Whispers Of Regret | Hyunlix

By Cookie_buttereu

8.6K 592 2.9K

In the hushed corridors of a grand mansion, the echo of heavy sobs pierces the stillness. A desperate plea ha... More

Cœur brisé - Broken heart
Chéri(e) - Sweetheart
Je t'aime - I love you
Éternité - Eternity
Fleur - Flower
Doux rêve - Sweet dream
Charmant(e) - Charming
Douceur - Sweetness
Cœur - Heart
Abîme - Abyss
Courroux - Wrath
Chaos - le chaos
Éclatant(e) - Dazzling
Sombre - Dark
Lumière - Light
Grâce - Grace
Ténébreux - Sinister
Désespoir - Despair
Douleur - Pain
Larmes - Tears
Souffrance - Suffering
Amertume - Bitterness
Amour déchu - Fallen love
Brutalité - Brutality
Peine - Suffering
Brume - Mist
Lueur - Glow
Désir - Desire
Enivrant - Intoxicating
Étincelle - Spark
Agonie - Agony
Espoir - Hope
Séduction - Seduction
Fleurir - To Bloom
Souffle - Breath
Flamme - Flame
Effeuillage - Petals falling
Apaisant - Soothing
Confiance - Trust
Crépuscule - Twilight
Lien - Bond
Pulsion - Urge

Tentant - Tempting

173 16 114
By Cookie_buttereu

Je brûle pour toi

Translation: "I burn for you"


"Do you, Hwang Hyunjin, take Lee Felix to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

The priest stood before them, his words a gentle melody in the air. As the older uttered the words, "Yes, I do," the blonde's gaze shifted towards him.

The ravenette, clad in a sleek black Versace tuxedo, exuded an ethereal presence, his hair elegantly tied in a half ponytail. Opposite him stood the blonde, adorned in a pristine white LV tuxedo, his hair fashioned in a neat bun, radiating equal charm. It was a small, private wedding, attended only by close family and their best friends, shielded from the intrusion of reporters or business associates. This was exactly what the blonde wanted, given their circumstances.


The priest continued, the question that would seal their fates, "Do you, Lee Felix, take Hwang Hyunjin to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

The blonde's mind wandered, it became entangled in the web of memories, each one a bittersweet reminder of the love they once shared. Memories flooded his thoughts-of stolen glances and whispered promises.

But as reality settled like a heavy fog, his heart grew heavy with grief. He remembered their dreams of a grand wedding; Hyunjin always wants to proudly declare their love to the world. Yet here they stood, on the cusp of forever, but worlds apart.

Glancing at his family, their worried expressions mirrored his own inner turmoil. Each face held a silent plea, a prayer for Felix's happiness. And his friends looked on with concern, their eyes reflecting the shattered fragments of his dreams.

Turning to face his fiancé, the blonde's gaze faltered. He saw not just the man he loved, but the broken pieces of their once-unbreakable bond.


The ravenette's eyes held a gentle plea, silently begging for the words his heart dared not speak. But as the room fell into a heavy silence, the priest cleared his throat, drawing attention to the blonde's hesitation.

With tear-filled eyes, the blonde turned to his grandfather for reassurance, but even the soft smile he found couldn't dispel the cloud of doubt that engulfed him.

It gripped him like a vice, paralyzing his resolve. The weight of past wounds and shattered dreams bore down on him, drowning out the whispered promises of the past.


As all eyes bore into him, each heartbeat felt like an eternity, every breath a struggle.

Caught in the grip of uncertainty, the words "I do" remained trapped on his tongue, a reflection of the fear that held him captive. And as everyone held their breath, the blonde grappled with the heavy burden of love.

Taking a deep breath, he finally uttered, "Yes, I do." A collective sigh of relief filled the air as tension dissolved, but the ravenette's eyes lingered on the younger. The blonde was the one who had been with him through thick and thin, yet he had hurt him beyond repair. He was the one who had given him a reason to keep living, but now their once happy relationship lay shattered by his own hands. The blonde's hesitation was his own doing, a painful reminder of the irreversible damage he had caused.


The priest's voice broke the heavy silence, his words carrying the weight of centuries-old blessings. "May your love be boundless as you journey through life together," he spoke, his tone filled with gentleness and hope. "May your hearts be filled with joy, and may your home be a place of peace and love. May God bless you both abundantly now and always. Amen."

A chorus of "Amen" echoed softly from the altar servers, their voices blending seamlessly with the solemn atmosphere of the chapel. As the priest's gaze shifted, he extended his hand and asked, "May I have the rings, please?"

