Future Of Hell

By Dxwayne89

225 2 0

A fanfic story that is about the future son of Charlie & Vaggie who makes friends, learns his true power, def... More

Family Drama
New Love?

A New Begining

86 1 0
By Dxwayne89

{4 years ago}
"Where are we going Veggie", Charlie giggled as she followed Vaggie blindlessly through the hotel

"You'll see just keep your eyes closed. We're almost there", Vaggie said as she held Charlie's hand guiding her through the hotel. Vaggie led Charlie to the roof of the hotel.

"You ready Love", Vaggie said removing the blindfold from Charlie's eyes, "You can open your eyes now.". Charlie slowly opened her eyes revealing hanging lights on the rails of the roof, flower petals scattered across the floor leading to a beautiful candle-lite table.

"Vaggie.." She gasped while covering her mouth, "This is so beautiful. When did you have the time to do all this." She said as she tried to hold back the tears.

"Don't worry about that mi amor. Let's just enjoy the night together" Vaggie replied as she wrapped her arms around Charlie picking her up and cradling her in her arms. She sat Charlie down in one of the chairs at the table and sat down with her.

"Vaggie this is all so beautiful," Charlie said looking around at all the decor as Vaggie reached her hand across the table grabbing hold of Charlie's hands, "Charlie when I was a left here. I was terrified. I thought I wouldn't last the night, but then you came along. You showed a type of kindness that not even other angels have shown each other. You helped me at my worst and I will forever be grateful." Vaggie looked dreamily into Charlie's eyes, "In you, I've found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend. I wanna be the reason for your smiles every day because you are the reason behind mine." Vaggie added as she got up from the table walking over to Charlie, "I fell in love with you for a million tiny reasons, and I want to spend a lifetime discovering more. Which is why I wanna ask…" She smiled as she got down on her knees looking Charlie in her eyes, " Charlie Morningstar would you make me the happiest person in hell and allow me to become Mrs.Morningstar Motha?"

"Are you…. Are you serious?!" Charlie blushed, as her heart pounded wildly in her chest, "Of course, I'll marry you!" she added, as she embraced Vaggie with tears rushing down her face, " I love you so much Vaggie" she cried, "And I love you more mi amor" Vaggie said as she held onto charlie with tears rushing down her face.

{Present day}
"Has anyone seen Vex?! I can't find him anywhere…" worried Charlie as she paced the hotel lobby.

"He'll show Charlie he couldn't have gone far if he doesn't leave the hotel." Lucifer reassured, as stopped her from pacing making her look at him, "Vextor fine sweetie." He added.

"You're right Dad I don't know why I get myself so worked up." sighed Charlie as she hugged her Lucifer, "He's probably just goofing off somewhere in the hotel" She claimed.

"Or playing on the roof.." Angel added as he walked into the hotel, "He's what?!" shrieked Charlie as her eyes widened big

"Relax hun I'll go get him." Vaggie said as she stretched her long white & black wings, "I'll be back shortly" she added as the door slammed behind her. Vaggie flew up to the roof of the hotel. Sitting on the ledge was a boy his hair white as paper with blonde strips going through it stared out above hell.

"Hey, Vexs what you doing up here?" questioned Vaggie as she sat beside him. Vextor let out a sigh, "Mom talks so much about redemption, but what about those who can't leave here? Are they just supposed to suffer?" Wondered Vextor.

"Where is this coming from?" Questioned Vaggie. Vextor stayed quiet at first as the wind blew past his face, "I went into town today with Uncle Alastor.." Vextor hesitated, " I know I'm not supposed to leave the Hotel, but I wanted to see and Alastor was willing to take me so It's not like I was alone." He reassured as he stared out above the hotel.

"There are so many people who would want to be redeemed but can't because they either Hellborns, Imps, or sold their soul to someone" He stated, "It's not fair to them. Why should they suffer just because Heaven says they can't be redeemed?" Vextor questioned. Both stayed quiet as the cool breeze brushed against their faces

"You're right. It's not fair." Vaggie acknowledged, "Heaven isn't known for being fair they talk about morals but never follow them. That's why there are people like your mom and you to help fight for those rights." she got up holding her hand out to Vextor, "Let's get going Vex we're going to visit Mrs.Carmine." She added. Vextor looked up at her taking her hand

"You always know what to say to make me happy again mama." thanked Vextor as he got up. Vaggie smiled as she helped bring Vextor down to the lobby of the hotel.

     "Why were you on the roof of the hotel?!" Worried Charlie. She ran to Vextor holding him in her arms, "You don't know how to fly yet what would have happened if you fell?!" fretted Charlie as she held Vextor close to her.

    "I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to worry you." apologized Vextor as he hugged her, " I promise I won't do it again." He vowed.

    "You better not" she warned him.

    "Alright, hun Vextor and I are heading over to Camilla Carmine's for training," Vaggie stated.

