Skulls and Sins (18+)

By molrcore

84 12 0

It's tough, to juggle the life of the a assassin and his daily life. Sometimes, he does wish he'd died back t... More

Chapter 0 pt.1 meme page
Chapter 0 pt.2 Concept art
Falling for alcohol
A fucked up kind of night
hangover and "hookups"
South Side
At night, his eyes shine
A black crow cried
You will
good night little bird
Day and night, all the same
the lost and the leader
A deal between devils
The Archive
A small robin feather
Old friends
Day before dawn
A Lamb to the slaughter
A lamb to the slaughter 2
Till the end of the world
A mistake on his part
The show must go on
I love you
A lamb to the slaughter P.1
Massacre of the Lamb pt.2

An eye for an eye

2 0 0
By molrcore

A black sparrow shot down from the sky onto a leaping man, terrified as he stumbled over the roof. He screamed out in pain as Crowley claws dug into his back, thrusting him to the floor. Crow struck his wolf ish sharp teeth into his small head and tugged. The meat was soft but begun to rip because of the force, making a leathery sound as split apart at the brims. Crowley spit the head on the floor and leapt off the building. Another man was stumbling through the pavement when crow landed on him thrusting him into the ground with a groan. A echo of guns cocking back ready to fire: he perked up, growling and ripped feathers of the wings, flinging them at every target as he spun. They garbled for air, grasping at their throats before their body's slumped over. Like moths to a flame. Crowley stepped off the man on the floor and struck his tail through the man's chest, lifting him up to his face.
"Think twice before you mess with tango again..." he growled.
"Who are you?" He gurgled out, blood spilling out of the crook of his mouth. Terrified.
"He's mine" Lucifer spoke, as she approached the two with the smile of proudness and patted Crowley on the shoulder. Crowley straightened up, eyes a purple tint, dark and regal. The man perked open his lips to speak before his eyes rolled to the back of his head as Crow dug his paw into his chest.
"Go fetch the clean up crew" Lucifer ordered the team, who rushed off to the van by the end of the street. If any civilians witnessed this, it'd create a lot of unnecessary chaos.
"Now.." Lucifer glanced at her with a smirk. "We have a guest to visit"

The inside of the trade rooms were dark, with a line off hard locked doors and 1 way windows to the prisoners. A convenient way for them to know whether they were a threat. Or just dumb. Crowley locked the door to the containment room and approached a young man in a chair. He crouched down and blinked, staring at him.
"Where are the other looters?" Crowley asked calmly.
"I don't know-"
He screamed out in pain as Crowley dug his sharp claws into his arm.
"Now.. where are they?"
"I don't know! Aah-"
Crowley dug his claws deeper into the fresh wound, ignoring the blood spewing out of it and onto the concrete. She'd be pissed if he made too much of a mess. His gaze flickered between the man's arms, thoughtful yet apathetic. It wasn't like he felt much anyways.
"Which arm do you like the least?" Crowley asked and lifted his gaze to the terrified man. Shakily, the man's eyes flickered between his arms, terrified, yet contemplative. Crowley grabbed his left arm and straightened it out.
"Wait.. wait wait wait please!" The man screamed out. But all to deaf ears. Crowley lowered his claws to the arm, eyes locked on the terrified man as tears coiled his cheeks.
"They hold up out on blackberry street. 745a. Second floor." He spit out, stuttering. Crowley nods and stands up. He breaths in then slashes his claws straight through the man's arm and breaking part of the chair. The man screamed out in pain as he stumbled over yet it was all to deaf ears as Crowley turned around.
"Get rid of his body after he dies" He mutters and closes the door behind him. In the hallway there weren't many around. Just guards and some patrons. Freaks who got off to seeing people being tortured. Illegal or not. Money spoke for Lucifer.
"I got a very interesting guest on the front door.." Lucifer perked out from the door and smirked. Crowley quirked a brow and fished out his phone to check the camera footage. His eyes widened with fear and shock, but quickly faded as he walked down the hall to the staircase. Focus, keep your head straight. Don't show emotion.
"I'll take care of it"

The front door was foggy from the morning weather, and only a shadow was visible behind it. Crowley tipped the door ajar and growled into his face.
"What do you want?"
Evie was shuffling, biting on his lip as he'd been waiting and blinked, taken back by Crowleys response. He looked tired, with bags under his eyes and the same clothes he'd worn the day Crowley fought Scarlet. It hurt. In a different way.
"I haven't heard from you or scarlet in three days.. your co worker said you were out here and.." He trailed off, gaze lowering in shame. For a second a flicker passed his facade, his longing to hold that dear boy tight and wash him away from all of this. Suck it up crow. If Lucifer knew, if she doesn't already, Evie is in danger.
"It was one hookup.. get over yourself. Get a life instead of stalking mine.." He snapped and slammed the door shut. It was worse to be stabbed then shutting the door on the one boy you've grown to love. He sniffled. Get yourself together, crow. He rubbed his eyes. She's already suspicious enough. He trailed back upstairs. If she had even the slighest glint of paranoia, Evie was gonna be at the end of that stick. He'd already lost Lee. He halted and sighed. He couldn't loose him too..

