-{ 𝑳𝑰𝑭𝑬 𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 𝒃𝒖...


661 84 416

You heard/saw what the title said, It's gonna be The Life Series by Grian, except.. The cast are going to be... More

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(]--[ 𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟴 / 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗘 ]--[)
►(]--[ 𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟭 𐡘 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝟭 ]--[)◄
►(]--[ 𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟮 / 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝟭 ]--[)◄
►(]--[ 𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟮 / 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝟮 ]--[)◄
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►(]--[ 𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟭 𐡘 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝟮 ]--[)◄

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💉🤖 [🌊]: Ooooooh... The boogeyman is about to be selected.. I really hope that's me.. I wanna kill someone.


🔥 [🐤]: Uh oh, Boogeyman is about to chosen! Let's at least build our house so that we can be safe guaranteed!

🧡🎎 [👾]: Well.. according to my calculations, The selected boogeyman will trap one of our houses.. well, if they know the location of our base...

🔥 [🐤]: Oh no...

🍃 [🌊]: Well.. I'm sure were gonna be fine! Unless one of us is actually the Boogeyman.. That would be.. so awkward..

🧡🎎 [👾]: Indeed, very awkward..


💜🤖 [🥬]: Ok.. this is not good.. Well.. At least I got Iron.. I'm prepared for this! >:)

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Oh, hello! I didn't expect you to be in this cave!

💜🤖 [🥬]: Oh hi! And wow... You're Yellow.. You're just one step closer to being Red by just dying once..

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Yeah, I know.. And if I'm Red.. I'm gonna be blood thirsty.. and that's scary.

💜🤖 [🥬]: Well, nothing scares me unless it's my worst nightmare coming back to life.

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Well.. I guess same for me, Anyways.. What are you doing in this cave?

💜🤖 [🥬]: I'm just... trying to find my way out of this cave because I was literally mining like.. almost the entire time in this session.. And it's freaking me out quite a bit.

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Oooh.. that's a lot of hours wasted just mining and mining and mining, Wow...

💜🤖 [🥬]: But hey, I came prepared! Look at my armor! *wears Iron Armor*

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Oh! Look at you with your Iron Armor already! I literally barely started because I was exploring trying to find people..

💜🤖 [🥬]: Oh... well, I guess that's mainly the first thing to do..

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Yeah..


⚗️[🌊]: Oh gosh! I haven't set my land yet... This is not cool to announce it NOW!! I HATE YOU, ADMIN!! >:(

⬜ [🥬]: You're so loud. :/

⚗️[🌊]: Shut up, Animatic! Why are you even here?

[🥬]: Well.. Since we know each other pretty much.. Why don't we just form a little truce to each other, ok?

⚗️[🌊]: Hmm... What's the answer?... My answer is... NO!

[🥬]: Wow, ok fine... You'll regret it soon enough, Acid.. Goodbye. =) *runs away*

⚗️[🌊]: Geez.. That stupid piece of a drawing is so annoying...


🔵 [🍊]: Boogeyman is about to be chosen, Miss Delight!

🏫🤖 [🥬]: YyYyYeah! I'm sure the two of us are not gonna be the Boogeyman, ok? I'm jJjJjust gonna go to the mine for some ores to.. well, mine of course..

🔵 [🍊]: Oh, alright.. I'll get these Dark Oak Trees out of the way so we can build our base..

🏫🤖 [🥬]: Alright, See ya!

🔵 [🍊]: Bye bye.






FRISK... (Everybody else is not gonna know who the Boogeyman is.)


🔥 [🐤]: Ok guys, I'm NOT the boogeyman! :D

🍃 [🌊]: Same here! :D

🧡🎎 [👾]: I.. also am not the Boogeyman.. So, One of them out there is probably The Boogeyman..

🔥 [🐤]: Ooooh.. Imagine going over on Spawn to possibly get killed by The Boogeyman.. I'm not one of them.

