Upto Chance

By crysta09

7.6K 1.2K 501

Two strangers tied together in the knot of marriage Both have different burdens of past One of a failed marri... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 8.2
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 4

272 41 9
By crysta09

Ragini and Arjun rushed to Kerala, taking the next available flight, as soon as they heard the news about Karan's accident. Mihir Rajvansh, Arjun's father, had already arrived the previous night, though he hadn't informed anyone about the situation, not wanting to cause unnecessary worry.

Upon reaching the hospital, Ragini and Arjun spotted Mihir sitting outside of Karan's hospital room, engaged in conversation with a few men. Ragini approached him, her voice trembling with concern. "How is Karanveer?" she asked anxiously.

"He's stable now," Mihir replied, his tone grave but relieved.

Arjun, eager to see his brother, inquired, "Can we meet him?"

Mihir nodded, gesturing for them to follow him into the hospital room. Inside, they found Karan sleeping, his face pale and bandages covering his injuries.

"He looks hurt," Ragini whispered, her heart aching at the sight of him in such a state.

Mihir sighed, his gaze falling upon his son. "He was lucky. The floor collapsed while they were inspecting a site, and he was there with the supervisor. Unfortunately, the supervisor got badly injured and is in the ICU right now. Karan has a few fractures around his rib and leg, as well as a broken right hand" he explained.

Ragini reached out to gently touch Karan's hand, her eyes filled with tears. "Thank God he's fine" she murmured, her relief palpable.

Mihir turned to Arjun, concern etched on his face. "Arjun, take Ragini to the hotel and get some rest. You both need it," he instructed firmly.

Ragini, however, shook her head. "You've been here since last night, Uncle Mihir. You should rest," she insisted, her eyes pleading.

Arjun chimed in, "Why don't I stay back with bhai? Both of you go and get some rest."

But Ragini remained adamant. "No, I don't want to leave his side" she said firmly, her voice filled with determination.

With a nod of understanding, Arjun and Mihir reluctantly agreed to leave. "Alright, we'll be back soon. Take care of him, Ragini," Mihir said, his tone gentle yet firm.

As they departed, Ragini took a seat next to Karan's bed and gently held his hand in hers.

"I was so scared," she admitted in a choked voice, her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill over. "When I heard about the accident"

Her voice trailed off as she struggled to find the right words to express the depth of her emotions. She squeezed Karan's hand gently, seeking comfort in his presence.


Karan slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurred and hazy from the medication. As his gaze focused, he was surprised to see Ragini seated beside him, her hand clasping his tightly as she slept peacefully.

He tried to call out to her, but his throat felt dry and scratchy, causing him to cough harshly. The sound of his coughing stirred Ragini from her slumber, and she jolted awake, concern flashing in her eyes.

"App theek hai?" she asked anxiously, her voice filled with worry as she hurriedly reached for a glass of water on the bedside table. Bringing it to his lips, she helped him take a few sips, her touch gentle and reassuring.

Karan nodded weakly, his throat still sore from the coughing fit. He struggled to find his voice as he looked at Ragini

"Thank you," he managed to whisper hoarsely.

Ragini smiled softly, her eyes reflecting relief as seeing him awake and conscious. But their moment of quiet reassurance was short-lived as the nurse entered the room, carrying a tray with Karan's scheduled injection.

She stood by silently, watching as Karan reluctantly accepted the injection, his expression betraying his discomfort. As the nurse finished administering the medication, Karan's eyelids drooped heavily, and he slowly drifted back into a fitful sleep.

Ragini felt a pang of sympathy wash over her as she observed her husband's weary form, his face etched with lines of pain and exhaustion. Despite her own fatigue, she resolved to stay by his side.

With a tender touch, she brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead before settling back into her seat, her gaze never leaving his face as she silently prayed for his speedy recovery.

Two days slipped by in much the same way—Karan remained under medication, sleeping for the most part to aid his recovery. Ragini and Arjun took turns being by his side, but more often than not, it was Ragini who stayed vigilantly with him.

Anditha, Manvi, and Dada ji were anxious to visit him, their concern evident in their inquiries, but Mihir reassured them that Karan was steadily improving. He promised them that by the end of the week, they would all return to Mumbai.

Karan's health was getting better compared to three days back, the doctor recommended that he begin consuming liquid food to aid in his recovery.

However, when the nurse brought in the porridge, Karan's expression soured at the sight and scent of the unappetizing meal. His stomach churned uncomfortably as he took a hesitant sip, nearly gagging at the taste.

"I can't eat this," he grimaced, pushing the bowl away.

Ragini exchanged a worried glance with Nurse, feeling helpless at Karan's discomfort. "Maybe we can find something else for you to eat," she suggested softly, her brow furrowed with concern.

After reluctantly consuming some fruit juice and taking his medication, Karan drifted back to sleep, seeking refuge from the unpleasantness of his hospital meal.

Later, in the doctor's office, Ragini, Arjun, and Mihir sat anxiously, eager to hear about Karan's progress. The doctor explained the severity of Karan's injuries—he had two fractured ribs, a broken leg, and a fractured right arm.

