DOCTOR WHO 2005 JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is a sequel to my DOCTOR WHO 1963 JDD Version story, where the time traveling adventures of the Doc... More

The End Of The World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens Of London
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting Of The Ways
The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth & Claw
School Reunion
Rise Of The Cybermen
The Age Of Steel
Army Of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Judoon On The Moon
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks In Manhattan
Evolution Of The Daleks
The Sound Of Drums
Last Of The Time Lords
Voyage Of The Star-Ship Titanic
Partners In Crime
The Fires Of Pompeii
Planet Of The Ood
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Poison Sky
The Unicorn & The Wasp
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
The Star Beast
Wild Blue Yonder
The Giggle
The Doctors
The Doctor's Companions
TARDIS Exterior & Interiors

World War Three

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By jurassicdinodrew

Last time, the Slitheen have used the ID cards to kill the experts. However, the Doctor survived it and takes the ID card off and placed it on one of the Slitheen, causing it and the other Slitheen to be shocked by it as they were all covered in electricity. Back with Rose, she and the others see that Margaret was covered with electricity, allowing them to run away, but not before Harriet Jones takes the Emergency Protocols with her. Back with the Doctor, he went off to get some soldiers to tell them about the aliens, but by the time they arrived to the room, Joseph already removed the ID Card and got the alien general back into his disguise, and he managed to frame the Doctor for the murder of the experts, forcing the Doctor to make a run for it. Back with Rose and her group, they went to a room and tried to hide from the female Slitheen. Margaret: "Oh such fun... little human children... where are you?" said Margaret, before a door opened up, revealing the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Hello Miss Margaret, happy hunting?" Margaret: "Yes... and those brats you're after... they're here." ThunderSmacker: "Good to hear." SpaceWarp: "W-w-where are t-t-they?" Margaret: "If I have to guess... right here." said Margaret, removing a curtain that shows the kids who screamed in fear, before Harriet shows up. Harriet: "No!, take me instead!" shouted Harriet, trying to protect the children, before the Doctor comes to the scene, and uses a fire extinguisher on the demons and alien. Doctor: "Come on!" shouted the Doctor, before Harriet, Rose and the kids went off to follow the Doctor, while the female Slitheen and the Demon trio chase after them. Harriet: "Who might you be?" Doctor: "I'm the Doctor, and you?" Harriet: "I'm Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North." Doctor: "Nice to meet you." Harriet: "Likewise." it wasn't long before they got to the cabinet room, and although there was no time to lock the door with his Sonic Screwdriver, the Doctor points the device at a glass full of alcohol. Doctor: "Nah ah, if you come any closer, I'll set this alcohol to explode, now tell me, what are the Slitheen?" Harriet: "They're aliens." Jokeo: "We already know that..." Jokey: "Yeah even I knew that was obvious." ScreamClaw: "Of course the same could go with you... Time Lord." Harriet: "What's a Time Lord?" Melody: "That's the name of the Doctor's alien race." Harriet: "He's an alien?, but he sounds like he's from the North." Rose: "Lots of planets have a North." Doctor: "Yes, but never mind that, what brings the Slitheen here?, invasion?" Margaret: "Why would my brothers and I invade this hunk of rock?" Doctor: "Well something bought the Slitheen race here." ThunderSmacker: "Slitheen is not the name of their species, it's their surname." Doctor: "Ah, so they're family." Margaret: "It's a family business." ScreamClaw: "Also that making the drink explode, you made that up!" Doctor: "Yeah, well it was a nice try." SpaceWarp: "So... we t-t-take the souls?" Doctor: "Maybe... if you can get through these walls." said the Doctor, before he uses his Sonic Screwdriver on the doors, which activates some very thick steel doors that traps the group inside while