Girls Love BeyoncΓ©

Galing kay juthescientist

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Look, I know girls love BeyoncΓ©. Onika (G!P) Higit pa



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Galing kay juthescientist


"Right there! Right there!" Onika leaned back. Her hand sweating as she gripped on her gun.

Dominique— her cousin agreed to help her on this. She told him the situation and he was more than ready to slide. He knew all about Beyoncé because when they were younger she's all onika would talk about.

He knew like everyone else that they were in love with each other. So anyone onika cared about on that level he did too. So he gathered his boys around and sent out a damn bounty almost. Anybody who knew jay, or who he rolled with needed to be dealt with.

Onika told them she didn't want any bloodshed unless it was the nigga who touched Beyoncé. Which it was hard to even find out who it was. Onika was going on a damn whim.

But waka had ran down on that nigga Joe. He clearly didn't feel right about the situation and told. He was an old head who was sick of the youngins coming to take his territory. Onika didn't really care about street politics. This wasn't New York she wasn't here for that.

The man that touched beyonce was named Lamar. Onika hated niggas named Lamar this ain't fucking GTA. He usually stayed up near the small gas station on the west side. So that's exactly where they were at.

Waka, Wayne, and Ty were in the back of the parking lot. Lights low just how onika, her cousin, and his friends were. They were camping out and found the nigga easily. He was with a couple of boys but onika didn't care one bit.

"What you wanna do?" Domo questioned. Onika was conflicted, she hasn't felt her phone stop vibrating since she left Beyoncé earlier.

It was getting so bad she reached down to turn her phone off. Her hands shaking lightly as she let out a breath.

"I can always handle it O. You ain't no—."

"FUCK ALL THAT! Nigga he touched Beyonce. This nigga don't deserve no mercy. Look at HIM!" She shouted.

Looking up, he was catcalling the young girls that left the store. This wasn't something new to him, he clearly got off on being fucking weird. No remorse or anything. He didn't feel sorry at all and it drove onika crazy.

"So say that, do what you need to do. I'm ten toes behind you. Be careful though, these niggas run deep." Dominique encouraged softly. Sitting back as he lit his blunt onika nodded her head.

Her ski mask on her head as she quickly got out the car. Her gun concealed as she walked across the lot. She could see Waka and Wayne out the corner of her eye. Getting out of their cars whilst Domo's friends followed her.

"Say man, you niggas know jay?" She questioned. The group of five men immediately got suspicious, Lamar standing off the wall.

"Nah. But if we did? Fuck you niggas walking up on us like this for?" Lamar sneered pulling up his jeans.

"I asked a yes or no question nigga. You know Jay or what?" Lamar went to speak but a younger boy spoke up.

"Y-yeah we know him." Lamar looked pissed glancing back at the boy. Pulling up his jeans some more to appear hard. It didn't move onika in the slightest.

"You know jay, you know his girl." Onika stated, her eyes glancing back toward Lamar. He seemed to be putting two and two together.

"The fuck is this about? He ain't want her ass anyway. You should've seen the way she pulled up to the house man." Lamar chuckled slapping one of his friends in the chest as he laughed.

None of this shit was funny.

"If you calling dibs or whatever that's fine—." Onika grew hot, pulling her gun out swiftly Lamar's eyes widened as he took a small step back.

"Call dibs? Nigga you think she a treat nigga?! You think she a piece of fucking meat?!" She hollered aiming the gun at his head as she stepped toward him.

The boys that ran with him had no weapons on them at all. They were shaking as Domo's friends had their guns out as well. Wayne and Waka just watched in awe they didn't keep anything on them ever.

"You put. Your fucking hands on my shit nigga. MY SHIT!! And you sitting up here like this shit a joke?!" She had his back to the wall, his hands in the air as he pleaded.

"L-l-look— I- I- didn't know— s-she she was with J-jay s-so."

"So WHAT nigga?!" She squinted her eyes, tilting the gun slightly.

"S-So- he always s-said it- it was wh-whatever." He shuttered out, onika couldn't take this shit no more.

"So you touch her? You touching her is like touching me. You know who I am? You like touching me nigga?" She barked, Lamar jumped shaking his head frantically.

"Aye man! Wrap this shit up!" Her cousin yelled from the front seat of her car now.

"Come on nic. You scared him enough let's just go.." Wayne mumbled from behind, he could see her hesitation. She didn't want to pull the trigger.

"He's right nic, this'll be on your mind forever." Waka added.

