Unconventional Love

By dlkfxyt6

164 11 1

Isabel Reyes is a 19-year old senior in highschool, having lost a year from school due to her mom's death. Sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter nine

Chapter seven

12 1 0
By dlkfxyt6

Isabel's heart skipped a beat as her phone rang, the unfamiliar number flashing on the screen. She hesitated before answering, a sense of trepidation building in her chest.

"Hello?" she said, her voice cautious. "Isabel, it's Ms. Gordon," the voice on the other end replied, her tone dripping with sweetness.

Isabel's stomach dropped, her mind racing with possibilities. Why was Ms. Gordon calling her at home? And why was her voice so sugary sweet?

"Hi, Ms. Gordon," Isabel replied warily. "What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to follow up on our conversation earlier today," Ms. Gordon said, her words dropping gently. "I think we need to talk more about your...progress."

Isabel's heart raced, her mind spinning with possibilities. What did Ms. Gordon want from her? And what did she mean by "progress"?

"Where did you even get my number from?" Isabel asked, her voice shaking slightly. Anxiety threatened to consume her.

Ms. Gordon chuckled, the sound cold and calculating. "School records, darling. Don't worry, no harm done."

"Look, Isabel," Ms. Gordon continued smoothly, "We both know you're smarter than this. Let's cut the nonsense and discuss your future prospects."

Isabel bit her lip, weighing her options. Confrontation was inevitable, but she couldn't afford to alienate anyone else.

"No," Isabel said firmly, finding strength she didn't know she possessed. "Never call me again, Ms. Gordon."

Silence filled the line, broken only by the sound of Ms. Gordon's labored breath. For a moment, Isabel wondered if she'd gone too far.

"Very well," Ms. Gordon finally spat, her tone icy. "See you tomorrow then."

Isabel ended the call, relief washing over her as she hung up. A weight lifted from her shoulders, though anxiety remained.

She returned to the living room, her father watching curiously. "Who was that?" he asked, concern etched on his features.

"Just a wrong number," Isabel lied, swallowing her apprehension. She couldn't bring herself to share the truth with her father, not yet.

He nodded, accepting her answer. "Dinner's almost ready. Wash up, okay?"
Isabel complied, retreating to the bathroom to gather her thoughts. The events of the day played in her mind

Isabel walked down the stairs, attempting to push the chaos of the day aside. Her father looked up from his plate, a concerned expression on his face.

"Everything alright?" he asked, setting down his fork. "Yeah, just a lot going on," she replied noncommittally, taking her seat.

They ate in silence for several minutes, the clinking of cutlery filling the void. Isabel's appetite waned, but she forced herself to eat, knowing her father noticed such things.

Conversation turned to mundane topics  homework, upcoming events. Isabel found herself nodding along, her mind miles away from their discussion.

When dinner concluded, her father cleared his throat. "Something's troubling you, Isabel. Want to talk about it?"

"It's nothing," she said eventually. "Just a lot on my plate." Her father nodded not wanting to pressure his daughter in confiding just yet.

Isabel stood before her mirror, her reflection staring back at her. Slowly, she began to take off her shirt, each movement deliberate and purposeful.

Skin peeked through as the fabric fell away, revealing the curves of her body. Her eyes flickered to the mirror, taking in the sight of her lingerie.

With a deep breath, she stepped out of her jeans, the material pooling at her feet. Bare legs stretched before her, strong and toned.

Next came her bra, its straps falling softly to the carpet. Her breasts were full and firm, nipples hardening from the cool air.

Lastly, she removed her panties, revealing her most sensitive part and the dampness between her legs. A shiver ran down her spine as she admired her naked form.

With a final glance, Isabel stepped towards the shower, eager to wash away the day's trials.

Despite her loathing, images of Ms. Gordon's body flooded her mind. The way her suit hugged her curves, the sharp angles of her jaw, and the commanding way she spoke.

Against her better judgment, Isabel's hand drifted downward, grazing her sensitive area. A gasp escaped her lips as pleasure surged through her.

She tried to shake the thoughts away, but they persisted, taunting her with a strange mix of anger and desire.

