Astral Realms

By Ujjaldeep110

87 33 5

Vengeance of a soul leads to the havoc, can the people protect themselves or will it be there end. More

#1: The Unfortunate Caves
#2: Deaths in the City
#3: The Talking Spirit
#4: Unknown realms
#5: Knowing the Unknown
#6: The Job for the realm
#7: Mission Servetrix
#8: Queen of Souls
#9: Soul of a Frenemy
#10: Gregorious Yezkov
#11: Battle of Garkoryl & Fahu
#12: Lightning Hero of Yezkov
#13: The Relations of the Past
#14: Battle of Torea
#15: Zaka Amarta Knight.
#16: Return of the Lords
#17: Deaths of the Khomdran Cave
#18: Betrayal of Comrades
#19: Love of the Fire and Wind.
#20: Assassin in Redona
#21: Giant killer Viraj
#22: Killing is the only Motto
#23: Death is inevitable
#24: Political lobby
#25: Servetrix: Back to the beginning
#27: Xionese Civil War: 1
#28: Xionese Civil War: 2
#29: Xionese Civil War: 3

#26: Dilip Sensei: The Shadow Marshal

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By Ujjaldeep110

Dilip Sensei had an amazing attack, the space vanishing cut. Its so effective that anything that comes in its range seize to exist. Its like a space blade that turns to dust. Because of Dilip sensei's other attribute the space attribute. This attribute has many forms and may have infinite number of variations. Dilip sensei can release space blades or space disc that cuts its opponent at moment of contact.

Viraj with his fusion beam attack slaughtering them. Those were admiral level and Viraj was dealing with them like pawns. Viraj's wind slash and torpedoes also improved and now are effective against some of the enemies.

Karan seeing this he decided to flee as always, he spoke to kind of himself, "Farewell friend until next time", he said.

Karan teleported, seeing this the demetor leader was furious and also scared. Two opponents killing some of his best known warriors.

The number of warriors were almost in hundreds now. Some of them were putting good fight but Viraj and Dilip Sensei's coordination attacks reducing them to dust.

At last the Demetor leader was left. He tried his Psychotic attacks but were useless now, Viraj have a huge spen amount with ultimate healing and elemental telekinetic defence capabilities and Dilip sensei was ultra immune to mental attacks even a marshal level mental attacker can't harm him.

Dilip sensei sliced his neck and beheaded him and kicked his body and Viraj destroyed it with his fusion beam. This battle created a huge tremors in Servetrix, the local Astral users, who were friendlies came to talk with them.

One of them said, "You all found our planet to battle, who will pay for the destruction of wildlife and forest."

"Its alright, create a bill, Earth's Divine Astral Association will pay you", said Dilip Sensei and went and sat beside Viraj.

"Sensei you have been hiding a lot of things, a C-ranker can never do such destruction, this much I have known", said Viraj.

"Well, you have seen me fight for the first time right, the earlier battles were just skirmishes, this is how I battle, What do you think my level is?" Asked Dilip sensei.

"A high admiral or maybe a Marshal and one of the secret one, two of them were not there", said Viraj.

"You have become good in guessing, I am one of the Shadow Marshals, there are three of us, we run the secret service of the Indian Astral Government", said Viraj.

"That's why you were allowed in the Assembly. But everyone thought you to be my guardian there", said Viraj.

"The Marshals know who I was. But your decision was reckless, but the only possible one with no casualties on our side", said Dilip sensei.

Viraj asked, "How is my knew technique?"

"Good, but can be better, I was there to protect you here so as always", said Dilip Sensei, "I have kept the count, you have killed 112 of them, whereas I killed 235 including the demetor leader", said Dilip sensei.

"I think, I might have killed more maybe 130-40", Viraj said but Dilip Sensei shook his head in denial.

"And what do you mean by protect me as always", Viraj asked.

