Immortality Chase (ON HOLD)

JasmineVu द्वारा

153 18 7

Reiko Miyasaki is a 16 year old Australian/Japanese girl who is in hiding from a certain organisation. After... अधिक

Character bio
[2] Character bio
[3] Character bio
[4] Character bio
[5] Character bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

11 1 0
JasmineVu द्वारा

The next morning, Shida and I go off to school.
"Hurry Reiko-san! We're going to be late!" Shida yells from the front door.
"Just a minute!" I stuff a grimoire into my bag along with my other books and run to Shida.

We start walking to school, not saying anything to each other. Shida is on his phone, of course, and I'm just walking silently while looking at the ground. We enter the school and go to our class. I sit down at my desk and reach to grab the grimoire in my bag.
Shida looks up from his phone and asks me. "Hey, what's that?"
He reaches to touch it, but I quickly grab his hand to stop him. The class looks at me and Shida, then looks at what's on my table.

Some boys come up to me and reach for the book saying. "Hey, what's this? Some nerd diary?" One of the boys picks it up and it shocks him. I gasp, eyes wide, staring at the boy on the ground who was shocked. I grab the grimoire that was on the floor then dash out of the classroom before the teacher comes in.

If the teacher came in at that time, I would've been in big trouble. I'd be in bigger trouble if someone found out my identity. I quickly run behind the school building out of breath. I can sense something, ten people nearby in hiding. Three above, one in that tree, two behind that bush and four coming from left and right. I have nowhere to run now.

I need a spell to escape. I flip through the grimoire in my hand, looking at all the spells.
I find the right spell that I need and shout the incantation. "Keshinu!"
Mist comes out of the grimoire and covers the entire area. I take that chance to escape. But it doesn't work. I just remembered, these things aren't people, they're magic dolls who work for the organisation, they were designed with x-Ray vision and night vision, plus they have better eyesight than regulars. The organisation creates special dolls with the ability to move with magical energy inside them, they're called Doru.

They dash through the mist, ignoring it completely. They run around attacking me from different sides, cutting my body little by little. While feeling agitated, I stamp my foot on the ground getting a good grip on the floor.
"Lumen Baria!"
I form a shield again. They run towards me getting ready to attack again, but the shield prevents them from hurting me and they get knocked back.
Now's my chance to run, I run to the right, bumping into somebody. I stagger backwards, I look up and see that it's Shida. He must've followed me all the way here.

"Reiko-san, why were you behind the school? And..." He looks at my cuts. "Why are you covered in wounds? Did something happen back there?"
I stay silent with cold eyes. He starts walking past me, going to my last location. I grab his arm to stop him and pull him back.
"I'm fine, let's go back to class." I say coldly.

We walk back to class quietly. We enter the classroom, and see everybody staring at us. They all stare at my wounds. Not making any eye contact, I slowly walk to my desk and put the grimoire back in my bag.

It's time for lunch and a classmate comes up to me.
"R-Reiko-chan, do you want me to walk you to the infirmary a-and after that do you want to sit together for lunch?"
If I recall, her name is Kimiko. So she wants to eat lunch together? I don't have time for this.
"I'm not injured, and I'm busy." I turn her down coldly.

I grab my bag and head out the door.
"W-wait Reiko-san!" I turn back. "W-where are you going? C-can I join you?" Shida asks embarrassed.
Why does he...? No I can't let him come.
"No, this is my own business."
I turn around and walk out.

I go outside, then realise a presence behind me. I told him no, why is he following me?
"Shida-kun, I thought I told you no!" I yell out to him.
"So you knew I was here." He comes out from hiding. "What's so important that you have to do that I can't come along?" He asks.
"Important business that includes your father!"
"Sorry for yelling..."
I then walk away.

I walk to where there's no one around, then I jump into a tree. I jump off and run up the building's wall and onto the roof. Now I can practise my fighting in peace.
"Haru Ken! Haru Seishin!"
A sword comes out from the ground and a spirit appears. Time to practise, I dash to the spirit, attacking it consistently. I finally stop, fighting like this always makes me calm.
Everything that I summoned disappears. That spell is a dispel, it makes every spell that I used disappear.

I jump down from the roof in the middle of a crowd of students, then realise my mistake. Oops, I shouldn't've done that, Shida is there too.
"Reiko-san? Where did you come from?" Shida asks.
Oh no, it's only my third day and I'm already acting suspicious. I don't know what to say, I'm speechless. There's too many people, I can't handle all those looks in their eyes, staring at me like I'm some weird psycho. I turn and run.

Gomennnn, I wanted to update yesterday but I had somewhere to go and ended up coming back at 2 am! I was soooo tired, I couldn't WAIT to go to sleep!

I'll try to update more frequently. I'm glad that some people are reading my story. (Even though it kinda sucks).

Don't forget to give me some tips for my story!

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