Monkey King in the World of H...

By Mega003

306 20 10

Sun Wukong/you are sent to help protect humanity against the Honkai. More

Ch.1 Healing πŸ‹


146 10 4
By Mega003

After thousands of years of peace, a new threat appeared, Honkai. Many people were killed by these mindless monsters, so Buddha sent humanity's best hope, Sun Wukong.

Buddha: Wukong, you shall go to the Earth below and destroy those mindless beasts.

Wukong: Of course. Where exactly are they, though?

Buddha: They are everywhere. Find a woman named Mei. She will give you the answers you seek.

Wukong: Then I'll disguise myself first and then go to her.

Buddha: Farewell, Wukong.

Wukong: Until we meet again, Buddha.

Wukong flies to the world below on his cloud. When he arrived, he saw an army of Honkai surrounding a small handful of scientists. Wukong took the form of a human and landed below.

???: Looks like you guys could use a hand.

Scientist: Who are you?

Y/n: The name's Y/n. I'll take care of these Honkai myself.

Y/n charged towards the Honkai and swung his staff at the Honkai. They turned to ashes as he hit them with his staff. This surprised most of the scientists while catching the attention of two. In no time, the Honkai were defeated, and Y/n didn't even break a sweat.

Scientist: How were you able to take out all those Honkai on your own?

Y/n: Years of training.

Mei: I'm Dr. Mei, a scientist of Fire Moth.

Mobius: And I am Dr. Mobius, the head scientist of Fire Moth.

Y/n: Nice to meet you both.

Mei: You seem to be quite the warrior.

Mobius: We could use a warrior like you in our ranks.

Y/n: I'm happy enough to help save humanity.

Mobius: Good. Now follow us, and you shall be registered.

Y/n found the scientists where he was registered as a soldier. Later, he was approached by Mei.

Mei: It looks like you're officially registered.

Y/n: Yup.

Mei: Just make sure not to get yourself killed.

Y/n: It's impossible for me to die from those beasts.

Mei said nothing else and returned to her work. Y/n merely explored around while waiting for his first mission. He then found a quiet place to meditate in peace. He meditated for a couple of hours when he heard an alarm.

Y/n: Looks like it's time to kill more Honkai.

Y/n got up and left to meet up with the others when Dr. Mei stopped him.

Y/n: Hm?

Mei: I just wanted to say... Good luck...

Y/n: Oh, thanks!

The soldiers were then sent out to kill Honkai with the risk of dying and never returning. Two soldiers held a lot on their minds, Y/n and Kevin Kaslana. Kevin had Dr. Mei to lose if he died while Y/n worried about Honkai taking over. The ship landed, and the soldiers charged at the Honkai. Many were slaughtered as Y/n, and Kevin did their best to protect the rest. Y/n roared incinerating many Honkai as Kevin shot others. Ultimately, a handful of soldiers returned back to base. When they returned, Dr. Mei ran towards Kevin and hugged him.

Mei: You had me worried!

Kevin: I'm fine Mei. You should be thanking our newest recruit. I don't know what he is, but he has strange abilities that I can't even dream to comprehend.

Dr. Mei approached Y/n as he was stretching his back and neck.

Mei: Do you have a moment.

Y/n: Yeah. What's up?

Mei: I want to take a DNA sample if you don't mind.

Y/n: Sure go ahead.

Mei: Please follow me to the lab.

Y/n: Kay.

Dr. Mei led Y/n to the lab.

Mei: Take a seat.

Y/n sat down as Mei put on gloves and got a needle.

Mei: This won't hurt a bit.

Mei disinfected Y/n's arm and poked him with the needle taking a blood sample. Once she finished, she took the needle out and was about to put on a bandage when his arm immediately healed.

Mei: So you're capable of healing yourself.

Y/n: I'm not exactly normal.

Mei: I can see. Thank you for your time.

Y/n: I'm happy to help. If you wish to know anything about me. I'm happy to tell you.

Mei: Thank you. Have a nice rest.

Y/n left to eat fruit at the cafateria as Mei began looking at the blood sample. She saw that the cells were constantly changing to different kinds.

Mei: How strange?

Mei continued investigating Y/n's blood sample as it changed between different animal and plant cells while also changing into nonbiological substance. Mei tested against many things, but it simply overpowered it. She then introduced it to Honkai energy and the blood destroyed it.

Mei: This could be useful.

That's when Kevin hugged her from behind.

Kevin: How's the research.

Mei: His blood is amazing!

Kevin: He did incinerate an army of Honkai by himself.

Mei: I have much research to do.

Kevin: Just remember to take breaks.

Mei: I will.

Dr. Mei began doing research on Honkai energy and Y/n's blood. This research took many months during which many have died while the Honkai have also taken a huge hit. That's when they got the attention of the Herrscher. During that time, Dr. Mei and Kevin's relationship was starting to strain as she spent more time on her research then with him. He wasn't innocent either as he also fought along side Y/n spending little time with her.

Mei: I have an anouncement to make to you all!

Every soldier and scientist looked to Dr. Mei.

Mei: I have created a serum to create us a super soldier! Who is brave enough to take this experimental serum?!

All were silent as one soldier stood ready to take the risk.

Kevin: I accept the risk to take the experimental serum!

Dr. Mei was shocked but she didn't show it. She nodded and took him to the lab and prepared her serum.

Mei: This might hurt. So try your best to not excert yourself too much.

Kevin: I will overcome this.

Mei disinfected his arm and gave him the experimental serum. Kevin screamed as he felt his veins felt like they were freezing and burning at the same time. His tempurature began to lower dangerously, but Kevin persevered. Kevin over came the Honkai energy and became capable of using ice abilities and his body was -30 Celsius. He lay there unconscious as Dr. Mei did her best to keep him comfortable. Y/n came to visit and saw how tired Mei looked.

