Prisoner of Tenerife Sea

By VanitySorrowHeart1

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He was her captive, she was a pirate. The infatuation with him was instant; but the heart is no good when it... More

Chapter 1: Prisoners
Chapter 2: Negotiations
Chapter 3: Awkwardness and memories
Chapter 4: Death of the Juliet
Chapter 6: Merry Notwithstanding
Chapter 7: Punishment Undetermined
Chapter 8: Nonvoice
Chapter 9: A Missing Piece
Chapter 10: A Score to Settle, While Deceptions Lie
Chapter 11: Pirate's of the Ocean
Chapter 12: Showdown
Chapter 13: Cuts and Secrets

Chapter 5: Fade

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By VanitySorrowHeart1

Harry kept eyeing the second in charge. He had been left in charge for a brief moment while captain Isolde went to relieve herself. It would hardly be appropriate to go with four men present. Not that she much cared about her decency at this point. Still, she guessed it would have added more awkwardness to the men in her cabin.

"Watch them." She ordered Louis before getting up and leaving. That had been a minute ago.

He hadn't said much since earlier, but his eyes spoke volumes. He let out a sigh before standing up. Without words, he reached into his pocket wordless and took out the small locket he had acquired earlier. It was Harry's. He knew that much from the woman and younger picture of Alexander.

"Here." Louis said, his voice a mere whisper. A stark contrast to his boisterous personality. His eyes were red. He didn't cry, but the sadness was evident. Harry reached up from his sitting position, grasping the locket without words. He felt his lip twitch, relief flashing across his doe greens. He took it and roped the soft string it was held onto over his head; hiding it from sight.

"Mum's locket? Why did he have it, dad?" Alexander asked curiously, glaring at Louis. He only shrugged and sat back down.

"Found it in your dad's cabin, lad. Also wanted to make sure it was of no value. Liam said it was worthless. So, Master Styles can have it back." Louis answered truthfully, earning a snort from Ed.

"How noble." Harry muttered sarcastically, touching the locket. Louis sat back down with depression, tracing his finger over old marks. He remembered Orion was the first one to greet him when he made the transition to The Tenerife Sea. He was a simple boy back then; no younger than one could call a man. He came out of his shell because of Orion and he repaid him by being a coward. He couldn't even stand up to Eboninea.

"Sorry about your friend." Edward murmured, noticing Louis was a million miles away in their own world. His head snapping up when the cabin door opened. Eboninea stepped in, happily humming a sea shanty. She paused when she saw the long faces; especially that of Louis.

"Aw, you lot are depressing. Louis? Go assist Liam. His hand isn't faring well and Niall is refusing to help. I'm hoping he will be more agreeable morning next. If not; he will walk plank. No room for useless meat suites on my ship." Eboninea muttered, unbuttoning her long coat and taking it off.

Harry stood up.

"I gave him strict orders to assist with your crew. Please, I implore that you allow me to speak with him again. I can assure his cooperation by other means if that is what it takes." He assured, glancing at Louis. "There's little need to kill him if I can convince Niall to treat your men."

Eboninea cocked her head sideways, her lips curling into a sly smile.

"And you guarantee he will cooperate?" The female captain hummed, walking forward to take her seat back on the chair.

Harry nodded, his green eyes cautiously following his adversary.

"I affirm on my life, Ms. Isolde. He will serve this crew without question." He promised, stepping a few steps to the side. Alexander moved from where he was sitting over toward Edward. This gave Harry a chance to take up the spot his son had occupied. He kept his eyes unblinking; kneeling down to sit close to Eboninea. She watched him, her own gazing his every move.

She hummed, reaching out to touch the whisps of brown hair that hung close to his face. She preened it back with gentleness before leaning forward. Her lips hovered by his ear, her sultry voice whispering sweetly.

Harry tensed, his head jerking back and resting his disturbed and angry orbs directly ahead. This made Eboninea chuckle, her hand dropping in her lap.

"How dare you!" Harry hissed, making Edward bolt up and reach over to curb the young officer's anger. The least thing they needed was for him to get himself thrown back with the animals.

"Relax, Styles. God knows you should expect her to gauge reaction from you by now." Ed calmed, watching the lady pirate continue to smirk.