the demon dragons and Slitheen were not able to get in. Gidget: "What happened?" Doctor: "These thick steel walls were installed here in 1991, no way they'll get in." Rose: "But how will be get out?" Doctor: "Ah... didn't think of that..." Tommy: "Oh man..." outside of the room, the Demon trio tried to use their pitch forks to teleport in, but that didn't work. ScreamClaw: "Nuts!, the steel around that room must be demon proof..." Margaret: "But at least they're trapped in there, cut off all communications, and then we will begin on finishing my family's plans with this planet." said Margaret, before she and the trio went off to who knows where. Meanwhile, Jackie was in Mickey's flat, for it turns out that another Slitheen was disguised as a policeman and was set on killing Jackie, but Mickey managed to save her and brought her to his flat so she can be safe for the time being. Back with the Doctor, he and the others found the body of the Prime Minister. Doctor: "Oh man... poor chap..." Harriet: "Why didn't they turned his body into a suit?" Doctor: "Too slim, they need big humans to make a disguise big enough for them." Harriet: "But she was like 8 feet tall." Doctor: "That device on her neck, Compression field, it literally shrinks her a bit, which let's out some gas." Rose: "Well that explains the farting." Melody: "Um... these protocols... can they really help?" Harriet: "Well they tell us who could help, but they're all dead now..." Doctor: "Say... Harriet Jones... I've heard that name before... but where... it rings a bell... but I don't know why..." Harriet: "I'm hardly important." Melody: "Don't say that, everyone is important in something." Harriet: "Maybe..." Tommy: "Those protocols, is there any defense code or something?" Harriet: "Well... there might be some release code for Nuclear strikes, but they kept secret by United Nations." Doctor: "Say that again..." Harriet: "Well... the British Isles can't gain access to atomic weapons without a special resolution from the UN." Rose: "Like that's ever stopped them." Harriet: "Exactly, given our past records, and I voted against that thank you very much, the codes have been taken out of the government's hands and given to the UN... is it important?" Doctor: "Everything's important." Harriet: "Now if only we knew what the Slitheen wanted... oh listen to me... saying the word 'Slitheen' like that's something normal..." Gidget: "But what do the Slitheen want?" Doctor: "Well it's just one family, so it's not an invasion, they're trying to make money, they must want something here on this planet to make a fortunes out of it..." Harriet: "Like gold?, oil?, water?" Doctor: "You're getting good at this." Harriet: "Thanks." Doctor: "Harriet Jones... where did I heard that before..." asked the Doctor, before Rose's phone starts to ring. Rose: "Oh it's my phone." Harriet: "But we're sealed off, how could we get a signal?" Rose: "The Doctor upgraded it, made it a super phone." Tommy: "But who's calling?" Rose: "It's Mickey." Doctor: "Tell him we're a little busy right now." Rose: "Well... so was he and mum..." said Rose, as she shows the Doctor her phone, which had a photo of the Slitheen that tried to attack Jackie earlier. It wasn't long before Mickey starts talking to the Doctor on the phone. Mickey: "It was a real alien that was big, green and disgusting, but most of all, it wanted to kill us." Jackie: "I could have died!" Doctor: "But Rose's mum, is she alright?" Mickey: "Yeah, she's alright, what about Rose?" Doctor: "Same thing, but listen... I might choke if I finish this sentence but... I need you." said the Doctor, which made Mickey smile, before he was told to go into his computer and goes to the UNIT website. Mickey: "It says it wants password." Doctor: "Go on speaker." said the Doctor, before Mickey sets the phone to speaker. Mickey: "As I said, it needs a password." Doctor: "Buffalo, 2 F's and 1 L." Jackie: "So what's that website?" Mickey: "It's all the secret information known to mankind, see they've known about aliens for years and kept us in the dark." Doctor: "You were born in the dark." Rose: "Oi!, leave him alone." Mickey: "Thanks, anyway, it says password again." Doctor: "Just repeat it." Jackie: "Doctor... there's something I want to say to you... I know now that your life is