Y/n: Why don't you take a rest.

Mei: I can't.

Y/n: It's not safe to work while exhausted. Please take a rest.

Mei sighed as she knew Y/n was right.

Mei: Fine. I'll only be gone for four hours.

Y/n: Rest well.

Y/n watched over Kevin as Dr. Mei took a rest in her quarters. Kevin would stay like this for two weeks before waking up.

Y/n: How are you feeling old friend?

Kevin: I'm fine. Where's Dr. Mei?

Y/n: She's resting. I told her to get rest two weeks ago.

Kevin: I thank you. She doesn't like taking personal time and usually works till she crashes.

Y/n: It's no problem at all.

Kevin: Then I'm going to see her.

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n left to medidate in his quarters as Kevin went to see his lover, Mei.

Kevin: Hi, Mei. Are you alright?

Mei opened the door and hugged him as she cried into his chest but backed off as he was too cold to hug.

Mei: *sob* I was so worried about you!

Kevin: Hey, I'm fine. Your experiment worked. I have control of Parvoti genes.

Kevin tried to hug her, but he was unable to hug her.

Kevin: What's wrong?

Mei: *sniffles* Now that you've taken the serum. You are no longer to make physical contact with humans. You are now the first MANTIS.

Kevin: I...understand.

Mei: This should hopefully put you on the same level as Y/n. But I don't know his full power

Kevin: Then I should start training with him. He is the best martial artist here.

Mei: Just be careful.

Kevin: I will.

Kevin went to Y/n's quarters to ask for help.

Kevin: Hey, Y/n. Do you have a moment?

Y/n: Sure. What do you need?

Kevin: Will you train me.

Y/n: You're a good fighter, Kevin.

Kevin: I want to get better. Plus I need to see what I'm capable of.

Y/n: Sure.

The two went to the training area. There they would train for weeks when they got new about the 6th Herrscher.

Y/n: Looks like another mission.

Kevin: Yes. Now to face the 6th Herrscher.

Y/n: What's a Herrscher?

Kevin: Beings that are capable of the bending reality. They are powered by Honkai energy and take human form. We must kill it to help humanity.

Y/n: Is there another way without killing it?

Kevin: Destroy the core you kill the Herrscher and another will never be made again.

Y/n: Are there more than one.

Kevin: Yes.

Y/n: Then let's do this.

Kevin: Yeah.

The two were sent to face the 6th Herrscher. When they arrived, they found an army waiting for them.

Y/n: Let me take them.

Kevin: Then I'll take the other half.

Both unleashed their ice and fire powers destroying the army as the Herrscher approached them.

Y/n: I want you to remember this Kevin.

Kevin: What is it?

Y/n: Don't fight with hatred in your heart. You will only be cursed for it. Fight with no intent and you will be fine.

Kevin: Thanks. But I'll try to follow your way.

Y/n: Then it's time I cut lose and show you who I really am.

Y/n changed. He no longer looked like a normal human. He now took his true form.

Kevin: Who...are you?

Wukong: I am the Heaven Equaling Great Sage, Sun Wukong!

Herrscher: Fight me, mortals.

The two fought the Herrscher for many weeks. Ultimately, she was slayed by Y/n slamming his golden hooped rod on her.

Y/n: Now let's get home.

Kevin: ...Yeah.

Y/n: Sorry I never told you.

Kevin: It's fine. You were sent her to help us. I'm not mad at you. I just want to get back.

Y/n: Understandable.

The two returned back to HQ.

Mobius: Welcome back you two. How did it go?

Y/n: The Herrscher is slayed.

Mobius: Kaslana?

Kevin: She's dead ma'am.

Mobius: Good. You are dismissed.

The two spilt up with Y/n going to eat and Kevin going to see Mei. Three years came and went and the Fire Moth now faces the 7th Herrscher. This sent Kevin over the edge as he had to face an old friend. Y/n and Kevin are currently facing her.

HIMEKO: So you betrayed me!

Kevin: I never wanted this HIMEKO! I never wanted to face you!

Wukong: May you reincarnate into someone full of love!


HIMEKO charged at Wukong and Kevin ready to end the fight with a final slash. Wukong entered his full power form and defeated her. As Wukong slayed her, Kevin intercepted HIMEKO's attack. Sadly, he was stabbed by her as Wukong slayed her.

Wukong: Why would you do that?!

Kevin: Because I didn't want to hurt her again...

Wukong: What about Dr. Mei?!

Kevin: Please...take care of her...while I'm gone.

Wukong: I will. I swear on our friendship.

HIMEKO: I...will...return...

Wukong: *sobs* May you both reincarnate and live better and peaceful lives!


Both passed on as their souls went on to reincarnate into new lives.

Wukong: *sniffles* Until we meet again...

Wukong returned to his disguise and took the body of Kevin with him. When he returned, Mei ran to see Kevin only to find Y/n returned alone.

Mei: *sob* No!

Y/n: I'm sorry Dr. Mei. Dr. Mobius. But, Kevin died facing the 7th Herrscher.

Mobius: We will prepare a buriel for him.

Dr. Mobius left as Y/n hugged Mei who cried into his chest. She didn't blame him as she knew that the missions and their strained relationship pushed him over the edge.

Y/n: I promise to protect you. I won't lose you like I did Kevin.

Mei: *sniffles* Thank you, Y/n. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Y/n: I'm always here for you.

The two stayed like that for a while before breaking the hug. A service was held for Kevin and Mei cried as Y/n held her.

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