UA's Vigilante Protectors

By Jelliclegirl19

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A group of young vigilantes grew up together in an orphanage that was owned by two sisters. Even though they... More

A Day Of Fun
A Tragic Death
The Funeral And The Trial
The Ultimate Decision
Getting Everything Set Up And A Proper Scolding For A "Hero"
Killing The League Of Assasins
Getting Rid Of Fake Cops And Judge
News Report And Well-Deserved Praise
4 Years Later
The Sludge Incident Part 1
The Sludge Incident Part 2
Punishment For Fakes And An Expression Of Gratitude
A Love Confession
Another Mission And A Surprising Phone Call
Getting Assinged A Job As Guards
List Of UA Students
Aftermath Of Rescue
Meeting With The UA Staff
Meeting The Big Three, Mei And Varian
Meeting Other UA Students
Dinner At The Midoriya's
Making Breakfast For Students And Staff
First Day Of Guarding Duties
Hanging Out With The UA Students
Being Asked To Train Students
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 1
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 2
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 3
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 4
UA Students Vs Vengeful Protectors Part 5
Aftermath Of Training Session
Don't Have Too Much Stress
A Wonderful Hangout
The Day Off Part 1
The Day Off Part 2
The Day Off Part 3
The Day Off Part 4
The Day Off Part 5
Getting A New Mission
Arriving At Overhaul's Secret Base
Eri And Kota's Story
Defeating Overhaul Part 1
Defeating Overhaul Part 2
Aftermath Of Mission
Killing Muscular
Making It Back To UA
Eri And Kota Meet The Students
Shopping For Eri And Kota's Rooms
Working On Eri And Kota's Rooms And A Heartwarming Choice
Adopting Eri And Kota
A Family Outing
Visiting Alania's Grave And Admitting Something Heartwarming
Encountering Three Fake Heroes Again
Parents Day Part 1
Parents Day Part 2
Preparing To Put An Asshole In His Place
The Vengeful Protectors Vs All Might
Aftermath Of Fight
Capturing Three L.O.V Members And A Shocking Reveal
All Might Is A Traitor
Exposing Assmight Part 1
Exposing Assmight Part 2
Aftermath Of Exposing Assmight
A Much Needed Trip
Arriving At The Vengeful Protectors's Hometown
Introducing UA To Imelda And The Orphans
Hanging Out With Imelda And Orphans
Learning About All Might's Whereabouts
Preparing The Fight With All Might
Meeting Up For The Battle
The Final Battle Part 1
The Final Battle Part 2
Death of Assmight
Aftermath Of Assmight's Death

Finding Out Their Secret

304 11 18
By Jelliclegirl19

As The Vengeful Protectors was walking outside of the school with Eraserhead, Pyro, Green Telek, Ignagium, Mrs. Joke, Present Mic, Midnight, Endeavor and Blizzard they were very confused. What did they want to talk about? Whatever it was it must've been very important so they didn't question it.

Anyway as they came outside and in front of the school The Vengeful Protectors noticed Eraserhead head a very solemn look on his face.

"So what do you guys need to talk about?" asked Izuku.

"Is something wrong?" Tenya asked concerningly.

"No nothing's wrong I just need to ask you kids something." answered Eraserhead.

"Oh ok." Ochako said with a shrug.

"So what do you want to ask?" asked Shoto.

"Yeah what's up?" Denki asked.

"Ok I'am sure that you all know about the trial that took place where The League Of Assasins were in and how those corrupted ex-cops, ex-judge and All Might got them to go free and not be given the death penalty right?" asked Eraserhead.

The Vengeful Protectors looked down at the floor and glared with hate-filled eyes.

"Yeah we did." Mashiro answered angrily.

"And let's just say it pissed us off." said Toru angrily.

"Yeah we were especially pissed off at Assmight." Hanta said angrily.

The true heroes chuckled at the name that Hanta gave All Might.

"Assmight that's a good one." said Eraserhead in an amused tone.

"Thanks Red Riot, Chargebolt, Alien Queen and me came up with that." Hanta said with a bright smile.

"Yeah it just popped into our heads one day." said Denki.

"And it just stuck." Mina said.

"We just thought it would be funny." said Ejiro.

"You're welcome anyway while I was at the trial the heroes, vigilantes and anti-heroes that were in the battle against The League Of Assasins told me that 19 of the orphans that poor girl took care of couldn't stop crying and on the day of the sludge monster incident when you guys were confronting All Might I noticed the hate and anger in your eyes and I could be wrong but I need to know.......... are you those 19 orphans?" Eraserhead asked.

That question made Pyro, Green Telek, Ignagium, Mrs. Joke, Present Mic, Midnight, Endeavor and Blizzard go wide-eyed in shock. Could that be true? Could those kids be them? Knowing that they were caught and that they could trust them The Vengeful Protectors chuckled a little bit.

"So you figured it out? Not surprising really it's hard keeping anything from you.' said The Vengeful Protectors in unison with small smiles.

