Trapped Behind Words: InuOkko

Von Jengmaru

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Yuta, a young manz is burdened by the memories of a tragic childhood event. When he meets Toge, who is nonver... Mehr

Chapter 1: Yuta
Chapter 2: Toge
Chapter 3: Carnival
Chapter 4: Intruder
Chapter 5: Brother
Chapter 6: Painted
Chapter 7: Pizza
Chapter 8: Unintentional
Chapter 9: Neighbor
Chapter 10: Sweet
Chapter 11: Savory
Chapter 12: Junpei
Chapter 13: Yuji
Chapter 14: Again
Chapter 15: Tired
Chapter 16: Books
Chapter 17: Blades
Chapter 18: Remember
Chapter 19: Alone
Chapter 20: Together
Chapter 21: Drawing
Chaper 22: Connect
Chapter 23: Riko
Chapter 24: Demon
Chapter 25: Women
Chapter 26: Brotherhood
Chapter 27: Date
Chapter 28: Morning
Chapter 29: Tea
Chapter 30: Shower

Chapter 31: Two Words

152 6 45
Von Jengmaru

A bowl of stew sat in front of Toge at the African Sun Bar and Restaurant. It felt a bit unusual to see the silver-haired man in Yuta's workplace, but it was heartening that Toge wanted to support him as a partner.

Yuta leaned over the bar counter, his gaze fixed intensely on Toge, who seemed oblivious. Was this what being a normal couple felt like? Or was it merely a facade they both hid behind?

Toge took a sip of the stew and nodded.

"Oh, thank goodness," Yuta sighed in relief.

Toge giggled, giving a thumbs-up to Yuta and the chef standing behind him, Miguel.

"Is he part of the family too?" Miguel asked.

From the other side of the bar emerged Ieiri Shoko, her long dark hair hanging tiredly. She was the silent employer who allowed Miguel to make most of the creative decisions for the restaurant.

"Nah, he's just with Yuta," Shoko clarified.

Hearing it stated so plainly made Yuta blush, though Toge didn't seem to react. The man always exuded confidence, something Yuta envied but according to Toge, he was making significant progress.

"Though, I wouldn't be opposed to it," Shoko added.

Toge waved his hands in front of his face, dismissing the idea.

"Yeah, I figured as much. You're a bit too high-profile anyway. Involving an Inumaki kid would be... challenging in terms of protection," Shoko mused, scratching her chin.

"I'm sure his family isn't that influential," Yuta chimed in.

Toge looked down at his bowl of stew and sighed, "Well..."

"No, there's no way. I mean, you said you worked for your family, but you're wealthy?" Yuta stumbled over his words.

At that time of day, the restaurant was empty, barely open since it was mid-morning. Most patrons came in around lunchtime unless there was a special event happening. That Saturday, there wasn't.

Toge shrugged with a half-nod.

"Rich might be a stretch. They are well-off, but it's not like the main family would support you," Shoko clarified.

"How do you know that?" Yuta asked, genuinely curious.

"They're business associates since they're involved in telecommunications. I have a vested interest in their company. The yakuza aren't just brutes; we have a lot of business dealings. Gotta stay afloat," Shoko explained.

Kugisaki, the newest employee, was working at the host stand. She was the enthusiastic type, especially when it came to Yuta. She had told him all about their gossip sessions in the walk-ins and games they played at work, though Miguel neither confirmed nor denied it.

"The customers are here!" Kugisaki shouted, signaling the need to act casual.

Miguel retreated to the kitchen where his assistant chef, Larue, remained. Yuta straightened his apron and fixed his hair. Despite the additional yakuza income, his job as a waiter and bartender in training was his cover. It all felt surreal.

"How many will be dining with us today?" Kugisaki asked.

Yuta began moving toward the kitchen, avoiding a glimpse of the number of customers he would be waiting on. He had only agreed to take the Saturday shift because it was in the morning; it meant extra money, and with Shoko there, he could learn more about the tricks of the trade—or trades.

