
courtney_lynne_14 által

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After a violent encounter with her father that leads to her having to run away from her Pack, Alaina finds he... Több

So New Update!
Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 3: Getting Settled
Chapter 4: Bad News
Chapter 5: Shopping
Chapter 6: Secrets Untold
Chapter 7: Peaceful Bliss
Chapter 8: Grand Introductions
Chapter 9: An Attack
Chapter 10: Feeling Useless
Chapter 11: A Small Trip
Chapter 12: A Big Surprise
Chapter 13: Good and Bad News
Chapter 14: Being Prepared
Chapter 15: Not So Little Baby Bump
Chapter 16: Goodbyes
Chapter 17: The Pain of the Battle
Chapter 18: Ghosts
Chapter 19: Birth
Hello Again!

Chapter 2: A New Pack Life

244 6 5
courtney_lynne_14 által

The way that Mason runs his pack seems so different from the way Alpha Dylan runs everything. Alpha Dylan is so strict about his rules. If anyone broke a rule, no matter how tiny, we were sure to be punished soon to follow. Everyone had a job once they shifted at the age of fifteen, and if you did your job wrong, then you would have to answer to him or my dad. Either way it was scary. We weren't allowed to really do anything. We went to school, went to do whatever we were supposed to be doing that day, and then had to be home by curfew. It was hell. I guess I didn't realize just how bad it was until I got here and saw how different it is being here with Mason.

Mason has rules and he's strict with what goes on inside his territory, but he isn't as cold as Alpha Dylan is. I can see by just looking at my mate that he loves his pack and everyone in it. I wouldn't doubt for a second that he would put himself in any danger to protect his people, as an Alpha should. It's going to take some getting used to not having to be so careful about what I do, but I've only been here for a short time and I prefer it here already. Being a Beta's daughter back home, if that's even what I should call it at this point, caused me to have to appear almost perfect in the eyes of the pack. It was not easy making friends, that's for sure. My dad's title was a hard thing to live up to... and I obviously wasn't cut out for that job.

"Where's your head at?" a deep voice rings out from behind me. I turn my head away from the view from the bedroom window to see Mason standing in our doorway watching me with a small smile on his face. He has his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the door frame. It's just not possible for someone to look that mouthwatering. He doesn't even have to try.

"Just thinking about how different it is here," I answer him before turning back to looking out the window. I hear him push off the door frame and I soon feel his arms wrap around my waist as he molds his front to my back. I relax into his hold and enjoy the feeling of the tingles running over my skin. There's no place better than being in Mason's arms. I feel safe here. It's a welcome feeling considering what I've had to live with for the last year. My wolf starts to purr at the attention we're getting from our mate. Taking things slow isn't going to be easy with her howling every time he gets anywhere near us. If she were to get her way, we would have already completed the bond and mated right then and there in the woods where we found him, regardless of who was standing there.

I'd been here now for only three days, but in those three days I'd been officially welcomed into the pack, but I hadn't yet been introduced to the pack yet. Mason wasn't kidding about wanting us to be mated first. I wasn't upset by this because even though I was happy to be here, I'm not sure if I'm completely ready to take on the role of Luna. Most of the pack members know I'm here, or at least that Mason found his mate, but he's managed to fend everyone off until I'm ready.

"How is it different?" he asks quietly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I feel the pressure of his mouth as he presses his lips onto the side of my head. I sigh out and lean further back into his hold.

"Alpha Dylan was so strict with everything that went on in the pack. We even had a curfew that we had to abide by. Whenever someone was caught out after curfew, they had to answer to him or my dad. As you can guess, it never ended well for that person. Most of the time the punishment wasn't that bad, but there were times I heard it got worse depending on if it was the first time that rule was broken." I shiver at the thought of what happened to those people. I had never seen it firsthand, thank God, but I had heard people talking about it around school before I graduated and people around the pack talking about it. There were a few times I would see someone who had gotten in trouble, and you could just see there was something different about them. It wasn't something I wanted to go through, that's for sure.

"What, am I now strict enough for you?" I can hear the teasing in his voice, but I know he was also being somewhat serious. Alphas don't like it when people judge the way they run their pack, even if the person judging them is their mate. I turn around within his hold and tilt my head to meet those amber eyes. He smirks down at me and tightens his hold on my waist. "I could always fix that if it bothers you so much." I shake my head at him with a frown on my face. That's the last thing I want. I like the freedom and security I have here. I don't want a repeat of what I escaped from.

"I think you understand that being an Alpha doesn't mean you have to be cruel and cold towards everyone. You have your rules that the pack has to follow, and you have them for good reasons. You don't just enforce these things because you can. Alpha Dylan... I'm pretty sure most of his rules were to keep people from ever questioning him or doing anything that he didn't approve of." I break eye contact and rest my head against his chest as memories of my life flashes before my eyes.

"Being an Alpha doesn't give someone the right to be a jackass," he retorts with a grunt as he rests his chin on the top of my head. "Do you like it here though? I know you've only been here for a few days, but still. I want you to feel at home here."

"I like it." I pull away and look up at him. He smiles down at me softly, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "I like it mainly because I get to be here with you," I whisper. I lift myself up on my toes and look at him, but I can't seem to make myself move any further forward. He must have picked up on my actions, because he starts to lean down from his towering height until he's at my level. His lips brush softly against mine, and my eyes flutter closed. He hasn't even fully kissed me yet and I'm already feeling my knees go weak. Our breathing mingles together in the small space between us. I've been here for three days and since I haven't been out of the house much, and we've decided to take things slow, I haven't had much to do besides reenact my current situation. I can honestly say, I have not been complaining.

