The Motherland In Another Wor...

By ComradeMax45

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What if it wasn't Japan that teleported to another world, but the superpower country on Earth, America's Cold... More

Chapter 1 : A New World
Chapter 2 : First Contact
Chapter 3 : Second Contact
Chapter 4 : Diplomatic relations between Qua-Toyne and Soviet Union
Chapter 5 : Diplomatic relations between Qua-Toyne and Soviet Union Part 2
Chapter 6 : A Disturbance
Chapter 7 : Gim Massacre and the War in Rodenius began
Chapter 8 : Great Naval Battle of Rodenius
Chapter 9 : After the Great Naval Battle
Chapter 10 : The Elves Evacuation
Chapter 11 : Battle of Fortress City Ejei
Chapter 12 : Liberation of Gim
Chapter 13 : Fall of Louria
Chapter 14 : Fall of Louria Part 2
Chapter 15 : Reaction of the countries
Chapter 16 : A Empire in the West
Chapter 17 : Diplomacy with Fenn
Chapter 18 : Unwanted Problems
Chapter 19 : Unwanted Problems Part 2
Chapter 20 : Invasion of Altarus
Chapter 21 : Great Eastern Conference
Chapter 22 : Eve of the Great Eastern War
Chapter 23 : The Red Bear vs Demons
Chapter 24 : The Red Bear vs Demons Part 2
Chapter 25 : Return of Soviet Bear and the Great Eastern War
Chapter 26 : The Fury of Giant Bear
Chapter 27 : The Fury of Giant Bear Part 2
Chapter 28 : The Anguish of the Empire
Chapter 29 : The Anguish of the Empire Part 2
Chapter 30 : The Anguish of the Empire Part 3
Chapter 31 : The Demise of Peace
Chapter 32 : The Night before the Counterattack
Chapter 33 : A Survey of Myths (Interlude)
Chapter 34 : Diplomatic Progress (Interlude)
Chapter 35 : Liberation of Altarus (Soviet-Parpaldian War 1)
Chapter 36 : The Decline of A Superpower (Soviet-Parpaldian War 2)
Chapter 37 : The Decline of A Superpower (Soviet-Parpaldian War 3)
Chapter 38 : The Decline of A Superpower (Soviet-Parpaldian War 4)
Chapter 39 : The Decline of A Superpower (Soviet-Parpaldian War 5)
Chapter 40 : The Decline of A Superpower (Soviet-Parpaldian War 6)
Chapter 41 : The Empire's crisis (Soviet-Parpaldian War 7)
Chapter 42 : The Soviet Invasion of Parpaldia (Soviet-Parpaldian War 8)
Chapter 43 : The End of Tragedy
Chapter 44 : The Red Star from Another World Rises from the East
Chapter 45 : Respective Investigation, Forward!
Chapter 46 : Unlocking the World
Chapter 47 : From the New World to the Moon!
Chapter 48 : The World Conference Begins!
Chapter 50 : Shaking Up Another World
Chapter 51 : Shaking Up Another World (2)
Chapter 52 : The Pride of the Powerful
Chapter 53 : The Pride of the Powerful (2)
Chapter 54 : The Pride of the Powerful (3)
Chapter 55 : The Pride of the Powerful (4)
Chapter 56 : The Pride of the Powerful (5)
Chapter 57 : The Pride of the Powerful (6)
Chapter 58 : Movements of Each country and beginning of the New World War
Chapter 59 : Side Story - Forgotten World
Chapter 60 : Side Story - Forgotten World (2)
Chapter 61 : Side Story - Forgotten World (3)
Chapter 62 : Side Story - Forgotten World (End)
Chapter 63 : War Comes to the West
Chapter 64 : New Comrades From the Far East?!
Chapter 65 : New Comrades From the Far East?! (2)
Chapter 66 : A New Era and A New Future
Chapter 67 : War Comes to the West Again
Chapter 68 : War Comes To the West Again (2)
Short Story 1 - The USSR and Quilla Kingdom
Short Story 2 - Disbelief of Sharkun, Lourian Admiral
Short Story 3 - The Ordeals of Ine, Female Knight of Qua-Toyne
Chapter 69 : The Night Before the Great War
Chapter 70 : The Great Naval Battle of the Baltica Sea
Chapter 71 : The Great Naval Battle of the Baltica Sea (2)
Chapter 72 : The Great Naval Battle of the Baltica Sea (3)
Chapter 73 : The Great Naval Battle of the Baltica Sea (4)
Chapter 74 : The Great Naval Battle of the Baltica Sea (5)
Chapter 75 : Defenders of Mu Homeland
Chapter 76 : Defenders of Mu Homeland (2)
Chapter 77 : Defenders of Mu homeland (3)
Chapter 78 : The Looming Flames of War
Chapter 79 : The Looming Flames of War (2)
Chapter 80 : The Looming Flames of War (3)
Chapter 81 : The Soviet Bear Entering the War
Chapter 82 : The Soviet Bear Entering the War (2)
Chapter 83 : Diplomacy with the Annonrials
Chapter 84 : The Soviet Way of Diplomacy
Chapter 85 : The Sweeping Shock
Chapter 86 : The Sweeping Shock (2)
Chapter 87 : The Sweeping Shock (3)
Chapter 88 : The Frustations of Gra Valkas Military

