The Sound Of Love

By SheIsLunaa

31.8K 2.4K 2.1K

Continuation of Perfect Holiday.... More

Never forgive
Unfortunate circumstances
Its fixable
Make me feel so right.
Into the music
Not enough time.
I got this
Is it worth it?
Bad decisions
Masked identities
Check yourself
The Painful Truth
Forever mine
Oooh baby
Couple problems
House Party
The high
Facing the past
Justice is not served
Double trouble
TT's baby
Run away love
Mourn the day
Co Parenting?
Family of dysfunction
The Final Show
Herself or her son
Proper introduction
Dinner is ready


510 49 65
By SheIsLunaa

Singer Fatima Wilson lets boyfriend abuse son.

Trouble in paradise with Zachary Taylor and Fatima Wilson, how long have they been divorced?

Fatima Wilson in an abusive relationship?

The next day at Fatima's, she was sitting in her family room with the kids watching tv. She put her phone on DND because of all the dm's and comments. Her or Zac haven't responded to anything, nor have they been on social media and she was shocked at him because he usually would've ran to ruin her image by now.

"Can I call dad yet?" Amir asked her. "I want to go home."

"You've only been here a day. What's so bad about my house?" Fatima asked him.

"Nothing I just like my space." Amir explained.

Fatima took a deep sigh, "if it's the girls I'll keep them out of your way Amir but you cannot call your father right now, he needs time."

"He's going to leave me, isn't he?" Amir asked.

"No he's not. Amir, it's just a lot going on. Give him some space please." Fatima says.

"Whatever," Amir walked away and went into his room and called Zac anyways.

"Wassup?" Zac answered the phone nonchalantly.

"Can you come pick me up?" Amir asked him.

"I'm busy," Zac says. "I'll let you know later, I gotta go." Zac hung up the phone before Amir could get a word in and that set him off. He started throwing stuff around, crying and going off and Fatima came running in.

"You called him didn't you?!" She asked Amir and she could already tell by the look on his face what the answer to that question was. "I told you to let him cool off, you cannot do shit to people and expect it to just go away because you want it to."

"Leave me alone," Amir told Fatima. "It's your fucking fault!"

"STOP FUCKING TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT!" Fatima snatched Amir up. "I don't know where you getting this cussing and disrespecting me from but the next fucking time your teeth will be on the floor, understood?"

Amir was silent.

"Do you understand me?" Fatima asked again.

"Yes," Amir answered, barely over a whisper.

"And clean up this dirty ass room! Always got something smart to say can't even clean up after your nasty ass self," Fatima said leaving out of his room. "And I have the nerve to have 3 fucking kids." Fatima shook her head. "AMARI AND AMOUR GET UP HERE AND CLEAN YALLS DAMN ROOM TOO! Fucking sick of all y'all." 

Fatima went in her room and let out a loud scream. She was just all around frustrated with everything but most of all that divorce was eating her up the most and she tried to act as if she didn't care about it or Zac. Also she had nobody. Not her sister, not her best friend and she couldn't look to her judgmental mother. It was her against everyone at this point. Even her new manager had to be fired after 1 tour. Fatima was indeed losing her mind.  She grabbed her phone because she knew who she needed in that moment.

"Don't hang up," she says hearing the attitude in Zac's voice. "Can you please come over?"

"The girls okay?" Zac asked.

"They're fine but I- " Fatima was hesitant.

"You what?" Zac asked her.

"I need you here. Amir is out of control in there and I don't want to keep yelling at him. He listens to you before me for some reason." Fatima explained.

"You still won't admit it," Zac shook his head. "Just say you want me there."

"Zachary can you please just come," Fatima sighed. "I don't want to fight."

"Alright, just let me get myself together and I'll be on the way."

The call ended and Fatima felt a bit of relief knowing she still had him in that way.

Some time had passed and Zac made it to the house finally.

"Hey," Fatima standing in the doorway, dressed in one of Zac's T-shirts and some biker shorts.

"Where is he?" Zac asked her, trying his hardest not to look at her.

"Where's who?" Fatima asked, confused.

"Our son," Zac chuckled. "You forgot why I'm here?"

"Oh,right," Fatima says. "Um he's upstairs watching tv with the girls. They're all pissed at me for making them clean up."

"You gonna go get him? Or you want me to go up?"

"I want you to sit down on the couch and make yourself at home," Fatima instructed. "I'll go get him for you."

Fatima went upstairs and peeked into Amir's room and saw that all of the kids were napping. She let out a small smile "I got time," she whispered to herself. Fatima walked back downstairs and sat next to Zac on the sofa.

"He coming?" Zac asked her.

"They're napping, you can wait here until he gets up."

"Fatima, what kind of games are you playing?" Zac asked her.

"What are you talking about?" Fatima makes a face.  "I called you here to help me with your kids! You took hours and now they're sleeping. I should be asking you that shit." Fatima rolled her eyes and took a second and then looked over at Zac. "You fucking something, gotta be! Who is it? Not that I care just asking."