🧡🎎 [👾]: Well yeah, but.. There's also the Enchanter over there.. so, Would you risk that for better armor, Or just stay here?

🔥 [🐤]: Oh....  uhhh... Probably, I love risking things so.. I would pick.. the RISKY way! :D

🧡🎎 [👾]: Oh.. ok.

🍃 [🌊]: Oh cool! I'm gonna get some wood from our snow biome here.. so that we have enough materials for our houses, ok?

🔥 [🐤]: Oooh ok!


💉🤖 [🌊]: Well, well, well... Now that The Boogeyman Choice is out of the way.. I think it's time for me to go to Spawn to enchant some stuff..

And so, V decided to go to spawn to the enchantment table to enchant her armor.. but she met with other people who didn't have alliances yet...

💉🤖 [🌊]: Oh... Well great.

🥤 [🥬]: Oh.. Hello V.. Were just enchanting some stuff to be powerful and stuff.. Are you here to enchant too?

💉🤖 [🌊]: Well, of course I am! What else is the reason to be in here?

🥤 [🥬]: Umm....

💜🤖 [🥬]: Is it because you want an ally?

💉🤖 [🌊]: W-WHAT!! NO!! I don't!! I don't need any allies.. I can just win this solo! >:[

💜🤖 [🥬]: You suuuuure...?

💉🤖 [🌊]: Yes, I'm sure! I have many lives so.. I can't be beaten in PVP!

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Watch that the Boogeyman comes in and just kills V..

💉🤖 [🌊]: No! It will never happen...

🗡️🩸 [🐤]: Sure, sure.. anyways, I'm done enchanting my armor! Let's go, Uzi!

💜🤖 [🥬]: Ok!

Uzi and Tanjiro went out, leaving just V, Acid, Animatic, Frisk, Cup, and Spongy...

🧽 [🐤]: You know.. I never encountered anyone for literally 30 minutes of the session.. until I came to Spawn to enchant my armor and encountered you all.. and I was like "FINALLY! SOME CIVILIZATION! :D"!

🥤 [🥬]: Wow.. that's kind of rough for ya, bud.

🧽 [🐤]: Yeah... it does, I was in the mine.. MOST OF THE SESSION, because I want to get diamonds but.. I only found Iron, Gold and a bunch of Lapis.

⚗️ [🌊]: Oh wait.. Can I actually have a bit of you're lapis? I need to enchant my boots.

🧽 [🐤]: Oh ok! Here! *drops some Lapis*

⚗️ [🌊]: Thanks! *took them and starts to enchant the boots*

😑💕 [🐤]: ......

💉🤖 [🌊]: Hmm.. Guys, I think there's something off with Frisk over there.. She has been standing for over 10 minutes now and hasn't said anything..

⚗️ [🌊]: Well.. technically, she never speaks.. so-

💉🤖 [🌊]: SHUT UP! It's obvious because were not in the same universe, you idiot!

⚗️ [🌊]: Ok, ok, geez.. I'm just pointing it out... Gosh..

🧽 [🐤]: I mean.. yeah, She is kind of.. odd when she's standing there.. I'm just gonna leave... my gear is all enchanted anyway so.. I have no reason to stay here longer.. Bye. *runs away*

🥤 [🥬]: Umm.. bye, I guess.. Seriously, Frisk.. Are you in there?

😑💕 [🐤]: ........................

💉🤖 [🌊]: To be honest, I'm a LITTLE freaked out here...

⚗️ [🌊]: Wow.. you're freaked out even if you're a murder drone?

💉🤖 [🌊]: Close.. your mouth.

⚗️ [🌊]: Ok, ok, geez... But seriously though, Did Frisk disconnect?

⬜ [🥬]: I mean.. She HAS been standing there for almost 14 minutes.. There's no way she disconnected in THAT amount of time..

😑💕 [🐤]: ....................................