"I stand by what I said," Harry snarled. "Thine own life should be enough of a guarantee. Leave my boy out of it."

Eboninea eyed Louis. His eyes were bloodshot from holding in his emotions. She had gone to relieve herself before going to look in on Orion. He was fading and though she did not feel guilt initially; she saw the man was fading. So, she went to the brig to ask Niall to assist with fixing him since Liam wouldn't finish him off.

Niall told her in no uncertain terms to go fuck herself with her wooden leg. She admired his spirit; but she needed a doctor and if he wasn't willing to work, she saw little point in keeping him alive.

"Then you can assure me nothing, Master Styles. For if you were so confident, you would have no problem offering up Alexander as a testament to your skills of persuasion." Eboninea goaded, picking dirt from her fingernails in boredom.

"His life is too much value for me to stake. I'll wager anything else of equal value." He compromised, leaning forward. His chest exposed enough to show the black rope hanging onto a crested locket.

She reached forward again, her fingers grasping the small object curiously. Harry immediately recoiled from her, the locket falling back onto his chest.

He shook his head pleadingly.

"No." He declined, having just gotten it back. Louis had given it to him and he couldn't part with it again.

"Then your son's life it is, Officer Styles. Seeing as the locket means more, yes?" Eboninea questioned, standing up and holding her hand out toward Alexander. He looked up at her innocently, but reached out nonetheless.

Harry took the locket off with a small cry, throwing it at the pirate.

She caught it with her arm, bending it to catch the wayward object. She immediately turned around; her eyes aflame with hostility.

"Throw anything at me again and you will have no limbs at all to throw with!" Eboninea yelled.

Louis flinched, standing up to take his leave.

"SIT DOWN, TOMLINSON!" She screamed, reaching over forcefully and pulling him back into the couch. He fell in on himself, folding his hands neatly into his chest without speaking a word.

"Take the damn locket! Just...don't hurt my son. You have my word. If I convince Niall without fail, then I'd like the locket returned and if I can't –" He trailed off, eyeing the small object grasped in her hand.
"Then you may keep –"

Alexander cut off his father, taking a step forward. Edward reached over to hold him back.

"Father, no! The locket has no value to her. She can't. T'was mums. It's all we have – " Edward reached over to help the boy sit. It was across his lap, but the young child could barely be consoled and looked like he might swoon.

Tears were barely held back, but Harry swallowed his pride and bowed his head.

"My wager stands." Harry murmured; his eyes downcast to the wooden planks. This made Eboninea examine the locket; giddy she could manipulate him as easily. She cared little about the locket. She just wanted to knock some of his self-righteous indignation from him.

"As does mine, Mr. First Officer Harry Styles." She mocked, throwing the locket back at him with a smirk; reaching over towards the boy and grasping his hand. Harry looked beside himself as he tried to grab his son back, but she reached toward her side, unholstering her long sword and placing it just below Alexander's throat.

Harry immediately backed off. Ed following his officer's lead.

Louis shuttered. He didn't move a muscle for fear of setting off the lady pirate. He wouldn't do anything that would put Alexander in danger.

"Please." Harry begged, watching his son start to cry. He had tears flowing down his cheek but wasn't full out sobbing.

"Louis will accompany you down to the brig," Eboninea ignored his pleas, moving to behind Alexander for an easier position. She kept the sharp blade to his throat, careful to avoid injury. The lad would be alright so long as he didn't move.

"You have one shot at convincing him. You cannot mention the little wager and if you do; your son's throat will smile red." She grinned, feeling Alexander shaking.

"You're a monster!" Harry bellowed, raking his hand through his wispy locks with distress.

Eboninea tightened her hold on the boy; her sword pressing in a little more. Harry backed off more, motioning haphazardly. He truly was beside himself. Louis stood up calmly, grasping the younger officer's arm and guiding him out of the cabin before he completely lost his shit.

"She! She's a nutter! An absolute nutter!" Harry exclaimed as he was being led down towards the brig.

Louis whirled around; his eyes slightly panicked.

"She's a captain, mate. Our captain and yours at present; so, time to fall in line and start learning when to talk and when to SHUT THE BLOODY FUCK UP!" Louis yelled, his voice going high pitched enough to catch attention from different pirates close by.