Dilip sensei said, "When you had that accident that night, the doctor who treated you was a rank D knight, he had retired but was helping people to heal in the medical world, he sensed the presence of Spen inside you and also sensed the Spen of another entity, he contacted our Astral office and they asked me look into the case once as was near there. I reached and with help of the doctor we tried to stabilize your body and heal the major injuries. But the demon that had possessed you was taking your life energy slowly but suddenly the presence of the demon vanished and you woke up after some time, you were able to do Astral projection. Then I took you blood from their and asked Miss Molina to send it for genetic studies. They might have told you that they took your blood after a mission which was a framed narrative", said Dilip sensei, then he continued, "then I kept on tracking you, you could now do Astral projection well so it was time for me to train you. Then your training started, then your first mission and after that I sneaked in on your 2nd mission too and all the subsequent missions, I have seen you grow, help and also fall in love, I got to know about your relation with Chandravardhans when we went for the 1st mission", said Dilip Sensei.

Viraj was surprised but also very much thankful and felt lucky and special that he met Dilip sensei. He said, "After you become a Marshal maybe my worries will be less on your regards".

Dilip sensei then made him understand that his ability to invoke special attributes have a limit, Viraj's limit will be higher but it will be limited. So he have to do become better at what he is doing, taking less time in creating attacks and also increase its effectiveness.

Viraj now have invoked 11 attributes (5  basic, 5 natural and 3 specials: Telekinesis,  Absorption and Nuclear Fusion the latest), strength, durability, healing, super speed and resistance are considered basic attributes as it gets better with time. When someone become A ranker they naturally have invoked them, even Priyanshi (5 basic, 3 natural and 1 special: Gravity) can heal somewhat but of course Viraj can heal himself and others very fast. Dilip sensei ofcourse had the basic Attributes and had invoked the 5 natural attributes, and he have three special attributes of time, space and invisibility. He can become invisible for time indefinite not like Daniel who could only for half an hour.

Dilip sensei told him, as per record no one in the whole Interstellar Astral Fraternity have more than 5 special attributes. Most Marshals only have 3 but they so good at it that the havoc they can create is limitless, somewhat destroy an entire planet if they force a bit.

He continued by saying that the special attributes are thought to be inherited from the dark realms. They are not bad because they are from dark realms only the users use them in bad work. Viraj asked his sensei has he become a power and strength hungry person. Dilip sensei said to Viraj, "You have never killed an innocent, you have always helped people in need and you have always obeyed your order so I don't think you have done anything wrong. To have ambition to grow and become strong is a necessity in this world or someone will crush you someday or the other in a mission."

Viraj felt better that his sensei supported his motivations of becoming strong. They talked more and went to the Servetrix town, had food and came back to the battle ground. The Servetrix Astral users kept on their work to displace the corpses one by one. Then came the 9 Marshals in a hyperloop. It was almost a day in Servetrix but only 50 minutes in Earth.

They saw the slaughter of Viraj and Dilip sensei and Marshal Koushik said, "You have already finished our fun, Dilip."

"Yes Marshal Prince, what were you thinking of bringing all the Marshals together, Servetrix would have been destroyed by the impact of all of you", said Dilip sensei, he turned towards Viraj and said, "Marshal Koushik would be a distant related cousin of yours, he is the master of Telekinesis and Gravity."

Viraj bowed towards Marshal Koushik and also thanked to all the marshals who have came to rescue him.

"We must catch up someday, you must come by my palace", said Marshal Koushik. Then every Marshal started to laugh as Marshal Koushik started to boost him being royalty. They returned in the hyperloop and then to Delhi headquarters.

Priyanshi and all the other team members were delighted to see Viraj back. She went running to Viraj and hugged him. She said, "This was the toughest hour for me to survive."

"I know my love", said Viraj.
"It would be awkward if you too kiss here," said Dilip sensei and they got into their senses and walked through the corridor to the assembly. All the ministers and Nobles and Marshals were there clapping and giving standing ovation to Viraj because of his bravery.

Amit Singh Raghvore came near Viraj and said, "I am sorry for my conduct earlier, we all are sorry for our behaviour."

Viraj said, "Lord, its alright, everyone will try to save their children despite the reasons or consequences, it was my honour to have done something to protect your kids."

Every noble have invited Viraj to their palace. They want to have good relation with a strong noble.

Viraj, Priyanshi and Dilip will go on to Indore then to Guwahati in their Private jet arranged by the government this time. Priyanshi and Viraj listened to Dilip sensei about the principles of using attributes and how can they improve. Priyanshi said she want to become Dilip sensei's student. She decided to move to Gauhati the next day and will be telling her parents she has been transferred.

They reached Guwahati, Viraj was feeling confident of him being stronger now and want to become more strong and efficient with his powers.

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