Still The One (Sequel to On H...

By 1Dforeveryoungxx

18.2K 294 82

Hollie had left, she left her feelings , she left her best friend and most importantly she left the only guy... More

A Song..
Treat day....or not?
Those four words.
"It means making pancakes..."
"It was a stupid pole"
So weird
"I knew it was a great idea to get paul on my side!"
Rainbow Llama!
Scarlett- Auditions
Bootcamp results
Judges houses- portugal

Perrie is a Genius, Nuff said.

480 15 2
By 1Dforeveryoungxx



Hollie's POV

I woke up in the morning and immediately felt an instant pain wash through my head, I groaned gripping my head while trying to open my eyes. They fluttered for a minute until I finally saw a fuzziness. A few minutes blinking and my vision became clear again seeing the grey wall of the bathroom. Another thing shocked me that I was surrounded by red that was slowly turning into a crusted brown. Dried blood.

But who's blood?

Memory's of last night came flooding and I choked on a sob that was rising in my throat.

My blood.

I rolled over so I was facing the white door that now had brown splinters around it and a huge spilt down the middle, a fist shape being the most prominent feature.

Grabbing the towel rail I pulled myself to my feet stumbling a little as I struggled to keep my balance, my vision went blurry again but I managed to make it to the mirror.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath as I saw the damage that painted my skin. The damage he had made.

My left cheek was fully black with scattered bruises going down my jaw. I had finger shaped marks curling around my neck and I could see some slight bruise shadowing over my right eye.

I sighed and went to walk out of the bathroom only to see a familiar figure walking in, I gasped lightly and stumbled back leaning against the counter.

"Hollie? I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry. Please forgive me? I love you more than anything, and you know I'd never purposely hurt you, i promise to never lay a harmful finger on you again" Max rambled wrapping his arms around my waist a bit tighter than a normal affectionate hug would be.

I struggled out of his arms feeling pain strike through my arm "don't touch me okay?! Just don't give me that same old speech you always tell me. When we both know you'll be going back on that promise right after I forgive you!" I screamed pushing him away with my good arm and stalking past him and out the bathroom door.

He groaned under his breath when I heard his harsh footsteps follow after me and I sucked in a breath turning on my heel "max I can't do this anymore, I-I just cant, I've had enough I'm leaving" I stuttered out before I could chicken out for the billionth time.

And with that I left him, standing there with wide eyes and clenched fits grabbing only my denim jacket, my purse and my shoes.

Once out the door I took a deep breath and walked away, I've never felt so free in my life.

You know in all those amazing American movies where the girl leaves the guy and he's standing on a balcony yelling for her to come back while she struts away, her hair blowing in the wind and a smirk on her face.

Yeah well that was me right now, with a slight limp and my hair flat against my scalp because it was pouring down with rain.

After making a quick stop in the public toilets to cover up with some make up I walked straight to Louis and Harry's apartment.

Once there I knocked 3 times and waited then knocked another 3 times when the door swung open and a sleepy and still bed headed Harry appeared.

"Hi!" I grinned excitedly waving before barging past him and looking around.

He furrowed his eyebrows and ruffled his hair giving me a confused look.

"Where is everyone...?" I asked looking around again before darting my glance back to Harry.

"Hollie, you need to calm down because I'm not gonna lie but being this excited at 5am is not a good thing" he huffed.

I rolled my eyes and walked off to fin Louis mumbling to myself "5am pfft it's not 5am he's just a lazy bazy mazy.... Crazy! Boy... Yeah" I huffed.

I soon found what I suspected was Louis room cause I'm Sherlock and all and I can find anything... Or I just followed the snores... Either way! I found him!

I swung open the door to see a sleeping Louis lying in bed one pillow under his arm and the other under our daughters head, his head on the other hand was nearly falling off the side of the bed... Along with his drool.

I snuck over with a grin plastered on my features and began shaking him.

He shot up knocking his head with mine causing me to fall backwards into his washing basket. Great.

"Owww" I groaned rubbing my head while using my other hand to try and pry my bum out of the narrow space of his washing basket.


I looked up pressing my lips into a thin line "jeez don't run and help me too soon, don't want people to think your a gentleman" I huffed sarcastically causing him to roll his eyes and chuckle. But thankfully he got up and offered me a hand.

"What are you doing in my washing basket?" He asked as he pulled me to my feet. I cheered straightening out my clothing from the other night and grinning at him.

"It's not my fault! You knocked your hard head with mine!" I replied faking to he angry.

He laughed "because you tried to wake me up at-" he glanced over at his bedside table alarm clock, his eyes going wide "-5am?! Jeez Hollie!" He complained.

"Urg stop wining!" I chuckled "I have exciting news!" I grinned up at him, even in my heels he was still much more taller than me, stuff you smallness.

"What's up?" He asked tiredly trying to fix his hair.

I gave him an ironic look and sighed "you could at least fake enthusiasm"

He laughed and put on a high pitched voice "ooooh tell me what is it?!!!?!?!?"

I rolled my eyes but then went serious "I left max" I mumbled.

