf wasn't on my head I wasn't wearing my Abaya ,not even hijab ,I just followed the shadow blankly ,

I tried to struggle up in his arms as they were now wrapped around me ,but he didn't let me go ,so I stopped the struggle as I also felt dizzy ,

I think he senced that ,come let's get u inside first ,he said I just nodded we entered a room ,I was still shaking in fear and he was kind enough to not let me deal with it myself he wasn't leaving me ,he didn't even for a second ,

He kept his arms around me ,all the while when we entered sat on the couch bed whatever it was ,I was by now out of sences and place to think about any thing ,
What I knew was that I am now safe ,
My body was just seeking comfort in him and his touch ,his hands were still wrapped around me when I fell asleep ,

Third person pov:
Aryan irsal known as a gay person after his first love story ,he distanced himself from the opposite gender ,

He was now carrying his unwanted wife into his room ,
He carried her bridal style as she fell asleep and placed her on the bed ,she was still mumbling somethings in her sleep ,

Aryan went close to her ,as she mumbled something into his ear ,Aryan facial expressions changed he looked at her ,with something in his eyes something deep ,with sparkles of maybe love,

He then slid the comforter up to her as he was about to back off she mumbled a little loud which he heard somehow ,

He stopped and looked at the figure laying on his bed ,just like a princess ,
He laid beside her and held her closed to him in his arms he fell asleep ,

Despite his insomnia and hate for sleeping he couldn't sleep without taking pills he was addicted  to them ,but there was something that he found in hurain something precious ,hurain nuzzled up close, the only question was that ,

WILL HE KEEP THIS PRECIOUS spark or will he let it die?

To be continued...
There relation is so complicated ,
✨ ✨

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