    "Alrighty, you two be safe okay? Call me if anything happens okay?"  asked Charlie

    "Of course, mi amor" answered Vaggie as she grabbed her spear, "Let's go Vex,"  Vaggie added leaving the hotel Vextor followed behind her. On their way to Carmine's Vextor couldn't help but stare at a taller tower.

"What's that big building with the V on it?" Vextor questioned pointing up at the tower.

"That building belongs to four overlords. Valentino, Velvette, Vox, and Vital," answered Vaggie

    "Oh, they all start with a V that's why there is a big V on the building" Vextor added.

    "Yes. They're known as the Vees. Some of the most powerful overlords in hell" She stated before pausing, "Well most powerful after your uncle Alastor." she corrected herself.

"Ha, that's so true. Uncle Alastor is so powerful it's concerning" replied Vextor as Vaggie and he walked into Camilla Carmine's.

"You're both late." Carlos huffed.

"It's alright Carlos. No need to be rude." Camilla stated, "Now let's get to work. Has he managed to fly yet or is he still struggling to do so?" She asked

"I'm still struggling to fly Mrs.Carmine"  answered Vextor, "But I do know how to get my wings out now and use them to my advantage in combat" He added.

"Good let's get to work then. Carlos takes Mr.Morningstar to the training room and does some 1v1 combat." Camilla instructed, "Oh and dear. Don't go easy Mr.Morningstar been holding back." She added

"Of course mother. Let go half-breed." Carlos said as he walked off to the back of the room.

"Why do you dislike me so much?" Vextor questioned as he followed closely behind Carlos

"You're joking, right? You're a privileged prick. You're the son of a fallen angel and another half-breed of a fallen angel." Scowled Carlos, "You're the prince of hell and yet you can't even fly or properly fight. It says a lot about you" He scolded. Vextor went quiet as they made their way to the training grounds. Carlos grabs a spear off of the weapons rack tossing it to Vextor, "Here try to strike me." tempted Carlos, "but I won't make it easy for you." he added. Vextor's spear jabbed at Carlos, but Carlos dogged by jumping onto the spear using it to flip over Vextor striking him in the back and making Vextor stumble over his feet finding himself face down on the floor.

"Your stance is sloppy and you leave yourself open like someone unafraid of harm" Carlos stated, "You may be part angel but that doesn't make you immortal" scolded Carlo. Vextor scrambled to his feet and lunged at Carlos to strike him. Missing again Carlos took the spear and threw it across the room, "You can have that back when you can finally hit me!" He stated as Vextor proceeded to try and hit him but with no luck Vextor stopped and stood there in front of Carlos, panting, "You couldn't strike me even if you wanted to" provoked Carlos as he watched Vextor struggle to catch his breath, "Tell me. Why do you fight?" questioned Carlos.

"To help protect my family and people." Answered Vextor

"Doesn't look like it. Looks like you are fighting to get back at someone." Carlos replied, "Prove to me you are fighting for love because all I see is you fighting for nothing. Now strike me without the spear." he added. Vextor stood there taking a deep breath and then launched himself at Carlos after thirty minutes of trying he finally managed to strike Carlos from behind, "Ouch!" Carlos yelped.

"I'm so sorry!" Vextor said rushing over to Carlos but before he could realize what was happening he went flying over Carlos landing on the ground face facing the ceiling.
"Never let your guard down. You never know when your enemy is faking."  Carlos stated as he helped Vextor off the ground, "You did well today. You should be proud of yourself" praised Carlos.

    "I appreciate all your help Carlos." thanked Vextor.

    "No problem now get out of my face you better be on time on Friday or I'll use you as my punching bag." Carlos threatened as he walked away. Vextor smiled as he left the room

    "You ready to go kiddo?" Vaggie asked as she put her spear away

    "Yeah I'm ready Mom" Smiled Vextor, "Thank you again Mrs.Carmine for the training" he added.

"Of course dear." She smiled, "Looks like my son beat a number into you." Camilla added.

"Oh yeah. Carlos wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't going easy on me," said Vextor.

"Alright son let go I promised your mother we would be back in time for dinner," Vaggie said as she headed for the door.

"I'm coming," He said as he followed behind her. As they were walking home they noticed a Limousine with a large V drives past them heading straight for the Vee's tower.

                                                                  {In Vee's Tower}
"VOX" Snapped Velvette. A shock of electricity came from the security camera revealing a tall man with a flatscreen TV as a head and a black and blue suit in front of her.

"Ah, Velvette. What has your temper in such a twist today?" Questioned Vox with a smile on his screen.

"Valentino! You tell your boy toy to stay out of my department! I have a line of clothing that needs to be showcased and I can't do that if Val is ripping up my best models! AGAIN!"  Ranted Velvette. Vox rolled his eyes letting out a sigh

"And where is our hot-headed friend now?" Vox questioned.