"He'll need complete bed rest for at least a month," the doctor advised solemnly. "And it could take up to six months for him to fully recover."

Ragini's heart sank at the lengthy recovery period, but she nodded, determined to support Karan through it all. "What can we do to help his recovery?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

The doctor outlined Karan's treatment plan—he needed to strictly adhere to his medication schedule, consume calcium-rich foods, and attend regular check-ups. With casts on his arm and leg, Karan was cautioned to minimize movement to prevent any further complications.

Arjun nodded in understanding, his gaze flickering with worry as he glanced at his brother's chart. "We'll make sure he follows everything to the letter," he promised.

As they stepped out of the doctor's office, Ragini turned to Arjun with a request. "Arjun, could you stay back with Karanveer? I have some errands to run, but I'll be back soon," she said, concern etched in her voice. Arjun nodded understandingly, assuring her that he would look after Karanveer.

Arjun settled into a chair in Karan's hospital room, tapping away at his laptop while keeping an eye on his brother.

Karan slowly opened his eyes, his gaze instinctively searching the room for Ragini's familiar presence. In the past few days, every time he regained consciousness, Ragini had been by his side, her reassuring presence a constant source of comfort. But now, as he scanned the room, his heart sank, not finding her.

Her absence left him with an uneasy feeling, a sensation he couldn't quite shake.

Noticing his brother's wakefulness, Arjun approached him with a warm smile. "How are you feeling, bhai?" he inquired, genuine concern evident in his tone. Karan mustered a brief nod, his thoughts preoccupied with Ragini's absence.

As Arjun sat beside him, Karan battled with his inner turmoil. He longed to ask about Ragini, However, a wave of hesitation washed over him. Perhaps she was tired of constantly being there for him, he reasoned.

Ragini entered the room, her gaze shifting between the sleeping Karan and Arjun engrossed in work.

"Did Karan wake up while I was gone?" she inquired, approaching Arjun.

"He woke up about half an hour ago," Arjun replied, glancing up from his laptop.

Spotting the container in Ragini's hands, Arjun's curiosity piqued. "What's that?" he asked.

Ragini explained how Karan disliked the hospital porridge, so she decided to cook something herself. She sought advice from Chacha Ji about Karan's favorite dishes.

"Aww, how sweet of you. Bhai is really lucky," Arjun teased, flashing a mischievous grin.

Ragini responded with a soft smile, her cheeks tinted with a hint of pink.

"You're staying back?" Ragini inquired,

Arjun raised an eyebrow at her "Why do you want me out of here?"

Ragini's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by Arjun's question. "No, no, I'm just asking," she retorted, trying to mask her embarrassment.

Arjun chuckled at her response.

"Say it clearly, Bhabhi. You need some privacy with your husband," Arjun teased further, unable to resist poking fun at Ragini's expense.

Karan's sleep was interrupted by the sound of Arjun's laughter. He stirred and glanced around, his gaze falling on Arjun and Ragini conversing nearby.

As Arjun noticed Karan's discomfort and the sudden change in his expression, he quickly excused himself. "I'll leave, Bhabi. Take care of him. Let me know if you need something," he said,

With Arjun gone, Karan found himself alone with Ragini. Neither of them said anything at first, the silence between them thick with unspoken thoughts.

Ragini took a seat where Arjun had been seated earlier, her eyes fixed on Karan. She had nothing at hand to pass the time apart from simply watching over him.

Feeling her gaze upon him, Karan couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of emotions.

Soon it was time for Karan's medication, and the nurse entered the room. After administering the injection, she instructed Ragini to feed him and give him his tablets.

Ragini nodded in acknowledgment as the nurse left. Karan dreaded the thought of eating the hospital porridge again, his stomach already churning with hunger.

As Ragini approached him with the container, he sniffed the food and wrinkled his nose.

"How am I supposed to eat this?" he asked irritably, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Ragini handed him a spoon and looked at him expectantly, hoping he would like the food. Karan lifted his plastered arm, catching Ragini's attention.

"Oh, my bad. Let me call the nurse," she began, but Karan interrupted her.

"Help me eat," he said, his tone softer this time.

"Ji?" Ragini looked at him, puzzled.

"You don't expect me to eat with my injured hand, do you?" he asked, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice.

"No, no, of course not. Let me help you," Ragini responded quickly.

She started feeding him spoonfuls of porridge, and it was the first time they had sat so close to each other. Karan sighed in satisfaction; the food was much better than what he had eaten in the morning. As Ragini fed him, some porridge spilled on his chin.

She took a tissue and moved closer to him, gently wiping his chin and lips. Their gaze locked, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away around them.

But their moment was abruptly broken by a familiar voice.

"Haye, here we thought Karanveer is injured, but yaha toh romance chal raha hai," Akash teased, his voice echoing through the room.

Karan closed his eyes in irritation. Why did it have to be him, every freaking time? Ragini felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she quickly stood up, feeling flustered.


Hello hello my reader's,

How was the chapter? 

Akash is just being Akash. 

If you haven't already, do consider adding this book to your library.

Love - Crystal 

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