Un Ciel Plein D'étoiles - A S...

By franchexa_Sky

1.3K 99 2

In a twist of fate, Lady Tremaine, the formidable and often villainous stepmother from the classic tale of Ci... More

chapter 1: New Servant
Chapter 2: Secrets Unveiled.
Chapter 3: Gown
Chapter 4: Man across the Village
Chapter 5: Lavenders Aren't All Blue
Chapter 6: Once Again With Me.
Chapter 7: Similar Likes
Chapter 8: Glimpse of your Heart.
Chapter 9: Guardians Resolve
Chapter 10: Someday
Chapter 11: Divided Heart
Chapter 12: Sign of the times.
Chapter 13: Between Them
The History Of The Past


65 4 0
By franchexa_Sky

As Francette navigates the bustling city streets, her mind whirlwinds emotions. The memories of her time with Lady Tremaine linger in the corners of her mind, their laughter echoing through the corridors of her heart. She carries with her the weight of their shared experiences, the moments of joy and sorrow that shaped their bond.

Despite the distance that now separates them, Francette finds solace in the knowledge that their connection transcends time and space. She knows that Lady Tremaine will always hold a special place in her heart, a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty. And though their paths may diverge for now, she clings to the hope that one day, they will find their way back to each other.

Meanwhile, in the quiet solitude of her estate, Lady Tremaine gazes out at the moonlit garden, her thoughts consumed by memories of Francette. She recalls their conversations, the laughter that filled the air, and the moments of quiet understanding they shared. Though she misses Francette dearly, she knows that their time together was a gift—a fleeting yet precious moment in the tapestry of their lives.

As she reflects on their journey, Lady Tremaine finds strength in the knowledge that love endures, even in the face of adversity. She holds onto the memories they created together, drawing comfort from the thought of Francette's presence in her life. And though their paths may lead them in different directions, she remains hopeful that fate will one day bring them back together.

As the city lights twinkle in the distance, Francette and Lady Tremaine stand at the precipice of a new beginning. They are bound by the invisible threads of love and friendship, their hearts intertwined across the vast expanse of time and space. And as they embrace the uncertainty of the future, they do so with the knowledge that their bond will never fade—that their love will endure for eternity.

In the heart of the city, Francette's footsteps echo against the cobblestone streets, each step a testament to the journey she has undertaken. As she navigates the familiar paths, her mind drifts back to the days spent in the Tremaine household, where she forged bonds that would shape her destiny.

The memories flood her mind with a bittersweet nostalgia, reminding her of the laughter and tears shared with Lady Tremaine. Despite the passing of time, their connection remains unbreakable, a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty. Francette carries with her the lessons learned from her time with Lady Tremaine—the strength to endure hardship, the courage to face adversity, and the power of love to conquer all.

As she walks, Francette's thoughts turn to the necklace she discovered, a golden butterfly entwined with delicate flowers. It serves as a reminder of her mother, Fiora Everheart, whose untimely demise cast a shadow over her childhood. Yet, despite the pain of loss, Francette finds solace in the memories of her mother's love, a guiding force that continues to shape her journey.

Meanwhile, in the quiet sanctuary of her estate, Lady Tremaine paces the halls with a heavy heart, her thoughts consumed by the events of the past. She reflects on the choices she has made, the sacrifices endured, and the legacy she hopes to leave behind. Though haunted by the ghosts of her past, Lady Tremaine finds solace in the knowledge that she is not alone—that her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella, stand by her side, united in their shared purpose.

As the moon rises high in the sky, casting its ethereal glow upon the world below, Francette and Lady Tremaine stand at the crossroads of their respective journeys. They are bound by the ties of fate, their destinies intertwined in ways they have yet to comprehend. And as they gaze upon the horizon, they do so with hope in their hearts, knowing that their paths will converge once more, forging a new chapter in the story of their lives.


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