Onika closed her eyes letting out a deep sigh. She slightly lowered the gun but suddenly Lamar slapped her hand. Running as fast as he could across the lot. In an instant onika felt her body rush with dopamine. It was almost like an instinct, everything in slow motion as she aimed the gun.

This time pulling the trigger.

Everyone watched as blood splattered onto the pavement. Lamar's body hitting the floor in seconds. Onika's eyes widened, she had pierced him through his chest.

"COME ON!" Her cousin's yelling pulled her out of her trance. Her feet moving before her mind could catch up with her.

The moment she entered the passenger side of her car. Shots were sent flying her way, his friends made an appearance. Bearing guns, bullets soaring across the lot as the group reved out the gas station. Onika rolled her window down to shoot back.

Her eyes in a squint as she aimed for bodies. Her mind running back to the vivid video games she once played. She always aimed for headshots, so that's what she did. Trying her hardest to knock 'em down.

Very few bodies dropped but when they did she felt like a damn point was added to her team. Her cousin rolling the window up as she dropped back into her seat. Sweat rolling down her forehead as she breathed heavy.

"Your aim is fucking crazy!" Her cousin hollered slapping her on the chest.

Onika couldn't focus her mind running wild. She shot Lamar, she shot the nigga who disrespected Beyoncé. She got that nigga right where he hurt her in the fucking heart. She felt good, great even, a celebratory clap as they sped down the road.

"He ain't even get to pick a shirt." One of domo's friends joked causing her to crack a small smile.

"Ay, you might want to get a new car for a few days." Onika glanced up locking eyes with her cousin. He was very serious as he spoke, she only nodded.

"I'd say let's go smoke but I know who you wanna see first." He chuckled nudging her, she nodded with a large grin.

He sped all the way to Beyoncés house. The jet hopping out the car as she basically skipped toward Beyoncés steps. Running up them quickly she knocked on the door frantically. Pulling off her ski mask as Tina opened the door.

Her face immediately falling.

"Onika. What did you do?" The jet shook her head waving the woman off.

"I just went with my cousin. We talked he calmed me down a bit." She lied right through her teeth, Tina knew but let the girl in. Her eyes lingering on domo and his friends in the streets being loud.

"Beyoncé!!" Nicki hollered running upstairs. She stopped outside of Beyoncés door knocking on it lightly.

"Beyoncé!" She hollered again. Onika was full of adrenaline she was on some weird high she didn't quite understand yet.

Her body didn't allow her to focus on the fact that she shot someone. It was pushed over immediately because the body wasn't in her face. She was thinking about a million different things all at once.

A dead body hardly being one of them.

"Bey! Open the fucking door yo!" She hollered again, the room door finally was yanked open.

She was face to face with Beyoncé, her eyes bloodshot red. It's like smoke was coming out of her ears as she pushed onika harshly in her chest.

"Are you serious!? GET OUT!" Beyoncé screamed. Onika was confused as the girl kept pushing her and pushing her.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Onika huffed trying to weave Beyoncé. It didn't work the blonde pushing her against the nearest wall.

"You broke that promise! You promised me! YOU LIED! All you do is lie! Time and time again onika you promised!!" Her voice cracked as she gripped onika by her hoodie.

"I didn't do anything bey. Relax I went with my cousin—." Beyoncé slapped the girl upside the head. Onika shut her eyes poking her cheek with her tongue to suppress her anger.

"Don't fucking lie to me! ITS ALREADY ON SNAPCHAT!!This is Houston onika!! SHIT GETS AROUND!!" Beyoncé hollered again slapping the girl twice more.

"Are you fucking done?!" Onika gritted, snatching Beyoncé by her wrist. Her eyes glistening in anger as she watched the blonde intently.

"W-why would you do that? A-after you promised me— and you told my mom.." Beyoncé frowned her lip quivering.

"I had to protect you." Onika stated as calm as possible. Beyoncé shook her head pulling her hands away.

"That's not protecting me! Protecting me is staying by my side! NOT LYING TO ME!!" She shouted turning her back to onika as she walked into her room.

Onika followed glancing downstairs, she could see Tina ushering solange out the house. They clearly didn't want to witness what was going on. Nobody really did they were loud, their anger practically shook the house.

"You know what maybe it's my fault for believing in you." Beyoncé scoffed bitterly, onika felt her heart drop.


"You heard me!! I believed in you so much, before you even left me. Before you paid me dust! And then here I am thinking we'd be good but no. You ruined it like you ruin EVERYTHING!" Beyoncé shouted angrily.

