Palworld We're all Pals Here

By MSWolfsbane

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User #072 washes ashore on the Palpagos Islands after his research vessel is attacked. He is quickly befriend... More

Chapter 1 Palpagos Isles
Chapter 2 Violence In Paradise
Chapter 3 A Samurai Arrives
Chapter 4 Jessica Jetdragon
Chapter 5 Raid
Chapter 6 Thunder Bear on the Windswept Hills
Chapter 7 Sanctuary
Chapter 8 Sally Lovander
Chapter 9 Syndicate
Chapter 10 Syndicate Part II
Chapter 11 Vessel #33 Crescent Moon
Chapter 12 Minx
Chapter 13.5 Sam and Minx Part II
Chapter 14 Zoey and a Damn Mammorest
Chapter 15 Free Pal alliance
Chapter 16 Dungeon Discoveries
Chapter 17 Round Two Fight
Chapter 18 Mourning
Chapter 19 Axel and Orserk's Assault
Chapter 20 Fillet O' Friend
Chapter 21 Siege on the Windswept hills
Chapter 22 Gothic Hostess
Chapter 23 For the Love of Moon

Chapter 13 Sam and Minx vs Palworld

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By MSWolfsbane

     Blood is always red, as is the tip of my blade. My name is Sambushi, and this is what I remember of my journey.

Once I knew the emotion that the humans call love. Now I know loss. An emptiness that you can never fill. A hole that you fall into, but never climb out of. And that's why I keep chasing it, like a Lovander I run through the darkness ready to pounce on the first sign of what I think the emotion love is. Only to chase it endlessly without fruitful recompense.

Blood splashes against my skin as my blade splits an artery in the syndicate soldier's leg. Cries of agony ring through the air as I rip the blade upward slicing a deep hole in the right side of his throat. He suffers on the ground as he chokes on his own blood.

A bullet grazes my shoulder and I turn my blade on another soldier. The blade slices him clean in half and he looks down at his waist with fear in his eyes. The wails he makes into the night air as the top portion of his body separates from the bottom only end when my cold steel pierces his skull.

That's not enough though. More men run in and I grab Minx's arm. She's reluctant to leave.

"We'll run off and go where? they'll hunt us for the rest of our lives," she yells.

"Then it is us against Palworld, my Minx," I reply.

Her eyes light up and we run into the darkness being chased by mad men with guns. I pull Minx into a cave and they pass us as rain clouds move in blocking the moonlight.

"You saved me, I was betraying you, why did you save me?" Minx asks.

"I am a samurai, I save the innocent, we have no quarrel but the quarrel your captors wished us to have, now let's enjoy some rest while we can, the world isn't going to stop for us, so we'll have to stop for it while we can," I say rolling out a large pelt.

"Is that a Mammorest pelt?" Minx asks.

"It is indeed, they're not easy creatures to fell, but they make for great sleep, I only ask that you rest with me senorita," I reply.

I lie awake for hours holding Minx as she sleeps. The way she moves in her sleep, the night terrors. She's been through a lot. I know what that's like so I won't let her down.

The sun rises and Minx leans up holding my blanket over her bare chest. I'm sitting by the fire cooking Chikipi eggs when I notice she's awake. Her ears flutter a little while she ponders her surroundings. She must be timid.

"I made you something to eat, are you hungry?" I ask.

"You're Sam right, where are my clothes?" She asks.

"Minx, you're a pal, you don't have clothes," I reply.

"Oh, I had a weird dream, wait, you saved me from those men, what is it you want, are you a pervert?" she asks squinting her eyes.

"I want to take out those towers and free Palworld from human control, which means I'm taking on Palworld," I say.

"We are just Pals, how can we take on the entire world?" Minx asks.

"Together," I reply with a smile.

     The best way to travel is at night. The humans dare not brave the roads and pals don't bother other pals. It's easy for me and Minx to slip from town to town gathering gossip. So for a time we become creatures of the night. Pals adapted not to survive in it, but thrive in it.

