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As Zack sped up, his heart racing with adrenaline, he dialed the number of the police officer who had been handling his parents' case—the one person he trusted in this dire situation.

After a few rings, the phone was picked up on the other end.

"Hello?" came the response, the voice of the police officer sounding alert.

"Hello, it's Zack," he replied, his voice laced with urgency and determination. "There's an intruder in my apartment. I think they're from the same gang that attacked my parents."

There was a brief pause on the line before the officer responded, his voice tense. "Zack, stay calm. I'm dispatching units to your location right now. Can you get to a safe place?"

Zack's mind raced as he dodged down a side street, putting distance between himself and his apartment. "I'm heading towards the park nearby," he replied, his breath coming in short, rapid bursts.

"Good. Stay on the line with me. We're on our way," the officer assured him.

With the phone pressed to his ear, Zack pushed himself to keep moving, the fear of being caught driving him forward. He focused on the sound of the officer's voice, a lifeline in the midst of chaos.

Minutes felt like an eternity as Zack navigated the streets, his senses heightened and his heart pounding with each step. He could hear distant sirens growing louder, a reassuring sign that help was on its way.

As Zack neared the park, he scanned his surroundings, seeking a place to hide until the authorities arrived. The officer's voice remained a steady presence in his ear, guiding him through the tense moments.

Finally, Zack found a secluded spot and hunkered down, his eyes darting around for any sign of his pursuers. With the police closing in, he allowed himself a moment of relief, grateful for the support and swift response of law enforcement.

"Officers are approaching your location, Zack," the officer informed him. "Stay hidden and wait for them to arrive."

Zack nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you," he whispered, the weight of the situation finally starting to sink in.

As Zack waited for the arrival of the police, his thoughts turned to Rian—the man who had become not only his therapist but also his anchor and source of comfort. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding him, Zack found himself yearning for Rian's calming presence and unwavering support.

In the midst of uncertainty, memories of their time together flooded Zack's mind—their shared moments of laughter, vulnerability, and genuine connection. Rian had offered him solace and understanding, guiding him through the darkest corners of his mind with patience and empathy.

As sirens blared in the distance, Zack's heart raced with a mixture of relief and apprehension. He knew that help was on its way, yet the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. The shadows of his past had resurfaced, threatening to unravel the fragile sense of security he had found.

Amidst the chaos, Zack clung to the hope that Rian would be safe. He longed to hear Rian's voice, to feel his reassuring touch—a reminder that he was not alone in this harrowing ordeal.

Minutes stretched into eternity as Zack remained hidden, his senses attuned to every sound and movement around him. With each passing moment, he drew strength from the memories of Rian's unwavering support, a beacon of light in the darkness.

Finally, the sound of footsteps approached, accompanied by voices and the distinctive shuffle of police officers. Zack emerged cautiously from his hiding spot, his eyes meeting those of the approaching officers with a mixture of relief and gratitude.

"Zack Merrick?" one of the officers called out, his tone authoritative yet reassuring.

Zack nodded, a wave of emotion washing over him. "That's me," he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

"We're here to ensure your safety. Let's get you to a secure location," the officer said, gesturing for Zack to follow.

As Zack complied, his thoughts lingered on Rian—the man who had become his lifeline in a world fraught with challenges and uncertainties. With renewed determination, Zack vowed to overcome the shadows of his past, fortified by the knowledge that Rian's unwavering support would guide him through whatever trials lay ahead.

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