full of danger... but tell me... is Rose safe?" Doctor: "Well..." Jackie: "Can you promise me that she'll be safe?" Doctor: "... Yes... I'll promise... but let's focus on stopping the Slitheen and save the Earth, yes?" Mickey: "Sure... and we're in." Doctor: "Great, now then, on the left, there's a tab, an icon, little concentric circles, click on that." Mickey: "What for?" Doctor: "The Slitheen have a spaceship that's transmitting a signal, I think it's some kind of message." Mickey: "But to who?" asked Mickey, before the doorbell was rung and Jackie goes to the door and sees that it was the Slitheen police cop, much to her shock and horror as she slams the door shut. Jackie: "It's him!, the alien cop!" Mickey: "Oh my gosh... they found us!" Tommy: "What?!" Melody: "Oh no!" Gidget: "That's not good..." Jokeo and Jokey: "Yeah..." Doctor: "Ricky, I need to know the signal!" Rose: "Never mind that now, my mum is in trouble!, Mum, Mickey, get out of there!" Mickey: "We can't, it's at the door..." Jackie: "How are we gonna stop it?!" Doctor: "First we have to know what planet it came from." Tommy: "Well they're green." Doctor: "Narrows it down." Melody: "They got claws." Doctor: "Narrows it down." Jokeo: "Compression technology." Doctor: "Narrows it down." Harriet: "And the fart... pardon the word... it doesn't small like a fart... it smelled more like... bad breath." Doctor: "Yes, calcium decay, that narrows it down... wait... I think I know the planet!... Raxacoricofallapatorius!" Mickey: "Great... then maybe we could write them!" said Mickey with sarcasm in his voice, before the Slitheen begins to break down the door. Doctor: "Rickey, go to the kitchen!, use vinegar!" Mickey: "Right!" said Mickey, before he and Jackie went to the kitchen and got some vinegar, just in time for the Slitheen to show up, and then Mickey used the vinegar on the alien. Once that happened, the Slitheen blew up to bits. Tommy: "What just happened?" Doctor: "The vinegar blew up the Slitheen." said the Doctor, before the hear the News from Mickey's TV of Green and the other Slitheen declare a national emergency and request that the United Nations release the activation codes to launch a nuclear strike against a fictitious mother ship. The Doctor realizes that the Slitheen actually plan to fire the weapons against other countries in order to start World War Three. It wasn't long before the Doctor opens the steel doors, and Margaret and the Demon trio were still outside. Doctor: "You're trying to get everyone on this planet to get scared and fire nuclear weapons, so you can make a profit on the nuclear energy that will be covered on this entire planet, am I correct?" Margaret: "Correct, and the Trio here helped us on making our ship safe from harm, while we help them capture those brats." Harriet: "What do they need them for?" Tommy: "They want our souls..." ScreamClaw: "Yes, what he said." SpaceWarp: "Hey!... t-t-that's my line..." Doctor: "I'm giving you a choice... leave this planet or I'll stop you." said the Doctor, before Margaret and the Demon trio simply laughed. Margaret: "What?, you?, trapped in your box?" Doctor: "Yes... me." said the Doctor, before he sets the doors to close up again. Jokey: "Now what?" Jokeo: "Isn't there something we could do?" Doctor: "Well... there is something... but I don't think you'll like it..." Rose: "Well if it could save the Earth, then do it." Doctor: "But you don't even know what it is..." Rose: "Well I trust you Doctor, whatever it is, it will save the world, right?" Doctor: "Yes... but in the process... there is a risk of me losing you..." said the Doctor with a sad look on his face, and Jackie heard it. Jackie: "Then don't do it!, she's just a kid!" Harriet: "But that's not your call... it's mine." Jackie: "And who the heck are you?" Harriet: "I am Harriet Jones, MP of Flydale North, the only elected representative in this room, chosen by the people, for the people, and on behalf of the people of the Earth, I command you Doctor, whatever it is... do it." Doctor: "... Thank you... now then... Mickey... it's up to you." said the Doctor, before he tells Mickey to use the password to hack into the Royal Navy system, to select a missile that will be programmed to hit Downing Street to destroy the Slitheen. Mickey: "So that's your