"Up in his tower, and he's your friend, not mine. Don't forget that" Velvette corrected him as she walked away to a boy {Descrption}. Vox looked at him for a second before traveling his way to Valentino's room.
"I don't understand why we can't just leave this place," grumbled Vital.

"We're not leaving our home or giving up our power just because Vox and Val are assholes. This is our home we are just as much as Vee's as they and your sister are" Velevtte reminded him.

"Valorie isn't my sister." Vital corrected her.

"I understand you do not like her I dislike her and her parents as well but she is still your half-sister." Disagreed Velvette as she looked at Vital and cleaned his face, "Damn he got you good this time.." she added.

"I'm fine it's just a scratch Mom. I'll be alright," he reassured her, as he looked at her with a smile, "You raised me to be a strong remember." He added. Velvette smiled.

"Yeah…" She paused, "That's right." She replied, "Go get dressed. You're coming with me for a meeting with Mrs.Carmine." She added.

"Mrs.Carmine? I thought you hated her?" Vital questioned.

"You're not wrong on that. I very much so dislike her, but I need to discuss a matter with her. Now go get ready." She responded.

"Okay, Mom." He said as he got up and hugged her before running off to get changed.

"I hope I don't regret this.." Muttered Velvette as she got ready and asked for a vehicle to be readied.

                                                      {At Carmine's Weapons Industry}

When they arrived guards were waiting outside for them. They escorted them inside towards Camilla's office. Velvette didn't say a word as she followed the guard with Vital.

"Why are you so quiet? You usually make jokes about this place Mom." Vital questioned

"We must be.." Velvette hesitated, "Respectful to the other overlords"

Vital stopped in place and chuckled. "You? Respectful. You are the most respectless person I know. What's with the sudden behavior change?" Vital questioned.

"It's called maturing Vital!" Velvette snapped before letting out a sigh, "No more questions do you understand?" she added. Vital stood quiet while the smile on his face left.

"Understood," Vital answered.

"Here you are Ma'ma." The guard said before walking away leaving them in the office alone. Vital looked out the window while his mom sat waiting for Camilla. After almost an hour of waiting Carlos entered the room.

"Good evening Velvette. My mother will be here shortly." Informed Carlos.

"Thank you for letting me know Carlos. It's a pleasure to see you again. You've gotten big last I've seen you" grinned Velvette. Vital stared in confusion.

"Who was that boy? Why does mom look so happy to see him?" Wondered Vital before Vital could ask anything the door swung open.

"I apologize for keeping you two waiting for so long. I had to take care of some business." Camilla said as she sat down at her desk

"It's alright it didn't bother us," Velvette replied.

"Is this him?" Camilla questioned as she looked over at Vital.

"Yes. Vital come here please." Velvette asked. Vital didn't say a word as he walked over to Velvette.

"You know who is Camilla Carmine, but I believe it's time I introduced you properly"  Velvette hesitated as she looked over at Camilla, "Vital I would like you to meet your grandmother." She said

"It's nice to finally meet you, sweetie. Your mother speaks about you non-stop when she comes over." Camilla added. Vital didn't say a word as he stared at Velvette with his eyes widened

"I know this may be a surprise but your mother and I were never on good terms till now" Camilla stated as she placed her hand on Vital shoulder. Vital pushed her hand off his shoulder without breaking eye contact with Velvette.

"Why are you telling me this now," questioned Vital. Velvette stared into Vital eyes never before had she seen him so angry, but it wasn't anger she was seeing. no this was fear she saw.

    "I wanted you to stay with me in the tower," Velvette sniveled as she looked at him, "But you and I both know it's not safe for you there anymore. Every day Valentino gets more and more aggressive towards you, while your father does nothing about it," she added as tears began to form in her eyes.

    "What are you saying, Mom?!" demanded Vital as his hand balled up into a fist clutching onto his pants, "You told me you would never leave me!" cried Vital as he tried to stop the tears from flowing down his face.

    "I know baby, but it's my job as a parent to protect you," Comforted Vital as she wrapped her arms around him, "I can't protect you from Valentino, but Camilla can," she added as she held him in her arms.

    "And if it makes you feel any better your mother comes here every weekend to see your uncle and aunts. So don't think this is the last time you will see her." Camilla said as she laid her hand on Vital's back

    "I love you Mom…" mumbled Vital as he held onto Velvette.

    "I love you more sweetie. I promise I'll come visit every weekend." Velvette said as she let go of Vital wiping away his tears. Velvette looked up at the clock and sighed as she realized what time it was, "I must get going Vox and Valentino will be expecting me back home soon. Take care of my boy Mom." Velvette said as she kissed Vital on the head before being escorted out of the building.

    "Come on sweetie let me show you your room," Camilla said putting her hand on his shoulder Vital didn't say a word with tears still falling down his face.

To Be Continued

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