Pal# 072 Bushi transpirited. Bushi-noct emerged from the flames.

Pal# 100 Anubis transpirited. Anubis-noct emerged from the sands.

     Wind blows through the trees forcing them about as if to knock them off the cliffs. Their branches act almost as if to shield me as I climb the windswept hills. I continue north and find myself at a small lake below the tower. It's almost morning, maybe we should rest here.

     Me and Minx hide out in a cave by the lake. Well she says it's a cave, but it seems like we are just under a rock. The wind can't reach my small fire and that's what matters. I'll enjoy the night with her.

     "So, Sambushi, you get in good with any of the ladies yet?" Minx asks curiously.

     "I have more pressing matters to attend to," I reply swiftly.

     Minx creeps a little closer pretending she's moving closer to the fire. I can see she's being sneaky by the expression on her face.

    "You can join me by the fire if you so desire, I am not unfriendly," I say with a smile.

     Minx cuddles up to me rubbing her wet nose against me. For so long I have felt callous to this world wondering through it in solidarity. But just as everytime I start anew. I find a new love. Though I never remember what love is until I rediscover it.

     "Sambushi-Sam, would you die for me?" Minx asks clutching my arm.

     I stare deep into her bright blue eyes. After a few moments she seems to be intimidated by my stare. From her body language I can derive the meaning of her question. She's not asking me to die, she's asking if she can trust me.

    "Minx, I can't promise I will die for you, but I will live for you," I reply.

She stares up at me suspiciously at first. I continue to stare down into her blue eyes as if they are oceans meant to be travelled. A long journey that I won't have to travel alone.

     "Let's take that tower in the morning," Minx says with a smile.

     It's hard to sleep through such loud thunder. I do my best to cover Minx's ears so she can get more rest. She's a far more powerful pal than me. I'll need her at full strength.

     The sun goes down and we creep out of our 'cave'. Minx leads me up some stairs to the tower. The door is locked. Wait what's that? A note?

Party is upstairs tonight. We're having s'mores.

I turn my attention to a small glowing camp that lies beyond stairs the ancient stares. I suppose it is worth investigating. Minx seems disappointed she hasn't gotten to punch anyone yet.

We approach a small fortress made from pieces of sheet metal duct taped together. There's a large cage in the middle. Within reside a young girl and a female Grizzbolt, both with scowls on their faces.

"Glizziebear, you knocked everyone out, how do we get the keys, we're trapped in here!" Zoey yells.

"Grizz, Grizzbolt?"

"Wait, who the hell is that?" Zoey says as I approach.

I stop and take a bow.

"My name is Sambushi-Sam, I was trying to challenge the master of that tower over there," I say.

"Well you better unlock this cage because me and Glizziebear are the only ones that can get you in that tower," Zoey says.

My hands are swift as wind and gentle as a cool breeze as I unlock the cage. A large thunderous bear steps from the cage, Grizzbolt. In her stead a young woman with strange attire and a cat eared beanie steps out, Zoey. Grizzbolt steps over to Minx and stares at her curiously. She seems enticed by her.

Zoey leads us to the tower and unlocks the door. Wait a minute, if she has the key. She must be the master of the tower. I stand there for a moment pondering the situation.

This could be an elaborate trap. All her assailants were unconscious when we arrived. She's the leader of the Rayne Syndicate and yet all those soldiers were Syndicate.

"Sambushi you can come in, all the girls have left you in the cold," Zoey says holding the door open.

I look to my side and Minx has abandoned me to enter the tower with Grizzbolt. Zoey rolls her eyes and sighs.

"We're having a pillow fight in our pajamas later," Zoey says angrily.

"Ah, such a battle would need to be overseen by a great warrior, which I am, greater than any warrior that isn't better than me," I say stepping past her.

"Pervert," Zoey says under her breath.