Harry stopped walking; his eyes red from the tears he hadn't even realized were falling. Louis didn't say anything to it. He just reached beside him and tugged a small cloth from where it had been hanging from his sash.

He sighed, reaching up and gently placing it on Harry's cheek to soak up the moisture. Harry reached for the piece of fabric wordlessly and wiped his sadness away. Now wasn't the time to show sadness; specifically, when he needed to get Niall to see reason.

"If Eboninea knows she can use your son as a way to exploit cooperation; then she will do it. Quit giving her weapons to use." Louis advised, taking Harry's locket and placing it over the officer's head, straightening it. "She knows Alexander's life is worth more than a shoddy trinket or bible. Use your fucking head, mate. USE what God gave you. Think!" Louis beseeched the younger man before all but forcing him down to the brig.

As they got to the doors, both men heard small sobs emitting from within. Harry handed Louis back his rag and together, they looked in on the scene.

"Why must you be so stubborn!" Ana exclaimed, her back sitting against the splintered wood. Niall was sitting easily next to Zayn with a carefree expression.

"It's easy, luv. I don't bow to bloody pirates." Niall responded, his eyes happening to catch the shadow over by the door. He swallowed, standing up. Zayn didn't comment his opinion. He merely stood up with Niall when he spotted Louis and Harry.

"Officer Styles." Zayn greeted, looking over at Niall and noticed his color got a bit paler. He almost smirked but thought better of it.

"Niall." Harry answered calmly, gesturing Louis to unlock the cell door so he could enter the brig. He was going to beat the absolute shit out of Niall. He warned him before; but evidently something more physical was needed.

Louis didn't budge. He knew that look all too well and would not grant the officer permission to start beating up the only person capable of doing their job. Eboninea would for sure murder the young boy if Harry hurt any of their prisoners; even be it from his own crew.

"Open the door." Harry demanded calmly, watching Louis fold his hands behind him calmly with a tilt of his head. He watched Harry throw his foot back and kick the brig door. "OPEN THE DOOR!" He demanded again, his hands balling into fists.

Louis just cocked his head like Eboninea; perhaps she had learned it from the former slave. He did it so naturally that Harry was sure this was a normal pirate thing.

"I will open the door, once I know you are calm. Until then, we can all have a decent conversation where we are. A tranquil one, preferably." Louis hummed, leaning against the door and eyeing Niall. "Doctor Horan?" He addressed, hoping to appeal to the man's humanity.

Niall folded his arms across his chest.

"Oh, fuck off you filthy pi –"

"Niall! I swear to the good Lord above; I WILL have you brought up on charges of treason when we return to England. If I am still breathing; you will cease to!" Harry promised, gripping the inside of the brig bars with a choking grip. Louis clapped his hand on the young man's shoulder to stop him from threatening Niall.

"Niall?" Louis tried, bringing his hand up to his forehead to wipe the heat from it. The brunette said nothing, but he did cross his arms over his chest and glanced silently towards Louis.

Harry mimicked Niall, copying his stance but his gaze was directed at the doctor and not pirate.

"Not all pirates on this ship are here by choice. There are some whom were bought as slaves and have a beholden to The Tenerife Sea. A servitude that must be repaid before they can leave their indebtment," Louis explained, hoping to get through to Niall. "Orion is one of many. So, judge ye to how you judge others and expect the same hostility back in a time where you truly need help. I implore you to view this another way than thinking all of us are here to pillage, plunder, rape and murder. I'm only guilty of the latter one and the first two. I was a slave before that; but Eboninea never forced me to repay her generosity. I chose to and that's on me."

Niall didn't miss a beat.

"Then you understand why I cannot and for ethical purposes, will not help pirates." Niall challenged, glowering his direct response at Harry.

Louis bowed his head with a sigh.

"I'm afraid you are getting your pride mixed up with ethics, mate. Pride is a dangerous thing to have when it is so unknown of the consequences for not following orders. You are putting your crew's safety and your own in peril. All because of pride. I'd be ashamed to call meself a doctor with that limited way of thinkin'." Louis told him, his tone flat and disappointed.

Niall still wasn't budging.

"Ah, then how fortunate you are to not be me then, ay? The heavens truly smile onto you. Now, fuck off!" Niall pointed away, growing annoyed with Ana's crying. "And for God's sake, Ana! Will you be quiet!"

