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Six months later, Zack found himself contemplating his financial situation as he watched his bank account accumulate the unexpected family inheritance. His parents' wealth, combined with his grandmother's unexpected fortune, amounted to far more than he had anticipated.

Turning away from the computer screen, Zack approached Rian with a hopeful expression. "Darling," Zack began, "why don't we consider buying a house together?" His voice held a note of excitement.

Rian paused, meeting Zack's gaze with a soft smile. "Babe," Rian replied gently, "we have to be cautious about our future. How about you buy a house for yourself, and we can live in it together? If, in time, we decide to settle there permanently, then I'll gladly share it with you." His tone conveyed both reassurance and practicality.

Zack nodded thoughtfully, appreciating Rian's perspective. "That sounds like a good plan," he agreed. "I'll start looking into options for a place we can call home."

As they continued their conversation over breakfast, Zack felt a sense of contentment and optimism about their future together—a future that promised stability and the potential for lasting happiness.

As Rian peered over Zack's shoulder at the listings for houses, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and concern. The prospect of finding a home together filled him with anticipation, yet he worried about Zack's financial security and the potential risks of spending all his inheritance too quickly.

"Hmm, these are nice options," Rian commented, trying to mask his apprehension. "Do you think we should take a little more time to explore different areas and see what's out there?" He hoped to gently steer Zack toward a more measured approach without dampening his enthusiasm.

Zack glanced up from the screen, catching the subtle shift in Rian's expression. "You're right," he acknowledged, sensing Rian's underlying concern. "Maybe I should take a step back and consider all our options before making any decisions." Despite his eagerness to establish a home with Rian, Zack valued his partner's perspective and wanted to ensure they were making a wise choice together.

Rian nodded, relieved by Zack's receptiveness. "Let's take our time," he suggested, placing a reassuring hand on Zack's shoulder. "We'll find the perfect place when the time is right."

Feeling supported and grateful for Rian's guidance, Zack smiled. "Absolutely," he agreed. "I want to make sure we're both comfortable and secure."

As Zack's search for a suitable home continued, he stumbled upon a listing for a surprisingly affordable four-bedroom house. Although the size seemed more than they currently needed, Zack saw potential beyond their immediate requirements. His mind raced with ideas, considering the additional space for future endeavors, such as starting his family's company and accommodating potential growth.

"Hey, take a look at this," Zack said, turning the screen toward Rian, who had been quietly contemplating nearby. "It's a bit bigger than what we're looking for, but I'm thinking about the possibilities." He gestured at the listing, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Rian leaned closer to examine the details, his interest piqued by Zack's enthusiasm. "Hmm, four bedrooms," he mused, noting the potential for expansion. "That could be perfect for your plans down the road. Plus, it's within our budget, right?"

Zack nodded eagerly. "Exactly," he replied. "I know it's a bit forward thinking, but I want to set us up for success in the long run. And having space for the company would be a huge advantage."

Rian smiled, impressed by Zack's foresight. "I think it's a great idea," he said warmly. "Let's schedule a viewing and see if it feels right in person."

Excited by the prospect of a new beginning, Zack and Rian took the next steps together, embracing the potential of the four-bedroom house as a foundation for their future aspirations and shared dreams.

Zack nodded as he set up the viewing appointment, leaning into Rian softly. "Baby I know you're worried about the future and spending all my money, but I have an accountant, and over 30 million, in savings from inheritance, and still have a lot left over from the company, being employed by them" Zack said softly.

Rian listened attentively, his initial concerns easing as Zack explained his financial situation. He appreciated Zack's openness and the reassurance that professional guidance was in place.

"I'm glad you have a plan in motion," Rian replied, placing a comforting hand on Zack's shoulder. "It's important to be mindful of our resources, especially with big decisions like this."

Zack nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Absolutely," he agreed. "I want us to build something meaningful together, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize that."

Rian squeezed Zack's shoulder gently. "I believe in us," he said sincerely. "Let's make this house our home, one step at a time."


As they explored the house, Zack and Rian carefully considered the potential for renovations. Zack was open to the idea of making adjustments here and there, but Rian had a different perspective—he preferred either a comprehensive renovation or none at all.

"I think we should either go all-in on renovations or find something that's move-in ready," Rian suggested, eyeing the outdated kitchen skeptically.

Zack nodded in agreement. "I see what you mean," he replied, understanding Rian's desire for a cohesive vision. "Let's keep looking. The right house is out there for us."

After leaving the viewing, Zack and Rian spent the afternoon discussing their ideal home over coffee. They scrolled through listings, pointing out features they liked and potential projects they could undertake together.

"I really want a place with a spacious kitchen," Zack mused, taking a sip of his latte. "Somewhere we can cook together without bumping into each other."

Rian nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the listings. "And I'd love a backyard where we can relax and maybe even start a garden," he added. "Somewhere peaceful."

As they delved into their shared vision, Zack couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement about their future together. It wasn't just about finding a house; it was about building a life that reflected their dreams and aspirations.

"We'll find the perfect place," Rian said reassuringly, placing a hand on Zack's. "It's just a matter of time."

Zack smiled, grateful for Rian's support and optimism. They continued their search, confident that their dream home was waiting for them somewhere on the horizon.

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