Slowly, she gave in to the temptation, her fingers brushing against her clit. The water poured down on her, mingling with the beads of sweat forming on her brow.

Her breathing became ragged, her thoughts consumed by the unexpected turn of events. Hate and lust intertwined, creating a confusing cocktail of emotions.

As she neared climax, Isabel felt guilty, ashamed of her reaction to someone she despised. But still, she couldn't resist the pull of her desires.

Isabel bit her lip, hesitating for a moment longer before finally sliding two fingers inside herself. A moan escaped her lips, muffled by the sound of rushing water.

Pleasure washed over her, a mixture of guilt and satisfaction. Ms. Gordon's image remained in her mind, her cold demeanor replaced by a heat that Isabel couldn't deny.

She thrust her fingers deeper, matching the rhythm with each surge of water. Her hips bucked involuntarily, the sensation overwhelming.

Her breath hitched as she neared climax, her orgasm building steadily. Images of Ms. Gordon blurred with memories of Veronica, creating an intense blend of emotions.

Finally, she cried out, her body convulsing as release washed over her. The steamy room echoed with her pleasure, the only witness to her private moment.

As the waves receded, Isabel slumped against the wall, panting heavily. Confusion clouded her mind, grappling with the unexpected outcome.

Isabel dried off, wrapping herself in a towel before heading to her bed. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders, her body pleading for rest.

Slipping beneath the covers, she closed her eyes, hoping sleep could offer some respite. But her mind refused to quiet, playing back the events of the day on loop.

She thought of Veronica's tender touch, Ms. Gordon's manipulation, and the uncertainty of her future. Anxiety knotted her stomach, making sleep elusive.

Eventually, exhaustion won out, dragging her into the realm of dreams. Yet even then, she couldn't escape the haunting specter of Ms. Gordon, her subconscious wrestling with the implications.

Isabel opened her eyes, blinking against the early morning light. Her heart raced as she remembered the previous night's encounters and tomorrow's impending meeting with Ms. Gordon.

She sat up, stretching her limbs and forcing her mind to clear. Today would require focus and resolve, but also caution.

After dressing hastily, she joined her father for breakfast, her nerves hidden behind a facade of normalcy. They discussed mundane matters - work, school, but beneath it all, Isabel simmered with tension.

Isabel settled into her car, turning the ignition and feeling the familiar rumble of the engine. She glanced at the rearview mirror, adjusting her posture for the drive ahead.

Isabel parked her car, shutting off the engine and exiting onto the school grounds. Her footsteps echoed on the concrete path, her heart pounding in her chest.

Aria appeared beside Isabel, her eyes wide with surprise. "Isabel! Hey, I've missed you so much." Aria says and tries to hug Isabel but Isabel takes a step back.

"Look who remembered I still exist," Isabel said coolly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Aria blinked, taken aback by the hostility.

"I've been busy, okay?" Aria replied defensively, her voice barely above a whisper. "Justin's been through a lot..."

Isabel raised an eyebrow, cutting her off mid-sentence. "And I suppose I wasn't important enough to reach out?"

Aria shifted uncomfortably, her eyes darting around the room. "Isabel, I didn't mean to ignore you. Things got...complicated."

"Really, complicated?!" Isabel exclaimed, her voice rising above the usual hum of the hallway. "I heard Justin was at school last week, but you were nowhere to be found!"

Aria flinched, her eyes darting around nervously. "That's different," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

"Oh really?" Isabel challenged, stepping closer. "So where the hell were you? Oh wait, let me guess, sucking Justin's dick?" Aria shakes her head, trying to find the right words to say at the moment.

"Oh really?" Isabel challenged, stepping closer. Her voice dripped with venom as she spoke the words that had been gnawing at her for weeks. "So where the hell were you? Oh, wait, let me guess - sucking Justin's dick?"

Aria's hand flew up, slapping Isabel hard across the cheek. Pain exploded through her skin, but Isabel refused to back down.

"I was there comforting you when Justin got in the car accident!" she shouted back, tears welling in her eyes.

