Diary of a Human-Raised Imp:...

By helluvafalls283

545 13 3

Throughout his life, Blitzo only knew three things. One, he does NOT look human. Two, his loving normal human... More

The Vanishing of Billie Knolastname
The Weirdo on Molten Street
Murder Family
Chapter 4: Loo Loo Land
The Succubus Pop-Star
Spring Broken
Truth Seekers

Harvest Moon Festival

45 2 0
By helluvafalls283

Summary: When Stolas invites Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, and Striker to the Harvest Moon Festival, things sure do happen. Notably, a human girl from Blitzo's past appearing in Hell, while accidentally bringing trouble.

Note: From now on, I'm using parentheses instead of asterisks.


In the Wrath Ring, Sallie May, a trans female imp with some resemblance to Millie, goes out to close the family workshop, which includes some Hell-cats to kill pests.

Sallie: (Hums Edge of Seventeen before shooing out Hell-rats) Shoo Hell-rats, shoo! 

Then, she and the Hell-cats shoo out Hell-coons and then Wally. Wait, what?

Sallie: Shoo, Hellcoons! Get the fuck out, Wally, shoo!

Wally then hisses like a cat and scampers off.

After locking up the shop, Sallie then hears a shadow and looks. She gets out a gun and checks. She rounds the corner...and sees something rather disturbing.

A bunch of imps eating some of their livestock, with rather long fangs even with their sharp teeth.

Sallie looks in horror, as she then shoots the vampire-imps.

The vampire imps then hiss angrily and run at her, as she braces herself for her incoming death or infection...

Only for their blood to splatter on her, as a giant cat monster with a unicorn horn eats them all.


Then, the cat-like monster turns into a bird monster and carries Sallie into the trees, shushing her.

???: (In a little girl's voice) Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you!

Sallie: Wha-what are you?!

???: (Sighs) Look, I'm actually a human with shapeshifting abilities, mostly shifting into creatures and stretching limbs. I have a twin brother, but I don't know where he is, and we were taken to separate labs in our world after these...agent guys killed our parents in Piedmont, California. They injected these genes into me and...(tearfully) I think I'm a freak of nature now...

In her bird creature form, the shapeshifter sobs. Sallie feels pity and comforts the shapeshifter.

Sallie: A-alright, I'll give you a home. But first, what's your name?

The shapeshifter then smiles and shapeshifts into a human girl, with caucasian skin and light blush, large circular brown eyes (portrayed as only black dot pupils), braces, long brown hair with a tuft, and a pink sweater with a shooting star design, black shoes, and a purple skirt.

I.e., the same girl from Blitzo's flashbacks in the lab.

???: I'm often called 17, but I prefer my real name...Mabel. Mabel Pines.


(Main title theme)


(Soundtrack: Tell It To My Heart - Pop/Dance - Taylor Dayne)

At breakfast, Max looks depressed.

Moxxie: Hey Max, you okay?

Max: No, Dad. My best friend is missing.

Blitzo sips a cup of hot chocolate he made, after Moxxie taught him how, and talks to someone.

Blitzo: So, I have good news and bad news: bad news, we haven't found Billie yet. Good news? My body count is in the 20s to 30s now, outside of my second old home, Loona is starting to trust me, and (looks down smiling) I think I found my new mama and a good papa! So, what do you think of your new home?

The camera pans out to reveal he is talking to the cherubs.

Collin: Well, i-it actually is...o-okay. We fought some bad denizens, or...what's the term for entities you interact with?

Cletus: I think it's NPCs.

Collin: R-Right, NPCs. We made some friends, we're discovering some good shows, and me and Keenie finally have a place to, uh...

Keenie: (Smirks) A place to fuck privately?

Collin: Y-yes.

Cletus: (sighs; to Blitzo) Well, as much as I hate demons...thanks for helping us.

Blitzo: (Smiles) No problem.

Moxxie's voice calls out.

Moxxie: Hey Blitz! We're going on a road trip to see Millie's family!

Blitzo: Uh, coming!

He then puts the pocket dimension lamp containing the cherubs in a closet.

Blitzo: Whatever you do, stay in the lamp, alright?

Cherubs: O-Okay/sure/makes sense.