I join Minx and Grizzbolt in a large open room. This giant tower seems to be just one room. Zoey tosses us some pajamas. Grizzbolt has a cute pair of Relaxsaurus pajamas. Minx gets some Katress pajamas. I might need to ask about that story later. And finally Zoey tosses me some Depresso pajamas.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I sense a deep pain in you, and yet there is still a burst of light, with enough caffeine ofcourse," she says laughing.

"Do I make it past you this time?" I ask removing my sombrero.

"No, and the Calamity draws near, I know, because I remember you this time," Zoey replies.

"I don't believe you, Minx is strong, she won't lose," I say.

"Leave it for the morning samurai," Zoey replies.

Zoey lied. There was no pillow fight. She did show me how to make stories using light and shadows. It's almost like her hands can make anything in the light. She displays a short story she has created and Minx and Glizziebear clap. I give her a thumbs up. She seems disappointed.

"What didn't you like about it, I've been practicing for a while but I haven't had an audience or any critics," Zoey says nervously.

"It is not you chica, the arm that holds my scabbard is false, I lost it long ago," I say gripping my left shoulder.

"Let's rest," Zoey says with a smile.

The sun rises and me and Minx step into the arena. Zoey and Grizzbolt enter and the doors lock.

"Any last words?" Zoey says mounting Grizzbolt.

"You have a beautiful smile," I say with a wink.

"Ugh, pervert, Glizziebear obliterate them!" Zoey yells.

The barrel on Grizzbolt's minigun starts to spin. This is it, our first attack might be our last.

"Weapons are for weaklings, feel the force of my soul!" Minx yells leaping into the air.

There's a loud buzz as Grizzbolt's minigun spews bullets toward Minx. She descends through them as if they are a gas. Moving through them like they aren't there. Grizzbolt flies back as Minx's foot hits her like a meteor.

     Zoey is flung from Grizzbolt's back. Weakened, she crawls toward her pal. They are both badly injured.

Minx moves in for the kill. She grabs Zoey and turns her over on her back before climbing on top of her. Zoey is defenseless.

"You shouldn't have messed with us," Minx says raising her fist.

"She can't understand what you're saying," I say grabbing her elbow.

"What do you mean?" Minx asks.

"She's a human, she doesn't speak pal, all she's hearing right now is your name," I reply.

"How can she understand you then?" Minx asks.

"I'm speaking human," I reply.

    Minx lowers her fist unsure of how to feel. She stands and pats my shoulder.

     "I'll trust you this once, don't expect it to come free," she says with a smirk.

We all exit the tower and head down to the lake below. Grizzbolt seems too infatuated with Minx to be mad about their battle. Zoey wants to talk to me. I know I'm a dashing Samurai, but once you go pal you never go back. Maybe I'm getting the wrong idea.

     "Your Anubis is a curious one, does she have a partner?" Zoey asks.

    "I'd hoped she had some emotions for me," I reply.

    "All the good ones are always taken," Zoey says coughing.

     Her cough turns into a kind of choking cough. She seems unwell. I grab her shoulder as she struggles to breathe.

    "Zoey are you ok?" I ask.

    "I'll be fine, just watch over Glizzie and your Anubis," Zoey replies stepping away.

    She seems sick, but she won't say anything about it. I'm not one for prying so I'll let this be. I join Grizzbolt and Minx by the fire. They don't seem to need my presence so I wander off to bed for the night.

     Light from the fireball in the sky graces my pale cheeks waking me. Minx is sitting by a small fire looking sad. I join her and she cracks a smile.

    "What happened to our counterparts?" I ask.

    "I wasn't interested in Grizzbolt," Minx says with a smile.

     "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you alone with her, you two were so close and I thought, nevermind, how are you feeling?" I ask.

     "You said it was me and you against Palworld, is that true?" She asks.

    "If that is what you want," I reply.

    "Then let's do it," she says grabbing my arm.

    "Uh, do it? Right here?" I ask.

   "Yeah, let's kick some ass!" Minx yells.

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