His arms tighten around my waist and before I know what's going on, my feet are dangling off the floor as he lifts me up. I smile against his lips as I wrap my arms around his neck, a giggle slipping from my lips. His strong old arms hold me against him as he finally presses his lips fully onto mine. My wolf howls in joy at the contact between us and our mate. She keeps trying to get me to just rip his clothes off and throw him on our bed so we can have our way with him. I keep pushing her to the back of my mind as I relish in the sensation of kissing my mate. The fact alone that someone so beautiful could ever love someone like me is astonishing. I'm lucky.

His lips move over mine in perfect sync. I smile into his kiss. His tongue darts out and runs along my bottom lip, wanting entrance. I open my mouth slightly and allow him to explore my mouth with his tongue as I savor the taste of him. I bury my fingers in his hair and tug slightly at his blond locks. He keeps one hand wrapped around my waist and raises the other until it rests against the curve of my neck. His lips continue to explore as he runs his thumb over my jawline. I sigh into his touch. After several minutes, we both pull apart breathing heavily. The kiss wasn't as heated as I wanted it to be, but that's probably for the best. Taking things slow with Mason is a lot harder than I thought they would be. If I'm being honest, I know it will not be long before we both just give over and finish the bond.

His lips stay but a breath away as his tongue darts out, tracing my bottom lip. I sigh at his touch, enjoy the sweet exploration. When he pulls away, I move my hand to my lips, running it over the tingling area. His hand slides up my arm until his fingers are lying over my own as we continue to trace my lip together. I open my eyes and instantly connect with those gorgeous amber ones that I love so much. I don't know what it is about the way he's looking at me, but I know if he doesn't stop right now, I'm going to let my wolf take over and do whatever she wants to do with him.

I feel a blush creep its way onto my cheeks as we continue to stare at each other. I had forgotten that I'm not even touching the ground until I try to step back and end up with my foot just swinging through the air. Mason chuckles before setting me back down on my feet softly but without letting me out of his hold. I glance up at him through my lashes and smile. I run my hands up his chest, tracing the lines of every muscle. I can feel the power radiating off him from such a small touch.

"Okay, so I know you just got done saying how laid back I am... but we have to talk about the rules I'm going to need you to follow, Alaina." Both of my eyebrows pull together in confusion as to what exactly he could possibly mean by that. Why am I going to have different rules from the rest of that pack? I didn't know that was a thing.

"What do you mean? Won't I just follow the same rules you have set for everyone else?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest. Mason simply shakes his head, a frown taking over his features. I scowl as I ready myself for this fight. I don't want to be treated differently from the rest of the pack. What's that going to say to the other members if I don't have to follow the same rules as them? Or better question, why would I need to follow more rules? Being the Luna, should give me a little bit of leeway at least in the rule department since I'm supposed to be helping run this pack. "Well, why not?"

"Because you're my mate," he states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I raise my eyebrows at him and wait for him to continue further because he better have a better explanation than that. "You're going to be safe and follow these rules for your own safety and my sanity," he says as he copies my actions with his arms. My glare hardens, not liking how he isn't really taking me seriously right now. Mate or not, I shouldn't have to follow any extra rules just because he thinks it'll help his sanity. Every pack has rules, I get that, and there is no need to add anymore to them.

"What are these so-called rules?" I speak through my teeth as I continue to glare at him. I can tell by the tension rolling off him that he's getting annoyed with my attitude, but at this point in time, I don't give a shit. It's better he learns that I can throw attitude as good as the next person. I left a pack where I couldn't do anything and was guarded and watched my whole life, and that is not the kind of life I want to live now that I'm here with my mate. I want a fresh start.

"You will have at least two guards, of my choosing, with you at all times unless you are with me." My mouth drops open in protest but before I can get a sound out he continues. "You are not to leave the territory, and I don't want you wandering off anywhere. In fact, I don't want you leaving the house much unless it is absolutely necessary or has something to do with the pack. This may lighten up once we've introduced you to the pack as their new Luna, but we'll discuss it when that time comes." I stand there just staring at him when he stops talking. He watches my every move, waiting for me to respond or react. He's really lost his mind if he thinks he's going to keep me locked up in this house for the rest of my life. I know damn well that when he says "we'll discuss it later" it means his rule – his word – is the way it will go. I shake my head and look away from him.

"You have lost your mind, Mason." I look back just in time to watch his posture straighten even more as his eyes harden. "I will not be kept in this house all the time just because you don't want me around other males. I refuse to wither away in here because of... well, whatever the hell it is that thinks you have to keep me locked away. Be it you don't trust me, or you don't want me around your pack, whatever." I watch as his eyes swirl with darkness, but he keeps his mouth shut. "And as for the guard thing," I continue, "that's just stupid. Those wolves could be put to good use of guarding the territory instead of guarding me. I don't need a babysitter. I had to learn how to fight in my old pack and I got good at it. I'm small, but I've learned to use it to my advantage. I can take care of myself." Mason sighs and shakes his head as he growls softly at me. I fight the shiver from his growl and the power behind it. He will never take me seriously if I can't even control my own body when I'm around him.

"Well, whether or not you agree with these rules, you will follow them, Alaina. You can complain all you want – and by the attitude you're throwing my way I expect it – but in the end I am the Alpha and what I say goes. Do you understand me?" he asks, his Alpha tone leaking into his voice. That voice is supposed to make lower ranking wolves bow down to their Alpha. It's to put pack members in their places. Strangely enough it has no effect on me. I'm not beneath him now that I'm the Luna. I'm not about to give in that easily. One of the things I used to get in trouble for with my parents was me being so damn stubborn. I'm pretty sure that's the one time being the Beta's daughter actually saved me from some serious punishment. Punishment in public anyway, it was a different story back home.