In the truck, Moxxie, Millie, their kids, Striker, Blitzo, and Loona travel the Pride Ring to the Wrath Ring.

We see a montage, which has

- The family and friends staying at a motel.

- Them at a fun fair.

- A feral Loona chasing a Hell-squirrel as a terrified Blitzo chases after her.

- Blitzo, Max, Mikey, and Loona having ice cream, Loona being able to eat chocolate due to being a hellhound.

- And Striker and Millie being kicked out of a nightclub, to the others' embarrassment.


They finally get to the Wrath Ring, where Blitzo is surprised to see yellow grass fields, cactus, yellow red sky, hell animals, and volcanoes in the distance.

Finally in the Wrath Ring, Millie is happy to see an old male imp with a mustache, named Joe, and an old female imp with resemblance to her, named Lin waiting.

Millie, Mikey, and Max come out happily.

Millie: Mommy! Daddy!

Mikey: Grandma! Pop-pop!

They go out and hug them.

Joe: YEEHAW! How's my little pumpkin spice and her sugars doin'?

Moxxie: Hey Joe, Lin.

Lin: (Casually) Oh, hey Moxxie. (Sees Striker) My oh my, if it isn't Striker! 

She arm wrestles with him, being beaten but putting up a good fight, as they both laugh.

Lin: (Looks and sees Blitzo and Loona) Who are those?

Millie: Oh! Ma, pa, this is Blitz. He's stayin' with us, and this is a hellhound pup he adopted, in a way, named Loona.

Blitzo: H-hi...

Joe: Huh, 'Blitz'...what a strong name! 

Lin: Kinda reminds me of war.

Joe: Takes nothin' more than at least a little war to make a strong man! *Flexes*

Blitzo: ...thank you.

Loona: Well, I'm gonna go hunt prey. I promise, I'll stay in the field with the small herbivores.

Blitzo: Good luck, sweetie!

Millie: Where's the others? Besides Sallie over there.

Sallie, who is Millie's younger sister, practices using an axe on opponents.

Lin: Oh, well...there have been some weird things goin' on. There are vampire imps suckin' the blood out of our livestock, birds are fallin' dead, and...there's somethin' livin' with us.

Blitzo: Others?

Moxxie: (Whispers) Millie's siblings

Blitzo gets curious about "something" in the house and goes inside.


OST - Agents - Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein

Meanwhile, a portal opens up in a tree...before a large group of humans wearing hazmat suits go through.

Soldier #1: (To radio) Alright, sir, your orders?

Dr. Martin's Voice: Find the girl, she could be any being in there.

Soldier #2: Copy.


Blitzo looks through the house. He checks the bathroom and kitchen, and sees nothing.

Then, he sees a reflection of himself...facing away from him. Bizarrely, the other Blitzo has eyelashes, black horns the same shape as Blitzo's but black like female imps, and breasts covered by bandages as a bra.

Blitzo: W-what the?!

The other Blitzo looks behind to their shock.

Blitzo: What are you?!

Fem!Blitzo: (In Mabel's voice) B-Blitzo?

Blitzo then realizes who this is.

Blitzo: (Shocked) ...Mabel??

Mabel shifts back into her normal form and hugs Blitzo, sobbing and smiling.

Blitzo tears up and hugs her back.

Moxxie, who was standing there the whole time, sees this and is shocked.

Moxxie: You know this...human?!

Blitzo: (Sighs) Yes, she was in the same lab I was in and...is my friend...

Mabel: You can speak in full sentences?

Blitzo: Yeah, this is my new papa and he taught me how to speak full sentences. (Mutters) And a massive improvement over my old one...

Moxxie smiles cutely, having heard that, but then gets an idea.

Moxxie: Wait...since you turned into a female Blitz, can you shift into me?

Mabel: Well, I only do females...but I guess I'll turn into a female you.

Moxxie: (Eyes widen) ...what?

Mabel shifts into a female Moxxie.

Blitzo: Awwww, you look so cute, Mabel!

Mabel: (Giggles) Thanks, Blitz. (Mimics a female version of Moxxie's voice) Oh crumbs, my name is Moxxie!

Moxxie: Are you mocking me? And how did you know my catchphrase?

