Freshman Girls' Dorm

Av tigerandmouse

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Shannon has always been uncomfortable with her body and sexuality, but can't ignore her growing desire to fig... Mer

Part 1: Anticipation
Part 2: Human Sexuality
Part 3: Short Gasps
Part 4: Roommates with Benefits
Part 5: Undone
Part 6: Aftershocks
Part 7: Pressing Deep
Part 8: Intimate Space
Part 9: Sexually Awake
Part 11: Wet Surfaces
Part 14: Slow Grace
Part 12: Reaching Towards Release
Part 13: Delicious

Part 10: Really Curious

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Av tigerandmouse

The classroom was bathed in a warm, golden glow from the sunlight streaming in through the large windows. The students were gathered together in cozy clusters, deciding how they would present their assigned topic for the day. Shannon's mind wandered from Mr. Lawrence's lecture on the complexity of human relationships, her eyes landing on Ryan. He typed away on his phone, and a vibration against her thigh signaled a text from him.

"My roommate's out tonight," the message read, with an unspoken invitation.

Shannon felt a flutter of excitement in her stomach as she replied, "Oh. Maybe I should stop by?" His thumbs up emoji was almost instant.

She stole another glance at Ryan, wondering what might follow up their side by side play from the other day. She was curious to get to know him better, but a chance to explore a little more would also be welcome.

Later that night, with the buzz of campus nightlife echoing in the distance, Shannon again stood outside Ryan's dorm room door. The scent of Thai spices wafted from the bag in her hand, something to do to help to bridge the gap between friendly-classmates-who-jacked-off-together-once and whatever this was turning into.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked softly.

"Hey," Ryan greeted as he opened the door. His dorm room a bit more tidied up than last time, with some low lighting, felt welcoming.

"Hi," Shannon replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She brushed her bangs back as she stepped inside, holding up the takeout. "I brought food."

"Damn. Thanks," Ryan said, his shy smile betraying his relief. He cleared a few books off his bed to make space for them to sit.

Shannon placed the bag carefully between them on the mattress, feeling the soft give under her weight. They served themselves onto paper plates she had borrowed from the communal kitchen, steam rising between them as they settled into a comfortable silence.

"My group's presentation was a little random today." Ryan ventured, breaking the stillness as he fumbled with chopsticks.

"Definitely... lots to think about." Shannon agreed, her cheeks warming with the memory of their exchanged texts during the lecture.

They made small talk, discussing class assignments and sharing stories from their day. Slowly opening up to each other a bit more. As they ate, the initial nerves began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of connection. Their knees brushed occasionally, sending ripples of awareness through the close air of the room. Although they were both unsure of what might come next in their evening, things began to feel natural.

Shannon's shoulder nudged Ryan's gently, a coy look in her eye. "So, any incriminating tabs open on your laptop tonight?" she teased, a knowing nod to the last time they'd hung out, when opening his laptop had unleashed an entirely unplanned afternoon.

Ryan's laugh was a soft huff of air, his cheeks warming as he shook his head. "No, nothing like that tonight," he assured her, running his hand through his hair. "But, uh, you know," he added, more hesitantly, "if you wanted to talk more about... that stuff, I mean, it's not off-limits or anything."

"Really?" Shannon tilted her head, blonde pigtails shifting. "Because, I keep wondering what you're watching. You know, when you're alone." She fidgeted with the corner of her paper plate, a mix of embarrassment and boldness in her voice.

"Ah, well," Ryan's gaze flitting away before meeting hers again. "I've been watching a lot of couples' candid home videos lately? Pretty vanilla stuff, I guess."

"Vanilla can be good," Shannon said softly, her slender fingers tracing patterns on the bedspread. "I know I haven't watched a lot myself, but I like things that feel... real? Not people faking it."

"Yeah," Ryan nodded, relieved by her response. "I like when there's a connection, seeing two people who seem like they really want each other."

"Connection," Shannon echoed thoughtfully, her eyes drifting down before lifting back to Ryan's. There was an unmistakable heat in her gaze now, a quiet determination sat alongside her nervous energy.

"So... speaking of wanting," she started, her voice barely above a whisper, "I may have been fantasizing about... messing around some more. Like... what it would be like to go down on you."

Ryan's breath caught in his throat, his heart thudding.

"Not that I'm a creep who's having regular sexual fantasies that involve you," Shannon added unconvincingly, scrunching her face up in embarrassment.

"And I don't know how normal people smoothly transition from dinner to blowjobs," she added, covering her face with her hands.