N and Paper were mining.. until they found an Amethyst Geode!! If you don't know what an Amethyst Geode is.. This is what it looks like..

💛😄 [🌊]: Hey! Look! It's the new Amethyst Geode! I looked this up on Google! :D

📄 [🌊]: Ooooh.. cool!! Let me take this! *takes some amethyst blocks and shards with his pickaxe*

💛😄 [🌊]: Oh, alright! I'll take some too! I heard you can make cool stuff with this!

📄 [🌊]: Awesome! Can't wait! :O

And in the middle of breaking the amethyst geode, Another group came in!

🏫🤖 [🥬]: OoOoh! Hello, cave miners!

💛😄 [🌊]: Oooh hello, old friend! :D

🔵 [🍊]: Oooh, You found the geode before us! Nice!

💛😄 [🌊]: Yup! We can share it if you want!

🔵 [🍊]: Oh, that would be nice! That way.. We can all make some spyglasses!

📄 [🌊]: Ooooh.. what's a spyglass?

🏫🤖 [🥬]: Oh.. It's basically MmMmMonoculars but It's only one eye!

📄 [🌊]: Interesting.. Can we team with you guys?

🔵 [🍊]: Oh, sure! Why not? Unless one of you is the Boogeyman..

💛😄 [🌊]: No.. were not the Boogeyman! Were just a bunch of cave diggers that spends the MAJORITY of the session just mining some stuff!

🔵 [🍊]: Oh ok! Then let's combine our alliance and make Dark Oak Forest our home!

╔══════════════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════════════╗


╚══════════════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════════════╝


💛🟦 [👾]: Wait.. UK, I have a great idea!

☕🧐 [🍊]: Hm? What is this.. idea of yours, chap?

💛🟦 [👾]: It's simple.. I'll make a simple betting game that will probably be a lot of fun and a lot of risk.. which makes it better!

☕🧐 [🍊]: Hmm.. I don't know about that, mate.

💛🟦 [👾]: Come on, I think it's a great idea! I'll go and talk to people to participate in my betting game!

☕🧐 [🍊]: Umm.. ok, have fun with that..  I guess. :/

💛🟦 [👾]: Thank you! Bye! *runs away*

☕🧐 [🍊]: What is up with that chap's mind, Oh well..

Sweden looked all around the server, and saw Four, and the other Team O.A.K Members in The Dark Oak Forest.. and tell them to participate in his betting game..

💛🟦 [👾]: Hello, Hello!

🔵 [🍊]: Oh, hello, Sweden! How are you doing today?

💛🟦 [👾]: Oh, I'm doing really fine!

📄 [🌊]: Ooooh, that's good! What do you insist on this.. magic forest world?

🏫🤖 [🥬]: wWwhat..?

💛🟦 [👾]: Well.. I'm here to announce my newest game... "SWEDEN BETS SOME LUCK!"

📄 [🌊]: OOOOH! HOW FUN! What are the rules?

💛🟦 [👾]: Glad you ask! Basically.. In this game, You will be betting on WHO will get emeralds first.. NOT IN THE VILLAGE.. But in the mines!! Whoever bets the correct person to found emeralds in a underground cave.. will have to win the lives of the participants who participated in my game.. So.. in order to participate.. You must bet on who you think will find emeralds first and.. forfeit your life to me.. and you will be officially compete in my game! What do you guys think?

🔵 [🍊]: Hmmm....

🏫🤖 [🥬]: GgGgGuys, It's clearly an impossible game! You're just gonna gGgGive up your lives! >:[

📄 [🌊]: I'll participate, I'LL PARTICIPATE!!

🔵 [🍊]: Me too, I guess.

💛🟦 [👾]: BRILLIANT! Now who you two are gonna be betting on?

🔵 [🍊]: Hmm.. Probably Animatic.. That odd guy can do anything.. Well.. I can do that also but.. I'm a good person now!

💛🟦 [👾]: Ok! How about you, Paper?

