IS IT TOO LATE? 2 | | JK FF |...

By ishifictions

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Happiness is a butterfly can fly away anytime . Hey cuties~ SEASON 2 OF IS IT TOO LATE? IS HERE! READY FOR... More

DEAL? |7|
BET |17|


714 60 129
By ishifictions


We were inside Columbus, Jimin was sitting beside me all tense and I knew the reason very well. He has always been afraid of these kinds of rides. I looked at the opposite side and saw Jungkook and Lisa sitting together. Jungkook had his gaze fixed on me whereas Lisa is looking around like a kid with a wide grin. 

Columbus jolted up and in a fraction of second I felt a grip on my wrist, turning I looked at Jimin who had his eyes closed. I'm surely angry with him but right now I guess I should shrug my anger. 

YN : Nothing's gonna happen, it's just a ride. 

I whispered, trying to comfort him. 

Jimin : What if it breaks or maybe we fall out of it. 

YN : Has it ever happened before? 

He shook his head and I felt his grip tightening even more around my wrist. 

The adrenaline filled ride was quite fast, and I could feel the strong vibrations traveling throughout my body.

Yawning, I looked over at Jimin and saw that he was still gripping my wrist tightly for support.

"Hey Jimin, would you mind letting go of my wrist?  It's getting quite uncomfortable," I said in a slightly annoyed tone. 

But Jimin only tightened his grip further, as if he was afraid to let go.

"Oh come on, you're not going to fall out of the ride.  It's completely safe," I assured him.  

"But what if it breaks?  What if something goes wrong?" he replied nervously, clutching my wrist even harder.

"There's nothing to worry about Jimin, these rides are regularly inspected for safety and they are designed to be safe as well.  Nothing is going to break," I said, trying to sound reassuring.

Jimin just continued to hold my wrist tightly, his eyes squeezed shut, trembling slightly.  I began to feel a bit irritated with him as he hadn't budged an inch despite my efforts to reassure him.

"Jimin, please let go of my wrist.  It's really getting uncomfortable," I said, my voice now containing a bit of annoyance.

Jimin didn't respond, instead, he just gripped my wrist even tighter, making me even more annoyed with him.  Eventually, I just shook my arm and freed myself from his grip forcefully.  I looked at Jimin with an expression of irritation written all over my face.

"Jimin, I already told you that nothing was going to happen.  So stop acting like a baby and relax," I said in a stern tone.

"But before you never refused me to hold your hand " He says without realising. And all I could do was scoff at his words "Things aren't same as past jimin "

Jimin remained silent for a moment before he replied "I know things have changed and we are not best friend anymore" He paused for a moment and added "But I still care about you" His words caught me off guard.  "Jimin..." I said quietly...

"I...I don't know what to say, I can't forget the betrayal you gave me" .

Jimin looked down, avoiding looking at me.  "I know I hurt you," he said in a soft voice "I know I broke your trust and I broke our friendship.  But I didn't do it intentionally"  He looked directly at me "I never wanted to betray you or hurt you"  I remained silent for a few seconds, trying to gather my thoughts.  His words were sincere and it seemed like he was genuinely sorry for what he had done.

"I know what I have done is not forgivable" He said, his tone becoming more serious now "But I never meant to hurt you.  It was a momentary lapse in judgement"  He paused for a second, taking a deep breath "I want to make up for what I've done, will you give me a chance? "

I laughed in disbelief, "After betraying me , the audacity to ask this, and how do I trust you this time too also maybe you want to steal some documents. "

"I understand your anger", he replied seriously, "I know I may have broken our friendship but I assure you that I have no such intentions and will not betray you again, you can trust me"  I crossed my arms, not showing any sign of agreement.  "I can't trust you" I replied bluntly.

"But I know that it's not easy to rebuild a broken trust" He added "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to regain your trust"  He looked into my eyes, hoping for some sort of response.

"You know what just stay away from me and family" I said coldly and immediately got off the Columbus the moment it stopped.

