Chapter 2

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"Am I late?" Elena parked the car at the school lobby.

"About 10 minutes." I climbed in. "Let's go."

"Hey what's that?" She noticed the flyer I was holding.

"Oh I was about to show you. Isn't this weird? They're coming."

"Who's coming?"

I showed the flyer to her so she could read it herself. "Wow that's shocking."

"Happened to have been planned earlier, we just didn't find out til today." I sighed.

"You wanna come out? Could say to mom it's your graduation gift. I think it only costs like...$35?"

"$40." I said in short. "No I'm not sure."


"I just am not."

"Well it's your call. But I'll be free on that day. Let me know if you wanna go."

I stared at this invitation. Looking fancy. And probably only for those lucky beautiful girls. Who I am to join. Besides, I prefer stay at home to be in all exposed area. So the answer is no.

"Hey you wanna go straight to the store or what?" Elena asked.

"Probably yes, please. Running late." I checked my watch, I had 10 more minutes.

"So I'll be in my friend's house til dinner. I have told mom and dad. Can you go home by yourself later?" She parked the car.

"I'll be overtime. It's okay. Thanks sis."

I walked to the side door of the store. It's pretty crowded up there. I immediately put my apron on and tied my hair to ponytail. The supervisor nodded at me as I passed his room. Time to work.

"Good afternoon, I'm Minerva, what coffee you like to have today?"

And it goes like that. Five orders in a row. Shireen, my partner, has been working about an hour before me. I switched working shift with Todd.

"Hey girl." Shireen winked.

"Hello. Busy day at the office." I chuckled, poured some milk to the measured glass.

"You have no idea." She rolled her eyes and gave the order to a girl at the queue line. "There you go, Stephanie. Thank you."

"One green tea latte?" I spoke to the customer as well.

"Oh mine. Thank you." A guy came up to take it.

"Thank you, have a nice day." I smiled politely.

"Gosh finally." Shireen sat on the floor. "Whose is this?"

"Hmm?" I looked down, she found my flyer. "Oh me. A girl gave it at school."

"The Vamps Summer Tour... Hail The Vamps!? Mirv, it's The Vamps!?" She cheered excitedly.

"What now." I sighed.

"They're coming to Philly! Oops!"

"Shir, please." I chuckled. Look at her face. She just won a jackpot.

"I'm a big fan. But uhm...that costs a lot."

"I know right."

My heart was broken seeing how excited Shireen was, but she definitely could never purchase a ticket to the show. This best friend of mine has been living in a hard situation. A bit different with me, while my parents could still get me to school til now. I know Shireen. She's a big fan of concert. And lately she's been talking about The Vamps. I could see her excitement.

"Ah forget it." She stood up. "Let's just work. But you should go though."

I smiled. "I'm not going either."

"Why so?"

"I don't wanna sacrifice my wonderful Saturday to be in the middle of screaming people. Not so much."

"Book worm."

"Haha. Besides, we're working right?"

"Right..." Shireen frowned.

I sat on the floor, exchanged position with Shireen as she cleaned the table. So I was alone. I took the chance to take a glance again at the flyer. The one I got was actually has Before You Exit's picture on it, instead of The Vamps. It's the commercial flyer for Before You Exit tickets. I bitterly smiled. No way I would make it to the show even though mom let me.

I stared at the one in the middle. I'm not ready to meet him.

1:30 AM TALKSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