"Damn it," Shoko muttered under her breath.

A jovial booming voice echoed from the dining room, "Ah! Shoko! The gang's back together, huh?"

Yuta turned around and instantly froze. Walking toward Toge and Shoko was a man dressed in monk-like robes, his wild dark hair tied back with beads. But it was his face that made Yuta freeze—it was Geto Suguru.

In that moment, Yuta had to steel his nerves. He could focus his vision to see the men with Geto, but there were three of them. His heart raced, causing his thumb to twitch.

"Rika," Yuta whispered.

Rika's spirit responded, "Yes, Yuta?"

"Tell Todo to get here on standby," Yuta clenched his jaw.

"Done," Rika responded quickly.

"Thank you. I might need him to hold me back if things get heated," Yuta said.

With that, Yuta's eyes settled and his vision cleared. However, that didn't stop his mind from racing. The presence of Geto was an odd combination. At a center table, Gojo, Fushiguro, and Yuji sat with him. Both younger men seemed nervous with neutral expressions.

Shoko was the first to attend to their needs, "Ah, long time no see. You're right. Didn't expect to see Satoru and Suguru in the same place. Who are these two you pulled along with you?"

Gojo spoke up with a shaken tone, "This is Fushiguro Megumi; you should remember him. And the other is Itadori Yuji, my associate."

"Oh, wow. Little Megumi got big, huh? It's been a while, kid," Shoko said.

Was she being serious? That was a blatant lie. Fushiguro and Itadori were both at the last group meeting. So, she was being strategic. However, it felt odd being on the same side as Gojo.

"Who knew Toji's brat would be close to Satoru? Ah, but that's how time goes. Things change, don't they?" Geto said with a grin.

There was no time to prepare, and Shoko hadn't given many instructions on how to interact with either of these men separately, let alone together. However, it seemed Gojo was on edge as well.

Yuta turned his attention to Toge, who had practically shrunk into his stew. That was probably a good decision. He had no reason to jump in the middle of them, and as long as he minded his own business, Toge wouldn't have to interact at all.

Cautiously, Yuta approached the table with a smile. At least he hoped he was smiling. There was no reason to believe he wasn't, but still, he wasn't certain.

"Hello, welcome to African Sun. What can I get you to drink today?" Yuta asked, politely, playing the part of a completely unknowledgeable man.

"I'll have a barley tea. Satoru, will you get the same?" Geto asked.

Did he have no sense of shame? The man was obviously ignoring how uncomfortable everyone else in the room was. The tension was affecting even Kugisaki, who had taken to videoing the interaction from the corner.

"No, I'll take a black tea," Gojo said, narrowing his eyes at Yuta.

Had he messed up by pretending not to know Gojo? There was no reason beyond the therapy group for the two of them to be associated. Then again, maybe there was? By playing the ignorant card, was Yuta sharpening his claws?

"I'll have a black coffee, please," Fushiguro grumbled.

Yuji popped up, "Oh, and I'll have a water."

"Okay, that's a barley tea, black tea, coffee, and water. Anything else I can get started for you?" Yuta asked.

"Nothing right now, thanks," Gojo said.

Yuta walked back to the kitchen to prepare the drinks. His hands were twitching with some vile combination of anxiety and rage. Miguel was shuffling around the kitchen, checking various pots and pans, unaware of the unfolding drama.

"God damn it," Yuta exhaled as he pulled down some tea cups.

Larue was the first to speak, "Rough customers?"

"No, well, yes. People I know that I am pretending not to know," Yuta said.

Larue was a burly man with a chiseled face and long hair pulled into a bun. It was surprising to see him in a kitchen beside the massive might of Miguel. Yuta was practically a stick next to them.

"Ah, business. I see. Well, follow Shoko's lead. I'm no grunt or anything, but I think that would be the best decision to make if I were in your shoes," Larue shrugged.