Harry noticed Zayn's girlfriend was absent.

"Where's Evelyn?" He questioned, glancing around to make sure he wasn't overlooking her presence.

That's when Ana stood up, coming close to where the bars met the door Harry was standing at. Her hands gripped the bars tight, her face trying to lean inward, but the iron clanks on her main cell stopped her from getting any closer to the two men outside.

"Eboninea came in just before. She had one of her pirate's guide Evelyn out. She promised that she only needed to borrow her for a moment. That was about half a glass turn? Give or take." Ana whispered; her voice hoarse from being so upset. "Louis, I beg thee; don't let Captain Isolde hurt her."

Louis eyed Niall, gesturing sarcastically toward him.

"I wouldn't need ta worry that if he was able to let go of his pride. It isn't just the girls that are in grave trouble. If you value your crew as much as you claim otherwise; you would know that the only ones that will really suffer here are the women and..." He glanced at Harry. He knew he could not tell Niall about what was currently happening in his mistress's cabin.

"Swallow your pride, Horan. This is bigger than any of us. Captain Isolde has threatened to make you walk the plank. I made my orders clear and ya already agreed. You cannot be this unfair." Harry chastised, hoping to get through to him.

Niall smirked, throwing his hands across his chest defiantly.

"And if my neck is already bound for the noose; what then, Officer Styles? What is the incentive to saving these dirty, disgusting pirates?" Niall challenged mockingly, walking to where the bars met the other ones. He leant against it with ease, completely unbothered.

Louis sniffed his shirt at the insult.

"I took me bath recently. I'm not dirty; though I cannot vouch for disgusting." He tried making light of the doctor's insults. It was lost to def ears – save for Ana who looked over at him with fascination. Harry was not finding any of this amusing. His son currently had a sword to his throat.

"Zayn? Would you be able to help his friend and their second in command? Niall will not budge. You are an apothecary. I trust your knowledge is wide and vast. You would know more in the way of herbs and medicines. You've also set a bone or two while on The Juliet. Please! My son –"Louis reached over and slapped his hand over Harry's mouth.

"You know the rules, Styles. That's enough." Louis warned, catching eyes with Niall. "Besides, she wants Niall to fix em. She would sooner make Zayn walk the plank if he tried to help," Louis replied, making sure to intensify the stare. "Tis already too late for me friend anyhow. So, all he would need to do is bandage Liam up. Help put me friend out of 'is misery. Liam can't bring 'imself to pull the trigger." Louis murmured, feeling sadness creep upon him again.

Niall perked up at this.

"I would get to put a manky pirate out of their misery?" He sounded hopeful, but his eyes skeptical.

Harry glared.

"Yes." Louis answered softly, taking the keys from his side and opening the brig. He walked in, using another key to unlock Niall's cell. Harry went in after, watching Louis unlock Zayn's door right after.

"If the task is completed, ye will both be able to sleep with the crew tonight. If ya should prove to be difficult, then you will be kept here in the cells manacled to the floor." Louis warned them, stepping aside so that they may follow him. He briefly stopped at Ana's cell, reaching between the bars.

"I do hope we can take a walk on deck later this evening before Alexander's bath. I would very much appreciate the presence of your company." Louis smiled, having taken a liking to Ana. She allowed him to speak freely and he in turn used her ears to confess his sins to her.

She nodded once, eyeing Harry. He was giving her a rather pointed glance; but he didn't voice his concerns. Instead, she saw his hand ball into a fist and without any warning it shot through the air toward Niall. The impact was propelled by a surge of rage and frustration that had never been displayed by the first officer.

Ana gasped, his fist making contact with Niall's face, the impact reverberating through his knuckles, sent a painful shock up his arm and momentarily distracting him from his delayed adrenaline rush. A satisfying thud sounded in the dead room; no one uttering a single word save for Ana's breath. Niall's neck snapped sideways violently, causing his body to unintentionally recoil from Harry's blunt hit.

Almost instantly, Niall began to taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth, realizing he had bitten a small piece of his tongue. His teeth clacked together, the impact momentarily blinded and disorienting his vision, plunging it into darkness before the dizziness overwhelmed his senses.