"No. I mean... I'm absolutely up for that." His voice was tender and shy, "If you're even being serious..."

"I am," she cut in, dropping her fingers, her blush deepening but her eyes steady. "I know I don't have a long track record. And I know I don't know what I'm doing. But I'm... also turned on lately. And really curious." She took a small breath, steadying herself.

"But also, you can't fall in love with me. Or anything. Because I'm definitely trying to sort some things out and figure out what works for me..." And I have this huge crush on my roommate Shannon's mind added silently.

"No, of course." Ryan reassured her. "That's fair... no expectations."

"Okay," she breathed out, a smile flickering at the corners of her mouth. "Because I definitely have been thinking about going down on you. A little bit.." Her confession hung in the air between them, delicate and charged as she turned her body towards him.

Shannon slowly spread her knees over his lap, placing one hand on each shoulder, studying him for feedback.

"Can I kiss you?" Shannon asked with a grin, her lips an inch from his.

Ryan leaned in, pulling her hips closer, finding her mouth with his. The heat between them was tangible as they kissed deeply, lost for a moment. Time slowed as their tongues moved in rhythm, each touch sending shivers through them. Shannon found herself using her finger to trace Ryan's ear, then collar bone, clutching his arm tight and then pressing her hands into his firm chest.

Ryan held her lower lip in his teeth for a brief moment as one hand went up her back along her alert skin and the other slid down a few inches between her pants and underwear along her hip. Shannon giggled, twisting her hips up in response, leaning her forehead against Ryan's for a moment while she gulped some air.

"Glad I'm not the only one who just finished a plate of curry," Shannon winked, tugging the hem of Ryan's t-shirt up.

Ryan pulled his shirt off and then followed Shannon's gaze to his crotch. He made a motion, but hesitated when his fingers touched the metal of his zipper.

"Here," Shannon offered. Her fingers trembled slightly as they reached for the button of Ryan's jeans, their movements deliberate but cautious. The sound of the metal clicking seemed loud in the quiet room. Her breath hitching as she carefully slid down the zipper, her cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

"Okay if I undress you?" she whispered, seeking reassurance.

"Yeah," Ryan replied, his voice kind, helping tug his jeans past his hips.

With a nod, she tugged them off entirely, revealing his plaid boxers underneath. Her movements punctuated by heightened awareness. For a moment Shannon gently felt his vulnerable body through the plaid cotton.

"All the way?" she double checked.

Ryan nodded.

As she eased his boxers down, Shannon's eyes lit up, her lips parting slightly at the sight. He was full, but not rigid yet. She hesitated, unsure, before tentatively extending her hand the moment charged with vulnerability. Her touch was light, fingers grazing the warmth of his skin, and she could feel his subtle intake of breath in response.

"Sorry, I'm not sure—" she began, her voice laced with self-conscious laughter.

"There's no rush," Ryan interjected gently, leaning down some to watch her with reassurance glowing in his eyes. "You can just... check things out?"

No rush. Shannon repeated the words in her mind, trying to dispel the nerves that buzzed through her body. With a playful giggle, she experimentally moved closer. She gingerly wrapped her fingers under his testicles, clenched tight to his abdomen, firm and held tight by thousands of tiny folds of tense skin. She clumsily adjusted her fingers, her face inches from him now, studying his reactions for clues. Something about him smelled more clean and fresh and desirable than she had assumed guys would smell.

"Teeth are a no-go, right?" she joked weakly, her own nervous laughter mingling with his more confident chuckle.

"Definitely a no-teeth zone," he managed to say through his amusement, his kindness buoying her confidence.

"Got it," she nodded, taking a steadying breath as she brought her mouth tentatively towards the side of his cock. The first contact with her lips was light, almost questioning, and she could feel a soft sigh escape Ryan's lips. Encouraged, she traced her tongue further down towards his base, Ryan's hand gently combing through her hair, the awkwardness of the moment dissolving into a shared exploration.

After coming back up to the head, Shannon, paused, holding his now rigid cock firmly in her hands, gazing at the glistening tip. Then she leaned in, her pink tongue extended, wiping the single drop of liquid off him, pausing to suck gently on the tiny hole that his cum leaked out of for just a moment. She could feel Ryan gasp.

"You taste yummy," Shannon murmured, running her tongue around her teeth. Then she opened her mouth wide and carefully enveloped him, gently bobbing her head up and down, feeling self conscious about her quiet gurgling sounds.