Mabel: (Normal voice) Eh, more likely teasing. Also, shapeshifters like me also can access thoughts. I see your spirit animals are cats and opossums, whether from Hell or Earth!

Moxxie blushes.

Moxxie: I-I can see cat or Hell-cat, but I am n-not a opossum! Or Hell-possum.

Mabel: It's alright, you're cute regardless.

Moxxie: (Smiles, then becomes confused) Wait, if Blitzo was unable to form sentences until we taught him how, how can you speak full sentences?

Mabel: (Shifts back to normal) Well, I was 10 years old when the lab...(sadly) killed my parents, took me and separated me and Dipper, and turned me into what I am now...(smiling) but at least I made a new friend.

Blitzo: (Smiles) Thanks, Mabel.

Sallie arrives and smiles.

Sallie: Oh, I see you met Mabel. A weirdo, but a cool one. 


Loona bites a Hell-hare (feral demon rabbit) and shakes it, before eating it.

Loona then sees a Hell-bear, and remains still. However, she shakes, causing the Hell-bear to roar and try attacking her...

Only for a pack of unusually red hellhounds to rip the bear apart.

Loona: (Gasps) Timber wolves...the myth is true!

We see a pack of domesticated feral timber-wolves, eating a Hell-bear.

Loona sighs, before a feral timber-wolf pup, even younger than her, goes up to her and offers her meat.

Loona smiles, eats the meat, and gives the pups candy bars.

An adolescent feral male, however, growls at her.

Loona understands what he's saying.

Loona: Ugh, us hellhounds didn't sell out. Have you even tried belly rubs, dipshit?

She then hears something as her ears perk up...military trucks coming.

She senses danger from them and hides with the pack of timber-wolves.

Loona then sees they are going to the farm.

Loona: (Terrified) Uh oh...


At the Harvest Moon Festival, Blitzo walks around with M&M, their kids, Mabel (in an imp form resembling herself), and Striker.

Millie: Alright, so what do we do first?

Mikey: Funhouse, anyone?

Stolas: Oh, hello!

They turn around and see Stolas.

Striker: (Awkwardly) Ohhh, hey, Stolas!

Blitzo: (Happily) Stolas!

He runs up to Stolas and hugs him.

Stolas smiles.

Stolas: Oh, if it isn't my lovely little Blitzy?

Blitzo: Please call me Blitz. Anyways, what are you doing here?

Stolas: Okay, Blitz, I am here to host the festival, and to perform some of my hit songs. After all, I'm not just demon royalty.

Blitzo: What kind of songs?

Stolas: Well, I'm a leader of the glam rock revival, I do art rock and art pop, electronic, hard rock, experimental, pop, some dance...a little like David Bowie.

Blitzo: I love David Bowie!

Mikey: (To his parents) I showed him one of my mixtapes.

Mabel: (To Mikey) Can you show me your mixtapes?

Mikey: Sure, just know some of the songs are explicit.

Millie: Hey, Strikes, you gonna win the Pain Games again?

Striker: Eh...


After watching the Pain Games, which Striker won again, the gang heads back to the farm.

Moxxie: Uhh, guys? The farm seems quiet...

Millie: Maybe they're just sleepin'?

Blitzo then senses danger, as his nose bleeds.

Blitzo: Uhh, guys? I think we should go.

Millie: Come on, what could be so ba-

She and Moxxie are horrified to see Joe, Lin, and Millie's siblings held captive.

Millie: MA, PA, SIBS!!!

Joe: (Terrified) Mildred, GET BACK!!

She and Moxxie are clubbed over the head by human soldiers, who Striker then fights.

Striker: BLITZ, MABEL, RUN!!


Striker: JUST GO!!!

Mabel gains wings and flies off in terror, carrying Blitzo and Mikey.


In a forest, Mabel and Blitzo are away from the farm.

Mikey: Phew, that was close! ...Blitz?

Blitzo: T-those logos...they're from me and Mabel's old home.

Mabel: Wait...(horrified) you don't mean...

Blitzo: Yeah, the lab.

Mikey: Oh, this is bad, this is so bad! 

Blitzo: But...how did they find us?

Mabel realizes.

Mabel: Shit...they used the same portal I did!

They hear a sudden rustle in the bushes.