His eyes went wide and he looked at me weirdly, his emotions showed a mix between relief and confusion. I guessed Louis knew what was going on with max, I mean he sung that song and was looking straight at max but we hadn't really talked about it..

He looked like he was trying to think of what to say but finally he mustered up some words.


I sighed "I just got sick of it all... He didnt care for me like he always said he did and he was always spending my money that i had saved up in a separate account to go towards Tommy's toys and my dream on.. Uhm stupid things" I explained, well I hadn't completely lied, that was part of it.

"He's a bastard, I'm glad you left" he grinned pulling me into a hug "do you need a place to stay? Cause you know you can stay here if you want"

I sighed happily "yeah thanks Lou, that would be nice" I replied smiling and pulling away.


It was now officially 'morning', which in my language was also called midday..

Me, Harry, Louis, Tommy and Perrie were sitting around the kitchen table trying to hold a conversation but finding it hard seeing each other over the amount of CDs that were pilled up on the table, let's just say Tommy was in heaven right now..

Perrie had come round cause Zayn had decided he was gonna go and visit an old friend that was in London today, so me and her were hanging out.

"Hey Perrie?.." I asked looking at her as she scrolled down the screen on her laptop looking at all the dresses and tops an shorts on the online shop we were looking on.

(A/n- I can hear my sister and her boyfriend giggling in the next room -.- oh god)

She looked up and smiled "yeah?" She asked.

"Uhm can I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course! What is it?"

"Well I was just wondering how it felt to be able to pursue your dream? And how it felt to win the X factor...?" I asked playing with my fingers.

She laughed "I feel like I'm on an interview! Well uhm it felt amazing.. Especially when my dream started coming true, but honestly it was the most... Just urg! I can't even explain how it felt! It was just too perfect!" She grinned staring off into the distance before snapping back "and I couldn't have done it without my girls! I love them so much! It's hard being away from them for so long since we all agreed to take a couple weeks break to see our families" she sighed.

I chuckled "aw! yeah that does sound amazing.."

"Hey Hollie? Can I ask you something?" She suddenly asked looking at me through her pink hair.

I nodded "fire away"

"What's your dream? I mean since you had tommy so young and you had to grow up so fast I assume you never got to achieve it so yeah...?" She asked.

I sighed "well.. Your gonna think I'm silly but my dream is to be a singer.. Well it was but it's not really possible now" I told her biting one of my nails.

"Why not?"

"Well because I can't really go on a TV show like the X factor or brittians got talent cause uhm max might find me and I can't really get a record company cause I can't afford a studio" I sighed biting my lip.

"Well I'm sure me or the boys could talk to our management teams!" She offered smiling at me kindly.

I shook my head "no, that's the thing I want to earn it not just get it, I don't want my dream handed to me. But thanks anyways pezza" I told her smiling.

She nodded "I understand.." She said looking back at the screen.


I was lying on the floor next to Tommy as she played with bent silverware -I swear she's like renesemee off twilight- when Perrie came running in squealing.

"You okay there pez?" I asked her raising an eyebrow as she ran over and plopped down in the bean bag next to us grinning.

"I have a plan! I'm a genius!" She told us clapping her hands excitedly.

"A plan for what?.."

Perrie smiled wider and began to explain "I've named it the dream plan! It's how we're gonna make your dream come true! And before you tell me not to just listen first okay?" She asked.

I sighed but nodded my head slowly "go on then"

"Yay! Okay!" She started re adjusting her self in her bean bag "okay so you know how you said you can't enter a competition on TV for singing?" She paused, I nodded "yeah well I just had an idea! What if.. We changed who you are like the way you look and maybe your back ground and your name and then you can start completely fresh!"

I blinked "that seems really simple and I'd be willing to do it and I agree pez, you are a genius but it wouldn't be fair on tomz" I told her smiling sadly at my daughter while she flicked other spoons with a fork.

"But... If you win, imagine the life you could give her.. And it would be all you, nobody would have done it for you. Me and Lou and I'm sure all of us can handle tommy while your away and then after that you can literally give her the world" Perrie told me softly.

I bit my lip hard while I thought about this.

She was right, I mine IF I got in past bootcamp then It would only be about 10 weeks away from her and then after that IF I win then I can provide her with the life she deserves, she can have all the CDs she wants, she can sleep in safety, she can stop playing with silverware and I can get her barbies... It makes sense... And I get to follow my dream while doing it.. I just need to change.

I looked back up at Perrie and nodded "okay, let's do it"

She squealed and jumped up grabbing my hands and jumping up and down dancing with me, I laughed as tommy joined in.

I've never felt so apart of a family that cares about me, more than i do just now.



I really need to stop talking in caps...NAH IT'S MORE FUN!

ANYWAYS! CAN YOU GUYS vote! Comment! Fan me? We can be one big happy ( and slightly obsessed) fammmmily!

And all you ghost readers! I SEE YOU! PLEASE VOTE? YOU READ MY WORK! PLEASEEEEEE? woah I don't beg what am I doing... Haha thanks guys! Rape the vote button;D xxxxx

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