"Please, just let me explain" he pled, as I was about to walk away.  I didn't turn around, instead, I continued to walk toward the exit of the ride.  Jimin followed me, trying to grab my arm but I shrugged him off and walked away.  I don't know why I felt so angry and betrayed, but all I knew was that I couldn't trust Jimin again.

"Please, just let me explain" he pled, as I was about to walk away.  I didn't turn around, instead, I continued to walk toward the exit of the ride.  Jimin followed me, trying to grab my arm but I shrugged him off and walked away.  I don't know why I felt so angry and betrayed, but all I knew was that I couldn't trust Jimin again.

Jimin continued to follow me down the exit ramp, pleading for my forgiveness.  I was too angry to even listen to him, so I just kept walking.  As I reached the bottom of the ramp, Jimin blocked my way and tried to grab my arm.  "Please, just hear me out" he begged.

"Jimin!! " We turned our heads to the cold voice and there we saw jungkook standing and glaring at jimin. "if she said she doesn't want to talk then just back off" Jungkook warns and kept his hand behind my back which strangely skipped my heart beat.

"I'm just trying to explain, please listen to me," Jimin pleaded, his voice rising in desperation.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Jimin. "She already said she doesn't want to talk" He repeated.

"Please... I just want to fix things between us..." Jimin said, sounding desperate and sad. 

I was starting to feel guilty for hurting his feelings,  Jungkook put his hand on my shoulder.  "Let's just go" He muttered.

I glanced back at Jimin, who looked like he was about to cry.  Before I could say anything, Jungkook gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze and began to walk away, taking me with him.  I didn't resist and followed him, while Jimin watched us go, his face filled with sadness.

We walked quietly away from Jimin, and I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for my harsh words.  He had hurt me in the past, but it seemed like he was genuinely trying to make things right now.  I wanted to forgive Jimin and forget about what happened, but it wouldn't be that easy. I kept walking with Jungkook until we reached the car parked outside the fair.  Jungkook opened the door for me and I got inside without saying a word.

I sat in the car in silence, staring out of the window.  I wasn't sure what to say or how to feel.  I knew that Jungkook was a good friend for protecting me from Jimin.  But why did he have to get involved?  It was between Jimin and me.  We drove back home in silence, and when we reached home, I went straight to my room without even saying goodbye to Jungkook.

I laid on my bed in my room, letting my thoughts swim around in my head.  I was beginning to feel lonely and sad, despite Jungkook's protection earlier.  I just wanted to forget about Jimin and move on...

After laying in bed for a while, I heard someone knocking on my door.  I got up to open the door, but I was surprised to see Jungkook standing there.  "Can we talk?" He asked gently.

"How did you get inside my apartment? " He sighs , "Well  absentminded you didn't closed it properly" I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

"I just wanted to talk to you" Jungkook replied, "We might have disagreements but I care about you.  And I don't want our friendship to end like this"

I was caught off guard by his words, "Why do you care so much?  It's not like you're in love with me or anything"  I replied sarcastically, trying to cover up my feelings.

"Of course I'm not in love with you" Jungkook replied flatly.  At this point I really couldn't understand his behaviour, Is he playing with my feelings? "But I do care about you" He added with a hint of emotion in his voice "And I don't want this stupid situation to ruin our friendship"

"That's why I'm here," he said, "Can we just talk this out and move on?  I don't want us to fight anymore"

"I'm feeling a bit tired right now" I said sarcastically, "Can I sleep and maybe talk tomorrow?"  Jungkook raised an eyebrow in response but agreed. 

We said our goodnights and I went back to my bed.  I must have fallen asleep quickly, because before I knew it, the sun was rising the following morning.

I groaned, slowly opening my eyes.  A wave of exhaustion washed over me as my thoughts began to slowly come back.  I stretched my body and sat up on the bed, rubbing my head.  Just then, I remembered the fight with Jimin, and my anger resurfaced.  I got out of bed and started to get ready for the day, I felt like taking a walk was the only thing that could help me to forget these problems.

