Being the Traveler, literally...

Por UppaUppaNo

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(Light of Ruin - Arc) Shut-in lazy Y/N who still lives with his parents, dies of extreme body fatigue but rei... Más

Chapter 1 - I hate Destiny 2, it's my favorite game.
BIO (skip if you want)
Chapter 2 - Man. . . I just got here!
Chapter 3 - Erm Ackually, I'm no Spirit, I'm a (formerly) Dead God.
Chapter 4 - The Traveler takes a stroll!
Chapter 5 - My first Lightbearer!!
Chapter 6 - Kurumi Meets Kurumi
Chapter 7 - Of Past and Future/Light-God goes to School
Important Announcement
Teaser: Kurumi's Weapon
Lore 1 - The Terrible Gift
Chapter 8 - My School Life can't be THIS Weird!
Side-Story: Former Subjugator (Part 1)
Chapter 10 - Hangout Brawl (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - Hangout Brawl (Part 2)
Side-Story: Former Subjugator (Part 2)
Chapter 12 - The Darkness is here. . .
Chapter ?? - The Future???? (Thank you Bungie)
Chapter 13 - Communion / Instilling Horror
Side-Story: Former Subjugator (Part 3)
Announcement two!
Chapter 14 - Old Nightmares Rouse Up

Chapter 9 - The Beginning of FEAR

1.3K 38 29
Por UppaUppaNo

(Sorry no art for this one, I'm busy making the art for the next ARC, the next ARC is mainly battle-based, and will have a lot of action, very emotional scenes, and Trigger Warnings.)

We enter the secluded rooftop. Tokisaki stops short of the door, I continue walking until. . . I immediately formed my [Ward of Dawn] . . .

Countless white and red-outline arms appear out of the ground and try to grab onto me but are met with my Ward of Dawn. Tokisaki had a soured face at the failed attempt, her face showing annoyance.

Y/N: "Not cool. . . so not cool."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "What did you do to my Clone?"

Y/N: "Your clone?"

Y/N: "Your clone is now my Lightbearer. . . Seeing you send clones of yourself to fight others was pretty jarring. When I killed your clone I revived her. . . she isn't your clone anymore."

Y/N: "She's Hikarimochi now."

Tokisaki remains quiet that is until she suddenly manifests a flintlock pistol and aims it at my face. I remain stoic, my Ward of Dawn still on.

Tokisaki Kurumi: ". . . So far you've been the most insufferable thing."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Not only that, but you keep changing everything you touch."

Y/N: ". . ."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You need to stay out of my way, and out of my plans, or I will come and hunt you down myself."

Toksaki glares at me, I look at her as well but with indifference. She seems greatly upset, I don't care about what she is feeling, nor about what her 'Plans' are. I won't be bossed around by a chick who sends versions of herself to fight others.

Y/N: "I don't know what your plans are nor do I care, but if it involves Hikarimochi then you better be prepared to die over and over and over again."

Tokisaki Kurumi: ". . ."

Y/N: ". . ."

Silence overtakes us both, the only noise being the slight breeze of wind and the rustling of leaves. My eyes never leave Tokisaki's. we stood there for what seemed like hours or days. Suddenly Tokisaki dissipates her flintlock pistol.

Tokisaki Kurumi: ". . . You're not worth it right now, but mark my words. Interfere. You die."

Tokisaki Kurumi leaves back downstairs, stepping noises ringing out just after her leave. I stand there, looking at her as she leaves. Did she bring me out here to warn me? What are her plans anyway? stopping my thoughts I decide to head back downstairs, back to Hikarimochi Kurumi.

I walk down the stairs and head to the cafeteria, Lunchtime is still happening, so Shido, Tohka, Origami, and Kurumi are still sitting at the table. I walk up to them.

Kurumi(Lightbearer): "You're back! did she do anything to you?"

Kurumi gets up and inspects me, looking for injuries or bruises. I stop her and I reassure her that I'm fine.

Y/N: "I'm fine, Kurumi. We just. . . talked that is all."

Shido: "Are you sure?"

Y/N: "I'm fine Shido."

Suddenly, the lunch bell rang signifying the end of lunch break. I guess it's another round of classes. . .


I feel weird today, and it's not my chest or what's in between my legs. I don't feel as comfortable as I should be, ever since my reincarnation I've been feeling so. . . what's the word. . . different, I want to express my feelings I want to talk about what's going on with me.

I feel. . . fearful, a foreboding sense of something bad, an omen. . .

I'm exiting the school, standing beside the wall with Kurumi Hikarimochi. Shido told me to wait for him after school to talk with me about something. Of course, I had nothing better to do, so I accepted and now I'm waiting for him. Hikarimochi stands beside me telepathically talking to her ghost as usual.

Again, I feel that foreboding sense of something bad.

Shido: "Sorry Traveler, I had something to do."

Y/N: "No worries Shido, so anyway. . . So what'cha want?"

Shido: "I was wondering. . . d-do you want to go on a date?"

Kurumi's eyes widen a little, she immediately straightens herself at the sudden date proposal. I stand there frozen for a little. When was the last time someone asked me out on a date?

. . .

I still what happened with Sara. . . I could still feel the phantom pains. . . I wonder what she is doing now. . .

"Men like you deserve to have everything taken away from them, Disgusting. Good luck with your empty house."

Hah, I guess she's probably off somewhere living her life. I'm still here, freeloading as usual. . .

Y/N: "You still want to date me? Shido? I'm sorry but, I'll have to decline."

Shido: "O-Oh. . . Could we hang out at least?"

Y/N: "Hmm. . ."