Blitzo: H-hello?

Mabel shifts into a demonic Dilophosaurus and hisses, as Mikey pulls out a machete and Max takes out a gun.

Only for Loona to leap out.

Loona: BLITZ!!!

Blitzo: LOONA!!!

They hug emotionally.

Mabel shifts back to normal and is surprised.

Mabel: You know each other?

Mikey: Yeah, she's Blitz's daughter! Sort of.

Loona: Sup?

Blitzo: (to Loona; worried) Are you hurt?

Loona: No. I think I have a plan.

Mabel: What?

Loona: When I was hunting, I met and kinda befriended a large pack of cryptid canines. Cryptids are apparent myths, even in Hell. They apparently are related to hellhounds like me, but they're very different and, while smart, more animalistic. They are feral, and not anthro-po-poma-

Mabel: Anthropomorphic?

Loona: Yeah, whatever that word is. They're more like actual wolves or stray dogs than...anthro hellhounds like me, but they're a really powerful species, capable of fucking up populations of humans, even hunters and shit.

Blitzo: Okay. Where are they?

Loona: Hold on a sec.

She then howls, as the hellhounds appear, and bark at Blitzo and Mabel.

Loona then barks at them, apparently telling them they're harmless.

The feral hellhounds stop, as they then look at each other.

Blitzo goes to some puppies and pets them, as they lick his hand happily.

Mabel: Alright, let's do this!


As Moxxie, Millie, Striker, and Millie's family are bound and gagged, the human soldiers patrol.

However, they are each taken down, a few with blood splattering. 

We see from some timber wolves' POV as leap at some soldiers to maul them as they scream.

We cut away to a concerned soldier.

Soldier #1: Hey sir?

Commander: Yeah?

Soldier #1: Did you notice how a lot of soldiers are going missing?

Commander: Yeah...*to men* Alright, men! Keep your guard up!

The soldiers go out and begin shooting, but most of the timber-wolves dodge and maul them, as Blitzo, Mabel, and Loona go in.

Blitzo telekinetically grabs a gun and shoots the human soldiers, their blood spraying from their bullet wounds as they die.

Loona and Mabel fight soldiers, Mabel turning into different monsters and killing agents while Loona rips apart agents, while Max and Mikey shoot and slash/stab soldiers, respectively. Blitzo then frees Striker, Moxxie, and Millie.

Millie: My babies! Are you alright?

Mikey: Never better, mom!

The soldiers then retreat into the portal, as Blitzo follows.

Moxxie: Where are you going?!

Blitzo: To close the portal!

Mabel: Great idea!

Moxxie: What if you get killed?!

Blitzo: I won't, I promise!

The soldiers go through the portal, as Blitzo reaches his hands out and closes the portal.


Millie and her husband (Moxxie) and friend (Striker) check on her family.

Moxxie: Are you alright?

Joe: Yeah! (Pants) What the fuck was that?!

Blitzo: Humans. They're after me and Mabel.

Lin: What?

Blitzo: (Tearfully) These humans...they won't stop until they get us back and kill you or until they're all dead. It's our fault, really. We shouldn't have-

Moxxie slaps him and puts his hands on his face.

Moxxie: Listen, Blitz. I don't care if it's your fault or not. You're my friend, my adopted son, and I will make sure they don't take you or your human friend back to that shithole!

Blitzo tears up, and hugs him.

Moxxie warmly hugs him back.


As M&M, Striker, Blitzo, and the kids leave, Sallie calls someone.

Sallie: Hey, babe. Yeah, I know. I almost died. There was blood and carnage everywhere! (Laughs) Yep, even killed some bastards before being held captive.

Then, we cut to the female imp who resembles Blitzo, in her room at rehab.

???: Woah, really?! Were there any hearts or guts?

Sallie: (On phone) Nah. Lots of blood and dismembered limbs, though. We even met this imp named Blitzo, and he has superpowers! Kinda like you.

???: Cool! Alright, I gotta go to bed, babe. Goodnight, love ya, Sal.

Sallie then smiles.

Sallie: ...'Night Barbie.

As the imp female, apparently named Barbie, goes to sleep...

Her eyes widen when realizing Sallie said Blitzo's name.

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