plan?, blowing them up with a missile?" Doctor: "Yeah... that's pretty much it." Mickey: "But what about you and the others?" Doctor: "Never mind us... just save the Earth... it's fate rests in your hands... fire." said the Doctor, before Mickey selected the missile, which got fired and was now heading for Downing Street. Harriet: "How strong are these walls?" Doctor: "Not strong enough." Rose: "So this is it?" Doctor: "Yeah... pretty much." Harriet: "Oh... I wished this wasn't the end for me... I don't want my mother to be all alone..." Tommy: "Oh... if only we could teleport out of this place..." said Tommy, which made Gidget widen her eyes in realization and then face palms herself. Gidget: "Oh nuts!" Melody: "What's the matter?" Gidget: "I completely forgot that I can teleport!" All: "What?!" Harriet: "You could have done that at anytime?!" Gidget: "Yeah... I guess I was too busy running for my life and stuff like that..." said Gidget with a nervous chuckle. Jokeo: "Then teleport us out of here!" Gidget: "Sure, everyone, hold each others hands!" said Gidget, before everyone hold each others hands, and then Gidget started to glow pink, and then she and the others glowed too and vanished from the room, just in the nick of time as the missile hits the building, destroying it and the Slitheen with it. When the Doctor and the others reappeared, they see the now destroyed building. Harriet: "Oh my... it's gonna be a while to clean this mess up... and we don't even have a Prime Minister." Doctor: "Maybe you should have a go." Harriet: "Me?, oh please, I'm not up to the task." Rose: "I'd vote for ya." Toon kids: "Us too!" Harriet: "Oh don't be silly... but still... I better go help them." said Harriet, before she goes off to help the people nearby. Doctor: "I thought I heard the name before... Harriet Jones... future Prime Minister, the architect of Britain's golden age." said the Doctor, as they watched Harriet talking to the people in front of the media's camera. It wasn't long before Rose got back to her flat and she and her mother to hug each other, happy to see one another again. The Toon kids were enjoying the food that Jackie made for them. Jackie: "You know... it's nice to have kids around again... even if they look like cartoon characters..." Melody: "Yeah... we get that a lot..." Tommy: "Thanks for the meal, Miss Tyler." Jackie: "It was my pleasure, after all, you kids helped my little girl save the world." Gidget: "Well it was the Doctor who saved the day." Jokey and Jokeo: "And Mickey too." Gidget: "Yes, and Mickey." Melody: "Not to mention you helped out too." Gidget: "Yeah, that's true as well." while the kids were talking, Jackie noticed that Rose was starting to pack her things, realizing that she was gonna travel with the Doctor again. Later by night, Mickey was looking at the Newspaper with disbelief. Mickey: "Unbelievable... they think the whole thing was a hoax?" Doctor: "Might be for the best, the human race isn't ready to have knowledge of the fact aliens really exist." said the Doctor, before Rose and the kids came to the scene, followed by Jackie. Rose: "Well... here I am." Doctor: "Yeah, um... what's with the backpack?" Rose: "Well last time I didn't came prepared, so this time, I'm packing, and like it or not, you're stuck with me." Toon kids: "And us too." said Rose and the kids, before they gave the Doctor their backpacks. Jackie: "But kids, it's dangerous out there, and you could be lost out there for who knows how long." Rose: "Mum, it's a time machine as well as a space ship, so even if we've been traveling for a while, we could be back in about a few seconds." Gidget: "If the Doctor doesn't get the flight all wrong... again..." Doctor: "Oi!, give me a break!" Rose: "Mum... please..." Jackie: "Oh... alright, but try not to be gone too long this time... please." Rose: "Sure thing, and Mickey... you could come with us if you want." Mickey: "No thanks... someone has to make sure your mum is safe while you're away... besides... I had enough excitement for a while now." Rose: "Alright... your loss." Doctor: "Yup... now then... see ya." said the Doctor, before he, Rose and the kids went into the TARDIS, which soon vanishes from the scene, leaving Jackie and Mickey behind.

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