The heroes stared at them in shock for a little bit. Pyro, Green Telek, Ignagium, Mrs. Joke, Present Mic, Midnight, Endeavor and Blizzard at realizing their true identities and not noticing it sooner and Eraserhead at his suspicions being right.

"I.............. I knew it." Eraserhead said in shock.

"So you're really them?" asked Green Telek in shock.

"Surprise." Katsuki answered.

"Why didn't the rest of us realize this sooner?" asked Pyro.

"Hey don't be hard on yourselves for not realizing it sooner yourselves." Yuga said.

"Yeah to be fair to you we made sure to keep our identities hidden really good." said Mezo.

"Yeah so don't feel stupid for not realizing it earlier." Koji said.

The heroes smiled at The Vengeful Protectors for their reassuring words.

"Now that my suspicions have been confirmed there is something that I wanna say." said Eraserhead.

"What is it Eraserhead?" Momo asked.

Eraserhead then came up to The Vengeful Protectors and hugged them. The Vengeful Protectors gasped at the sudden gesture but hugged him back. Then they all heard him start crying.

"I'm so sorry I really did try to make sure that those bastards were gonna get their punishment and get the death penalty. I thought of how her sister, the other orphans and you would feel seeing the ones who murdered one of the most important people in your life get away with their crimes and I knew that if they got away with it then what would would fucking stop them from doing this shit again? But those stupid fucking assholes including goddamn All Might wouldn't fucking listen I'm so sorry that I let you down. I wish that I could go back in time and............" cried Eraserhead.

But then Eraserhead felt gentle touches on his cheek. He gasped and looked down to see The Vengeful Protectors including Dark Shadow smiling kindly at him and then they released.

"Eraserhead you have nothing to apologize for." Kyoka said kindly.

"Yeah like we said we saw the trial." said Mashiro"

"And we witnessed how your tried to convince those corrupted heathens to let those wretched villains get their proper punishment." Fumikage said kindly.

"And we saw how you mentioned all of us back at the orphanage." said Ochako kindly.

"It was clear that you thought of and cared about how we'd feel about the situation." Rikkido said kindly.

"And you knew that if they got away with it, it wouldn't stop them from committing more crimes. So no none of what happened was your fault." said Izuku kindly.

"In fact even before the trial we respected you and after the trial and how you made Musutafu a much safer place to live after you became the number one hero we respect you even more." The Vengeful Protectors said in unison kindly.

Hearing that Eraserhead smile as he wiped the tears out of his eyes. He was not only happy that they didn't blame him for what happened but that they have a huge respect for him too.

Then all of a sudden Pyro, Green Telek, Ignagium, Mrs. Joke, Present Mic, Midnight, Endeavor and Blizzard hugged The Vengeful Protectors too to which they hugged back.

"We're so sorry about the trial too." said Mrs. Joke sympathetically.

"And our deepest apologies for what that buffoon All Might did.' Endeavor said sympathetically.

"Yeah we're so sorry that you didn't get the justice that you deserved from those bastards and you deserved to have your revenge." said Blizzard sympathetically.

"We're so sorry that happened to you little listeners." Present Mic said sympathetically.

"Yeah you all deserved justice instead of being stabbed in the fucking back." said Midnight sympathetically.

"It's not fair that you kids had to be hurt like this." Ignagium said sympathetically.

"None of you deserved that." said Pyro sympathetically.

"Yeah none of you deserved to go through this kind of pain." Green Telek sympathetically.

"It's ok guys like we told Eraserhead it's not your fault." said The Vengeful Protectors kindly as they released.

This made the heroes that just hugged them smile too. But then they thought about something.

"Hey there's something else that we want to know." Mrs. Joke said.

"Why don't you let everybody else know?" asked Eraserhead.

"Oh we will eventually but just not yet." Izuku answered.

"You see we want to wait for the right moment *ribbit*." said Tsu.

"Indeed we want to reveal our true identities on a massive scale." Fumikage said.

"Yeah so we're waiting for the exact right moment to reveal ourselves." said Dark Shadow.

"And when the time is right......." Shoto said.

"Boom will tell everybody everything but until then can you guys keep it secret?" asked The Vengeful Protectors.

"Of course we will your secret is safe with us." the heroes answered in unison.

"Thank you." said The Vengeful Protectors in unison gratefully.

"You're welcome kids oh and by the way you guys can call me Shota Aizawa."

"You can call me Emi Fukukado."

"You can call me Hisashi Midoriya."

"You can call me Inko Midoriya."

"You can call me Tensei Iida."

"You can call me Hizashi Yamada."

"You can call me Nemuri Kayama."

"You can call me Enji Todoroki."

"And you can call me Rei Todoroki."

"Ok then you can call us by our real names too." The Vengeful Protectors said in unison.

Then they told them just that and then they all started to walk back inside the school. And for The Vengeful Protectors it felt very good to have people that they know that they can trust and that they also know that will stay by their side.

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