The Man of Steel (Marvel X Ma...

By Monster-Zer0

32.8K 886 263

Found as a baby by S.H.I.E.L.D, he was taught everything from right to wrong. Wanting to be a hero and save p... More

Prologue: The Boy from the Stars
Jonathan Romanoff/Superman
The Man of Steel
The New Team (1)
The New Team (2)
The New Team (3)
The Cat Burglar (1)
The Cat Burglar (2)
The Cat Burglar (3)
The Cat Burglar (4)
Heroes of Korea (1)
Heroes of Korea (2)
Heroes of Korea (3)
Heroes of Korea (4)

Day Off and Discovery

588 25 4
By Monster-Zer0

We see the team lounging in the living room enjoying the free time they have after all the work and missions they did from both in China and Korea. The others finished their homework and projects they missed during those missions and got free time.

We see Jon sitting on the couch reading a book while Miles and Sam are playing video games on the large TV they have. The girls were just talking to each other except Kamala who was busy with her fanfiction.

Jon: "I want to ask you guys something. What reason do you guys give to the school you go to when there's a mission?"

Miles: "Easy."

Sam: "Stark Internship."

Jon: "Really? That's it?"

Gwen: "Yup. There's no other reasons."

Kitty: "It was hard for me to lie at first. You know, since I was new and just got transferred to their school."

Sam: "What about you dude?"

Jon: "I just get out of class without a word."

They stopped what they are doing and faced the Kryptonian who just looked up from his book and saw their wide eyes.

Jon: "What?"

Riri: "So you just leave?"

Jon: "Me and Felicia are the smartest ones there. If I wanted to, I would graduate early and just leave school."

Kitty: "W-Wow."

Felicia: "Jon's right."

Felicia walked in with her daughter as everyone turned towards her and beamed up once they saw the little girl.

Felicia: "If we wanted too, we can stop going to school but we can't. We're the role models after all."

Meg immediately ran towards Jon who stood up. She hugged him by the leg before hiding behind them.

Jon: "Hi there little lady. It's been awhile."

Meg nodded and hid from the others. She was used to seeing Jon since he would visit her when he isn't busy. She is also a big fan of Superman. So seeing the others for the first time made her shy.

Jon: "Don't worry about it guys, she's just shy."

Gwen: "Hi. Come here, you don't have to be scared."

She looks hesitant but felt a hand on top of her head. She looked up and saw Jon smiling at her.

Jon: "It's okay, they are friends."

She nodded slowly before walking towards Gwen who kneeled down.

Gwen: "You are so cute! My name is Gwen. What about yours?"

Meg: "H-Hi. I-I'm Meg."

Kitty: "Nice to meet you Meg, I'm Kitty. That's Riri, Sam and Miles. Kamala is in her room. Treat us like your big brothers and sisters."

Meg gave them the cutest smile she could muster melting them.

(Like this)

Meg: "O-Okay."

The girls present started to play with Meg as the little one finally felt comfortable with them. Felicia sat beside Jon and out her head on his shoulder while peeking at the book he is reading. Everyone who noticed this gave them a weird stare with Jon looking up sensing the stares.

Jon: "What?"

Riri: "Didn't you know, you guys look like a cute couple."

Felicia: "A plenty of times actually. I only hang out with my friends and Jon back at the Academy. The boys their don't interest me. So you guys have no plans for today?"

Gwen: "I wanted to go shopping. You know, just us girls."

Kitty: "That would be a great idea."

Just then, Kamala appeared seemingly out of knowhere startling Sam who was playing video games.

Kamala: "I heard shopping."

Felicia: "How about we girls go out. It's our day off."

Gwen: "Let's go then."

The other's started to get ready as Meg is now on her mother's lap eating chocolate as Felicia grabbed the book from Jon's grasp.

Jon: "What is it?"

Felicia: "Can you do me a favor and watch Meg for me while the girls and I are out?"

Jon: "Sure. If she's okay with it."

Meg gave an immediate nod and a cute smile as she moved to Jon's lap with the Kryptonian petting her on the head.

Felicia: "She really likes you."

Jon: "Why wouldn't she? I mean, her mom likes me too.... I think."

Felicia: "Oh look at you. You're getting pretty bold this days."

Jon: "What can I say? You're a big influence."