I put on my clothes, and left the house, hoping that a long walk in the fresh air would help to clear my mind.  I walked aimlessly for some time, trying to forget about the fight with Jimin and trying to figure out my feelings for Jungkook.  It wasn't until I had been walking for hours that I noticed how tired I was.  I turned to head back home, my feet feeling heavy and my head pounding.

I felt like I was dragging my feet the entire walk back home.  The sunlight felt like it was burning into my eyes, and all I wanted to do was to lie down in bed and take a nap.  Just as I had reached my house, the doorbell rang persistently.  I walked slowly to the door and opened it, only to see that it was Jungkook standing in front of me with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his tone full of concern.  "How long have you been out here walking?"

"I'm fine, I just needed some time to think" I replied flatly, but I wasn't feeling fine at all.  My feet hurt and I felt like my head was going to explode.

"Come inside and take a nap" Jungkook insisted, taking my hand and leading me toward the door.

I didn't resist, as I didn't have the energy to argue with him.  Jungkook led me inside the house and took me straight to my room.

"I'll bring some blankets," he said, "Just lay down and rest for a while" 
With that said, Jungkook left my room and returned a few minutes later with the blankets.  He covered me gently, as if I were a child.

The blanket was warm and comforting, and I curled up underneath it.  I could feel my eyes slowly growing heavier and heavier.  I felt a bit guilty for making Jungkook worry about me.

I drifted off into a deep sleep, unaware of how long I was resting.  When I opened my eyes again, I noticed that it was evening.  I was still very tired, but when I tried to sit up, I felt someone pull the blanket off of me softly and quickly sat down next to me.

"You're awake" Jungkook's voice was soft and concerned as he sat next to me.

"What time is it?" I asked, still dizzy from the long nap I had taken.

"It's almost sunset" He replied, "How do you feel?"

"My head is still reeling and my body hurts all over" I said, stretching my limbs and blinking heavily.

"No wonder,  after your long walk today" Jungkook pointed out.  I was surprised to see that he was still here, taking care of me.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me" I apologized to him, "Can I ask you a question..."

"Why do you seem to care so much about me?" I asked, "Why do you feel the need to protect me?"

Jungkook stayed silent for a moment, as if deep in thought.  "You're my friend, and I care about you" he said, his voice full of sincerity.  "I don't want to see you hurt."

I blinked my eyes few times not understanding him, "When did you start considering me as your friend? weren't this all between us was just a challenge to see who fell first? and we still have alphabet date challenge" I said.

"It is my habit to protect my friends" Said Jungkook with a smile.  "I can see how much Jimin has hurt you, and I couldn't let that happen again."

I thought for a moment, "Why are you so nice to me?" I frowned, not getting it.

"You mean, why don't I have any bad intentions?" Jungkook corrected me with teasing tone, "It is because it is not in my nature." I gulped hearing his words, why do he always makes me think he is innocent and is not responsible for my mother's death. Am I doing right by playing this game?

Jungkook's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he could sense the change in my expression, "Is something wrong?"  He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing" I said, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. "i was just thinking about our next alphabet date,how about estate sale?"

"A estate sale?" He replied, "That's an interesting idea.  I've never been to one before."

"The estate sale is where you can find some old treasures at cheap rates" I explained.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow, "Old treasures?"

"Yeah, you'll find all sorts of things like antiques and vintage clothing.  Some people get pretty lucky and find some priceless artifacts."

"That sounds cool," Jungkook said, "Let's go and see what we can find."

"Let's go now" I suggested, eager to check out the estate sale.  Jungkook gave me a nod of agreement, and we left the house together.  The sun was just beginning to set as we walked towards the estate sale.

The estate sale was located on a quiet street, near the edge of town.  There were many people milling around, looking through the various items for sale.  I led Jungkook through the crowd, showing him some of the wares available.

"This is interesting" Jungkook remarked, "I never knew people sold things like this!"

"These are all old items with historical value.  People come here to buy pieces of history and nostalgia" I explained.

