Unconventional Love

By dlkfxyt6

876 28 4

Isabel Reyes is a 19-year old senior in highschool, having lost a year from school due to her mom's death. Sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter nine

62 2 1
By dlkfxyt6

The next morning at school, unable to face the reality of her situation, Isabel avoids class, seeking solace in old habits.

Isabel sat outside, huddled close to Veronica. Smoke curled lazily into the air, obscuring their surroundings

"How are you holding up?" Veronica asked tentatively, placing a hand around Isabel's shoulders.

Isabel shook her head. "I don't know anymore," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Isabel smoked listlessly, staring at the ground. Her thoughts swirled with confusion and longing.

What had happened between her and Ms. Gordon? How could she desire someone who controlled her so utterly?

Realizing their lack of emotional connection with Veronica, Isabel feels isolated and alone in her turmoil, struggling to navigate complex feelings.

A knot formed in Isabel's stomach as she acknowledged the truth. Veronica was simply a means to an end, not a confidante.

Aria was gone too, Isabel literally has no one that she can truly trust.

She felt adrift, drifting further from everyone including Veronica. Yet, she yearned for something deeper - someone to understand.

Someone like Ms. Gordon, perhaps? No, that was absurd! She pushed the thought aside, shaking her head.

Her life had become a tangled mess of desire and deceit, leaving her questioning everything she believed in.

The bell rang, jolting Isabel out of her reverie. She stood up, brushing off her clothes. "I have P.E now." Isabel tells Veronica before walking away.

Isabel entered the gym, relieved to find some semblance of normalcy. Sweat and sporting equipment filled the air.

P.E. was always predictable, a welcome respite from her chaotic life. Maybe today would be different after all.

Isabel sits down in a corner by herself watching her classmates playing or sitting in groups talking.

She spots Aria leaning against the wall taking on the phone with someone, it looks heated but Isabel shrugs, not friends anymore, she reminds herself.

Ms. Gordon appeared unexpectedly, her demeanor icy and commanding. She spoke briefly with the P.E. teacher before approaching Isabel, gripping her arm firmly.

Isabel's heart skipped a beat, her nerves on edge. What did she want now? Hadn't she caused enough trouble already?

"Walk with me," Ms. Gordon demanded, not giving Isabel a choice. Resigned, Isabel followed, her mind racing with questions. What fresh hell awaited her now?

Isabel couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Where are we going?" she asked nervously, tugging gently on the redhead's arm.

Isabel swallowed hard, her heart pounding faster. Whatever lay ahead, she braced herself for another round of manipulation.

Without a word, Ms. Gordon pushed Isabel into an emptyclassroom, closing the door firmly behind her.

Isabel stumbled, catching herself on the desk. Her heart hammered in her chest, fear and anticipation swirling within her.

"What do you want?" she dared to ask, defiance mixing with desire, looking up to the redhead's piercing blue eyes.

Ms. Gordon moved closer, her eyes gleaming with intensity. "I want you," she whispered hoarsely. "All of you."

Isabel's knees weakened, her breath escaping in short gasps. She'd expected power plays, manipulation, but not this raw, animalistic desire.

"Why?" she managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper, why would this goddess want to be with her student?

Usually is the other way around, the student wanting the teacher desperately.

"Because I can have you," Ms. Gordon replied simply, stepping even closer. "No one else can claim you the way I do."

Isabel shuddered, fascinated by the woman's brazen confession. There was no denying the chemistry between them, even if it was sickeningly twisted.

Isabel gaped, unable to process the situation. Ms. Gordon's hands slid beneath her shirt, resting possessively on her waist.

The intimacy was shocking, terrifying, but aslo hot, all at once. Her heart raced, blood pumping through her veins like wildfire.

"Please," Isabel choked out, unsure if she wanted more or less. "What are you doing?

Ms. Gordon leaned in, her lips brushing against Isabel's ear. "Showing you what you truly desire," she hissed, sending shivers down Isabel's spine.

Isabel's breathing grew ragged, her body responding eagerly to Ms. Gordon's touch. She gripped the desk tightly, her knuckles turning white.

As much as it should have repulsed her, there was no denying the allure of Ms. Gordon. The power she wielded, the desire she ignited.

It was a toxic mix, yet one she craved more than anything. For better or worse, they were entwined in a dance of passion and control.

The redhead's lips trailed from Isabel's ear to her neck, sending goosebumps scattering across her skin. Her breath caught, anticipation building within her.

As Ms. Gordon continued to kiss and caress her, Isabel felt herself slipping further into the abyss, lost in a world of twisted pleasure and submission.

Isabel tossed her head back, giving Ms. Gordon full access to her neck. Her moans echoed throughout the room, mingling with Ms. Gordon's soft groans.

Isabel gasped as Ms. Gordon's hands moved from her waist to her bra. "Should I?" The redhead asks.

Isabel nods eagerly and Ms. Gordon smirks unclasping it with practiced ease. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest.

"Are you afraid?" Ms. Gordon murmured, her breath hot against Isabel's skin. "Or do you crave this as much as I do?"

Isabel shook her head, unable to form any words amidst the whirlwind of sensations coursing through her. All she knew was that she wanted more of the redhead's touch.