After the other girls done preparing, they all left to go shopping leaving the three boys behind with the little girl. With the girls leaving, the tower suddenly fell into silence.

Miles: "Okay...... Now what?"

Sam: "I don't know. I mean we have the tower to ourselves but there is nothing to do here."

Jon: "Well since the girls went out to have do their own thing, how about we boys go out as well. I heard there's a new ice cream parlor that just opened."

Meg: "Ice cream!"

Miles: "Well I'm in and Meg is in as well."

Sam: "Sure. Haven't had ice cream for awhile."

Jon stoop up with Meg in his arms as he grabbed his brown jacket.

Jon: "Come on then. My treat."

Sam/Miles: "Nice!"

The group of four went down the tower and walked out of the building. The new ice cream parlor was just near their building so it was just a walk away. Once the four got their ice cream, they decided to walk around New York enjoying their free time.

Miles: "Who knew one day of relaxing would change something."

Jon: "They just saw our hardwork and treated us with a day off from missions and school."

Sam: "I don't know about you guys but I want more days like this. Just relaxing and-"

Sam was cut off as police cars and fire trucks drove past them in a hurry. They followed it and saw a building on fire.

Sam: "And I have to jinx it."

Miles and Sam was about to ran off to change but they were stopped by Jon who just pointed up. The two teens looked up and saw Spider-Man swung through a window and jumped back out with two people. He landed safely and gave the two people towards the medics. Everyone clapped their hands as Spider-Man gave them a salute before swinging away.

Jon: "Remember, it's our day off. Let the others handle it."

Meg: "Spyader-Man!"

Jon could only laugh at the little girl mispronouncing Peter's hero name. The four went on with their day walking a round the city while having a fun conversation with each other. They arrived at a park with Sam playing with Meg on the swings.

The two laughed at Sam pushed Meg on the swing to go a little bit higher. Sam didn't noticed that Meg wasn't on the swing anymore as he went wide eyes in panic.

Sam: "MEG!"

Hearing him shout, Jon and Miles approached him and noticed Meg was gone.

Miles: "Where's Meg?!"

Sam: "I don't know! We were just playing when she suddenly disappeared!"

That's when he felt a tap from behind. Sam turned around and sighed in relief to see Meg safe and sound. Jon and Miles looked on in shock to see what was happening.

Sam: "There you are! You scared me young lady!"

Jon: "Uhm....Sam."

That's when Sam finally realized that Meg was floating in front of him while she is giggling. Sam jumped in shock as he stared at the floating girl.

Miles: "S-She's..."

Sam: "Floating!"

Meg then started to float up as Jon lookd around, glad no one there except them. He flew up and grabbed the girl before flying back down as the two teens approached them.

Miles: "She has powers?"

Jon: "I'm surprised as you guys as well. Felicia didn't tell me about her having powers."

Sam: "Uhm guys......where is she?"

Jon looked down on his arms to find Meg wasn't there anymore.

Jon: "What?!"

Jon looked around and saw Meg sitting on the sandbox playing. He used his super speed to catch her but Meg vanished in an instant and appeared on top of the monkey bars.

Jon: "Ok. She can teleport and fly."

Sam was sneaking behind Meg as he jumped and tried to grab her but he hit a forcefield surrounding the little girl.

Sam: *muffled* "She also has forcefield?!"

Meg disappeared again and now on the swing happily giggling. She waved at them before disappearing again. Jon used his super senses to find her as Jon told them to follow him.

Meanwhile, the girls are inside a cafe in the mall. They decide to eat and rest for a bit after a shopping spree they just did. Felicia was happily slurping her drink until she looked up and found the girls staringbat her.

Felicia: "What?"

Gwen: "We didn't know you and Jon are a thing."

Kamala: "Wait what?! Felicia's dating Jon?!"

Felicia: "What are you guys talking about? Me and Jon aren't a thing....yet."

Riri: "So you admit that you like him!"

Felicia: "Who wouldn't? Jon's the nicest and the most handsome guy I know. He's also very reliable."

Kitty: "Tell me about it. He is just so...... perfect."

Felicia: "Right?"

The girls just sighed and continued to talk and enjoy their day. The boys were still in pursuit as Meg turned this into a game of tag. Meg was shaving fun and laughing making the boys smile not even tired of chasing her around.