"Harry!" Zayn exclaimed, steadying Niall.

Niall went to return the favor, but Liam, who overheard the commotion, stepped in; grabbing Niall's wrist just as Louis backed Harry out from the brig. He saw a strand of rope hanging from the door and grabbed it.

"Sorry mate. We're not having you two injuring one another," Louis replied, grabbing Harry and forcing him into the bars. "Don't need two people dying because they caught an infection from breaking one another's skin open. Hands behind ye or we're going ta have trouble and I've had all the conundrums I can handle for today." He demanded, keep his voice firm but gentle. Louis did not like how today was playing out.

Not one bit.

He could hear a scuffle inside and figured Liam was trying to handle Niall. Hopefully Zayn was one of the smarter gents and stayed his own course.

"No! I'm calm." Harry promised, his body going slack, allowing Louis to pin him against the wall with his weight. despite their height difference.

"Mate? I'm not going to ask ya again." He warned, hearing Liam slam Niall into the bars, him having obviously getting the upper hand. Harry groaned, throwing his hands behind him.

Louis grabbed them, looping the coil of rope around both hands separately, before knotting the cinch together securely at his wrists. It wasn't tight enough to hurt him, but Harry could tell he wasn't slipping out of them. Louis was smart tying him the way he had. It made controlling him a little easier.

"Let go of me, asshole!" Niall exclaimed, Liam guiding him out the brig by his arm. They had been chained together with actual manacles.

Zayn followed behind the group quietly; his body unrestrained.

"Keep back chatting and yer mouth will be wearing my sweat rag; you Irish Jackeen." Liam responded; his teeth gritted. He was fighting hard to keep self-control.

"Where are you taking them?! Where's Evelyn!?" Ana asked beside herself. She just wanted everyone calm.

"We're going above deck. Orion was just untied from the mast. He's not fairing well; so please just cooperate." Liam ordered Niall, before taking out his cutlass and pulling it across the doctor's throat.

Niall went ashen still.

"I will slit you from ear to ear if you do not follow EVERY order Officer Styles gives you. This is of dire consequence to everyone in your little consortium. Evelyn, Ana – Captain Eboninea will not hesitate to give them to very eager men on this ship and make you watch. Not to mention the child..." He trailed off; Harry and Niall's eyes meeting.

He gave the doctor a slight subtle nod to confirm his situation.

"He's telling truth, Niall. That is why I beseech –" He paused, realizing the wording was all wrong. "No, implore. I implore you to help them. Our survival and the lives of our loved ones depends on this." Harry begged, watching Niall's stare go toward Liam. His shoulders slumped.

"I need my bag and Zayn will need his." Niall relented; his eyes downcast.

Liam nodded, stepping off to one of the pirates and whispering in his ear.

The man jumped to attention; running from the room. Liam guided the group up where the mast was. It was late afternoon; a soft wind blowing tranquil sea air upon their weary bodies.

Undeterred, Liam led them straight toward the mast.

It was there that Orion Gilford laid motionless; his eyes pained upward to the deep blue clouds. His body was physically there, but his eyes were a million miles away.

Niall cleared his throat, jerking his hands behind him. Liam rolled his eyes, taking a set of keys and unchaining his wrists. Harry was much calmer, turning around to meet Louis.

He gave him a stern look, but reached over and untied the first officer's hands from behind his back.

"Don't make me regret doing that, lad." Louis warned, his eyes immediately going to Orion. He knelt down beside him; taking his hand within his. His fingers rubbing against the other man's knuckles.

Liam followed, kneeling down beside Louis, his eyes glancing over his slashed-up body. He felt guilt, knowing he caused Orion's pain.

"I'm sorry, Lou. I had no choice. Captain Isolde gave me the orders. I just – "He trailed off, not sure what he could say to make this situation right. There wasn't much to be done as Orion wasn't there in the present with them. His mind was somewhere else.

Somewhere better.


"Somewhere where there is no pain." Louis murmured sadly, feeling tears start to prick his eyes again. He wiped them away briskly and watched Zayn kneel the opposite of them; followed by Niall.

He made eye contact with Harry.