"You're right. It's not like there's going to be a shootout or anything. A bar fight at the most," Yuta said.

"Oh hell no, not in my bar. You better not, or I'll dock any damages from your pay," Miguel muttered.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to. One of our enforcers is already here; he's part of the group. Which makes me a little more nervous," Yuta said.

"Hey buddy, you got this. Come in here to cool off if you need to," Larue said.

Yuta poured the hot water from their boiler into two of the mugs. "Hopefully, that doesn't happen."

The black-haired man poured a mug of coffee next, then the glass of iced water. After the tea had steeped for a minute, he took a tray and loaded it with the various drinks. On his way out, Yuta took in a deep breath and smiled.

"Ah, so you both work for Satoru? That has to be an interesting job. I can't say I saw you to be one to hang out with such monkeys, Satoru," Geto narrowed his eyes.

Visible anger showed on Fushiguro's face, while Yuji seemed more confused. Yuta glanced over at Toge, who also seemed enraged. Yuta was with Yuji on this one; calling people monkeys felt kind of weird.

"Here are your drinks," Yuta lowered the tray and began to place them in front of each man.

"You're not going to tell us whose is whose?" Geto smirked.

Yuta felt his eyebrow twitch. Out of all the people in the restaurant, a murderer like him had the least amount of leverage in a social dynamic. No one like him should criticize anyone.

"Ah, well, you ordered completely different beverages, and they are all very different colors. I don't think I need to announce which is which," Yuta said with a smile.

"Has no one taught you table manners, or how to wait on an esteemed guest? Do you not realize who I am? Who we are?" Geto's brows raised, but his grin didn't fade.

"Are you in a band or something?" Yuta tilted his head.

Yuji covered his mouth and looked away, snickering quietly. The white-haired man smiled as well, breaking a bit of the tension. Geto curved his lips inward.

"No, we are not in a band," Geto said.

"Ah, well. In that case. No. Do you know what you would like to order?" Yuta asked.

Gojo spoke up, "We'll take a minute to decide. Thank you."

Yuta gave a short bow before approaching the bar where Shoko and Toge had been stewing in silence. The woman shot Yuta a soft glance and a nod. That was a bit satisfying, like a parent's approval.

"Sir, is there anything else I could get you?" Yuta asked Toge with a slight smirk.

Toge raised his brows up and down, signing, "Your number?"

"Oh, most definitely, for a good enough tip," Yuta said.

Toge smirked, signing something that Yuta had to assume was flirtatious.

"How presumptuous. Shoko, could you print him his receipt?" Yuta asked the woman behind the bar.

She sighed, "You are both so dorky. Can't believe Suguru had the balls to act that way. Guess he really did change."

Toge pulled out his phone, typing, "This is how my father said he acted when he came around a few years back."

"Comes with the territory of being scum," Yuta sighed.

"Sucks, he used to be one of my best friends. Him and Satoru both," Shoko said.

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Yuji's spirit, Junpei, chimed in Yuta's ear, "Bro, this guy sucks. I don't even know what's happening."

"Shoko, did you teach Yuji how to use Junpei with his thoughts?" Yuta asked.

Shoko groaned, "Ugh, no. Sounds like he made a deal with the dark side though. Whatever you do, try and avoid that."

"Will do. Wish me luck; I'm headed back into the fray," Yuta said.

Toge gave a salute.

Yuta approached the table again, unable to catch their conversation, "Are you all ready to order, or did you need a few more minutes?"

"We're ready. I'll have the Nigerian beef set," Gojo said.

"I'll take the same, make sure the steak is rare," Geto spat.

"I'll just stick with the coffee, could you refill me?" Fushiguro asked, with a calmer expression.

Yuji was last, "I'll take a sunrise bowl, that's my favorite. Oh, and extra pork in it too."