"I'm not a baby and I refuse to be treated as such!" I yell at him. He seems taken back by my outburst. His eyes shift further towards black as his wolf begins showing his own annoyance at my refusal to just bow down to his orders. He needs to understand that these rules are ridiculous. I can take care of myself. "You don't get to treat me like this, Mason. I can take care of myself. Hell, I've been having to do it for a while now anyway!"

"Beating your father to death or even nearly to death is not taking care of yourself, Alaina!" he yells back. I take a step back as if his words actually hit me, each of them like a knife to my gut. My wolf whimpers and shrinks away to the back of my mind. How can he use that against me? He knows how hard it was for me to talk to him about that. How scared I was that he was going to send me away because of it. I only did that because he was hurting my mother, who now hates me because of the entire thing. I take another step back and shake my head in disbelief. I guess that tells me how much he trusts me, even after learning the truth.

I can't stop the tears that well up in my eyes as I stare at him in disbelief, unable to hide the pain I'm feeling. At the sight of my sudden emotional change, Mason's features soften drastically. I can see the regret swimming in his eyes, but it's too late. The damage is done. I've been here for three days and here we are fighting. It's not even just a fight, but Mason felt it necessary to bring up the reason I'm here in the first place. Why can't I just do something right for once? First I have to watch my family fall apart right in front of me and not be able to do anything about it... and now it seems like how I helped my mother after not being able to stand her being hurt anymore is going to change how Mason sees me. My own mate thinks I'm a monster. Maybe I am, but I figured if there was one person in this world who wouldn't think so, it would be my mate.

"Alaina," he whispers as he takes a step towards me. I shake my head and match each of his steps with one of my own in the opposite direction. I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that my mate had just used what happened in my past against me. All to try and get me to conform to his unnecessary rules. "I'm sorry, Alaina. I didn't mean that, and you know I didn't. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

I continue to stare at him in disbelief. I can see how badly he wants to take me into his arms, but I swear if he takes one more step towards me I'm going to bolt. He did this. He knew what those words would do to me – what they would mean to me – and he decided to say them anyway in an attempt to get me to do what he says. I don't know where I'll go seeing as I still don't know the territory at all, but it will be away from here. Away from him. I turn my back to him and walk to the window, ignoring him as he calls my name. I listen as he moves around the room. I reach my hand up and press lightly against the window, testing its give. If he steps too close, I'm jumping out the window and going for a run. Rules be damned.

"Alaina, talk to me," he pleads with me as he comes a couple more steps closer. I can tell he's hesitant, as he should be. I stay silent. What is there to say? "Damn it, Alaina! You will not act this way towards me!" he hollers as he stalks the rest of the way across the room towards me. He grabs onto my shoulders and turns me to face him before I make a move to escape, but before he can say another thing to me my hand flies up and lands a solid blow against his cheek. The sound echoes off the walls around us and the air becomes thick with tension and anger. I know it isn't smart of me to hit him when his wolf is so close to the surface, but I'm too piseed to care. I will not tolerate being treated like this by anyone. I've seen my dad handle my mother this way, and I've watched Alpha Dylan do the same thing my entire life. I will not live like this. I will not be pushed down by anyone.

"You will not talk to me like that, Mason!" I sneer in his face, ignoring the furious glare I'm receiving. "How dare you turn that against me! Do you even realize how hard that was for me to talk about with you? Do you?!" I struggle in his hold, but it doesn't budge. I'm treading on dangerous ground right now, testing his wolf, but even my wolf is with us on this. "I had to live with that for a year! A fucking year! You don't get to say anything about that to me ever again!" Tears roll down my cheeks, but I ignore them as I push on. "It's clear to me what you really think of me. I thought that you not sending me back, you choosing to protect me, showed that you didn't think I was some... some monster, but the fact that you so willingly threw that in my face makes it clear. No matter what I tell you, all you see is the girl who killed her father." The lack of trust in crushing as I stare into his eyes. His wolf is subsiding as he regains more control.

"Alaina, I know how hard that was for you. And I do not think you are a monster," he pauses and sighs with a shake of his head before continuing, "but whether you like to or not, what you've been doing isn't taking care of yourself." I shake my head in disbelief before finally shrugging out of his grasp before turning back to the window. I can't even look at him right now. Is this going to be my life now? Guarded and kept locked away? Maybe I should have just stayed put after all.

"You need to leave, Mason," I whisper softly. I don't know if he heard me from the thickening silence, but I'm not going to turn around and look into those eyes. I've grown to love them so much already in the past three days, and even with how hurt and angry I am, I don't know if I can stand looking in them and not backing down. I can feel the regret and sorrow flowing off him. If I look at him now, I am likely to back down and that is something I can't do. He has to understand I am not going to be pushed around and shielded from everything.

"You can't kick me out of my own room, Alaina. We need to talk about this like mature adults," he retorts as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. I nod my head and turn from the window. If that's how he wants to play it, fine. We'll just see whose stubbornness wins out.

"Fine," I speak to the floor, "if you won't leave the room, then I will." I move away from the window and head straight for the door without looking up from the floor. The bed creaks as he suddenly jumps up as I reach the door. I'm not going to leave the house, but I do need to get away from him for right now. My wolf doesn't appreciate being treated this way either. If I don't calm down, I'm not going to be able to control her for much longer. As pissed as I am at him, I know that will be a mistake not only because he's my mate but because he's also my Alpha now.

"Alaina, stop!" he yells as I pull the door open. I pause briefly to look back at him. He seems satisfied that I did what he said for the first time since he came into the room and stopped kissing me. It amazes me how things can go from him kissing me and holding me like I'm the most precious thing in the world to us fighting because he's being ridiculous and I refuse to back down and take it.

