Just Death and FEAR (just sha...

By GachaDonut

14.3K 217 205

WARNING: This story contains violence, suicide, swearing, and death. Cringe warning for the old chapters. B... More

Chapter 1: Paradise
Chapter 2: Island..?
Chapter 3: Volcano...?
Chapter 4: where am i??
Chapter 5: ...
Chapter 6: Plants
Chapter 7: Cyan..?
Chapter 8: Waking up.
Chapter 9: Happiness
Chapter 10: A Suprise.
Chapter 11: Nightmares & Circles
Chapter 12: Chaos and Uncorruption
Chapter 1: Paradise (REMAKE)
Chapter 2: Island...? (REMAKE)
Chapter 3: Volcano...? (REMAKE)
Chapter 4: Where am I...? (REMAKE)
Chapter 5: ... (REMAKE)
Chapter 6: Plants...? (REMAKE)
Chapter 7: Cyan...? (REMAKE)
Chapter 8: Waking Up. (REMAKE)
Chapter 9: Happiness (REMAKE)
Chapter 10, Part 1: A Surprise. (REMAKE)
Chapter 10, Part 2: A Performance
Chapter 11: Nightmares and Circles (REMAKE)
Chapter 12: Chaos and Uncorruption (REMAKE)
Chapter 13: Beneath Me
Chapter 14: Below the Flesh
Chapter 15: My Regrets
Heli and Ship


25 2 2
By GachaDonut

Paradise was finally restored, now that the Tree of Life had been fully repaired. The peaceful blues covered the lands once more, Sunny watching everyone in the sky—however, the atmosphere still felt heavy.

Blixer, Lycanthropy, Barracuda, and all the other shapes that were disfigured during the corruption were now back to normal. Of course, they were still adjusting to their forms, since it's been such an excruciatingly long time.

Hexia ran back to her house, only to see that the plants she's been tending to had died from the lack of care. Whimsy had closed up his shop to heal in solitude from what had happened.

Cube and Cyan were making their way to the graveyard, circular flowers in their hands. The walk was silent and focused, not a word was said until they were standing in front of the graves.

The number of names engraved onto the stones were too many to count, but each one had an epitaph that honored their characters and lives. The ones the two shapes were focused on were Jade, Gold, Heli, and Ship.

Cube took a deep breath before speaking, “Heli, you were an amazing pilot that saved the lives of many in need… Ship, you were an excellent captain who cared for his crew… Gold, whenever we were in the dark, you lit up the mood and brightened our paths…”

“And Jade, you were the brains of our group, always getting us out of trouble…” Cyan added in. Cube chuckled softly at the comment before her face darkened again at the heaviness of the situation.

“Rest in peace. We’ll always remember you.”

The flowers were placed, and after a moment of silence, the two shapes went their own ways.

Cube went to her house, where Lycanthropy resided. The corrupted plant was sleeping peacefully in their shared bed, which brought warmth to Cube's heart. Meanwhile, Cyan was heading to Hexagon Hospital, on his way to visit a new friend.

Once he arrived, he spoke to the receptionist briefly and then entered the elevator.
Cyan finally reached his destination, where Dot laid in his bed, medical equipment attached to him.

Bandages were professionally wrapped around various areas of the hospitalized shape’s body, along with a blood transfusion device hooked up to him.

“Hey,” Cyan advanced, “feeling better?”

Dot turned his head to the hero, and a small smile formed on his face. “Yeah…”

“Listen, I'm sorry for how I treated you back there. I should've just understood that it wasn't your fault.” Cyan apologized, his voice soft yet firm. “Just… you did great. You saved Paradise, so… thank you.”

Dot chuckled, getting himself a bit more comfortable. “No need to apologize or praise me… I'm just glad everything is back to normal—for the most part…”

Cyan nodded. “Right, uh… You want anything for when you're able to leave?”

“We could train together sometime! I admire you a lot, y'know… While I was fighting him, I was thinking of what you said. And that… gave me strength.”

“Oh, gee,” Cyan smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Now you're just making me blush! But yeah, I could teach you some stuff.”

“Sweet!” Dot would raise his arms in triumph if they weren't damaged, but unfortunately, he couldn't move around too much. He let out a sigh, realizing his predicament.

Cyan noticed and took action, offering a handshake. “Get better soon…”

Dot looked down at his hand, then back up at him—he carefully yet happily accepted the gesture. “Thank you…”

Cube stared out of the window, thinking to herself. She knew that Paradise would never be the same after this.
She had to make sure nothing like this ever happens again, and for that, she needed to be stronger. With a deep breath, Cube went to her back yard to practice her magic.

Sunny was watching over the shapes from above with two clouds in her hands, just like always. Her mind wandered to when she was stuck in that dungeon, how that beast laughed at and mocked her, and how she was forced to watch everything…
It made her feel sick.

Her train of thought came to a halt as she sensed a familiar presence behind her. Looking to the source, she saw her beloved sister.

“Moony,” she whispered. “You're back.”

Moony was holding a night-patterned parasol, looking just as elegant as when Sunny previously saw her. “Yes, what happened while I was gone?”

Sunny looked to the side, hesitating for a moment before finally responding. “A new corruption happened…”


“It's resolved now.” Sunny quickly added. “However… Jade and Gold is dead. Along with Heli and Ship.”

Moony's face darkened, looking like a crescent. “All of that, and you never thought to tell me?”

“I-I thought I could handle it on my own, I didn't want to bother you while you were on vacation, and… I was imprisoned.”

There was silence between the two sisters, then Moony suddenly ran up to hug her. Sunny gasped in surprise, but returned the gesture, tears pricking her ears.

“I missed you…” Sunny sniffled.

“I know… I'll never leave you again,” Moony stated solemnly, “for you, for Paradise.”

And with that, the two goddesses continued to watch over and protect Paradise with the help of each other. The Guardian trained vigorously, and the remaining heroes hoped for a better tomorrow.

Just Death and Fear, The Shadow Corruption - END

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