Chapter 49 : The Situation on Earth

556 35 44
By ComradeMax45


January 20, 2024

Earth, Japan, capital city Tokyo, Naikaku Sōri Daijin Kantei

In the Japanese Prime Minister's residence, the current incumbent Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida was in his office, doing his usual work as the Japanese Prime Minister but then was interrupted by her secretary's sudden entrance

Naomi: bowed  i apologize for sudden interruption, Prime Minister, but there's an urgent matter

Her wecretary said, her voice filled with worry

Kishida: What is it?

Naomi: We received reports from residents in northern Hokkaido that at 9:30 this morning, there was a bright of light covering the Sakhalin islands, one of the islands belonging to the Soviet Union for 10 minutes, and JAXA also confirmed this and have taken the pictures from our satellites, and apparently, after that bright of light disappear, the entire vast territory of the Soviet Union disappeared from Earth, replaced by a vast ocean...

Of course, the report really surprised Kishida, especially since Japan was already very dependent on the Soviet Union for oil, gas and other things

Kishida: What?! The Soviet Union disappeared from the Earth?!! How?!!

Naomi: Apparently, that bright of light also covered the entire territory of the Soviet Union, we also had a report from our ambassador to the Soviet Union, Toyohisa Kozuki that he along with several Japanese citizens who were in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to Japan, precisely at the Soviet embassy building in Tokyo, and when they checked the entire building, they didn't find a single Soviet person, they only found our staff, and also we got reports that all Japanese citizens in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to Japan and at the same time all Soviet citizens in Japan suddenly disappeared too..

Kishida: Does this only happen in Japan? Or do all countries experience the same thing as us?

Naomi: We have also contacted the Chinese, Indonesians, all G8 and G20 countries, and we got the same report, all their citizens in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to their respective countries and all Soviet citizens in their countries suddenly disappeared too, just like us, Prime Minister

This was very bad news for Japan, the Soviet Union was always a mediating country for Japan and China, the Soviet Union always reconciled the two countries when Japan and China were in conflict with each other, and it was also the Soviet Union too that made the United States leave all of their military bases in Japan with the signing of the Magadan agreement in 2016 that the USA shall bring it's military away from Japan and at the same time bring the 7th fleet back to the US

The Soviet Union was also an important partner and ally for Japan in the technological and economic fields, especially since Vasily Zhukov become General Secretary, the Soviet economy improved from year to year and even booming, and Fumio Kishida who has served from 2021 as Prime Minister of Japan is inspired by Vasily Zhukov and apparently, Fumio Kishida is a big fan of Vasily Zhukov, and as prime minister, Kishida has stated that his premiership will focus on a "new model of democratic socialism" inspired by the Soviet model