Jon floated above the city away from everyone's view trying to find where Meg is. He then saw her appear out of nowhere and started to fall. Jon panicked and immediately flew towards her breaking the sound barrier. He caught Meg who was giggling as Jon floated in the air.

Meg: "Again! Again!"

Jon could only smile as Sam floated towards them with his helmet on as Miles landed on top of a building near them with his mask on.

Sam: "That was one hell of a chase."

Miles: "I haven't swing that fast in my entire life."

Meg then saw an ice cream booth and appeared near the booth. Jon looked down and slowly descended down but away from prying eyes. He approached the girl who pointed at the ice cream menu.

Jon: "You want more ice cream? You just had one earlier."

Meg: "Please."

She gave him the puppy dog eyes with Jon caving in and buying her one. Jon gave her the ice cream making her jump in joy and disappeared again. Jon just sighed before chasing after her again.

Soon, they found her eating Bernice cream on top of a crate. They are at the docks right with Miles breathing heavily from swinging for a long time. Jon carried Meg who continued eating her ice cream.

Jon: "Alright young lady, let's go home."

Before they could even walk away, they heard noises coming inside a warehouse. The trio looked at each other and followed the voice with Jon gesturing Meg to be quite. They approached the warehouse and saw HYDRA soldiers hoarding a bunch of kids.

Sam: "Are those guys..."

Miles: "HYDRA."

Jon: "Those children..... they're Mutants."

Miles: "What do we do?"

Sam: "I say we beath them up."

Jon: "But we have to be- wait! Where's Meg?"

Meg wasn't in Jon's arms anymore. Miles and Sam went on high alert trying to find Meg but an explosion caught their attention. They looked back inside and saw Meg in the middle of a crater with HYDRA soldiers sprawled around the warehouse with the kids unharmed.

The three ran inside the warehouse with Jon grabbing Meg as he looked around surprised. He used his X-Ray Vision and found more of the HYDRA soldiers rushing towards them.

Jon: "More incoming."

Jon put them Meg with the little girl looking up at the Kryptonian.

Jon: "Be a good girl and stay here,  okay?"

Miles: "We'll deal with them if they ever get inside."

Jon nodded and flew through the ceiling and towards the incoming soldiers. He flew down and landed with a crash sending a few of them flying back. Ones they saw that it was Superman they are dealing with, one of them shouted for the ship they are using to escape.

They started to fire at Jon who just took the bullets like they were nothing and fired his Heat Vision destroying their guns. They looked at their destroyed guns and then at Jon who just smirked.

Jon: "It's over."

The HYDRA soldiers looked at each before running for their lives. Some even jumped off the docks to chase after the sailing ship. Jon saw this and just shook his head. He flew up and chased after the ship. Like a speeding bullet, Jon tore through the ship making it sink into the ocean slowly.

Jon: "That takes care of them."

Back inside the warehouse, some HYDRA soldiers went past Jon and got inside but they were beaten down by Sam and Miles. Miles webbed them up while Sam blasted them with energy. One soldier sneaked past the two and grabbed Meg holding her hostage.

HYDRA Soldier: "Stay back! Or she's dead!"

Jon arrived and floated with his eyes glowing red.

Jon: "Put the girl down."

The soldier shook his head as Meg just stayed quite before she started to glow. The glow grew even brighter until another explosion occured. Jon shielded the others from the explosion as dust covered the warehouse.

Once the dust settled, the HYDRA soldier was nowhere to be found. Only Meg who sat in the center of another crater. She giggled before standing back up and ran towards Jon and hugged his legs.

Sam: "What. The. He-"

He didn't finish as Miles covered his mouth. After calling his mother and rescuing the children, the four went back to the tower.

The girls got back a few hours later and opened the door. Once they are inside, they saw Miles and Sam sprawled on the floor asleep with drool dripping out of their mouth.

They turned towards Jon on the couch and their eyes softened of the scene in front of them. Especially Felicia. They saw Jon asleep with Meg sleeping on his chest with a smile on her face.

The other girls left to prepare dinner and let the guys rest. Felicia approached the sleeping duo on the couch and rubbed Meg's head. She stared at Jon's sleeping face and let out a soft smile. She kissed him on the cheek making him move move in his sleep but didn't wake up.

Felicia: "You're making me like you even more."

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