The room was dark, with a singular light bulb emitting gentle yellow light onto a young man tied to a chair. He groaned, awakening to a headache. Dammit, he thought and inhaled softly. As the room came into view, he tugged at his arms. Of course. She was always paranoid. The door before him slammed open, revealing a young blond woman in a dressed a red dress.
"I'm sorry, I did what she told me to.." Harvey muttered, hoarsely. "Please.. I'm sorry.." He plead. Anything but death. Death wasn't even a wish of peace anymore. It was living purgatory. And hell on earth.
The young woman stared him down, quietly.
"Tell her I said I'm sorry.. I thought I was- I didn't know.. I just don't wanna die.. please don't kill me again.." His voice begun to give out, cracking with each word and his gaze faltered to the floor. Death was nothing but a horrible nightmare he could never wake up from. And it didn't last. It never did.
"She actually-" He looked up to see her seated on a old wooden chair in front of him. "gave me the lead as she's doing something at the moment, so I thought we'd have a little chat"
Harvey perked up and nodded sniffling. The more obedient and attentive he was, the easier it'd be.
"so I'd like to discuss your affiliation to Scarlet.."
A young boy with black wings leapt forward.
"No.. you're not fucking touchin Scarlet!"
Lucifer stood up, with a gentle sigh and clenched her fist. Loud crackling sounds echoed the quiet room before the boy fell to his knees, groaning in pain. Harvey's eyes widened as he watched the boy groan in pain, hugging his body like he'd been stabbed internally. How powerful was this woman..
"Get this dog out of here" Lucifer snapped and the two bodyguards were quick to act, grabbing him by the arms and dragging him out. Lucifer sit back down calmly and smiled. "So. About Scarlet.."
Harvey chuckled nervously. "Scarlet? I don't know who scarlet is? Scarlet? That absurd! Scarlet sounds more like the name of the color of blood.. I'd know that" he nods gently. His voice was sporadic as his heart beat out of his ears. "I don't know a scarlet, or someone who knows a scarlet or a pet-"
"Shut up!" Lucifer yelled as she grabbed him by the hair and pushed him back against the wall. He whimpered and nodded quietly. After a moment of her glaring, she let go of him and turned round, with a sigh. Harvey felt something tickle in his throat and before he knew it, a soft nervous cackle broke his lips.
"Red like blood like humans but I'm not human noo" he rambled on, in his own head as he stuttered erratically. Small cackles sparked out of his lips as he rocked back and forward in place. Lucifer groaned and glared at her bodyguards.
"Sedate this idiot before I kill him!"

Back at her office, she felt more comfortable. More spacious and in control. She sighed gently and leaned back, grabbing her phone. Time to have some fun, she thought as she gazed up at the masterpieces, hung on the wall. Trophies. Victories. The dial begun to ring.
Lucifer put her finger tip on the tip of the wineglass, pushing it gently as she grinned. There was a moment of silence on the other side of the line. She knew that Kali was mad. Beyond mad. The right hand man of her cooperation was kidnapped.
"I'd like to schedule the appointment for Crowley" Lucifer spoke calmly, though the cocky attitude was clear, even without a word.
"Where. the fuck. is she?" Kali spoke slow and methodically, laced with power beyond her comprehension. The kind of power that if she simply wanted to, she could take over the world in a day. Just with that voice. Lucifer chuckled softly.
"Nowhere you'd find her, even if you turn the entire town upside down" Lucifer replied. Kali was quiet, and she knew if Kali wanted to, and was as dumb as she was beautiful, she would've broken down the door with the force of a Federal agency team behind her.
"Don't worry, darlin" Lucifer chuckled. "She's not gonna die.. at least within the next 48 hours.." She trailed off and smirked. Eyes locked on the trophies of her old times. Most of those patrons were dead or worse. Oh what a time that was, she thought.
A loud beep echoed the quiet room as Lucifer perked by the door. Miss Ella was towered over the sleeping beauty with a note board, writing down vitals.
"She's stable enough for now but I wouldn't take a vacation to make the deal, miss" Ella spoke quietly, eyes locked on the board. Lucifer smirked and spun on her heel, fishing out her phone. Scarlet was neatly tucked away, supported by air and patched up enough she'd last another day with the supplies available.
It wasn't like Kali didn't understand the situation. A eye for a eye. And she had a feeling Kali's involvement with Crowley was more then a simple gesture between leaders. Considering Crowley's lack of obedience and his response to her interrogation methods. They were involved in some way. Perhaps emotional. She had to have her on the tip of her feet, for once. So she'd go through with it the right way. Lucifer's way.
"You know where to find me.." Kali spoke again. Lucifer's gaze flickered to the window behind her. In the distance, she knew. 
"Bring the dog and the girl or you'll beg for forgiveness"
The line went dead. Lucifer grinned and lowered the phone to the desk. That boy outside too. He was rather interesting. Like a lost puppy. She hadn't seen Crowley that dejected in a long time, she thought and chuckled. Her eyes flickered to the desk. Tapping her finger on a white card with gentle, cursive handwriting. Evie. What a beautiful name. She dialed the number on the card and leaned back, waiting. A young woman spoke on the other line for a moment.
"Hello, I'd like to request information of one Eveline Blanchard?"

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