"I'm not going to leave the house. Don't worry about that, Alpha," I sneer at him. He glares at me but wisely keeps his mouth shut for now. "But I won't be staying in this room with someone who is treating me this way. I've spent my entire life dealing with people controlling me and look how that turned out." I turn away again before he can say anything else and leave him standing in his room alone. I shut the door behind me and make my way towards one of the guest bedrooms down the hall away from him. If I can't leave the house, I can do my best to get as far away as possible for now. I hear things being thrown inside our room as I walk down the hallway.

I want to go back inside.

I want to comfort him and tell him everything will be okay, but I can't let him control me like my father. I have to be my own person now, and I can't do that with him treating me like a helpless child all the time. If distance is what it will take for him to understand that this is not okay, then I will suffer through.

I reach the farthest room away from his, walk inside, and quickly push the door shut before securing the lock. I know it won't do anything if he decides he wants in here, but it's at least enough of a warning that I can come up with something else to do. I move towards the bed, trying my best to ignore the fierce growls echoing throughout the house as my mate destroys everything in that room.


I don't know how long I've been hiding out in the guest bedroom, but it must have been a while since I can see the sun sinking beneath the trees from the window.

My stomach growls in protest to the fact that I still haven't eaten anything since last night. I had planned on grabbing something to eat before Mason had come into the room this morning and ruined the rest of my day. He's my mate, he's supposed to treat me as his equal. Not someone to keep locked away from everything could even possibly threaten me. My stomach rumbles again and I know I have to get something. My wolf has been quiet since we left Mason in his room, but she perks up at the thought of getting out of the room. Her plans for leaving and mine are quite different. She wants to see Mason even though she's pissed at him for how he's acted. I just want to get some food and escape back to my solitude. It hasn't escaped me that in the process of protesting Mason's rules, I'm basically already abiding by them... at least one of them.

I sigh before climbing off the bed and head towards the door. No matter the risk of seeing him in the house, I need to get some food. I press my ear to the door and wait to hear anything indicating he's near the door, but when I don't hear anyone moving around a lot in the house, I open the door quietly and make my way towards the kitchen.

The house seems so quiet, it's quite eerie to be honest. I finish walking down the last few stairs and just as I turn the corner towards my destination, a booming laugh echoes through the house. I freeze in my spot, not recognizing the sound. That was not Mason's laugh, so I have no clue who is in the house with me right now. After listening to Mason's rules, I know he wouldn't leave me vulnerable to someone just walking into the house... at least I hope he wouldn't. Inhaling a deep breath, I quietly make my way towards the noise. I can faintly hear the TV playing in the background, so it's obviously someone who has been here before. The sight I see when I round the corner shocks me. There is a well-built guy sitting on the couch laughing as someone cartoon plays on the screen. My eyebrows fur in confusion as to why this random guy is in my house.

"Excuse me?" I call out gaining his attention. He looks over his shoulder at me before quickly standing up and facing me.

"Luna," he speaks as he bows respectfully. "I didn't hear you come down. Can I get you anything?" He turns back to the TV long enough to turn it off before walking around the couch towards me. I take a defensive step back when he gets too close for my comfort. Pack member or not, I've never met this wolf and he's suddenly in my house and I can't feel Mason anywhere in the house. He raises his hands up in defense and takes two steps back as he watches me carefully.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your guard. Alpha Mason sent for me before he went out. He said that I would be here every day to hang out with you unless he's here." He smiles warmly at me as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his basketball shorts. I scoff and relax slightly, coming out of my defensive stance.

"Hang out with me?" I cross my arms over my chest. We both know that is not what Mason meant for him to do here. I fight the urge to send him away, knowing none of this is his fault. He's following orders and I can't fault him for that. Mason is his Alpha, and you don't question your Alpha.

"Well, he said hang out, but I'm pretty sure he meant to watch you and make sure you stay in the house and out of trouble." His smile widens as he talks. He seems so relaxed and comfortable here. I knew Mason would put a guard on me, but I wasn't expecting this kind of guy to be the one Mason chose. He seems so laid back and carefree, not what I thought a guard would be like. I was expecting someone strict who wasn't going to let me do anything. And honestly, I wasn't expecting Mason to let them in the house. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"You're not who I was expecting Mason to send. I figured he would send someone who wouldn't let me do anything... but you seem pretty laid back," I explain as I eye him skeptically. Maybe Mason just told him to be nice to try and keep me from running off somewhere instead of staying in the house like he wants. That or he's trying to make up for the damage he's caused me during our fight earlier. Either way I'm not sure to trust what's going on here. Just because whoever this wolf is has decided to be nice doesn't mean anything. It could be solely because I'm his Luna.

His eyes narrow as he crosses his arms and stands up straighter. I can feel some power rolling off him. He's not a ranking wolf, but he's at least strong. "Don't think that because I'm a nice guy I can't take care of the job at hand. You'll be safe with me, which is what the Alpha wants." I raise my hands up in surrender before sending him a small smile. I can tell we're going to get along just fine. If Mason had told me that my guard was going to be this cool and laid back, then I wouldn't have made such a big deal earlier. I still don't like that he has someone watching me every day, but I figure I can get over it as long as there aren't too many people watching me.

As the words flow through my mind, I know I need to find Mason and apologize. Things were said that can't be taken back, but there is no point in dwelling on them now. I overreacted to his rules because he came about telling me about them the wrong way. If he would have just explained why he wanted these extra rules instead of just throwing them at me and expecting me to swallow them without any complaint. I've lived with people treating me that way my entire life. It's not how I want to live anymore. With that being said, it's fair to say that Mason and I have a lot of talking to do.

I look back at the wolf standing in front of me. His eyes are still slightly narrowed, but he's seemed to relax some. "What's your name?" I ask softly.

