Odd Della robbia|| the girl o...

By btsnoona90

75 8 0

Odd and Arielle were best friends growing up.. she has a secret that she never told odd about..her crush on h... More

Chaper two:teddygozilla
Chapter three:her secret
Chapter four:not this time
Chapter five:its time
Chapter six:seeing is believing
Chapter seven:holiday in the fog
Chapter eight:log book

Chaper one:airelle

19 1 0
By btsnoona90


"Class, we have a new student." Mrs hertz said.

Odd had his hand on his cheek.

"Oh great another one. Hope we can get them on our side." Sissy said with a smirk.

Ulrich rolled his eyes and odd looked at them and glared. Herb and Nicolas just smirk.

Odd turned around and looked at ulrich.

"I wonder what their like. Maybe i can show them around." Odd said with confidence.

"Ofcourse you'd say that..you'd want a chance with her if its a girl." Ulrich said and odd just smirked and shrugged.

"With all the girls,you've dated i wouldnt be surprised if she walked away." Jeremy said,teasing and odd just looked down.

The girl walked in and odd looked up and was shocked.

"A-arielle?" Odd said teary eyed.

The boys looked at him.

"You know her?"ulrich said and odd nodded.

She smiled at odd and than looked at the class room. "Hi everyone, im arielle O'hara. I just moved here. Nice to meet you." She said with happiness.

"Nice to meet you arielle."the class said. Odd didn't say anything he was too stunned.

"Nice, okay, you can seat next to jeremy."Mrs hertz said and she nodded and walked over to jeremy. Jeremy smiled and she returned his smile. Class went on until it dinged for lunch and the lyoko warriors were sitting at the table and were talking about the new girl.

"Really how do you know her?"yumi said and odd just ran his fork in his spaghetti. He would look up at arielle,who was sitting alone.

Ulrich hit his arm against odds arm. He snapped out of it.

"Huh?,what did you say?"odd said and yumi smirked. "I said how do you know her?"she repeated.

"Oh..um..we're child hood friends."he said and ate a meat ball.

They nodded.

"Ah,that's cool."Ulrich said and ate his food.

"Yeah."odd said looking down at his food.

Yumi and Jeremy looked at each other.



Aelita was walking around until she felt pulsations and looked up and there was hornets coming at her.

"Oh no."she said and ran the other way. "Jeremy..help."she said and hid behind a tree.

Lunch room.

Jeremy got up. "Where are you off too?"yumi said and Jeremy smiled. "I wanna check on lyoko, X.A.N.A seems pretty quiet. Also I wanna work on aelita's materialization program."he said and they giggled. "Okay say hi to her for us."yumi said and Jeremy nodded.

"I'll go with you.. I need to stretch my legs anyway."Ulrich said and got up and they went to jeremys room.

"So why haven't you asked her out?"yumi said and odd looked up.

"I'm too scared too."odd said and looked at arielle,she ate a piece of chicken.

"Odd, Afraid of a girl?"yumi said and odd looked at yumi.

"Not just any girl.. I'm not afraid of them. It's ari I'm afraid of."odd said and looked at her again and looked away when ari looked at odd.

"She won't bite."she said and odd sighed. "It's not that.. it's because.."odd said but was cut off when screaming came from outside and they looked out the window and saw some kids running from bees.

"X.A.N.A." odd and yumi said in unison.

"We've got to get to lyoko."odd said and yumi phone rung.

"Jeremy?..yep that's what we figured ..okay we'll head for the factory."yumi said and hung up.

"It's X.A.N.A."she said and odd nodded. They headed to the factory.


"Impact."Ulrich said as he hit the hornet in its symbol. Ulrich and Aelita ran to the tower but he was hit.

"Ulrich."Aelita exclaimed. "Ulrich you have 20 life points left."Jeremy said over the com.

"I could use the help,. Tell odd and yumi to move it."Ulrich said and used his triangulate on the other hornet.

"What's up?"odd said and Jeremy looked at them.

"Ulrich has 20 life points left so you two better get a move on."Jeremy said and they headed to the scanners.

"Transfer,odd..transfer yumi,scanner odd, scanner yumi.. virtualization."he said and clicked enter and they were in lyoko.

"The activated tower is 30 degrees north."he said and they ran off but was trapped by some bloks. Yumi threw her fan and missed then she used her telekinesis and let go and then flew up on top and threw her fan and hit it. It blew up.

Odd turned around, "laser arrow!"he said and it flew to the blok and it blew up. He got hit by a hornet and fell forward.

Ulrich was devirtualized by being hit by a block. "Ulrich!"yumi exclaimed and blasted the block

Odd got up. "Odd you're down to 80 life points."

"Thank you jeremy."odd said and he ran off to Aelita and pushed her out of the way from a megatank. "Laser arrow."he said as he got right up to it. Aelita ran to the tower and ran up the walk way and flew up the tower and than layed her hand on the screen.

"Goodbye arielle."odd said and sighed. Yumi looked to him. She layed her hand on his shoulder and he looked up to her and she gave a sympathetic look. He gave a weak smile.

Jeremy typed in the code.

"Return to the pass now!"

The white light came up from the portal and went out of the factory and to the school.


"It's pretty cool how you know her.."yumi said and odd smiled with a blush.

"Yeah,I guess..it is pretty cool. But I feel like sometimes she doesn't know I exist."odd said and Jeremy looked at arielle. And she was smiling at odd.

"I have a feeling she does."he said and odd looked at him and Jeremy pointed to arielle and odd looked at her and she was looked away.

Odd blushed.


Sorry it's short. Just wanted to introduce the oc. :)

Please read to the end it gets better. I swear. ^^

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