"I ruin everything? ME?! Beyoncé please don't get me started right now, not right now." Onika muttered running a hand down her face.

"You should've stayed in New York. Or at least stayed the fuck away from me. GET OUT! GET OUT!!" Beyoncé shouted shoving onika with as much force she possibly could.

"Stop fucking pushing me!!" Onika hollered grabbing the girl by the wrist. Beyoncé screamed tears in her eyes as she thrashed around.

"You're not right! You're acting like— like your UNCLE!" Beyoncé shouted, her fist clenching as she stared at onika.

"So? Your fucking point? He would've done the same fucking thing!!" Onika mugged. Beyoncé, scoffed trying to shove onika again.

"You don't see?! That's the problem!! He DID do the same thing. And you know what happened?! He became addicted— onika your not thinking!! What if you got hurt huh?!" The blondes voice cracked again, onika rolled her eyes letting the girl go.

"I am fucking thinking!! I don't know what's not getting through that thick ass skull of yours. But like everybody else that nigga can't throw rocks and hide his hands!!" Onika shouted loudly causing Beyoncé to flinch.

"He touched you! Disrespected you! I don't take that shit lightly! Do you? It seem like it?!" Onika barked, all In Beyoncés face as she stepped back.

Beyoncé sat on the bed as onika stood over her. Staring down as smoke basically left her ears. Her jaw was tight, the veins in her neck making an appearance. She pointed at Beyoncé as she spoke, never getting quieter, getting louder if even possible.

"You don't deserve any of that shit! Fuck niggas 'gon keep trying you unless I stop that shit! Only person that can touch you is me! Only person that can make you cry is me! Only person you should be losing sleep over at night is ME! Fuck Jay! Fuck Lamar! Fuck all them niggas!! You know how much you mean to me??" Onika's blood was running hot.

Beyoncé couldn't even close her eyes, terrfied at what would happen if she did. Staring back into those big brown eyes. She was wondering if onika was high or something.

Her eyes were fully dilated as she searched through those hazel like eyes. Her chest on a rapid rise and fall. Her breathing was rapid as she peered at Beyoncé. Who was bright red, she knew it wasn't the right time but her heart skipped a beat.

"I do all this shit for you pretty lady. I swear I do, but it's like god is right in my face telling me to cut this shit out." Onika sighed shaking her head, she turned on her heels to walk away but Beyoncé grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?!"

"I can't be in here with you. It's— I'll hit you later bey."  Her wrist easily left Beyoncés grasp, the blonde standing to follow as onika left her room.

Beyoncé bit her lip wiping her tears watching onika descend the steps in a hurry. Beyoncé wanted to scream she wanted to shout but she couldn't. She felt weak all over again, flinching as onika slammed the door shut.

The jet walked out of the house the moment her cousin and her boys were getting in their cars. Wayne and Waka slightly confused about the angry look on her face. Waka lightly tapping her shoulder getting her to stop.

"What's up? You not staying the night?" Onika huffed shaking her head.

"Not tonight. I'm giving her space, I can't do this shit no more man. I just shot a nigga for her, it's like she's not realizing why the fuck I do this shit. I can't do it I can't." She huffed angrily getting in her dodge.

"Didn't I just tell you stay out the dodge?" Domo questioned leaning in the window. Onika rolled her eyes waving him off.

"Fuck you nigga, I need some head." He laughed slapping the top of her car. "I got you shit it's my treat." She smiled dapping him up.

"You sure about this nick? Usher can only do so much." Waka questioned crossing his arms. She smirked nodding her head.

She needed to let Beyoncé go, for now at-least.

Giving them both time to understand who they were. Beyoncé needed to get her shit together, and onika needed to figure out her purpose. She was running around acting like her sole purpose was Beyoncé but it wasn't.

They both needed some act right in their own space, on their own time.

HEYYYY!!! You like the chapter?


I think, I like this version. It was either this one or them fucking && we can't have that can we??😛😛

Onika? HER SHOOTING LAMAR?? SHE DID IT!!!💯💯💯💨💨🤫🤷🏽‍♀️🤫😫🤫

It's always niggas named Lamar🙄

Beyoncé?? 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️

Onika's cousins?!? Domo is lil baby btw...

How do you think all of this will affect them both mentally?

Someone asked abt their age... I thought I had Frank address this in one of the chapters but I stand corrected.

Going into the summer time they were juniors in high school. Now they just started their senior year, both girls birthdays are at the end of the year so they turn 18 soon🤫🤫

anyway, PREDICTIONS?!?!

it's abt to get messy.


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