I place a finger on my chin, thinking of an answer. I guess we could hang out, at least we're friends. I'm not ready to date again, not after. . .

"You're idiotic, stupid, useless. What good are you? if you struggle to keep a minimal-wage job this much, why are you even with me?"

Y/N: "Sure, we could hang out, what time?"

Shido: "Today, at 8:30"

Y/N: "Isn't that a little late?"

Shido: "Well. . . Yeah, but I'm willing to compromise, just this once."

Y/N: "Hmmmm. . . Okay!"

Kurumi(Lightbearer): "HEY! Can I join too? ~"

Shido: "Eh?"

Y/N: "Sure, why not? it's a hang out isn't it?"

Shido: "Yeah. . ."

Kurumi(LIghtbearer): "Yay!!!! We'll do fun things together Traveler! ~, like go to an arcade or watch a movie, or go to the mall!!!"

. . .

Shido's POV.

Kotori: [Isn't it weird? her emotions spiked when Shido asked her out on a date.]

Reine: [Her brainwaves spiked, her amygdala spiked the most. She fears something.]

Shido listens in on their conversation, through his ear-piece. What could the Traveler fear?

Kotori: [Shido, I'm assigning the important task of investigating and figuring out what the <Gardener> fears. So we have better data and more info to work with when we inevitably seal her]

Shido whispers into his earpiece.

Shido: "I'll try my best, hope I don't get atomized. . ."

Kotori: [You'll be fine Big Bro, it's just one mentally unstable girl, Pshh I mean, you've already sealed two, so why not increase the streak hmmm?]

Shido: "I'll have you know, Tohka and Yoshino weren't easy!"

Kotori: [Just get in there Shido.]

Shido: "Alright, Alright. . ."

Shido faces the Traveler.

Shido: "We should head back home to get ready for our hang out."

The Traveler: "Ok, Let's go Kurumi."

Hikarimochi Kurumi: "Alright, Traveler! ~"

Shido, Traveler, and Hikarimochi head off toward Shido's residents. not noticing the dark figure hiding behind a tree. . .


Shido could be seen picking out his wardrobe for the coming occasion, he picked out a plain blue shirt, a blue-white gingham flannel, and beige regular pants. he readies himself, changing, and then heads to the living room. His mind is coming up with countless thoughts. he looks at the piece of glowing fabric that came off of the Traveler's hood, it still glowed with intense Light energy. he picked it up and placed it inside his pocket.

Shido: 'The Traveler fears something, that's what Kotori told me, Reine also told me that when I asked her out on a date, her fear emotion skyrocketed. Is she afraid of dating?'

Shido paces back in forth, from his kitchen to his couch.

Shido: 'If the Traveler is afraid of dating, then I have to approach this differently. How do I seal her though? I have to figure out how she got that fear and help her. Man, if only my sealing method wasn't such a burden!'

???: [Interesting, A boy who can seal powers. . .]

Shido: "What the hell?!"

???: [You're interesting, you're naive, Kind, and so deliciously ripe with potential suffering.]

???: [It's so. . . salivating. ~]

Shido: "Who are you!"

???: [You want questions, everyone wants questions, but none of them are willing to search for them, where's the fun in that? ~]

???: [A little bit of mystery hasn't hurt anybody. . . ~]

Shido: "Show yourself!"

???: [You want me to show myself? Well, I'm already here. I'm inside your mind.]

Shido: "What do you mean?"

Shido looks around quickly, trying to determine the voice. he then sees a figure just in front of him. She had two prong-like horns on her head, Crimson-red with iridescent white long hair, and her skin was partially blood red. Shido couldn't determine the rest of her features as an always pitch-black shadow covered most of her body, including the entirety of her face, paradoxically despite the lighting of the house, the shadows still severely obscured the figure.

???: [Aren't I beautiful?]

???: [My regrowing body seemed to influence the shape of my mind, I look just like a beautiful human girl. HeheheHAHAHA But I'm far from Human.]

Shido looks at the figure disturbed and frightened, he feels overwhelming fear from this figure, it's almost. . . primal. The Figure started walking towards him.

Shido: "W-Who are you!"

???: [So many people want to know who I am, and what I am. it gets boring after a while. . . I usually just kill them or. . . do 'Fun' things with them, either one I'm fine with. but for you. . . I'll make an exception since you look so cute when you're scared. ~]

The Figure continues to walk towards Shido, her smile barely being seen by the stretched cheek muscles outside the void-like shadow covering her face.

Shido in response backs away, not wanting to be near the Figure at all.

???: [You're so cute!! when you're afraid, I haven't had someone like you for a long time. I'll tell you my name.~]

???: [I. am. pain.]

???: [I. am. Terror.]

???: [I. am. Nezarec.]

Nezarec: [And you~~~~. . . and the TRAVELER~~~~. . . Will be MINE!!!!!!!! ~~~~~]

. . .

END OF ARC 1- FIRST LIGHT --------->

. . .

. . .

. . .


Deep beneath the Tree of Silver Wings, something wicked grows. . .

A Dark entity from another Reality grows its sinister roots into the hearts of Tengu City. . .

It's desire? It wants The TRAVELER. It wants her power, her Light. . .

It wants to plunge this world into never-ending insanity and suffering, it wants this Reality's Collapse. . .

How will Y/N confront her dark past? How will she defeat her fear? How will Shido overcome his fear?

How will Y/N deal with a person who looks just like someone from her past?

Y/N: "S-Sara. . .?"

How will Shido and friends, defeat the Final God of Pain?

Nezarac: "Such a wonderful face you're wearing~~~~~"

(The next Chapter will be after Destiny 2: The Final Shape comes out and after World's First Raid Day)

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