Small Victories

By modernproblem

98 26 49

At just 17 years old, Zack faced a daunting array of challenges: ADHD, C-PTSD, severe anxiety, and depression... More



3 1 3
By modernproblem

Zack moaned as he slides up and down on Rians dick, swiftly moving his hips, arching his back as Rian thrusts into Zack pulling at Zack's hair, the two moaning in pleasure.  "Fuck you're so tight" Rian moaned "Harder Rian har-"

Zack's eyes fluttered open, his mind still foggy from the remnants of his dream. The calls of his best friend, Alex, and Alex's boyfriend, who was sitting beside him, jolted him awake.

"What? Who? Huh?" Zack mumbled, his voice thick with sleep as he looked around, trying to orient himself in the dimly lit room.

"Jesus, I thought you died," Alex joked with a smirk, nudging Zack playfully.

Zack rubbed his eyes and sat up, the last traces of his dream slipping away as he fully regained his senses.

"Sorry, just had a weird dream," Zack muttered, still trying to shake off the disorientation.

Alex's boyfriend chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Must've been quite the dream to make you look so confused," he remarked with a knowing grin.

Zack blushed slightly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief that the dream was fading into the background.

"Yeah, something like that," Zack replied vaguely, not wanting to delve into the details of his dream with his friends.

As the sleepiness dissipated, Zack's focus returned to the present moment, grateful for the familiarity and comfort of his surroundings.

"Anyway, what are you guys up to?" Zack asked, eager to shift the conversation away from his dream and onto lighter topics.

Alex and his boyfriend exchanged a glance, their playful banter continuing as they filled Zack in on their plans for the day. Zack listened with a smile, grateful for the easy camaraderie and the distraction from his earlier reverie.

As the morning unfolded, Zack found himself immersed in the warmth of friendship, the remnants of his dream fading into the background of shared laughter and companionship. And amidst the lighthearted conversation, Zack silently acknowledged the fleeting nature of dreams and the enduring comfort of cherished connections that anchored him in reality.


Rian glanced at his colleagues, joining in on their early morning conversations with a mix of amusement and curiosity. Jennifer's exasperated sigh caught his attention, her words drawing a smirk from Rian.

"I got a text this morning from my client saying they had a dirty dream about me. I don't think they meant to send that to me," Jennifer explained, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

Rian frowned slightly, suppressing a chuckle. "Probably not, Jen," he replied, his tone light with amusement.

Harley leaned in with interest. "What do you plan to do about it?"

Jennifer shrugged, her expression a mix of bemusement and resignation. "I don't know. It's the first time it's happened, so technically it's not harassment," she reasoned.

Rian nodded in understanding, though the situation was undoubtedly awkward. "Just a misunderstanding, then," he remarked, offering Jennifer a reassuring smile.

The conversation shifted to other topics, but Rian couldn't help but reflect on the complexities of therapist-client boundaries and the occasional blurring of lines in their profession. As he sipped his coffee, Rian silently hoped that Jennifer's situation would resolve itself smoothly, without any undue complications.

"Okay but what if the therapist had a dream of their client?" Rian quizzed as he grabbed a coffee from the table, glancing at Harley. He knew of her past with a certain client, he knew there were complications and risk of getting fired effectively immediately.

Rian's colleagues paused, exchanging knowing glances as they considered his question. Jennifer leaned forward, her expression thoughtful.

"It's definitely tricky territory," Jennifer admitted, her voice low. "Dreams can be subconscious reflections of our thoughts and emotions, but acting on them in any way would cross professional boundaries."

Harley nodded in agreement, her demeanor serious. "Absolutely. We're here to support our clients' well-being, not complicate their lives with our personal feelings or fantasies," she remarked firmly.

Rian listened intently, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed their responses. He respected their perspectives, knowing firsthand the importance of maintaining professional boundaries in their line of work.

"You're right," Rian acknowledged, taking a sip of his coffee. "It's crucial to prioritize our clients' needs and well-being above all else."

As he glanced at Jennifer and Harley, Rian felt a sense of gratitude for their candid discussion and the shared commitment to ethical practices in their profession.

Amidst the camaraderie of his colleagues, Rian returned to his thoughts on Zack—their client-therapist relationship characterized by trust, respect, and a shared commitment to growth. He made a mental note to check in with Zack later, ensuring that their sessions continued to provide a safe and constructive space for healing.

Reflecting on their conversation, Rian felt reassured that he and his colleagues were aligned in their dedication to upholding the ethical standards of their profession. As they continued their morning routine, Rian's mind shifted back to his clients, including Zack, reaffirming his commitment to supporting them with integrity and professionalism.

The discussion lingered in Rian's thoughts as he prepared for the day ahead, a reminder of the delicate balance they navigated as therapists—honoring their clients' trust while upholding the ethical guidelines that guided their practice.


After a particularly productive therapy session, Zack and Rian stepped out of the office building together, their conversation flowing easily.

"You know, Rian, you're not half bad for a therapist," Zack teased, a playful smirk on his lips.

Rian chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment, Zack. Coming from you, it means a lot," he replied, his tone light and warm.

As they strolled down the sidewalk, Zack playfully bumped shoulders with Rian, their camaraderie evident.

"I have to admit, Rian, you make therapy almost enjoyable," Zack remarked with a grin.

Rian raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Almost? I'll take it. I aim to please," he quipped back, a hint of mischief in his voice.

Their banter continued, punctuated by friendly laughter and easy camaraderie. Zack felt a sense of ease and comfort in Rian's presence, appreciating the therapist's genuine care and understanding.

At one point during their walk, Rian lightly touched Zack's arm to emphasize a point, the gesture natural and reassuring.

"You're making great progress, Zack. Keep up the good work," Rian said, his voice filled with encouragement.

Zack nodded, a grateful smile playing on his lips. "Thanks, Rian. Couldn't have done it without you," he replied sincerely.

As they reached a nearby café, Rian held the door open for Zack, their friendly banter continuing.

"After you, Zack. Let's celebrate our successful session with a cup of coffee," Rian suggested with a grin.

Zack chuckled and walked in, enjoying the easy companionship and shared moments of levity with Rian. As they settled into a cozy corner of the café, Zack felt a sense of camaraderie and connection that extended beyond their roles as therapist and client.

Throughout their conversation over coffee, Zack found himself drawn to Rian's warmth and genuine presence, appreciating the therapist's ability to blend professionalism with genuine care and friendship.

As they parted ways later that day, Zack felt a renewed sense of hope and optimism. The progress he was making in therapy was not just about healing—it was also about forging meaningful connections and embracing moments of joy and laughter along the way.

And as Zack reflected on their day together, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the genuine rapport and friendship that had blossomed between him and Rian—a reminder that healing was not just about facing challenges but also about celebrating the small victories and cherished connections that enriched his journey.

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