Every so often, she would pull back, peeking up at him with wide, inquisitive eyes, and they'd share a brief, laughter-filled exchange before she tried again, each attempt smoother than the last as she navigated this new sensation.

She leaned in deeper and slower, withdrawing some, then pressing in as far as her throat could accommodate him. Ryan felt her gag reflex flex, and she backed off again.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"No," Ryan whispered, reaching out delicately for Shannon's cheek.

Shannon delighted in the feel of him against her lips, skin impossibly soft and smooth wrapping around his aching, rigid erection. She alternated sucking and licking with slow and deliberate movements. She traced the lines and curves of it with her fingers, relishing in the sensation of his skin under her touch. Lost in a private awe, she drank in the moment, exploring his taste, texture, and scent.

When Shannon again worked up the courage to bring him deeper inside her throat, her first plunge caused a gasp, a telltale sign that rippled through the quiet room. "Shannon—I'm close," he gasped out, an edge of urgency to his voice. His fingers threaded gently through her pigtails, not guiding but rather seeking anchor.

Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of nerves and determination painting her cheeks a deeper shade. She made a split-second decision, resolved to stay with him through his cresting wave. She kept her tongue and lips tight around him as he tensed, their world narrowing down to this singular, intimate moment. His white hot cum burst into her wet mouth and she held onto his rigid shaft with her soft lips until the waves of pleasure had finished washing over him.

Ryan lay breathless, his heart beating wildly in his chest, when Shannon slowly retreated from his exhausted erection. She spit the frothy mixture of semen and saliva onto his belly. A flush of embarrassment warmed her face as she stammered out an apology, her slender fingers trembling slightly.

"Hey, no, totally allowed," Ryan said softly, the rawness in his voice wrapping around her like a comforting blanket. "You were amazing, Shannon."

She offered a sheepish smile, reaching for his discarded boxers to wipe across tongue, lips, and chin, then turning to Ryan to tidy up the mess splashed across his stomach. Her touch was gentle, almost reverent. Once done, she slid closer, her slender frame fitting against his side with a natural ease.

They lay together, the afterglow settling in the small dorm room. Ryan's arm found its way around her shoulders, drawing her into an embrace. The weight of his hand was reassuring—steady and real. Her breathing slowly calmed in his arms. She could feel his heart beat against her chest.

"Shannon?" Ryan's voice was tentative, almost hesitant as he broke the silence. "What can I do for you?"

She lifted her head, meeting his gaze. His expression showed genuine interest. Shannon's mouth went dry as her insecurities rose up. But amidst the uncertainty, a spark of desire lingered—a longing to feel some of the pleasure she had just seen.

"Maybe," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "But—can I keep my clothes on? Like, could you use your hand. In my pants?"

"Of course," Ryan said quickly.

Shannon nodded, her face heating up at the thought of Ryan reaching into her underwear. She watched as he swallowed cautiously. It was clear that he, too, was navigating new terrain, his usual calm demeanor giving way to a slight tremor in his hands.

"Are you sure?" she asked, scanning his face for any hint of reluctance.

Ryan offered her a shy, reassuring smile.

"Yes," he replied firmly. "This sounds hot."

Their eyes locked for a moment longer, a silent exchange of consent before Shannon laid back, her breath catching as Ryan's hand hovered over the button of her jeans. She could see the caution in his movements, the way he seemed to be repeatedly asking permission without words as his fingertips brushed against the denim.

"Go ahead," she encouraged, her own voice betraying a mix of anticipation and nervous excitement. There was a fresh electricity in the air from the dance of exploring each other's desires so carefully. He flicked open the metal clasp and slide down the zipper with a whispering hiss. The denim gaped, revealing the soft cotton of her underwear, a layer that still preserved some sense of privacy for Shannon.

"Here," Shannon whispered, her voice barely more than a breath as she took Ryan's hand in hers as she tugged her shirt up a little. She placed his hand on her bare belly, just touching the elastic from her panties, letting him feel the heat emanating from her body. His hand was steady now, the earlier tremors gone, replaced by a focused attention that made her heart race.

Shannon lifted the waistband slightly, guiding his fingers in. His fingertips slowly tracing her short pubic hair down her mound was breathtaking.

"It's okay," Shannon whispered, arching her hips up to bring her mound under his fingers. Ryan let out a slow hot breath, slowly spreading his fingers to explore her aching vulva.

"Like this," she guided, leading his touch in slow circles that avoided direct contact with her most sensitive areas. His fingertips traced the shape of her under the thin material, eliciting a shiver from Shannon.