And this is proven by the Japanese economy which has stopped stagnating since 2000s is starting to improve in 2021, the Japanese population is starting to increase again, implementation of equality as in the Soviet Union, and the number of deaths due to work fatigue has begun to decrease too

But now since the Soviet Union no longer exists, Kishida is starting to have a headache, what will Japan's relationship with China will be like in the future? Is it getting better or getting worse? And also since oil, natural gas exports and other natural resources from the Soviet Union has stopped forever, Japan has to think about how Japan can get those resources again..

People's Republic of China, Capital city Beijing, Zhongnanhai, West Building Compound

At the same time, President Xi Jinping received the same report from Minister of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China Wang Yi that the Soviet Union disappeared from the Earth

Xi Jinping: Are you sure that this information is true about the Soviet Union disappearing from Earth along with its entire population and it's vast land and also all of it's citizens throughout the world also disappeared from the Earth too?

Wang Yi: That's right, Mr. President, all our citizens in the Soviet Union suddenly returned to China for no apparent reason and all Soviet citizens in China also disappeared completely, we have also confirmed the same thing from the Japanese and Indonesian

Just like Japan, this is very bad news for China, The Soviet Union was the flagship of the world's communist countries and also China's strongest ally, The Soviet Union and China have improved their diplomatic relations since the 2000s since the Zyuganov Era , The Soviet Union has always been an important partner of China in terms of natural resources, technology and so on, and also the Soviet Union was always the most powerful force to be reckoned with in the Pacific in confronting the US Navy, but now since the Soviet Union has disappeared, China will experience difficulties in natural resource trade and China also lose its strongest ally, Moreover, with the Soviet navy no longer present in the Pacific, the United States would be free to send its navy to the Pacific once again, and China had to face the United States alone without help from the Soviet Union

United States of America, Capital city Washington, D.C., White House, President's office

Within the White House, the President's office, US President Joe Biden was in his office and was suddenly disturbed by a call from the secretary president, Julia Reed who reported to him that the Soviet Union had disappeared from the Earth

Biden: What?! The Soviet Union disappeared?!

Julia: That's right Mr. President, We confirmed from NASA that there was a strange natural phenomenon or what we see from the satellite is bright of light that enveloped the entire territory of Soviet Union for 10 minutes, and after the bright of light dissapeared, NASA confirmed that the entire vast land of the Soviet Union disappeared, replaced by a vast ocean which stretches from the eastern regions of Poland, Romania and Slovakia to the Pacific, we also received news from the foreign ministry that all Soviet citizens in the USA had also disappeared and all our citizens in the Soviet Union had returned to the United States for no apparent reason

Biden: Have we confirmed the same with other countries?

Julia: we have confirmed the same thing with the G8 and G20 countries, including the Chinese, Japanese and Indonesians, that indeed they experienced the same thing as us

Biden could only be stunned and shocked by this report, although this benefits the USA since now the USSR is no longer have it's presence in the Pacific, this also had a bad impact on the USA, especially since the USA imported oil, nickel and others from the Soviet Union, Biden also received news that an emergency UN meetings would soon be held regarding the disappearance of the Soviet Union from Earth

January 27, 2024, United States of America, Headquarters of the United Nations

One week later, On January 27 2024, all heads of state gathered for an emergency UN meeting at UN Headquarters to discuss about the disappearance of the Soviet Union and all its citizens from the Earth, Of course this is very surprising to all citizens of the world, even more so with countries that traded with, were allied with or were dependent on the Soviet Union

Of course this was the most shocking event for the world, especially since the Soviet Union was the largest exporter of oil, natural gas, wheat and other natural resources in the world, this could be a very serious problem for the economy, energy and other things around the world