"I need my doctor's bag; Zayn needs his apothecary case and we'll need a small cask of water with clean rag. Some rum for disinfecting and when we get our things; I need Zayn to make and measure out a large dosage or laudanum. I believe we have enough for a few batches of the stuff. It will help relieve the severe pain he's in. He's bleeding out and it looks already that flies have begun to lay eggs inside his wounds. I'll clean them bests as I can and assess a prognosis after." Niall replied tightly, keeping a wary eye on Liam. After having a knife to his throat, he didn't trust the second mate as far as he could push him.

Harry watched Louis stand up and go to seek out the requested items. He stood there, watching Zayn kneel and place his finger directly beside a lash; pressing down to watch the man's blood drip from the gaping wound.

With it, a few larva eggs fell out, dripping down with his lifeforce.

Zayn made a face.

"God almighty." He murmured, shifting his concern to Niall.

Niall looked bored, but he understood that having fly eggs embedded into the wounds, it was a matter of time; hours, if not just a day. The man was lying on his deathbed. Niall just didn't want to be the one to deliver the bad news.

Instead, he would show them first hand.

"This looks bad." Harry observed, leaning over to get a better look. Orion groaned; his breathing labored again.

"Shite." Niall grumbled, looking straight at Liam. "Ya'll need ta hurry. Go help Louis. The bags are pretty good sized." Niall ordered, but Liam glared and refused to move.

"Louis and Bodeman will get the necessary items. They're down a floor. It will only take them a few moments. I've been instructed not to leave you all alone. Desperate men will do desperate things." He gestured towards the three of them.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"My son is currently being watched by Mary Firth's evil sister in her cabin and Zayn would not leave his girlfriend. Nor, would we leave Ana. I can almost assure that we would be idiots to take now as a chance of escape." Harry spoke unwavering. Seeing one of the taller men come running through with two large brown bags and a huge black steel framed suitcase.

'Apothecary Kit' It read in gold shiny letters.

Property of Zayn Javadd Malik – Apothecary licensed.

For use by apothecary licensed individuals only.

Zayn reached over and helped relieve the young pirate of his case. Niall doing the same.

Louis came back about the same time, his hands full with a small satchel, cloth and large bottle of rum – with a few pewter mugs.

Harry's brow corked up with confusion.

"The rum isn't for drinking, mate. It's for – "Harry began, but Louis ignored him, setting the items down on the ground beside Niall hastily.

"How can I help?" Louis asked, opening the rum without hesitation. He took a mug from where he sat it and poured a few swallows into the shiny pewter.

Niall groaned. Of course Louis would assume that disinfecting wounds would translate to a good time. He reached over, quickly snagging the brown colored bottle from him.

"By not drinking all the rum." Niall muttered, taking it from him and corking it. "Strip his trousers off and wash him down. Get as many fly eggs as you can from inside him. It looks beneficial if we start on his back where the majority of his wounds are." Niall ordered, kneeling away so Louis could follow orders.

Zayn had already stepped back. His case was currently open and he was grabbing different herbs and medicines. His eyes downward in concentration as he grabbed a small vial with top and mortar. It was a tiny wooden bowl, the pestle inside allowed him to crush and mix the medicine with ease.

"I can have eight vials of laudanum in fifteen to twenty? Am working on a vile for him now." Zayn let Niall know, his eyes working alongside his fingers to concoct the strong pain medicine.

He paused.

"Actually, I need that." Zayn realized, grabbing Louis' mug from his hand before the lad to take his swallow.

Zayn dumped the rum mixture into the mortar; along with what looked to be tiny black seeds.

Louis frowned, his hands going into the satchel and bringing out the cloth. He very gently rolled his friend over; growing green with color at the sight.

"Oh God in Heaven." Louis gagged, seeing loads of white eggs lining his friend's wounds. Harry was close to chucking his own tea time food off the deck. He however, reached up to assist Louis. There were a few rags he had placed inside; so, he decided to try and help his friend.

"Thanks." Louis murmured softly, reaching for the second cloth Harry handed to him. He only responded with a nod as the two men set off to clean up the man.

"What's Laudanum? Never heard of it until today." Louis asked, ignoring his friend's painful moans. He rubbed Orion's shoulder in an attempt to be comforting.

Zayn poured a small amount of clear liquid, putting another pinch of seeds.