"Brandon," he replies, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I place my small hand in his and give it a quick shake. He smiles at me as he stuffs his hands back in his front pockets.

"Well Brandon," I say as I glance behind me towards the kitchen, "I was about to make something to eat. Are you hungry?" I ask as I start making my way out of the room. He nods his head and follows me into the kitchen. He takes a seat on one of the stools at the bar while I move around the room. The past few days, I haven't really explored the kitchen. Mason mainly grabbed some food for us, but I haven't had the chance to cook myself yet. The kitchen is massive, and everything looks new and unused for the most part. "Does Mason not use the kitchen?" I ask Brandon as I move around looking at what food is stocked in the cabinets.

"Doesn't look like it, does it?" he jokes as he twirls around in his chair. I swear if I couldn't look at him and see he's a grown man, I would have thought he was a little boy. I shake my head and pull out the ingredients for spaghetti. It's simple and quick and it tastes great. I busy myself with pulling out the pans and ingredients as I start shooting questions at Brandon.

"So, how old are you, Brandon?" he stops spinning and leans his elbows against the countertop.

"I just turned nineteen a couple months ago. You're eighteen right?" I glance up at him as I set everything out on the counter.

"Yes, I am. And happy late birthday." I smile softly at him as I move around the kitchen. I move to the sink with a pan in hand to fill it with water to boil for the noodles. After sprinkling some salt and putting a dash of oil in the water, I put it on the burner before turning to grab another pan to cook the sauce. I don't feel like making it from scratch today, I'm too hungry, so I settle for a jar of sauce I found in the pantry instead. "So, how do you like living here? Is there anything I'm actually going to be able to do?"

"Well, the Alpha doesn't want you to leave the house a lot. I think this is mainly a precaution until you get introduced to the pack as the official Luna. We all know he's found his mate and that you are our Luna. That being said, there is an official ceremony that needs to take place. As for you being able to do anything, I'm sure he could be persuaded" A small smile plays on his lips as he looks at me. "There isn't a lot to do here. There is a small town inside the territory that Alpha Mason owns. There's a small mall, a movie theater, and a bowling alley along with a couple places to eat, but besides maybe going for a run there isn't much else." I nod my head as I focus on making sure the food doesn't burn. "What pack did you come from?" he suddenly asks after a moment of silence had settled between us.

"I came from Blue Bloods," I whisper just loud enough for him to be able to hear with his enhanced hearing. I don't know if that's all he wanted to know, or if he just caught on to how uncomfortable with the subject I am, but either way he doesn't push it any further which I'm grateful for. "So, tell me if this is too personal, but have you found your mate yet?" I ask, glancing at him over my shoulder I can't help but wonder if Mason would put a male in charge of watching me when he's not here. I used to hear Alpha Dylan talking to my dad about how he wouldn't allow unmated wolves near his mate.

"Yeah, actually I have. Her name is Mary. She's perfect." The smile on his face seems contagious because I soon find myself smiling as well. "But I'm sure you know how that goes. Everyone is talking about how as soon as you and the Alpha saw each other you were in each other's arms."

I blush at his words and choose not to answer. It doesn't feel right talking about me and Mason when I barely know this guy. I barely know Mason, but our bond is so strong despite our not completing the bond yet. I don't want to share anything with anyone about our relationship until I trust people a little more here. Instead, I busy myself with finishing up the food. He gives me the distraction and stays silent. I grab some bread and spread some butter on top before sprinkling it with some garlic salt. I place the pieces on a tray and place them in the oven.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" Brandon asks as I continue to move around, adding different spices to the sauce here and there while it simmers in the pan. I glance up at him after I put the lid on the saucepan and preheat the oven. I move towards the island and lean my elbows against the counter as I look at him.

"Well, I used to watch my mom when I was little. When I got older, I was expected to cook the dinners for the family. My mom didn't want me to not know how to take care of myself and my mate when I eventually found him, so she made me learn. It was kind of a trial and error, learn as you go type of thing. I just took to it." I shrug it off as if it isn't that big of a deal, but deep down I know it is.

"Can I ask you something? It's kind of serious though," he asks as he hops off the stool and moves around the island to lean next to me. I try to fight the tension in my body as I think over what he could possibly have to ask me. Taking a deep breath, I nod my head for him to go ahead, but I keep my eyes trained on the food. "Is it true that your dad beat your mom?"

I freeze.

I don't know how to respond. How did he even hear that? I hadn't told anyone other than Mason and I know he wouldn't tell anyone that without talking to me about it first. He may have let his words fly this morning, but that was to me. He wouldn't say those words to someone else. I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing as I think of my mother lying on the floor again. That's something that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. As will the look of my father's beaten face as he lied on the floor beneath me. There isn't anything in this world I wouldn't give to have been able to save my mother from that torture, but I couldn't... and now it's too late for anything to happen. I made my bed and now I must lie in it.

"Where did you hear that?" I breathe out when I gain some of my composure back. I glance up at him quickly to see him looking at me with nothing but pity in his eyes. "Brandon, where did you hear that?" I ask again, irritation leaking into my voice. I don't want his pity, I want his answer!

"I heard a couple of pack members talking about it. I don't know where they heard it from. I just wanted to know if it was true or if they were just running their mouths because they wanted some type of gossip about the new Luna. You don't have to talk to me about it or anything. I'm just being nosey. I tend to do that a lot," he explains as he bows his head and looks away from me.