Ms. Gordon's fingers brushed against Isabel's nipples, sending sparks of pleasure coursing through her veins. She moaned softly, arching into the touch.

Ms. Gordon pulled away suddenly, leaving Isabel gasping for air. "I'll see you around Ms. Reyes." The redhead says and turns around leaving.

Isabel is left behind, feeling aroused and frustrated because the redhead left her just like that after touching her like this.

Isabel fumbled with her bra, clicking it into place hurriedly. She smoothed out her shirt, trying to appear calm and collected.

Yet inside, she was anything but. Her heart raced, her mind spinning with confusion and lust.

Isabel gathered her belongings, her hands shaking slightly. She hesitated at the door, glancing back at the empty desk where Ms. Gordon had touched her.

Isabel returned to the gym, joining her classmates mid-exercise. Their laughter and banter washed over her, foreign yet comforting.

Isabel spotted Aria in the corner, huddled close to a stranger. His grip on her arm was too tight, fear visible in Aria's eyes.

Despite their strained friendship, Isabel felt a surge of protectiveness. Who was this man, and what did he want from Aria?

She hesitated, torn between intervening and minding her own business. But ultimately, she couldn't ignore the signs of danger.

Isabel rose from her seat, her heart pounding with determination. She made her way over to Aria and the stranger, her gaze fixed on his hand still clutching her friend's arm.

"Aria, are you okay?" she asked calmly, trying to defuse the tension. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Aria looked up, relief washing over her face. "Yeah, sure," she replied, extracting her arm from the stranger's grasp.

Isabel's eyes locked onto the stranger, fire blazing within them. "Who are you?" she demanded, her tone challenging and defiant.

The man scoffed, clearly taken aback by her audacity. "None of your concern, sweetheart," he retorted.

Isabel's jaw clenched, determination etching lines into her face. "It's my best friend we're talking about, so yes, it does concern me," she countered.

The stranger lingered, his gaze menacing as he addressed Aria. "Be careful," he warned, his voice low and dangerous. "This isn't over."

With that, he slunk away, disappearing into the crowd. Isabel stayed close to Aria, her protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

Isabel met Aria's eyes, her expression serious. Hatred lingered beneath the surface, but it took a backseat to concern.

"We need to talk," she said quietly, guiding Aria towards an empty corner. "Who was he, and why was he touching you like that?"

Aria shivered, her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. "Just someone from my past," she muttered, avoiding eye contact.

But Isabel saw through the lie; there was more to the story. "Aria, I know you, don't lie to me."

Aria looked up, tears shimmering in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "It's just... Complicated."

Isabel searched her ex best friend's face, reading the unspoken words. "Complicated doesn't begin to cover it," she murmured, her heart heavy with worry.

"As much as I  pretend to hate you," Isabel began softly, "I still care about your well being. We might not be friends anymore, but I won't let anyone hurt you."

Aria nodded, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she breathed, relief washing over her.

Isabel leaned in, her gaze unwavering. "Who was he, Aria?" she asked gently but firmly. "You don't have to hide from me anymore. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Aria hesitated, her lips pressing together in a thin line. Then, she took a deep breath, as if gathering the courage to tell her story.

"He's someone from my past," she admitted finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "Someone I used to date. He's been stalking me, harassing me for weeks. I didn't know what to do, and I was too scared to tell anyone."

"Why didn't you tell Justin?" Isabel asked, curiosity and concern intermingling. "He's always been protective of you."

Aria bit her lip, her gaze falling to the floor. "I didn't want to burden him," she confessed, her voice barely audible.

"Besides," she added after a moment's pause, "I thought I could handle it myself. That things would just blow over."

"Clearly you couldn't handle it, what if he hurts you Aria?" Isabel asks, concern about her ex bestfriend.

"What's his name?" Isabel pressed, her voice steady and firm. Information was power, and she needed as much as possible to protect Aria.

Aria swallowed hard, her eyes filling with unshed tears. "His name is Alex," she whispered, the name tainted by fear and regret.

"Call me when you get home," Isabel insisted after the last bell rang, concern lacing each word. "Stay safe."

Aria nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude and apprehension. "I will," she promised, offering a weak smile.

They separated, Isabel got in her car, driving home in silence, her mind was occupied with thoughts of Aria and Ms. Gordon.

One things is for sure, Isabel wants Ms. Gordon as much as the redhead claims to want her.

Arriving home, Isabel dropped her bag and grabbed her phone, checking for messages from Aria.

Silence greeted her, the ticking clock adding to her anxiety. What if something happened to Aria on the way home?

Isabel's heart leapt into her throat as she read the message from Aria. '911,' it read, that means something happened.

Without a second thought, she jumped into her car and sped towards Aria's house, fear driving her faster than the speed limit.

Reaching the destination moments later, she knocked on the door repeatedly, Aria's parents are out of town and there are two cars here.

Isabel pounded on the door, yelling Aria's name frantically. "Aria!" she screamed, her voice hoarse with fear and desperation.

Isabel stumbled upon the spare key, hidden underneath an ornamental plant in the living room. Her heart pounded with excitement and hope as she quickly unlocked the door.

Stepping inside, she called out for Aria once more, her voice trembling with urgency.

A sound was heard and a scream followed by....

At this point I don't even know what I'm writing.

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