Upon a gleaming gold platter, the symbols of eternal commitment rested, carried forward by a young priest with respect and grace. With a nod of gratitude, the priest accepted the rings, their presence filling the sacred space.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the priest's voice resounded with both authority and gentleness, "Hwang Hyunjin, as you place this ring on Lee Felix's finger, please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, and pledge my faithful love." Hyunjin nodded, his gaze locking with Felix as he repeated the vow.

"Lee Felix, as you place this ring on Hwang Hyunjin's finger, please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, and pledge my faithful love." Felix mirrored Hyunjin's nod, his heart pounding with emotion as he spoke the words of commitment.

With the exchange complete, a wave of applause swept through the chapel. The priest's voice continued, bestowing blessings upon the couple. "May these rings be a symbol of the love and faithfulness you share," he spoke, his words filled with warmth and sincerity. "May they always serve as a reminder of the promises you have made to each other, and may your marriage be blessed with unending joy, harmony, and enduring love. Amen."

With those words, the air seemed to shimmer with the promise of a future brimming with love and happiness. And then, with a final declaration, the priest pronounced, "Now, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss."


The blonde's breath hitched in his chest, his heart pounding erratically against his ribs as he kept his head low, unable to meet the gaze of the ravenette before him. Sensing his hesitation, the ravenette's finger gently found its way under his chin, lifting it with a delicate touch that sent shivers down his spine, igniting a wildfire between them.

Their eyes locked in a silent exchange fraught with unspoken longing and aching, each wordless glance speaking volumes of pain and an inexplicable yearning they couldn't quite comprehend. The air between them crackled with tension, thick with the unspoken promise of something forbidden yet irresistible.

The ravenette pulled the younger closer, his arm wrapping around his waist possessively, drawing him into an embrace that felt both exhilarating and suffocating. As their bodies pressed together, the younger's breath caught in his throat, his skin tingling with the electric heat of their proximity.

"H-hwang," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the pounding of his own heart, his words a mixture of fear and longing.

But the older's gaze remained intense, unwavering in its intensity as he spoke, his voice low and husky. "You're a Hwang now, officially," he murmured, his words hanging in the air like a forbidden confession, the weight of their implications heavy between them.

The younger's heart hammered against his chest relentlessly, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness surging through him as he stood before the taller. His legs felt like they could give way at any moment at the ravenette's deep sensual voice. Feeling the older lean in, the younger's pulse quickened even more, his eyes locked onto the intense gaze of the ravenette. A soft, warning murmur slipped from the blonde's lips, "Don't even think about it, Hyunjin."

With a gentle glance towards the younger's heart-shaped luscious lips and then returned to meet his hazel eyes, the ravenette whispered, "You wouldn't want Grandpa to get the wrong idea, would you?" Before the blonde could retort, the ravenette had already claimed his lips in a passionate kiss.

A sudden surge of electricity crackled through the air, sending shivers down their spines. The tension between them was a blend of the familiar and the unknown, creating a magnetic pull that neither could resist. It had been an eternity since their lips last met, yet the memory lingered like a forbidden fruit waiting to be savored once more.

Parting his lips, the ravenette hungrily kissed the blonde, leaving him stunned and unable to react. The kiss ignited a storm of electricity within them. Sensations surged through him as the ravenette's tongue traced the outline of his lower lip, leaving a trail of familiarity that sent shivers down his spine. The older fervently savored the familiar taste - the tantalizing taste of those strawberry lips evoked a fiery hunger in the ravenette as he tightened his grip around the younger's body. It was no surprise; the blonde's velvet lips never failed to intoxicate Hyunjin even now.

Increasing the pressure around the smaller's waist, the ravenette softly bit down on his lips, silently seeking permission to deepen the kiss. Overwhelmed by the intensity, the blonde's senses went haywire, his body and mind craving more of Hyunjin. The alluring scent of chocolate from the older left him feeling delirious.

Unable to resist any longer, the blonde instinctively surrendered to the ravenette's advances. Eagerly parting his lips, he granted entry to the ravenette, who wasted no time exploring every corner of his mouth with his probing tongue, leaving a mark of possession in its wake. Each touch and caress kindled a burning desire within the shorter, though struggling to keep up with the older's pace.

Gasping for breath, the blonde found himself clutching the collar of the older's blazer, his fingers trembling. Through the haze of desire, he managed to mumble, his voice barely audible over the fiery kiss that consumed them both, "H-Hyunjin s-st"

The ravenette pulled him even closer, hungrily kissing, their bodies pressed together in a feverish embrace that left them both yearning for more. With each passing moment, their kisses grew more passionate and heated, a whirlwind of sensation that threatened to overwhelm them both.

