I am The Heiress and I Hate It

By ActuallyitsAnonymous

160K 3.2K 145

Aleandria Monroe is a pretty simple girl. Living on her own since her parents' death and working on an ice cr... More

I am The Heiress and I Hate It
Chapter 1: Expect the unexpected
Chapter 2: Living in a mansion with a kind flirt and an annoying arrogant player
Chapter 3: They are the school's 'It' boys. No wonder.....
Chapter 4 - A date in the carnival
Chapter 5 - Bringing back what we had before
Chapter 6 - Behind the curtains of cockiness lies sadness
Chapter 8 - I can balance a tray but not books!
Chapter 9 - I am the heiress
Chapter 10 - Stuck in the moment
Chapter 11 - I just discovered something!
Chapter 12 - Are you ignoring me?
Chapter 13 - Little kid in the mansion
Chapter 14 - Friends
Chapter 15 - I don't like you
Chapter 16 - He's an ass, but I like him anyway
Chapter 17 - "Happy holidays!" , more like, "Happy HELLidays"
Chapter 18 - Merry Christmas!
Chapter 19 - Darren, Me and the unexpected kidnapper
Chapter 20 - Is this goodbye?
One - shot contest!
Chapter 21 - Can't lose him
Chapter 22 - Promise
Chapter 23 - Boyfriend
Chapter 24 - British Twins
Chapter 25 - Trust Issues
Chapter 26 - The Wrong Turn
Chapter 27 - The Wilderness
Chapter 28 - Perfect Two
An Author's Note
I need your Favor!
Bonus Content: Are you sure?
Bonus Content Part Two: Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 7 - Operation HDK: Help Darren Knight

4.4K 106 4
By ActuallyitsAnonymous

Chapter 7

I wonder if he's already home..... I left him at that cemetery. As soon as I ran away from him, I called a cab and went home. Not even bothering to think about Darren. I feel so guilty. I mean, I said I'm going to help him. But here I am, running away from him just because he shouted at me. I wish I never ran away. I wish I just stayed with him. I wish I just joined him in his own little world of sadness. I hate myself for this. I hate myself. And it's even raining outside! What if he will get sick? It is totally my fault. Now karma is biting me hard on my ass.

I jumped out of my bed and dashed off my room. I'm going back to the cemetery. Once I'm on the first floor, Darren walked in. All wet. His hair has droplets of water all over it. I stared at his eyes. And he stared back. A glint of guilt crossed over my eyes.

"I'm so sorry I left you there." I apologized.

"No. You don't have to. I should be the one saying sorry. I never should have brought you there and ruin our date. I guess I'm too stupid to function." he pulled out a small smile. He's still not the same Darren Knight who teases me.

"Um, you don't want to stay on those clothes, do you?" I said trying to change the topic and lighten up his mood.

His mouth tugged into a smirk. "Want to strip them off me?"

Now the Darren I know is back.

"Heck no! You're disgusting!" I exclaimed. Then I run up the stairs.

He immediately caught up. "You know what Dre, if you really wanted to get back to me, you should totally watch some scary movie with me in my room."

There he go again. Using that nickname which I never approve of and all. "Scary movie you say? Didn't you know that I love those type of movies?" I told him. That is so not true. I hate those kind of movies. I'm a scaredy cat. But I won't show that.

"Sure you are." he smirked.

We went inside his room. He went inside the bathroom and changed in some comfy clothes while I sat down on the couch. I must say, I didn't expect his room to be this clean. I expected some clothes all over the floor and some posters on the wall. But this room is too simple. It is painted in baby blue. And the ceiling is white. His bed is in blue and white sheets. Most of his room is composed of white and blue. Except for the flat screen TV which is black and the lamp shade which is also black.

Darren went out of the bathroom shirtless. I can't help but stare at his six pack. I guess he caught me staring.

"Hey, your saliva is all over your mouth."

I rolled my eyes. I think he's mocking me. He grab the CD from his case and placed it on the DVD player. Then he sat beside me. Still shirtless. The movie started playing. It's The Sinister. I didn't even paid much attention to the movie because I'm very busy trying to stay as far away from him. His closeness made me feel uncomfortable. And he's shirtless for crying out loud! I guess he noticed my uncomfortableness. He leaned closer. Then I saw him smirking at the corner of my eyes. Jerk.

Whenever his arm touches mine, goosebumps ran up and down my spine. Mid - way through the movie I noticed a cockroach passing by. And did I ever mention that I'm scared of cockroaches? Now you know. I am. I screamed and pointed at the cockroach.

"Darren, get that thing! Kill it!" I said.

"You're scared of that?"

"Yes I am! So kill it! Now!" I demanded. He stood up from the couch and chased after the pest.

I'm really scared of it. And Darren didn't even catch it yet.

"Faster!" I screamed. "I said faster, Darren!"

Then at last he managed to kill it.

Then I sighed in relief.


When I heard Lea's screaming voice from somewhere, I immediately went out and went to it's source. Darren's room. Oh no. Don't tell me - Darren's banging LEA? Shit. That fucking bastard. We made a deal. If we want Lea we should ask her out properly. But now- Damn I can't say it.

"Faster! I said faster, Darren!" That's all the proof I need.

Then I opened the door. Lea was standing on top of the couch. Darren's holding a baseball bat, shirtless. A cockroach was lying down lifeless on the floor. Damn it. I think I jumped into conclusions really fast.


"Glacier? What are you doing here?" Darren asked his friend.

"Uh, um, I heard Lea screaming." he said.

"Damn. You must have woken up the whole house with your screams." Darren said glaring at me.

"Excuse me? Why are you blaming me? Of course I will scream. I'm scared of that thing. What do you want my reaction would be? I'm going to laugh because I'm scared of a cockroach?"

Then he rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Hey Glacier, since you're here, Do you want to watch with us?"

"No thanks dude. I'm really sleepy."

"Okay." Darren said.

With that, Glacier closed the door. Then me and Darren continued on watching the movie. I didn't notice that I slowly drifted of to sleep. Not until Darren woke me up.

"Wow. You really does love scary movies and you have to sleep all through it." Darren sarcastically said.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just tired." I replied. I stood up from the couch and was about to leave when Darren gabbed my arm.

I was like, What the -

Darren Knight is kissing me. Unlike Glacier's kiss, this kiss has everything I need. I couldn't ask for more. I don't know why. When he pulled away. I kind of was a little bit disappointed.

"This is your second kiss from me. You are lucky. Most girls only gets one kiss."

That's when I realized that Glacier wasn't my first kiss. It was Darren. At the limo when I first met them. When he shut me up with a kiss. And now he managed to paralyze me.

"Why - why - why - why did you kiss me all of a sudden?" i asked touching my lips.

"Because you can't end a date without a kiss, right?" he said. His mouth on my ears. I could feel his breath on my neck. Then he pulled away and went to his bed.

"Goodnight Dre."


I touched my lips for the fifth time tonight. It's twelve o'clock in the evening! Ugh. I need to stop thinking about his kiss. I don't understand. When Glacier kissed me, It didn't haunt me this long. Once he said sorry I already forgot about it and moved on. But Darren's, it is haunting me for ages. Damn, why can't I forget about it?

But I'm sure of one thing today. I mean tonight. Whatever. I'm going to help Darren. I'm going to help him get over his problem. I'm gonna break those walls and let myself in it. I'm going to help him no matter what it takes. And I'm going to call it, Operation HDK: Help Darren Knight.


sorry for the wrong grammars and spellings! I'm going to find some time to edit this book. No Idea whom will I dedicate this again. A new reader I guess?




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Love 'ya!

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