📄 [🌊]: N!!

💛😄 [🌊]: Oh! Thank you! I'll go find emeralds right now! >:] *went to the cave already*

💛🟦 [👾]: Oh, well that's sweet! Now.. You must forfeit your life to me.. well for now if you won.. So, give the life to be officially participate in my betting game!

🔵 [🍊]: Alright!

Both Four and Paper typed "/givelife Sweden" and Sweden got both Four's Life and Paper's Life.. Gaining up to 8 LIVES!! While Four went down to 4 lives.. now turning Blue.. and Paper went down to 3.. Now having a Green Name..

💛🟦 [👾++]: Oh, thank you so much! You are now a participant in my game! See you when your chosen player is the winner! *runs away*

💛😄 [🌊]: Ok, bye!

🏫🤖 [🥬]: >:[

📄 [🥬]: what?

Sweden looked around more for the Final Person to bet on someone.. and.. he found Acid in Spawn with the others.. and.. Frisk.

💛🟦 [👾++]: Ooooh.. what a crowd!

⚗️ [🌊]: Yup.. Sure is.. So Hi Sweden, What do you need?

💛🟦 [👾++]: Well.. let's go over here, real quick.. away from the crowd..

⚗️ [🌊]: Umm.. alright? So.. what's up?

💛🟦 [👾++]: Well.. I'm here to announce my new betting game...  "SWEDEN BETS SOME LUCK!"

⚗️ [🌊]: Fancy name, What is you're game's rules?

💛🟦 [👾++]: Simple, Bet on someone who MIGHT find emeralds first.. Whoever correctly bets someone.. will get the lives of all the participants who are ALSO part of the game as well! And currently.. Four and Paper's lives are on me.. That means.. If you ALSO participated in this game.. and you won.. You would NOT ONLY get your life back, but also the lives of Four and Paper! So.. It's really a risk if you think about it, right?

⚗️ [🌊]: Well.. I guess.. So, Can I bet on someone?

💛🟦 [👾++]: Sure thing, sure thing! Who do you wanna bet on?

⚗️ [🌊]: Well.. Probably Doll.. Because.. I know last season, She had FULL DIAMOND on.. in the last couple of sessions on 3rd Life.. So, I bet on her.

💛🟦 [👾++]: Ok! Now.. forfeit your life to me and you are now officially a participant!

⚗️ [🌊]: Alright.

While Acid typed out "/givelife Sweden", Another thing happened.. in the crowd..

😑💕 [🐤]: .......................

💉🤖 [🌊]: Guys.. just give up, She's been like that for 30 MINUTES STRAIGHT.. I'm just gonna leave.. Why am I even still here?

🥤 [🥬]: Maybe it's because of you're curiosity on stuff. :/

💉🤖 [🌊]: I DO NOT..

⬜ [🥬]: Guys... just calm down, We can settle this.. =)



While Cup and V were fist fighting, This happened...

😑💕 [🐤]: ...................... :) *starts slicing Cup with her Iron Sword*

🥤 [🥬]: Wait.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! NO!!


[🥬]: Oh my gosh.. What the heck.


⚗️ [🌊]: OH NO!!

🥤 [🥬]: AHHH.. NO!! NO-


𝑪𝒖𝒑 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒌


⚗️ [🌊]: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!

💉🤖 [🌊]: That's definitely a boogey kill! And I'm glad that you targeted Cup, Frisk!

😑💕 [🐤]: ......

💛🟦 [👾++]: Wow.. that is.. a disaster.. Well, Acid.. Give me your life.

⚗️ [🌊]: Oh, sorry about that.. here you go.

Acid officially gave a life to Sweden!

💛🟦 [👾+++]: Thank you for the life! I'll see you around, If you have questions! Visit in Political Mountain! Goodbye!

⚗️ [🥬]: Bye! Bro.. What just happened?