As the ravenette's tongue trailed along his lips, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, the blonde found himself returning the favor, unable to resist the magnetic pull of desire. With each nibble and caress, they danced a dangerous dance of passion, their breath mingling in the heated air between.

Amidst the fervent exchange, a sharp bite from the younger drew blood from the ravenette's lips, sending a jolt of pain through his senses. Hissing softly in response, he reluctantly pulled back, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath.

The blonde gazed at the taller, whose gaze held a depth of longing that spoke volumes, captivating the younger in an ethereal trance. Unable to resist, he drew the taller closer once again, their lips reuniting in a fiery embrace. The ravenette eagerly reciprocated, and the kiss was fueled with a mutual hunger that felt insatiable.

As the intensity of the moment reached its peak, the blonde paused, his senses suddenly overwhelmed by the taste of more blood lingering on the older's lips. With a mixture of desire and concern, he gently licked the blood away, his touch both tender and urgent.

"Let's stop," he managed to choke out,  voice strained with need. "I can't breathe."

With heavy breaths, the two parted from each other, their chests rising and falling as they tried to catch their breath. Their lips were swollen and red, the crimson hue mirroring the blush on their cheeks.


The old priest stood nearby, his mouth agape in shock, while the young priests behind him exchanged knowing glances, their eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Kids these days can't wait to get to their rooms," the old man mumbled with a soft shake of his head. Gathering his rosary and Bible, he then gestured for the others to follow him as he made his way out.


The blonde turned towards the front, only to be met with the astonished expressions of his friends and family. Some had their mouths wide open, while others gasped in disbelief. Amidst this, their grandpa chuckled,

"Both of you might've missed each other a lot during the years you were apart," he teased, a knowing twinkle in his eye.

Feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment, the blonde stole a quick glance at the ravenette beside him. He found the other man gazing at him with a dazed expression, his own ears turning a shade of crimson. The younger quickly looked away, hoping to conceal the rush of emotions swirling within him.


"Were you both holding your horses back from each other all this time?" Seungmin asked, walking closer to them. The younger blushed deeply at the question, while the ravenette couldn't help but smirk. "Why? Are you jealous?"

The puppy-faced scoffed. "You were practically devouring his face and nearly suffocated him to death. Why would I be jealous of dying?" he retorted.

The ravenette rolled his eyes and slipped his hands in his pocket.


Jisung dashed towards them, enveloping the blonde in a tight hug. "Lixiee, that was so hot! Now I wanna see you both doing sex," he blurted out, his excitement oozing. The blonde's eyes widened in horror as he looked at Jisung, while the brunette's eyes twinkled mischievously.

The ravenette swiftly intervened, gently pulling the younger away from Jisung's embrace and positioning himself protectively behind his back. He glared at the brunette, while the latter simply rolled his eyes in response, unfazed by the llama's glare.

Lino stepped in, smoothly taking hold of the brunette and steering him away from them. "Come on, baby, let's go grab something to eat. I know you're hungry," he murmured, his voice soothing as he guided his boyfriend away, who clung to the chestnut-haired excitedly, eager to devour the food.


The blonde's face flamed with embarrassment, his cheeks ablaze like a burning sunset at his friend's tease. With a deep breath, he decided to distance himself from the older, realizing that the older's touch was doing him no good. With that, he struggled against Hyunjin's firm grip. Despite his futile attempts to break free, the ravenette's hold remained unyielding, his touch both reassuring and suffocating. Desperate to escape the suffocating closeness, the blonde muttered, "Hyunjin, let go of me."

The ravenette's gaze was unwavering, his expression a mixture of concern and determination. "Where are you going? We should be together," his tone gentle yet insistent, betraying the underlying turmoil within.

With a defiant glare, the younger lashed out, his words dripping with bitterness. "So what? Does that mean we have to hold hands? Let go of me," he demanded, his voice strained with frustration.

The ravenette's confidence unshaken despite the younger's defiance. "Why? Are you suddenly shy? You were more than eager to kiss me earlier," he taunted, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.

Enraged, the younger closed the distance between them, their faces mere inches apart. With a sarcastic edge to his voice, he fired back, "Don't get too cocky. If it were anyone else, I would have done the same. And I only did it because Grandpa was here."

The ravenette's jaw clenched involuntarily, a surge of emotions flooding his senses as the words hit him like a ton of bricks. Without a second thought, he tightened his grip around the blonde's hand, his own fingers digging into the flesh as he struggled to contain the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind.