We checked out various items for sale, searching for anything that might catch our interest.  Just as we were about to leave, I noticed something that made me stop in my tracks.

"Wait!  I see something interesting!" I said, pointing to a nearby booth.  Jungkook walked over to the booth with me, and we looked at the items on display.

I gasped as I picked up a small, ornate box from the display table.  It was carved with various intricate details and had a delicate gold inlay.  "Look at this!" I exclaimed.

"What is it?" Jungkook said, looking at the box in my hands.  I turned the box around so that he could see it better.

"It's a miniature chest" I explained, "The carving patterns suggest that it's from an ancient dynasty."  I ran my fingers over the delicate craftsmanship of the box, marveling at its beauty.

"It's amazing" Jungkook said, "It's so detailed and finely crafted.  Do you think we should buy it?"

I looked at the price tag. "'s quite expensive.  Are you willing to spend that much money?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's buy it!" he said eagerly, "It's worth the price."  I looked at him in surprise, as if I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you sure you're okay with spending that much money?" I asked again, "This box is not really a necessity, but an ornament."

"It doesn't matter" Jungkook replied, "I'm doing this for you.  You like that box, right?"  At his words, a warm feeling spread through my chest and I felt myself blushing with embarrassment.  "I-I mean, we could get something cheaper..." I mumbled awkwardly.

"T-then let's buy that box" I said nervously, my face suddenly heating up.  I looked away from his gaze, trying to cover my embarrassment. 

Jungkook took my hands in the his own and held them tightly, making my heart race even faster.  "I want to make you happy" he said in a low voice, his eyes gazing directly at mine.

In That moment my heart skipped a beat as I felt completely wrapped up in his warm gaze and his calming presence.  I couldn't look away from him, almost as if I was being hypnotized.  "Can I ask you a something?" I whispered softly.

"Yes, what is it?" he asked, his voice full of sincerity but also a hint of curiosity.

I couldn't control the butterflies in my stomach, it felt like I was in a romantic drama.  "W-why do you care for me so much?" I asked timidly, feeling the heat rise in my face.

Jungkook was silent for a moment, as if he wasn't sure how to answer the question. "I just do," he said finally. 

I bit my lip, unable to contain my curiosity anymore. "No, there must be a reason.  You can't just be nice to me out of convenience.  So, why?" I pressed him.

Jungkook paused again, and I could see that he was thinking carefully about his answer.  He seemed hesitant to reveal too much, but he didn't want to lie either.  "Because..." Jungkook said slowly, "Because I think you're a special person.  You're the only person who is different, and so talented..."

"...And kind-hearted, and...beautiful..." his voice trailed off, as he stared at me with a mix of admiration and affection.  I felt myself melting inside, my heart fluttering in my chest.  I could see the genuine admiration for me in his eyes.

"... I can't explain why I am so attracted to you" he said finally, "I just am."  He reached out and gently touched my cheek, his fingers lightly brushing on my skin.  I leaned into his touch, feeling the heat and the comfort of his grip.

"I am falling in love with you" Jungkook admitted, his voice full of tenderness.  I could see in his eyes that he was being honest, his emotion clearly real. 

Jungkook gently brushed some hair from my face, bringing our faces just inch apart.  Our breath brushed softly against each other's skin, and his eyes gazing into mine.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach fluttering again, and my heart beating hard in my chest.  Then, he leaned in and kissed my lips gently, our breath mingling together and his fingers lightly tracing my jawline. 

The kiss was tender and passionate, and the tension of our bodies felt like a spark in the air.

"Are you falling for me too? "

To be continued!!

How can I not update this book when tomorrow it's going to be one year anniversary of it's season one.

A token of love in the form of update to my cuties as tomorrow I'm going to complete one year as an author on wattpad. Also is it too late? One year anniversary.

Thank you for the love and support.

Now don't be bratty readers and start reading and voting on my all works. Be a loyal reader who reads all the books of favorite author.
(Maybe I'm not to everyone :(

Thank you enjoy the update!! I hope it was good, I wrote in rush 🤧

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