I force a deep breath into my lungs before pushing off the counter and moving to the stove. I barely even know what I'm doing as I turn the stove off and finish the food. I turn to look at him with heavy eyes. His black hair keeps falling down, hiding his hazel eyes, as he watches me back. "It's true," I whisper hoarsely. I turn away from him to drain the water from the noodles. I can feel the tension coming off him, but I don't turn around. I'm not steady enough to look at him after admitting that. My mind wanders to how many people know the truth and where they heard it from. I've been here three days, these people know they have a Luna, but they haven't met her, and they are already learning about my unpleasant past. If they know about my father, do they know about what brought me here?

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," his voice breaks through. "I will never understand how someone can do that to their mate. I know I have no right to say this because you had to leave your family, but I'm glad you're here and not having to deal with that anymore." I quietly nod my head and ask him to grab us a couple of plates while I get the bread out of the oven. I focus on the task at hand as I think about what Brandon said. Will people knowing the truth change how they look at me? How they feel about me? I want them to be proud of having me as their Luna. I don't want them to be ashamed that I did what I had to do in order to save my mother.

Everyone knew what was going on between my parents, yet no one did anything to stop him. Sure, he's the Beta, but that is not an excuse to just sit by and watch as he beats his mate senseless whenever he feels like it. Both people who know about what happened have both explained how wrong it is and they don't even know my parents. How could my former pack just let that happen? Alpha Dylan was hard and cruel, but my mother was a member of his pack. Even if his best friend was the one abusing her, he should have wanted to protect her. That's what a good Alpha would do.

I push thoughts of my former pack to the back of my mind as I start separating food onto the plates. I make a plate for Mason in case he's hungry when he gets back and put it in the microwave to help it stay warm. Brandon takes up his stool once again as I hand him a plate as I move around to sit beside him. It's silent between us, but it isn't an awkward silence thankfully. It's actually quite nice seeing as we barely know each other. I guess I can get used to having him as a guard – though I still feel like it's a waste of a wolf to have him sit around the house with me.

We begin sharing different things about ourselves as we eat, just getting to know each other considering we're going to be spending a lot of time together from now on. I learn that Brandon is actually really funny and just an overall nice guy. He can't stop talking about Mary, which is adorable. After listening to what he's saying, I can't wait to meet her, which he says he will be happy to bring her along next time. It would be nice to have another girl to talk to. Plus, I'm sure Brandon will be happy to have her nearby.

"Yeah, so we were walking down this completely flat road one day and out of nowhere, I just fell over and busted my head open. Mary freaked out at first because she thought I really hurt myself, but then she just started laughing because I tripped over nothing. It was such a beautiful sound that I decided to try to focus on that instead of the pain radiating from my head because I was any idiot who was nervous around my own mate," Brandon grumbles out. I try to hold my laughter, but seriously fail as I picture Brandon lying on the ground with his head busted open looking up at her with a sheepish and embarrassed look. "Go ahead and laugh it up, Alaina."

I lean over at the waist and laugh out loud. I can't help it. He grumbles under his breath that he knew he shouldn't have told me, which only causes my laughter to grow. I'm laughing so hard, I almost fall out of my chair, so on pure instinct, I reach out and grab ahold of his arm as I continue to laugh. I'm laughing so hard, I don't even hear the front door open and close.

"What's going on here?" Mason's voice rings out throughout the kitchen. When my eyes meet his, I can see his irritation. His arms are crossed over his chest as he stands in the entryway watching the interaction between Brandon and myself. I smile softly at him through my laughter, letting any anger from this morning slip away. I haven't seen him since we had our fight and now as I look at him, I realize I overreacted on some parts of it – having the guard part being a big one. He doesn't smile back though. My laughter dies quickly when I realize he's not at all amused. I swivel in my seat to face him fully, not understanding his irritation. Is he still mad about this morning? He seemed upset when I left the room, but I figured after some time apart we would both have cooled off enough to talk it out. "Brandon, you can go." His voice is cold and the air quickly tenses.

'He probably thinks we were doing something inappropriate since you were laughing like that and touching my arm. I'll just go and let you handle it,' Brandon's voice rings out in my mind. I jump slightly at his intrusion and look at him. This is the first time since being accepted into the pack that someone used our mind-link. I sigh when I think back to what Mason must have seen. He didn't hear the story beforehand and he probably misconstrued what was going on. A low growl pulls my attention away from my new friend, and before I can even focus fully on Mason, I am being pulled off the stool and behind my mate's back.

"I said go!" he growls out harshly. Surprised by his sudden harshness, I place both hands against his back, hoping to calm him down. I walk around his back until I'm standing in front of him. I tilt my chin back until I can look up at his face disapprovingly. He knows Brandon has a mate, there is no need for this behavior. He looks down at me and I am met with black eyes. His wolf isn't happy.

"Be nice," I whisper as I run my hands up his chest to his neck. He visibly relaxes under my touch as his eyes begin shifting back to their normal shade. I turn to look at Brandon who is standing with his head bowed in respect – and fear if I were to guess. It's never fun to be talked to that way by your Alpha. "Brandon, you can go home to your mate now. Thank you for hanging out with me. It was really nice to meet you." He glances up at Mason quickly before nodding his head once again in respect and quickly escapes the kitchen. I wait until I hear the door close before ei start to talk again. "We weren't doing anything," I reassure him as I squeeze his neck.

"You were laughing and touching him," he spits at me. Clearly just because he pushed his wolf down doesn't mean he isn't still pissed. I sigh before leaning further into him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against his chest. That's progress I guess. He growls softly before pressing his nose against the top of my head. I let him take in my scent until I feel his body somewhat relax with me in his arms.

"I was about to fall out of my seat. Would you rather I had fallen and hurt myself?" I ask as I turn my head and rest my cheek against his chest. I feel him shake his head, but he doesn't say anything. "He has a mate, Mason. And even if he didn't, it wouldn't matter because I have you. There isn't anyone else I could possibly want."