"I accepted you dating him when you knew he had been my ex! But you? You just disappear and come back pretending everything is fine?"

"Not a single person would be friends with you if you dated their ex, but I stayed by your side," Isabel spat, her voice raw with emotion. "And that's how you treat me?"

"You're a bitch, Aria," Isabel seethed, her tone laden with contempt. Aria's eyes widened, her composure shattering.

Without warning, she lunged forward, tackling Isabel to the ground. Books scattered around them, their contents spilling onto the tiled floor.

Aria straddled Isabel, fists raised. "How dare you?" she snarled, her voice hoarse with anger.

Isabel struggled beneath her, her own rage burning fiercely. "You betrayed me!" she yelled back, fighting to break free.

Aria's fist connected with Isabel's face, pain radiating through her skull. But she refused to be dominated, summoning her remaining strength.

Isabel pushed Aria away, staggering to her feet. Blood trickled from a cut above her eye, but she held her ground.

Just as their fight threatened to escalate, Ms. Gordon stormed onto the scene, her expression stern. "What is going on here?"

Both girls stare at their teacher not saying a word, both of their jaws clenched.

Ms. Gordon's gaze landed on Isabel first, her eyes widening at the sight of blood. "Isabel!" she exclaimed, concern etching lines across her face.

Then, her gaze shifted to Aria, who appeared relatively unharmed. "What happened here?"

Aria stepped forward, her voice wavering. "It was self-defense. She attacked me!"

"Self defense?! You slapped me then punched me!" Isabel complains and starts walking up to Aria but Ms. Gordon stops her. "Don't make this worse Isabel."

Ms. Gordon led them to the principal's office, her silent disapproval hanging heavy in the air. The journey felt like an eternity, each step punctuated by Isabel's racing heartbeat.

Upon arriving, they were ushered inside, where the principal awaited. She listened attentively to their respective accounts, her expression neutral.

Despite Aria's lies, the principal seemed skeptical. "Detention for two weeks." Mrs. Everhart announces. "The both of you." Isabel nods to herself.

As they left the office, Ms. Gordon pulled Isabel aside, her voice low and urgent. "We need to talk," she said, her eyes locked on Isabel's battered face.

Isabel nodded, her thoughts whirling. In spite of everything, she felt a twinge of unease. Could she trust Ms. Gordon? Or was this another ploy in a game she didn't understand?

Ms. Gordon led Isabel to an empty classroom, closing the door behind them. She moved swiftly, fetching a first aid kit from her bag.

Kneeling before Isabel, she gently cleaned her wound, tenderness in her touch despite their circumstances.

"Thank you," Isabel whispered, her voice shaking. She'd expected retribution, not kindness.

Ms. Gordon paused, a crease forming between her eyebrows. "I thought you two were friends?" she questioned, her voice tinged with confusion.

Isabel laughed bitterly, wiping away a stray tear. "We were, until she just dropped me and came back pretending everything was okay."

Her words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the bond that once existed. Now, it lay shattered, its pieces scattered and irreparable.

Isabel rose abruptly, desperate to escape the classroom and the memories it contained. But Ms. Gordon's hand on her arm stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Stay," she commanded gently, her voice firm yet compassionate. "Tell me everything, if you want to."

Isabel hesitated, her gaze shifting from Ms. Gordon's steadfast stare. She wanted to run, to forget the past few hours. But something in her teacher's eyes compelled her to remain.


Isabel opened the front door, the familiar scent of home enveloping her. Her father looked up from the couch, clearly angry.

"Why did you get involved in such nonsense?" he snapped, anger coloring his features. "Can't you just focus on your studies?"

The unexpected outburst took Isabel aback. She'd expected sympathy, not anger. Tears pricked her eyes, but she swallowed her hurt.

"I didn't start it, Dad," she replied quietly, desperation lacing her words. "Aria attacked me." "That's irrelevant!" he roared, pacing the room. "You're grounded until further notice."

Isabel flinched under his tirade, her heart sinking. Another loss in a day already fraught with disappointment.

Feeling really motivated, which is kind of weird for me.

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