UA's Vigilante Protectors

By Jelliclegirl19

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A group of young vigilantes grew up together in an orphanage that was owned by two sisters. Even though they... More

A Day Of Fun
A Tragic Death
The Funeral And The Trial
The Ultimate Decision
Getting Everything Set Up And A Proper Scolding For A "Hero"
Killing The League Of Assasins
Getting Rid Of Fake Cops And Judge
News Report And Well-Deserved Praise
4 Years Later
The Sludge Incident Part 1
The Sludge Incident Part 2
Punishment For Fakes And An Expression Of Gratitude
A Love Confession
Another Mission And A Surprising Phone Call
Getting Assinged A Job As Guards
List Of UA Students
Aftermath Of Rescue
Meeting With The UA Staff
Meeting The Big Three, Mei And Varian
Meeting Other UA Students
Finding Out Their Secret
Dinner At The Midoriya's
Making Breakfast For Students And Staff
First Day Of Guarding Duties
Being Asked To Train Students
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 1
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 2
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 3
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 4
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 5
Aftermath Of Training Session
Don't Have Too Much Stress
A Wonderful Hangout
The Day Off Part 1
The Day Off Part 2
The Day Off Part 3
The Day Off Part 4
The Day Off Part 5
Getting A New Mission
Arriving At Overhaul's Secret Base
Eri And Kota's Story
Defeating Overhaul Part 1
Defeating Overhaul Part 2
Aftermath Of Mission
Killing Muscular
Making It Back To UA
Eri And Kota Meet The Students
Shopping For Eri And Kota's Rooms
Working On Eri And Kota's Rooms And A Heartwarming Choice
Adopting Eri And Kota
A Family Outing
Visiting Alania's Grave And Admitting Something Heartwarming
Encountering Three Fake Heroes Again
Parents Day Part 1
Parents Day Part 2
Preparing To Put An Asshole In His Place
The Vengeful Protectors Vs All Might
Aftermath Of Fight
Capturing Three L.O.V Members And A Shocking Reveal
All Might Is A Traitor
Exposing Assmight Part 1
Exposing Assmight Part 2
Aftermath Of Exposing Assmight
A Much Needed Trip
Arriving At The Vengeful Protectors's Hometown
Introducing UA To Imelda And The Orphans
Hanging Out With Imelda And Orphans
Learning About All Might's Whereabouts
Preparing The Fight With All Might
Meeting Up For The Battle
The Final Battle Part 1
The Final Battle Part 2
Death of Assmight
Aftermath Of Assmight's Death

Hanging Out With The UA Students

227 9 43
By Jelliclegirl19

After their first day of guarding was over The Vengeful Protectors walked inside the school and walked around. They all felt very happy with how their first day turned out. Not only did they successfully kill three villains hired by The LOV they also bonded quite well with the staff well except for All Might but who gives a shit what that asshole thinks?

A couple minutes later they heard some happy chattering going on the common room. They walked towards it and smiled and saw the students that they met when they first arrived here the other day takling amongst themselves and Rudiger, Valentino and Star with them too. When the UA students noticed them they smiled and waved which made The Vengeful Protectors smile and wave back.

"Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!!" Izumi exclaimed happily.

"Hey Izumi." said Izuku as he and the rest The Vengeful Protectors sat down on the floor.

Rudiger, Valentino and Star ran over to them and The Vengeful Protectors smiled and petted them.

"Good to see all of you again." Valentino said.

"Good to see you too." said Mashiro.

"Wow I never thought we would be talking to an actual talking goat." Hanta said in an amused tone with an amused grin and a raised eyebrow.

"Well there' a first time for everything." said Valentino with a smirk.

"Yeah that's all can be said about that." Asha said with a wide smile while rubbing the back of her head.

The Vengeful Protectors chuckled as they kept petting Rudiger, Valentino and Star.

"So guys how was your first day of guarding?" asked Jemima.

"Yeah how was it?" Katie asked.

"It was nice." answered Tenya.

"Yeah we got rid of three assholes who tried to sneak in and attack." Katsuki said.

"Well that's good." said Mirio.

"Yeah at least we don't have to worry about that." Nejire said.

"Indeed at least there's one less thing to worry about." said Kuriorio.

"Well none of you kids have to worry about that as long as we're here." The Vengeful Protectors said in unison.

"We believe that." said Shinso with a kind smile.

"Yeah we know that you'll never let any harm come to us." Mirabel said.

"Yeah cause any villain that tries to cross your path we know that you'll kick their asses!!!!!" exclaimed Mei as she pumped her fist into the air.

The Vengeful Protectors couldn't help but chuckle at Mei's adorable expression.

"Yep that's us." Ejiro said.

"Kicking ass and taking names." said Denki.