Geto spoke before Yuta could, "That's the problem with monkeys, Satoru. You give one a chance, and it takes advantage of you. Fushiguro was at least kind enough not to burden you with his meal."

"What exactly is this grounded on?" Gojo asked.

"You act all high and mighty, but I remember the Gojo Satoru you were when we were younger. This whole town should be leveled, start anew with high-rises. Of course, this place could stay for culture, but take out all the mom-and-pop shops."

Yuta raised a brow, "Is that all? If so, I'll have the chef prepare your meals."

Fushiguro handed Yuta the empty mug. It was kind of impressive how fast he drank the hot coffee. Then again, it wasn't like he had a chance to talk in the conversation.

"Look at him, he's spindly and he relies on this place for his rent. But look at his shoes!" Geto pointed at Yuta's new sneakers.

They were a pair of white basketball-style sneakers. They added to Yuta's height and complemented his complexion with their light gray accents. It was aggravating that Geto still hadn't recognized Yuta.

Gojo looked down then shot Yuta a glance, "I don't see what's wrong with his impressive taste in footwear."

"He's a string bean, he works here, yet he has the money to afford those? Monkeys like these don't know how to take care of themselves. This place should be a booming cultural district, not a shithole like it is. For god's sake, what have you even been doing in a place like this?" Geto acted out his entire speech.

That was the most punchable thing Geto had said since he arrived. Yuta clenched his fist thinking of how satisfying it would be to hit the man. He might have smiled a little too big because Fushiguro was making an odd expression.

"While I agree, it's odd he has nice shoes and is working as a waiter. I don't know what his situation is. They could have been a gift from a lover," Gojo said.

That was a safe assumption, but if Gojo knew Yuta from all the other timelines, he would know that Yuta didn't like getting gifts. He was more of the giving type.

"They weren't," Yuta said.

"See! My point exactly!" Geto shouted.

"But that's truly none of your business, sir. Maybe you should stay in your lane. I'll be back with the coffee," Yuta dropped his smile.

"Who do you think you are talking to?!" Geto shouted again.

"You already used that line; I suggest getting new material. Comedians that use the same joke are nothing more than clowns," Yuta waved his empty hand as he strolled away.

Kugisaki's cackling laugh could be heard from the host stand. It was a bit satisfying hearing her agree that Geto was being nothing more than a pest. Maybe it was the fact that Rika was still able to talk to him, or maybe it was just the situation, but Yuta found it relatively easy not to completely snap at the man.

As Yuta entered the kitchen, Miguel asked, "Why's it so lively in there?"

"Ah, the customer is a prick," Yuta said.

"Are you back talking him?" Miguel frowned.

"Yeah, but he's a murderer. I don't think it matters," Yuta said.

"Remember that as you progress in the family. Soon enough you'll have blood on your hands too," Miguel sulked.

"At least I won't be high, and it won't be the blood of a child," Yuta retorted.

"He's got a point, Miguel. But so does chef, Yuta," Larue said.

"I'll deal with that when I get to it. For now, we need two Nigerian beef sets, one extra rare, and a sunrise bowl with extra pork," Yuta huffed.

"Got it," Larue said.

Yuta filled the coffee, then quickly returned to the table. Shoko had joined in the conversation by the time he returned. Her expression wasn't serious, though.

"So, you plan on running against Satoru? Competing for a district representative in the prefecture?" Shoko asked.

"I do. Then I'll start creating the world I want to see," Geto said.

"A world without poor people?" Shoko asked.

"Precisely. Less leeches draining the blood from me," Geto said.

"How are you going to do that with a record like yours?" Shoko asked.

Gojo nodded, "Yeah, I have the same question."

Geto grunted with a pouted face, "I seem to remember someone else here having a record too."

The attention shifted to Gojo. The white-haired man gritted his teeth with a glance toward Fushiguro. Yuta didn't want to break up the conversation, but he also didn't want Fushiguro to be upset with him.