[🥬]: I... don't know, But I like it though. =)

💉🤖 [🌊]: Me too!

⚗️ [🥬]: Well, I'm just gonna leave after what happened here...

💉🤖 [🌊]: Ok, Goodbye!

⚗️ [🥬]: Bye.. I guess.


Spongy decided to visit Team O.A.K!

🧽 [🐤]: Hello, Team O.A.K!

📄 [🥬]: HELLO!!

🏫🤖 [🥬]: Hi SssSsSpongy!! Long time no see!

🧽 [🐤]: Yeah! It HAS been a while, huh?

🔵 [🌊]: Yup.. It sure is! I haven't seen you since BFB!

🧽 [🐤]: Yeah! So.. I've been kind of thinking.. of living in here.. and be a part of your alliance.. If that's ok with you guys!

🔵 [🌊]: You know what, sure! The more the merrier!

🧽 [🐤]: YAY!



🔥 [🐤]: Umm.. Doll? Can you do me a favor?

🧡🎎 [👾]: Hm? Oh sure, What is it?

🔥 [🐤]: Well.. I was kind of thinking.. Since you have so many lives, Why don't you just.. give me one, I'm Yellow while you're at Purple! That's kind of a big advantage and disadvantage in comparison, You know what I mean?

🧡🎎 [👾]: I mean.. You're not wrong. I AM Purple.. So you're saying that..

🔥 [🐤]: Yes.. Please give me a life.

🧡🎎 [👾]: Hmm.. You know what, sure.

🔥 [🐤]: Yay! Thank you, Doll!

Doll typed out "/givelife Firey" and Firey gained a life.. now turning Green which is 3 Lives!

🔥 [🥬]: I'm Green now!

🧡🎎 [🍊]: Good for you, Firey.

🍃 [🌊]: Oh! You're at 3 now! Thanks for giving Firey a life, Doll!

🧡🎎 [🍊]: You're very welcome or... Всегда пожалуйста.

🍃 [🌊]: We really make a great trio group!

🧡🎎 [🍊]: Yup.. We do.


As the session was about to come to an end, The remaining players with no alliances decided to team up in one.. well.. except V..

🥤[🐤]: I can't believe you killed me, Frisk.

😑💕 [🐤]: :)

⚗️ [🥬]: Well anyways.. Since were the only ones left that doesn't have an alliance yet.. Let's just all gather up together and make an alliance together.. "THE DETERMINATORS"!!

⬜ [🥬]: Yeah.. we really make a great team, huh? =)

⚗️ [🥬]: Shut up Animatic, I know it's kind of dumb to me that I decided to let you join.. But I need a powerful player to be in an alliance with us.. So.. YOU'RE IN HERE!

[🥬]: Ok, ok...

🥤[🐤]: Alright, guys.. Well, The session is about to end so.. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

⚗️ [🥬]: Alright, bye!




[💜+++] 9 LIVES:
- Sweden 💛🟦

[🧡] 5 LIVES:
- UK ☕🧐
- Doll 🧡🎎

[💙] 4 LIVES:
- V 💉🤖
- N 💛😄
- Leafy 🍃
- Four 🔵

[💚] 3 LIVES:
- Uzi 💜🤖
- Animatic ⬜
- Miss Delight 🏫🤖
- Paper 📄
- Acid ⚗️
- Firey 🔥

[💛] 2 LIVES:
- Spongy 🧽
- Tanjiro 🗡️🩸
- Frisk 😑💕
- Cup 🥤


• Firey 🔥
• Leafy 🍃
• Doll 🧡🎎

• UK ☕🧐
• Sweden 💛🟦

• Four 🔵
• Miss Delight 🏫🤖
• N 💛😄
• Paper 📄
• Spongy 🧽

• Uzi 💜🤖
• Tanjiro 🗡️🩸

• Acid ⚗️
• Cup 🥤
• Animatic ⬜
• Frisk 😑💕

• V 💉🤖


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