By BYE_Imagines

3.2K 240 54

From dream to another that has been repeated over and over; it becomes reality, includes the ups, and downs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

256 21 4
By BYE_Imagines


"Morning." I waved at Paul.

"Hey girl. Too early, isn't it?"

"Yeah my sister has to drop me off early because morning class." I smiled. "You're alone?"

"No, Todd's at the back but he's just about to come home."

"Alright. I'm gonna change first."

I walked to the changing room and got ready. It's a chill day in Philly. Possibly rainy today. I wish I could just stay all day in my bed after that long thoughtful night with Elena last night. But yeah work is work.

"I haven't seen Shireen." Paul checked me at the counter.

"Exactly. I have texted her but no reply."

"That's weird... She usually has arrived at this time." He checked his phone. "I haven't received anything yet as well."

"Something's wrong." I murmured.

"Would you like to call her mom, please?" Paul suggested.

"Oh right. Yes. Dialing now..."

First dial, no luck. Second dial, still no answer. I bit my nails. This was wrong. If this world has only one person who's always on-time and arranged, Shireen would be it. Otherwise she would beep me. Now's 5 more minutes before our shift. Todd and Joshua has been ready to leave the store but Paul made them waiting. If Shireen didn't come to work today, means I would be alone handling this store to the next 6 hours.

"No luck." I whispered at them all. "Oh! Thank goodness. Good morning Mrs. Olson, this is Minerva speaking."


"Yes ma'am. I'm, uh, truly sorry for waking you up this early, I just want to check on Shir..."

"She's in hospital..."

"HOSPITAL?!" I almost dropped my phone. "What happened?"

"I'm in hospital right now. Could you please come here?" Mrs. Olson's voice was getting lower. I could hear her anxiety.

"Alright please stay where you are. I'll be there in 10." I dropped off the call.  "Paul she's in hospital."

"Something's really not right." He shook his head.

"You guys just go. We'll take care of this." Todd spoke.

"Really? Is it okay? That would be no fair guys. I'll stay, you go with Paul." I walked back to my station.

"With no focus? No way. Don't worry about the shift." Todd smiled at me. "Cmon boss don't be too stiff."

"Thank you guys so much." I hugged them both.

"No problem Mirv, let us know how it's going over there." Joshua hugged back.

"Will do." I nodded. "Okay I'll change again."

I changed back to my normal dress quickly and hopped into Paul's car, he's been waiting for me. The hospital wasn't too far from store but really at this moment of busy morning, everyone with their car, it's a crazy traffic. I couldn't think straight. Really hope I could go out and just run but Paul stopped me.

"Take a  deep breath, Minerva. It's going to be okay. We don't know anything yet."

"Can't believe I missed it this morning. Checking on her earlier. Like should've known if text didn't work then something must happened."

"Stop blaming yourself..." Paul grabbed my hand.

"I'm trying." I sighed.

"Mirv, I really..." He sounded different. Oh not now. "When will you give me a yes?"

"Boss, can we talk about it later?" I cleared my throat.

"It's been months."

"Then it's your right to move on. I'm not holding your back at all." I tried to smile at him.

"Ain't I good enough for you?"

"Paul I beg you, please..."

He smiled. You see. Between my sleepless night, there's a fact that my boss liked me. He asked me out a couple months ago. I always thought it's inappropriate - not because he's a bad guy or something. I just don't do romance at work. Joshua and Todd always told me about Paul and his kindness. Guess what? I know it all. He's a good guy. Solid good guy. That boyfriend material. Shireen once convinced me to give him a shot. But heart wants what it wants, huh?

"We're here." He softly awakened me from daydream.

"Let's go." I unbuckled my seat belt and ran to the lobby. "I need to go find Shireen Olson's room, please."

"You're adult?" The nurse asked.

"I am." Paul showed up from behind me. "I'm 24."

"Alright. Go straight this way, you'll find elevator, up to level 3, fourth room on your left."

"Thank you."

I sprinted to the elevator. It took us both up in a second. We're here at the level 3. Fourth room on my left... Oh wait.

"Paul, we probably mistaken the floor." I stepped back.

"No. No it's level 3. Fourth room, right? This is it." Paul noticed my expression. "Uh... Whoa, guys? What you doing here?"

"Hey Paul."


"Waiting for anybody?" Paul grabbed my hand, just a second I thought about running away.

"We drove off this girl, Shireen. She's one of your baristas, right?" Connor replied.

"What happened to her?" I couldn't hold myself. Shireen first, fear later.

"She got a car accident by the traffic light nearby our hotel. I think it's a mini bus. I first saw it so we brought her here right away." He, the one I hard to stare at, explained.

"Is she okay? Can I come in?" I asked no one in particular. "Nurse! Can I come in? How bad it is?"

"She's still unconscious. But you can go by pair, 10 minutes for each. Her mother's inside." The nice lady suggested. "In pair."

"In  pair. I got it." I looked at Paul. "I want to go."

"Okay. I'll be right here." He nodded.

"I'm coming with you." 

He, the one that caused me nightmare, walked up without permission and opened the door for me. What date is today, God's sake.

"Mrs. Olson." I immediately hugged her mom who lied down on the couch. She looked exhausted.


"Yes it's me. Are you alright? Need anything?" I whispered.

"She's not awake yet..." She cried in my hug.

"Ssh...nurse says she's doing stable. Shireen is a tough girl." 

I glared at myself in that window reflection. Red eyes from crying. Anxiety at its maximum level. Then I stared at my best friend. She got many bruises on her face, arms, even wrapped legs that I bet were in bad condition. I saw her face. She slept peacefully. These complicated tools around her which supported her pulse and lungs made it horrible. 

"I was too slow, wasn't I?" He spoke from my side.

"No you're not. Thank you for saving my best friend's life." I replied slowly.


"Thank you."

"Hey I never know your name." He turned his face on me. "I'm Riley, what's your name?"

'I'm Riley, what's your name?' - the same exact line that always echoed in my dream. Either this was déjà vu or  unreal - that this happened exactly as I had in my dreams.


"I like your name." He released a sigh. 

Twice in a row, it happened just the same as last night's 1:30 talk.

"Hope she's doing fine." I whispered. "Shir, it's me..."

I held her hand trying to make a conversation. That car must have hit her the worse way it could. I'm afraid it would take her too long to recovery, or so, she would never have a life she once had. God, please save my Shireen.

And save me too.

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