My words do the trick as some of the tension leaves his body. However, I can still feel some hesitation in his hold. Almost as if he's trying to find the right words. I know this is about earlier. I need to apologize for my actions, my stubbornness. I want him to apologize first – selfishly – for using my own words against me and treating me like a child, but I don't think that will happen. He reaches up and runs his hand through my locks of hair. I sigh in content and close my eyes as I press my head deeper into his chest. I can hear his heartbeat beneath my ear pounding steadily. It sounds so strong and melodic. I could stand here and listen to this sound forever.

"About earlier," he starts as he continues to play with my hair. I don't lift my head, but I do move my arms from his neck so I can wrap them around his waist and listen. "I'm sorry for what I said. I really didn't mean to hurt you like that. I don't ever want to make you cry. I was pissed and I didn't think before I said that. I hate to admit it, but I think I said it because I knew it would hurt you. I don't want to be like that. I'll do better from now on." I nod my head against his chest. "I know you can take care of yourself, but I just want you safe, Alaina. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you when it's my job to protect you. Please, I'll let you leave the house as long as Brandon is with you. Just, please don't fight me on this. Please, Red." I can hear the pleading in his voice, and I can't find it within myself to deny this time.

"I won't fight you on this one. Brandon's a nice guy, and I think we'll get to be good friends." His arms around my waist tighten slightly, not liking me talking about another male like that. "He's said he'll bring Mary along next time so I can meet her." I continue, mainly for his benefit. He relaxes at the reminder that Brandon has a mate already. I want to chuckle at him being protective, but I know now is not the time.

"Alaina, are you... are you going to stay in the guest bedroom? Do you really want that much space from me?" he asks softly as he cups my head so he can tilt it back until he has my eyes. The pain swimming in his eyes is almost too much to bear.

"No," I whisper as I reach up and run my hand over his frown lines. "I'm sorry for earlier. I don't want you to stay away from you, Mason. I overreacted and I'm sorry. It's just that I've spent my whole life with someone controlling me and I don't want that kind of relationship with you. I want to be your equal, not under your control," I explain as he starts moving his hand through my hair again.

"I don't want to control you, Alaina. I just want you safe and to be careful. Especially with your old pack trying to take you away for what happened. I just want to make sure that you're not going anywhere. We'll talk about the rules." I open my mouth to protest, not liking that because it's highly likely it could lead to another fight if he doesn't want to back down and compromise, but he continues, "I see what you're saying. I hear you, Red. We'll find the in between ground we need to make this work for both of our sanity. We need you here. I need you with me."

Not knowing exactly what to say back, I opt for standing up on my toes and planting a kiss against his waiting lips. He kisses me back immediately. It's soft and sweet, nothing too heated, but still enough to settle my wolf down after spending time away from our mate. He's cautious not to push me past my limits right now, and I love him even more for that. sooner that I would like, he pulls away and rests his lips against my forehead. My eyes close at the sensation as I squeeze his waist on a sigh.

"What's that amazing smell?" he asks when he finally pulls back enough to look around the room. I smile up at him without letting go.

"I made some spaghetti for dinner. Brandon and I ate already, but I left you some in case you were hungry when you came home. I wasn't sure when you'd be back, so I put it in the microwave. I can heat it back up for you if you want." He nods his head excitedly like a little kid. I can't help but laugh as he lifts me up in his arms and carries me over to the stool I was previously seated on when he came in. "I thought you wanted your food?" I ask as I grab ahold of his wrist and pull him closer to me. His lips twitch and he obliges, but only long enough to kiss my cheek before moving away.

"I do want my food, but you sit there. You're probably exhausted, and I can heat my own food back up just fine." His chuckle fills the room as he moves towards the microwave with ease. I look around the kitchen again and take in that beside the small mess I made from cooking, it still looked spotless. If I were to guess I would say that Mason never used this kitchen before, but surely that's not true. It was stocked and had everything someone would need to cook. Maybe he had someone cook for him? Maybe he just likes eating food from the town so he keeps it stocked just in case, but never really uses it. He turns around with his plate in hand, so I decide why not just ask.

"Did you not use this kitchen much before? All the stuff was basically new, and even after I cooked a meal it's still pretty much spotless," I ask as I bring my eyes back to him. He looks over his shoulder with a somewhat guilty expression. I watch his throat work as he swallows the bite in his mouth, but he still doesn't say anything. He continues to stare at me for a few seconds, his eyes swimming with something, but I can't tell what. He opens his mouth as if he's going to say something, but then he shuts it again. "What?" I ask, worry filling me as my mind runs rampant with what he could have to say now. It can't be good if he won't just say it.

"Well," he starts as he sets his uneaten food aside on the counter beside him, "you're not going to like this, but you deserve to know." My stomach drops at his tone and the look in his eyes. I don't like how he's acting, and neither does my wolf. We can both tell something is off. "I was kind of... seeing someone before I found you. She was the one that took care of things in here..." he trails off as he watches my reaction.

My heart shatters.

I have waited my entire life for my mate. I refused to go on dates with anyone because they weren't my mate and I wasn't theirs. I wanted everything to be my first when I found my mate. Even after seeing how the mates in Blue Bloods treated and behaved around each other, I wanted my mate. Mason obviously didn't feel the same way.

"Alaina?" his voice rings through my thoughts. I look up at him, unable to fight the wet in my eyes. "Please say something," he pleads. I watch him for a few seconds more before turning my face away.

"Did you..." I trail off as I fight back the nauseous feeling that's suddenly come over me as the thought of him with someone else. "Did you sleep with her?" I ask in a shaky voice. My wolf growls at the thought of someone being intimate with our mate and our mate returning the gesture with someone other than us.