"Laudanum is a strong sedative and pain killer. Will take his pain away. A whole vial will help take it away, permanently." Zayn explained, making Harry pause.

Louis too.

"I thought you said – "Louis trailed off, receiving a gesture from Niall to keep washing.

"I said, once his body has been thoroughly cleaned. I can assess the outcome; but it doesn't look good. He should have been given medical a lot sooner for a chance. He's lost so much blood that even if we cleaned his wounds, it's unlikely he'll survive because of this much blood loss.

Liam bowed his head.

"So, yer just having em cleaning 'm up to meet God?" Liam asked, noticing Louis was taking great care in washing away the decaying matter inside his cuts. His body shook uncontrollably, his throat barely letting off a scream.

"If by God you mean the one that resides in eternal torment; then sure. God himself above would never let abominations such as pirates into the holy kingdom." Niall snarled, making Orion's body jerk.

"Niall! That's enough!" Harry chastised lowly, his eyes meeting Louis. He did not like these pirates; but he could also relate as his crew were slaughtered and some of them lived pretty adventurous lives.

"I'm sorry. Niall tends to speak his mind. Given the circumstance – he can hardly be blamed for his feelings." Harry defended, but felt conflicted because it was a small concern for his own crew.

Liam closed his eyes, willing himself not to run the young doctor through.

Louis was calm though.

"Aye, lad. I's understands. But – "Louis murmured, reaching over to wipe off some blood from his friend's neck. "Not all of us here came by choice. I was bought, but she gave me the choice ta leave. I didn't want to end up back in chains on that island after just being set free. So, I joined The Tenerife Sea." Louis shook his head, following the now red cloth down Orion's back. "We set sail for a few months; heading back toward England. I took my departure at Port of London. Took meself right to the post system and acquired a horse. We rode off and only took frequent breaks every four to six hours for a few minutes. I reached Doncaster; my native birth place. However, nothing but disappointment awaited me there." He explained, his eyes glancing at his scarred wrists.

Zayn handed Niall the completed vial. He went to work on the next one should it be needed.

Niall snorted.

"What, did mum and dad not want their little boy to –" Niall felt a strong hit from behind his head. He glared at Zayn who shot him a warning look.

Louis was unbothered by the doctor's sarcasm. He instead shrugged.

"A town to which your family is notorious; is no town you want to stay at. So, I turned me arse around; walked down to the post and aquired another horse back ta port of London. Good thing ta; Captain Isolde was just about ta deport."

Harry quietly listened, his green orbs concentrating on washing Orion's cuts. Eventually, Louis and Harry managed to get what they could. He was still losing blood and it didn't take a blind person to see that Orion was slowly bleeding to death. He had another day if he was lucky.

Without much verbalizing, Harry reached over to pour a small amount of rum of his back to kill the infection. However, the blood just pooled out as fast s they poured in.

"Don't waste anymore rum." Louis ordered, taking the bottle from Harry and setting it aside. Zayn instead handing Niall the small vial of medicine he just created.

Niall took it, giving it to Louis.

"Put him up on his back and you can give him half; which will put him in a sedative-like dream for a few hours or – "Niall gestured. "Give him the whole vial and he will pass peacefully within ten minutes. It's like an overdose; he'll simply cease to exist. The poppy mixed with rum will compress his breathing. The morphine will erase all red flag signals in his brain. Instead of feeling panic, he will be tranquil. He will fall asleep and that's it." He finished explaining, seeing a flintlock pistol holstered at Liam's side.

"Or put a bullet in his fucking head and throw him overboard for shark food. I don't truly give a damn either way." He snarled, standing up to cross his arms across his chest.

Louis still remained kind though; despite everything, he nodded once in gratitude.

"Thank you, Dr. Horan. I am appreciative of your help. Even if you are reluctant to assist." Louis responded, helping to turn his friend on his back once more. Harry helped him, seeing Orion's eyes barely open. They looked dead already and Louis knew the only fair thing to do, was to put him out of his misery.

He moved himself up a little, picking his friend's lower half and placing him on his knee. Bringing his arm around, he smiled; the joy never quite reaching his eyes.

"Hey Orion. Here; this is going to take away your pain." Louis whispered, choking on his words. His eyes silently releasing the tears he fought so hard to stay hidden. Harry reached over to adjust his friend, allowing Louis to get a better grip on him and the vial.