"Hey ummmmm kids we want to ask you something." Mezo said.

"Sure what is it?" asked the UA students.

"What inspired you all to become heroes." Fumikage asked.

"Why do you want to know?" asked the UA students as they tilted their heads a little bit  and raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"We just want to get to know you kids more." Ochako answered.

"Now you guys don't have to answer if it's too personal but we just thought we'd ask." said Shoto.

But the UA students smiled. They had nothing to hide so they decided to tell them just that. Some of them was cause they were victims of discrimination and wanted to give people just like them a voice, Adrien lost his mom when he was younger and ever since then he felt alone before he met Marinette and the others cause his dad was very distant with him and he wanted to become a hero to make sure people like him never felt alone ever again, Camillo and Mirabel heard the story about how the grandma Alma lost her husband Pedro when she was younger and they became heroes to make sure that what happened to their grandparents never happened to anybody ever again,

(In this universe Abuela Alma was never distant with Mirabel and her and Isabela always had a very great relationship.)

Asha always heard stories from her dad about how people made a huge difference in the world and was inspired by it and sadly when she was 12 he died of an illness so not only did she and her friends want to become  heroes to make a huge difference but to honor her dad's memory, Miles and Gwen were both victims of crime when each of them lost somebody that cared about for Miles it was his uncle Aaron and for Gwen it was a good friend of hers and so they both decided to become heroes to make sure that nobody lost anybody that they cared for ever again and go through the same pain that they've gone through and the rest was cause they've all seen the pain and misery that many have gone through and they all wanted to become beacons of hope just like many heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes are so that many will take it as a sign that there is still hope and light in this world.

Hearing all those reasons made The Vengeful Protectors smile. Every single one of those reasons showed that these kids had such huge hearts and really wanted to help people.

"Those are amazing reasons for you to become heroes." they all said in unison.

"Gracias." said Camillo.

"We're glad that you think so." Sunny said.

"Not like All Might." said Monoma angrily as he folded his arms across his chest and looked down at the floor.

"Really?" Tsu asked.

"Yeah." answered Miles.

"He doesn't." Gwen said.

"What did he say when you told him your reasons?" asked Yuga sympathetically.

"Well when we told him that asshole just told us straight to our faces that our reasons to become heroes wasn't good enough and when we asked him why he just didn't fucking answer!!!!!!" Octavia answered angrily.

"Not to mention when we show our improvents in our fighting skills while the other teacher praise us he just yells at us, says we're doing crappy and that if we keep up our in his words "weak ways of fighting" we'll never become heroes and again in his own fucked up words "not that I ever believed that you ever had what it takes to be heroes anyway." said Simon.

"God I hate that fucking asshole!!!!!!" Gabo yelled.

"Yeah he's just a jerk to us for no reason." said Steven.

"You can say that again Steven." Connie said as she folded her arms across her chest and glared down at the floor.

Hearing all the crap that All Might put them through made The Vengeful Protectors very pissed off and made them hate him even more then they did already. How could that bastard just outright say that their reasons to be heroes were invalid and just bully them and constantly bring them down? Was he just that power hungry and egotistical that he had the need to fucking knock down and belittle children?!!!!!!!! Man this guy was an even bigger asshole then they thought he was.

"Well he's wrong." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison kindly.

The UA students turned to The Vengeful Protectors who were smiling kindly at them.

"Really?" they asked.

"Indeed he is." answered Fumikage kindly as Dark Shadow nodded cutely.

"Yes from what we heard about the rest of your teacher you are the best students that this school has ever had." Tenya said.

"And we saw the looks that they had when they talked about you." said Mina.

"We saw that they had proud looks on their faces." Rikkido said.

"And they had such amazed looks in their eyes." said Toru.

"And from what we saw Izumi your parents are really proud of you and your friends." Shoto said.

"And from we heard about from them and all of you are gonna be great heroes." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison kindly.

Hearing that about their teachers and that The Vengeful Protectors believed in them made the UA students smile. This inspired them to do their hero careers even more.

"Thank you." they said in unison gratefully.

"You're welcome." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison.

"Well we're gonna get going." Izuku said as him and the rest of The Vengeful Protectors got up.

"Ok well thanks for hanging out with us." said Kendo.

"Yeah we should do it again sometime." Emily said.

"You're welcome and yeah should." said Kyoka.

"Yeah I'd like that." said Hanta as he placed his hands on his hips.

The rest of The Vengeful Protectors smiled and nodded as Dark Shadow nodded cutely. Then The Vengeful Protectors hugged the UA students and gave them all motherly/fatherly kisses on the head and then they all walked away as they waved goodbye to them to which the UA students waved goodbye. Just like with the true heroes The Vengeful Protectors felt like with the UA students it was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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