"Alaina, you have to understand that it was before I found you." I flinch. As if that makes it better? "We were together for a couple of years," he tries to explain but the words coming out of his mouth just make everything worse. I remained pure in every way I could for him. Every wolf has a mate, there have been a few times when a mate dies young, a wolf will find what is called a second-chance mate, but it's rare. I know it's not uncommon for wolves to not wait, but I knew plenty that did, and they shared that it made their relationship that much stronger because of it.

I waited.

Mason didn't.

"Mason, you have to understand," I say using his exact words, "that you are the only guy I've had in my life outside of my family. I didn't go on dates. I'd never even kissed anyone other than you, and I haven't done anything," I blush, "intimate with a guy. That's why I didn't want to rush into mating with you. I wanted you to be my first everything and I wanted it to be special for both of us." I close my eyes and look down at my feet with a sigh of defeat. "I guess it's too late for that now."

"Alaina, please don't say that. You are everything to me. Nikki and I knew it wasn't going to be forever because we would both find our mates eventually. It was just a way to pass the time and I've known her for the majority of my life. You have to see that you're it for me. The second I laid eyes on you in those woods, whatever was between Nikki and myself ended. You're all that matters."

"So you were just using her?" I ask coldly, stepping away as he moves forward. I can't stop the look of disgust from crossing over my face. How could he do that to someone? Is he just using me to get what he wants? Our wolves may be meant to be, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's what he wants. What if he wants her, this Nikki character? I don't know what I would do if that's how this all turned out. Did she sleep here with him? Did she sleep in the very same bed I've been sleeping in for the last three nights?

"Alaina, please don't look at me like that," he whispers as he gives up his advancing steps and leans against the island. His head bows in defeat, but I make no move to comfort him no matter how badly I want to. "Please don't hate me because of what I did in my past." I stand there and just watch him in silence. I can't help but wonder if he's saying those words because they are so similar to what I said to him myself. Surely he can't think these situations are anywhere near the same. I did what I did because I had to. He did what he did because he wanted to.

He keeps his head down as he breathes deeply. I'm surprised to see him keeping this position. Bowing your head is a sign of respect and to show surrender by exposing your weakest point – your neck. Alpha's never do this... yet here Mason is.

'He was with someone else, other than us,' my wolf whimpers. She's whining in my mind at the thought of Mason letting someone else touch what is ours. She's struggling right now because she can see how much pain she's in and she wants to comfort him but she's hurting.

'I don't know what to do. I don't want to fight over this, but it hurts to know he couldn't wait for me... for us.' I turn my attention back to the floor as I think over what is going on right now. I don't want to fight, but this isn't something I can just move past. I need to know that he wants me and only me. I can' survive him wanting anything else from someone besides me.

'Give mate another chance. We love him and he has us now. We're better for him than she could ever be. We're made for him,' she confidently answers. I know she has a point, but I can't bring myself to even look at him right now. Sighing, I finally look up to see him watching me. He knows I'm having a conversation with my wolf because he looks like he is too. I wonder what his wolf felt when he was with her. Did he mind that he was touching someone who wasn't his mate? Was he mad at Mason now too because I'm finally with them and he didn't wait?

"Do you still want to be with her at all?" I ask when I finally find my voice. I watch him as he reacts to my words. He looks right into my eyes, holding my gaze. I can see the determinations to prove how he feels right now.

"No, it is completely over. She knows it's over, and that you're it for me. She was there, and at the time I liked spending time with her, but she's not you. She never will be."

So, they were still together when we found each other. After a couple of years together, does three days really have that much effect? Is the bond really that strong?

"Mason," I say as I start walking towards it in small steps. He doesn't move, but he watches my movements closely. Almost as if he's waiting for me to bail. "I don't want to fight about this. It hurts that you didn't wait for me like I did you, but I'm here now and it's not like I'm going anywhere." I see him relax as he pushes off the island. "Just promise me that it's over, and she's not in the picture anymore."

"She's not, I promise," he says with no hesitation. "I wouldn't do that to you, Red." I relax slightly at his words, but not completely. I don't want her anywhere near my mate or me. I want her to stay as far from what is mine as possible. "I know you don't want her around, but she's part of the pack and we'll see her around. You can't turn your back on any member of our pack. You're their Alpha, just like I am, and they look to us for guidance. You have to keep that in mind."

I look at him curiously as to how he knew what I was thinking. He smiles before reaching up and tapping his finger against my forehead softly. "You left the link open," he explains. I nod my head slightly while looking down at our hands. I lace my fingers through his and squeeze them slightly.

I close my eyes and step into his hold. I need to feel his arms around me right now. This has been a very stressful day and it is really taking a toll on me. I breathe in his scent, calming my wolf down. I feel him swipe my feet out from under me and before I know what's happening, I'm cradled in his arms.

"I'm going to take you to bed, Red. You're exhausted and I've no doubt I'm the cause of that stress on you today. We'll just go lay down and you can rest, okay?" he asks as he makes his way out of the kitchen and down the hall towards our room. I merely nod my head against his chest as I wrap my arms loosely around his neck. I soon feel my back come in contact with the soft mattress and then a comforter is pulled up over my shoulders. I wonder if this is a new bed since I heard him destroying our room or if he just put me in a different room. I let the thoughts slip away for now. He moves away from the bed and just as I'm about to protest about the loss of his touch, the mattress dips down behind me and I feel him settle in with his front pressed up against my back. My wolf would have been purring if she weren't half asleep from the exhaustion as well.

"Goodnight, Red," he whispers, pressing a kiss to the back of my neck. Tingles shoot down my spine from the small contact and a smile spreads across my lips.

"Please don't hurt me, Mason," I whisper back quietly.

Just before the darkness overtakes me, I hear him whisper, "Never again." 

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