"Thanks." Louis acknowledged, opening the small bottle. He put it to his friend's mouth, pouring it in slowly.

His friend was dying of thirst, so he managed to get down the gagging liquid. He coughed for a second, before his eyes made their way to Louis. He was barely hanging on.

"S-sorry. 'M s-sorry." He apologized; his own gaze regretful of his earlier action. He should not have been disrespectful; even if Louis and Orion had been doing it for years. He was Louis' friend; but now, he understood that his friends would no longer be willing to play around or joke.

"Nah. I am, mate. I'm sorry. This whole situation is thine own blame. Not yers. T'was never yers." Louis shushed, bringing his hand to the side of his friend's face, wiping away some of his blood and tears.

Orion smiled some, his gaze a million miles high. He could feel his stomach start to warm within him.

"It's warm now." He blinked, unaware of the others. Harry stood, allowing Liam to take his place on the other side. They knew him better after all.

Liam knelt down where Harry was, watching the other man fade. It was slow; but Liam held his uninjured hand on Orion's shoulder; Louis holding him. About a full turn of the hour glass was when Orion could feel his head lightening; his body feeling weightless and his breath easing from the difficulty of gasping for air. It felt peaceful and the lights above became brighter.

"It's beautiful. The sky." Orion laughed, seeing floating stars above him. He reached up, trying to grasp them. Liam grabbed his hand.

"He's hallucinating. The medicine will sometimes do that. He'll be off soon." Zayn replied calmly to their silent query.

Louis nodded, holding his friend while he laughed. His whole body felt free and light; like he could dance.

"Tired." He thought aloud, closing his eyes. Orion felt too relaxed to move. He smiled though, opening his eyes, looking up to his friend who was crying. "You're still my friend, Tominson, yeah?" He asked, reaching his arm up and slapping his friend's cheek jokingly.

Louis swallowed his breath, nodding.

"Yeah, Orion. We're ace, mate." Louis replied, his voice thick with overwhelming emotion. He watched his friend start to fade. It was slow; at least two turns of the hour glass. Harry standing close by and Niall eventually seeing that Liam was the one whose hand he was supposed to bandage.

He poured a cup of rum for the slightly older gentlemen and went into his doctor's bag; bringing out fresh dressing and rags.

He examined Liam's burn, deeming it not infected before putting a wash of rum on top the burn.

This elicited a yell of pain out of the second in command; but he held firm, glaring at Niall as he believed the doctor did that deliberately out of spite.

"He's fading now." Louis called over to Liam. He took a step back where he was before. Harry joined them; folding his hands in front. He bowed his head to offer some respect.

"You got that bible with ya, yeah?" Louis questioned, seeing Harry instinctively put his hand to where it was. Louis rolled his eyes, the tears leaving a shadow of where they've traveled; his eyes red from his silent anguish.

"I'm not going ta take yer bible, mate. Just – read a passage. I don't care." Louis responded softly to Harry's offensive reaction. However, he also couldn't blame the man. He had everything taken from him within only a day.

Harry took his holy book out and opened it to a random page; but for this instance, it was fitting.

"For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. – 2 Timothy 4:6-7" He read, looking down at the vast fading man. He felt almost sad for this pirate. He didn't seem like such a bad person.

Turning the page, he noticed a few pieces stickered to different pages. He read another passage.

"The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. – Isaiah 57:1." Harry read, shutting the book and returning it to his sash. He didn't need it to quote the book, but it did help to remember the paragraphs. Something he was iffy on.

Louis cleared his throat.

"Liam? Assist Dr. Horan and Malik back down to the brig. Don't lock them in. I'll be down to explain more in a few. Harry? Go back to Captain Isolde. You know where her cabin is. Explain that I'll be there as soon as I finish here. I need a few moments." Louis addressed both men, seeing them start to follow orders.

It was when he was alone; save for a few pirates nearby who were cleaning the deck. Other than that, it was simply Louis and his memories. His friend's breath finally ceasing. A long, drawn-out punishment finally at its end. A moment Louis relished and feared. Only because he didn't know if he would ever be on the receiving end of Eboninea's cruelty.

He did not doubt it for a moment.

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