Especially for China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, North Korea and other countries, China now holds the mantle as the flagship of the world's communist countries, China must also cooperate with Japan and also look for new allies to fight US hegemony, Japan also has to look for other alternatives to obtain natural resources

Indonesia will have difficulty finding spare parts for several military equipment that Indonesia purchased from the Soviet Union including Su-35, Kilo-class, Mil Mi-17, Mi-35 and others, and also Indonesia was very dependent on the Soviet Union for wheat exports, since Indonesia was the pioneer country of Indomie, Indonesia will have difficulty to producing Indomie in the future due to a wheat shortage

India also has difficulties in their military logistics, especially since much of their military hardware comes from the Soviet Union, even though India already has other alternatives to immediately purchase arms with France or other European countries

Iran and Syria, the presence of the Soviet Union in the Middle East certainly benefited them, especially the Soviet Union always opposed the hegemony of the United States in the Middle East, especially for the Bashar administration, but now since The Soviet Union no longer exists, Iran and Syria must look for other allies as a balance of power in the Middle East, and they decided to collaborate with China

North Korea and Cuba were certainly the most affected here, since their economy and military were very dependent on the Soviet Union, considering that North Korea is very isolated from the world and Cuba is still sanctioned and embargoed by the West, both countries will find it difficult to improve their economies or obtain more modern military equipment

From an economic aspects, the Soviet Union was the world's largest exporter of oil, natural gas and wheat, but now since the USSR is no longer exist, Oil and natural gas prices will experience high price increases, and wheat will also be difficult to obtain, this causes an energy crisis, inflation and starves everywhere around the world, the World Bank predicts that 120 countries are threatened with recession due to wheat shortages and rising oil prices, mostly in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America

World organizations including OPEC must now work hard to facing this greatest crisis of mankind, Arab countries and countries that still produce wheat are the world's last hope for the world's availability of oil and wheat

For political aspects, This is a distinct advantage for the USA and NATO, especially as the Soviet Union no longer exists, leaving only a vast ocean, and this is also a threat to China and former Soviet allies, they must look for new allies to counter Western hegemony

Moreover, not to mention the maritime disputes also appeared, after the entire territory of the Soviet Union disappeared, including European Russia, Baltics, Central Asia, Caucasus and Siberia, leaving only the vast ocean which is connected to two oceans, namely the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and now that new ocean is called the Soviet Ocean

Many countries have begun to claim this ocean, including NATO and China, and ultimately this increases tensions between NATO and China as a result of this dispute, Moreover, it is estimated that there are abundant oil and natural gas deposits in the seas of the former Soviet Union

Although this is not true because all the oil and natural gas content was also teleported with the Soviet Union to the New World

From the population aspect, with the disappearance of the Soviet Union, This is the largest decline in human population in the world, with the Soviet Union having population of 427 million people, then the loss of the Soviet Union became the greatest human loss in world history

The ISS also experienced major problems with the Soviet modules disappear too from  the ISS which resulted in major problems appearing inside the ISS, and even the ISS can no longer connect with the Mir-3 space station

And in the end, Earth's condition was not good either, starves everywhere, the threat of economic recession and energy crisis, the tension between China and the United States as the only two remaining superpowers on Earth competing with each other, and World War III getting closer...

All investigations about this phenomenon have been carried out by the UN, including examination of former Soviet waters, atmospheric collection and so on, this is fruitless, no one knows how the Soviet Union could disappear from Earth and where they disappeared, various strange speculations began to emerge throughout the world, starting from alien attacks, EMPs, Soviet secret weapons test against the United States but it became a Boomerang for the Soviets themselves, or direct punishment from God imposed on the Soviet Union for violating the rules established by God, however, this is all just mere speculation

One year later, in 2025, where in the New World's 1640 the Soviet Union waged war against the Parpaldian Empire, after various research about this phenomenon that had been carried out by UN did not produce results, The UN decided that the Soviet Union was officially extinct and disappeared from Earth, leaving only its history behind....

Officials map of Earth 2025

Official map of New World 1642

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