The Transfer | Gally TMR

By agpfics

49.4K 1.5K 252

You know the story of the Maze Runner. Where you wake up in a box, with no memories, surrounded by fellow Gla... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Sequel Sneak Peek

Chapter Twenty-Eight

762 33 6
By agpfics

Still Gally's POV:

We'd only had a couple other Grievers encounters running, almost all of which Lilli blocked for us. A single one had slipped through, but as a team of Glader, we were able to fight against it, and finally kill it. Smiling just at the thought of her, I started remembering times we had together, innocent, lighthearted times. I remembered showing her my Thinking Tree, and how we talked into the wee hours of the darkened morning about secrets we could never share. The truth was, the moment that she hinted towards my feelings for her, I wanted to wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her senseless. I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt about her, right then and there. And I still haven't had the guts to do it. I knew the letter explained everything, said everything I couldn't say to her in person, but I wanted to tell her in person. I didn't want to wuss out of something as simple as telling the girl I was in love with, just that. That I was in love with her. I had been since the instant I saw her. I don't even know how that's possible, but I did. Even through our playful banter, the way she used to call me 'Princess', just to piss me off. I smiled, just at the thought of it. All of it. I was in love with all of it. And I couldn't wait to tell her.

"Look! Right up there! There's the port! We made it! We actually made it!" Minho and Thomas cheered, the rest of the Gladers quick to fall into sync as they all began cheering and sprinting, singing our praises as I ran in behind them, desperate to see Lilli again. Thankfully, she had left the port open, as we all flooded through, letting everyone go in before me as they took in every ounce of the place that was, for most of them, completely new and unseen. The walk down the industrial hallway seemed like the longest moment of my life, knowing that the love of my life was right through those doors. I tried to push past people, but everyone was equally excited, and I didn't want to be rude towards their fascination of the place. Finally, the door had been opened, and bodies were packing through the small doorway as the flooded into the facility in shock. I heard gasps and saw shocked expressions as they saw the dead corpses scattering the room, but beyond the horrified and fascinated faces, I saw her.She hadn't yet noticed me, embracing Shai and talking quickly and with a giant smile plastered on her face as the reunited. I decided to give her a moment with her long time best friend. Sighing, I stood up on one of the tables.

"Aye! Listen up, everyone, ok? The bodies were dead when we got here! Now, it's not like you've never seen dead people before, so can we please move on?!" I shouted, so as to ensure that everyone heard me. Everyone agreed, moving away from the poking and prodding of the dead corpses. It was then that she noticed me, and her smile grew, if that's even humanly possible at this point. And she started hobbling towards me.

Lilli's POV:

There he was. And despite the few scratches on his arms and his dirtied, exhaust stricken face, he looked absolutely gorgeous. I grinned from ear to ear, hobbling towards him. He jumped down from the table, smiling as he outstretched his arms, the crowd parting slowly as the moment felt like it was happening in slow motion. It felt like a movie, that classic, seriously over used moment when the girl and the boy finally get to be together, and the whole crowd parts ways for them as they run towards each other, but I swear, in that moment- that was exactly what I felt. Like it could only be properly appreciated in slow motion. I could have savored that moment for an eternity, but then, just like that, I was in his grasp. And my crutches fell to the ground as he picked me up, spinning me around in his large, protective arms as I laughed, the smiles between the two of us could have cured anyone's sadness. Pressing my lips against his, still mid smile as he lifted me up so that I had to bend down to reach his face, I felt so entirely happy throughout my entire body.

"Alright there, love birds! I hate to break up the make out fest, but Thomas figured out this big...screen thing. And there's a video here for us to watch." Suddenly, my smile disappeared. No, they couldn't watch that. They most definitely could not watch that. My eye grew wide as I shook my head. Gally set me down, sensing that something was wrong as I scooped up my crutches and hobbled towards them.

"No! St-" but it was too late. The video was playing. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable intro that would essentially destroy everyone's trust of me forever. But it never came. Same voice, different words.

"Hello, Subjects." I smiled to myself. Two different tapes. I had to admit, if nothing else, she was clever.

"I would first like to congratulate each and every one of you, for making it out of the Maze Trials alive. There were certainly more than we had expected, but that's a good thing, I suppose. My name is Ava Paige. Essentially, the leader, here at WICKED. Now, I want to make it clear, that we did not just put you into the Maze and manipulate your life for no reason. We did it in the name of science. You see, our world is not as peaceful and serene as the simulated world inside the Maze, Glade...I think you call it. Out in the real world, the Sun has scorched the Earth, making most of it entirely uninhabitable. Much of the population died from the extreme weather conditions, but those who didn't became infected with a deadly disease. We call it the Flare. Origins of the Flare is still unknown, but it is essentially a brain virus, that corrupts the mind, and drives it's victims to cannibalistic insanity." A clip from an infected Crank showed on the screen, and the Gladers cringe. I'm pretty sure Chuck even threw up a little.

"A cure to the virus is still not yet been mass developed, however, we did discover that there became a point when the new generation of children started becoming Immune to this virus. That generation- is you." Wait a minute, what did she mean, not yet developed widely? Had they not bothered to replicate the antidote I had designed back in Group B? Or had something about it failed? At this point I began noticing chaos going on in the background. The attackers. They were shooting down the technicians, destroying things, but Ava stayed calm."We knew that if we could figure out what it was about you that made you immune to the virus, we could replicate it. And if we could replicate it, then we could essentially save the human race. But in order to understand what it was about you that made you immune, we had to put you through a series of tests. I want to make it clear that no test, no minor change in the system, not even the deaths of your friends, went in vein. Everything was for the benefit of humanity. For the progress of science." Muttering and confusion had broken out at this point, but no one was full on torn the screen down, which basically meant that she hadn't told them the whole truth.

"Again, I would like to thank you, each one of you, for serving a valuable asset to our progress, towards finding a cure for this terrible, terrible disease. And remember-" Oh no. Was she about to say what I think she's about to say? She was, wasn't she?

"WICKED is Good." And with that, she pulled a small shotgun out from her pocket, and shot herself, directly in the head. I held back a gasp, covering my mouth with my hand as I watched her body fall to the floor. Could it be possible? Did that really just happen? I stood there in shock, along with everyone else. The only difference was- we were in shock for two very different reasons.

A/N: Eeekkk! Reunited! Ughhh ok I am so close to finishing this bloody story, but it's flipping 3am here so I think I'm gonna call it quits for tonight and resume tomorrow! But don't worry! I'm literally so close I know it will get done tomorrow!!! I'm so thankful for my 700 reads ohmygosh!!! Thank you all so much! I really do appreciate all of the supportive feedback and sweet comments, you guys rock! Thank you for being such an amazing audience! And don't worry! This is just the beginning of their journey together! I have a sequel all planned out and everything, as well as other fan fics that I plan to post to this account! Eeek! Ok, stay tuned! Big finale coming soon!

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