"Someone else in my place? Did you do that with that hyung of yours? Is that why he's so special to you?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but each word carried the weight of a thousand doubts and insecurities.

The younger's eyes widened in shock, a flicker of disbelief flashing across his features before a storm of anger ignited within him. How could Hyunjin even think such a thing? After all these years of struggling to move on from the older? And it only took the ravenette a few fleeting moments to find comfort in that Aera's arms.

Fueled by frustration and hurt, the blonde's voice cut through the tense silence like a knife. "Oh, you have no idea what we did. It was more than just kissing," he spat out, his words dripping with bitterness and resentment. "I don't even remember some of it because I was so lost in the moment."

The ravenette seethed with fury upon hearing those words, consumed by rage at the mere thought of a bastard laying hands on his love, ignited a fire within him. His possessiveness surged, his grip tightening around the younger's wrist so forcefully that he failed to notice the bruises forming beneath his fingers. It wasn't until he heard the low hiss of pain that he snapped out of his trance, his eyes widening in shock as he released his hold, revealing angry red marks on the soft porcelain skin of the blonde. Guilt washed over him like a tidal wave, threatening to drown him in remorse as he released his hold, his hands trembling with regret.

Tears shimmered in the younger's eyes, his gaze hardened with a mixture of hurt and anger. With a voice thick with pain, the ravenette stammered, "Baby, I-I'm sorry."

But the younger's glare remained unyielding, his voice dripping with resentment. "I don't understand why you're getting so defensive when you were practically eye-fucking Aera right after our breakup. Do you really have the right to question me, Hyunjin?"

With a heavy, deep breath, the ravenette's chest tightened as he fought to contain the storm raging within him. His jaw clenched with a steely determination as he uttered through gritted teeth, "I didn't sleep with her, nor did I kiss her."

The younger's brows furrowed, his eyes boring into the older with a mixture of disbelief and accusation. "Oh really?" he shot back, his tone laced with bitterness. "Too bad. You two seemed like a match made in heaven. It's quite clear that you moved on from our years-long relationship in just one week. Doesn't that say it all?"

Hyunjin's features hardened, the blonde's resolve unwavering as he met the older's intense gaze head-on. "I don't give a damn who you sleep with or date anymore," his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "This marriage is nothing but a facade, a mere promise. Feel free to do whatever the hell you want, and don't you dare interfere in my business either. We only have to pretend in front of Grandpa. Other than that, let's respect each other's privacy."

The blonde's words hung heavy in the air as he turned on his heels, his heart torn between pain and resignation. In the deafening silence that followed, a low mumble broke through, barely audible yet carrying the weight of a thousand regrets. "Is this marriage nothing to you, Lix?" The ravenette's voice quivered with grief, his heartache evident in the air.

Gulping back the lump in his throat, the blonde blinked away the tears threatening to spill. Finally finding his voice, he mustered every ounce of courage to speak, his words cutting through the tension like a dagger. "It's been over between us for eight years, Hyunjin. Our past was beautiful, but it's just that-the past. We don't need to cling to a broken thread. Maybe we're not meant to be together."

With those final words lingering in the air like a haunting echo, the blonde walked away.


The ravenette stood frozen, his heart gripped by an agonizing pain at the words that had just pierced through him. Memories of their shattered love flooded his mind, each one a sharp dagger stabbing at his already wounded soul. Before he could drown in the depths of his despair, a voice broke the silence, pulling him back to the present.

Turning around, he was met with the sight of Jisung casually munching on chips, his demeanor a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within Hyunjin. "I don't blame my baby," the brunette muttered. "You broke him beyond repair. It's obvious he'll have trust issues and think you don't love him, because that's what you told him. So you better pull yourself together and chase your llama self after him and make him yours. I don't think he's ever loved anyone like he loved you, and you never stopped loving him. So don't waste another eight years and give me my Hyunlix fluff," he added, his gaze burning with intensity as he glared at Hyunjin. "Bitch, you understood?"

Hyunjin's heart raced in his chest, a mixture of guilt, regret, and longing swirling within him. He felt the sting of tears in his eyes, the weight of his mistakes crushing him with each passing moment. With a shaky breath, he managed to utter, "Thanks, Sung," before tearing his gaze away and sprinting towards the annoyed blonde, who was stomping towards the buffet.

As he chased after the younger, determination surged through the ravenette's veins, propelling him forward with unwavering resolve. He knew he had to make things right, no matter the cost, for the love they once shared and the future they could still rescue hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of hope and despair.


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