"First of all, chill." Zac was confused at where that came from. "I'm not fucking anybody and if I was that's my business! We are divorced and everybody knows that now thanks to you. So whatever I choose to do with whoever I choose to do it with, that's my fucking business."

"Watch who you're talking to," Fatima mushed his face. "I don't care who or what you doing but when I fucking call you to come here for these kids, that's what tf needs to be done! You're a father first."

"Don't turn into this," Zac chuckled.

"Into what?"

"A nagging ass bitter baby mama! You wanted this divorce! You publicized it! You started all this! So if I feel like I want a break from you and your kids, I have that right." Zac stood up. "Let's be honest you called me over here to fuck and it's failing and now you're turning it into something else."

"You think that's what this about Zachary? Trust me, the dick isn't that good." Fatima turned her head to hide her smirk.

"Bet," Zac was headed out the door.

"Fine! Me and my kids don't need you!" Fatima shouted.

Zac was now gone and Fatima didn't have her stress reliever so she was about to be an even bigger bitch than she was before. Sex has been how she deals with everything and runs from her problems. It was becoming so bad at times she had Zac driving to her house at 3/4am so when he refused her, that set her off.

It was later in ten day and Fatima decided she needed a night out with some drinks and some alone time. She got the kids all packed up and headed to her mother's.

Time had passed and Fatima arrived to the bar. This was her first time in a long time out by herself. She sat at the bar and had a few drinks she started feeling them shots and decided to slow down because she was driving. As time went on, she noticed a man sit beside her.  He wasn't saying much but he kept looking over at her.

"Like something you see?" Fatima asked him.

"Maybe I do," he smiled at her.

"Well I'm not interested," she rolled her eyes.

"My apologies, I'll get lost," he stood up about to walk away but Fatima gently touched his arm.

"I'm just messing with you, don't be so sensitive."

"Not sensitive Ms. Wilson, just respectful." The gentleman says.

"Oh so you know me?" She finally cracked a smile.

"Who doesn't," he chuckled, extended his hand for a handshake, "I'm Julian"

"I dated a guy name Ju-" Fatima took another look at him. "JULIAN???" she jumped up hugging him. "It's been so long, how are you?"

"I'm better," he smiled. "I should be asking you that, I heard the news. Sorry about that."

"It's fine, just navigating through it actually." She tells him. "Wow, I'm still in shock. Haven't seen you since you beat Ricky's ass after prom."

"Yeah I ain't never like that dude for you. How's Amir?" He asked her. 

"He's good, a daddy's boy. Done just left momma for dead." She joked. "But as far as Ricky, he did a number on me. Guess that was my karma for how I treated you."

"Don't say that cookie, you did what was best for you and your mom's relationship. She didn't think much of me and probably still doesn't." He laughed.

"Momma don't think much of anybody but Ricardo. I'm starting to think he's her child and I'm the baby mama." Fatima chuckled. "She didn't like my ex husband either."

"Your mom's is a trip but I kind of miss your dad. He was definitely a mentor in my high school." They both sighed, "good times."

"Well it was nice seeing you Ju," Fatima hugged him. "It's getting late and I gotta get back to my kids."

"Wait," he reached for his phone. "Can I at least call you some time? Maybe we can catch up."

"I'd love that," Fatima says, putting her number in his phone. "See you later."


About a month has passed and Julian and Fatima have been spending a lot of time together. They went on a couple dates and she was enjoying this new fresh company.

It was Sunday and it was time for Zac to bring the kids home but Fatima hadn't answered the phone. He figured she probably fell asleep or was busy cleaning so he just got them ready and headed your way her house.

Meanwhile at Fatima's house her and Julian were laid up on the couch napping. Fatima had set an alarm but it didn't wake neither of them after the night and morning they had.

Zac pulled into the driveway and noticed an unfamiliar car.

"Whose car is that?" He asked Amir.

"I don't know, I don't live here. Dumb and dumber, whose car is that?" Amir asked the girls.

"Watch your mouth stupid," Amour told him.

"Yeah stupid!" Amari added. "That's mommy boyfriend!"

"BOYFRIEND?!" Zac and Amir asked in unison. Amir was instantly pissed off. He knew his parents weren't together but he hoped that would change.

"Calm your ass down," Zac held his own emotions so that Amir wouldn't fly off the handle. "This does not give you any rights to disrespect her while you're here this week, understood? Cause if I have to come here everyday, I will."

"Yes sir,"

"Hand me your key," Zac told him and Amir did as he was told. "Stay right here with your sisters for a second."

Zac got out the car and approached the door. He put his ear to the door to see if he heard anything but it was silent. He opened the door with Amir's key and went inside slowly and quietly. He found Fatima and Julian sleep on the couch. Zac walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl filling it with ice and water. He walked back into the living room and tossed it on both of them, startling them both.

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