"Yeah. That's good," she whispered, a soft moan catching in her throat as sensations began to build within her. She could feel him watching her face for signs of pleasure or discomfort.

"A little lower," she coached, her own hand pressing atop his, urging him to explore further. At her guidance, Ryan's fingers slipped deeper between her lips, venturing further into the intimate space. His reach was hesitant, but she encouraged him with gentle nudges of her hips, seeking out the moisture that had begun to gather.

"Keep going," Shannon breathed out, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. As his fingers delved deeper, the initial dryness gave way to a slickness that was uniquely hers, warmth and desire. She could feel his wonder as he encountered the natural lubrication, and she smiled at his awed expression.

"Ok. Now be gentle with my clit," she guided him, still navigating his movements. "Just around it, like you're drawing a protective circle." Shannon's instructions were met with a careful adjustment of his fingers, now gliding over the hood that shielded her from too much direct stimulation.

With each thoughtful pass of Ryan's fingers, Shannon felt herself opening up physically, both relaxing and trusting. Her thighs kept drifting further apart. She kept studying his kind eyes as he focused so intently on her pleasure. As much as Ryan's hand down her underwear was about skin and lubrication and touch, it was also a quiet exploration of how they could connect in their vulnerability.

Ryan's fingers moved with a newfound confidence around Shannon's clitoral hood, running his fingertips over the curves more intuitively. Her breaths grew shallow and quick, mingling with the faint, rhythmic creaking of the dorm bed beneath them.

"Hey Ryan," she whispered, her voice a soft tremor of vulnerability, "I—I want to kiss you." She paused, biting her lip in hesitation. "But I'm not sure... after before, if you'd be—"

"Yes," Ryan interrupted, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that made her heart flutter against her ribs. Slowly, closing the gap between them, their lips met in a new kiss that was tentative at first but quickly deepened into fervent and consuming. Ryan's hand, guided by the cadence of Shannon's subtle hip movements, continued its delicate work, now with a rhythm that seemed to pulse through their wet mouths.

As the kiss evolved, so did the sensations that cascaded through Shannon. The warmth of his hands, the teasing motion of his fingers, there was a building sensation that resonated inside her, stoking a building crescendo.

She clung to him, her tongue lost inside him, her fingers gripping the tousled hair at the nape of his neck, anchoring herself to the moment as much as to him. Her body responded in waves, each peak crashing over her with more intensity, until the pleasure bloomed into an orgasm that left her grasping for air, clutching Ryan desperately amidst her ecstasy.

Their tongues didn't disengage immediately, even as her body shuddered and Ryan felt the reverberations of her climax through the tips of his fingers. The moment felt frozen, their shy souls blending in breaths and heartbeats.

The room went silent except for the sound of their heavy breathing, syncing and slowing as the room's spinning slowed. They lay entwined, Shannon's head resting on Ryan's chest, his arm wrapped securely around her slender frame, feeling the rapid beat of her heart against his side. The room was warm with the scent of their pleasure, crackling with a sense of fresh intersection.

Shannon lifted her head slightly, her disheveled pigtails spilling over her shoulders, her eyes searching Ryan's face for any sign of regret or discomfort. "Was that... okay?" Her voice was hesitant, a whisper barely audible over the hum of the distant dormitory.

Ryan met her gaze, his tousled hair sticking to his forehead, a gentle smile on his lips. "More than okay," he reassured her, his thumb tracing small circles on her back. "That was amazing."

Her cheeks flushed with a soft pink hue, not from embarrassment but from a warmth that spread through her at his affirmation. She snuggled closer, tucking her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent that was uniquely him. "I was worried... but connecting with you feels so comfortable," she confessed, her breath warm on his skin.

"I agree," Ryan admitted, his own nerves echoing hers. "I like how you're patient. Not in a rush."

She nodded against him, her body still humming with the remnants of pleasure. "I'm glad." The words came out muffled but sincere. "It's nice to get to play with each other, isn't it?"

"Definitely," he whispered back, his hand now resting gently on her shoulder, grounding her to him, to the moment.

They lay there for some time, the quiet of the dorm room enveloping them. In each other's arms, they felt safe. It was a place where shyness was allowed, where awkward feelings were welcome.

As their breathing finally settled into a tranquil rhythm, it dawned on Shannon that this be a space where she could explore her feelings about guys. Being with Ryan felt fragile, but also felt like it had the potential for important depths.


The full audio of this story is available for free at

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