Yuta placed the cup in front of Fushiguro, "Here you are, sir."

"Does this place ever get patrons?" Geto asked.

"Well, it is more of a lunch spot," Shoko said.

Fushiguro sipped his coffee, "And I mean, we're here so."

Geto stood, "You know what!? I don't have to take any of this. I came here to have a civil discussion before we were out guns blazing. But I suppose when you are with bad company, your demeanor changes. See you at the war, Satoru."

The long-haired man left the restaurant, slamming the door on his way out. It felt like Yuta could breathe easier. Sure, there was still the Gojo problem, but at the point they were at in their plan. It's not like he could do anything to change it–at least according to Shoko.

"What a douche," Yuji said first.

Gojo steadied himself in his chair, "He wasn't really like that before. It's been a while though."

"Can we move to a booth or the bar? I'm entirely too tired to be here right now," Fushiguro said.

Yuta nodded, "Sure thing. I'll comp his portion of the meal too."

"Thanks, Okkotsu," the white-haired man said.

The group stood and walked to a booth on the opposite side of the restaurant. Fushiguro gestured for Yuji to slide in first, then he followed. On the other side, Gojo sat. Toge appeared with his stew in his hands while Yuta cleared the group's cups.

"Did you want to join them?" Yuta asked.

Toge nodded.

"I can take your stew if you'd like," Yuta said.

Toge shook his head and carried it to sit next to Gojo. Yuta took the cups to the kitchen, taking the chance to refill everyone's glasses, including Fushiguro's already half-empty coffee.

The beef sizzled on the grill as Miguel hummed to himself. Larue was zoned out, working on one of the daily soups they offered, inspired by a miso soup. Yuta did wonder if he had to leave them one day to be more invested in the yakuza. Then again, Shoko only seemed interested in what he could do for the fractured timeline project.

"Can you make the extra rare beef regular? The problem customer stormed out. The rest of the group will take it to-go," Yuta said.

"Did you say something?" Miguel asked.

"No, not to make him leave. I just brought out the coffee. I will comp the beef though, just because I contributed," Yuta said.

"Really?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah. I mean, in this case, I was complicit in his exit. Guess you're either complicit or a victim when it comes to yakuza stuff, huh?" Yuta said.

Miguel smiled, "Guess that's a way to look at it. Dirty business doesn't always equal dirty people though. Larue is right about that."

"Amen," Larue said.

Yuta refilled the cups and loaded them back onto the tray. He took them out to the group that seemed a lot more joyous, with the exception of Fushiguro. Yuji was grinning while Shoko and Gojo talked.

"Do you remember that time the lady yelled at you for stepping on her heels?" Gojo asked.

"Oh yeah! She started screaming at me, telling me that I owed her a new pair when I didn't even break the one she was wearing. Hah," Shoko laughed.

"Sorry for the wait," Yuta said. "Here's your barley tea, coffee, and water."

"Thanks, Okkotsu," Fushiguro said.

"Aw, prickly pear is warming up to you already," Gojo said.

Toge snorted, covering his face with a hand.

"Anyway, Okkotsu, next time you order a pair of fresh kicks, get some for your ol' pal Gojo, 'kay? Those are fire," Gojo pointed at the pair.

Yuta nodded, "Sure thing, Gojo."

"Oh hey, did you hear? There's this mass hysteria thing going on. Apparently, people think they all time traveled or something, heh, it's hilarious," Gojo smiled.

Everyone froze in place. Was he being serious? There was no way the man was trying to bait them into admitting it.

"That's crazy, Gojo," Yuji said.

"I know, right! If I could time travel, there is so much I'd change," Gojo looked to the ceiling.

"Me too," Shoko said.

"Speaking of change. Okkotsu, you seem a bit more chipper than usual. You been doing alright?" Gojo asked.

Toge looked at Yuta with his brown eyes fixed on him.

"Uh, well. Since we're all friends-ish here. Toge and I recently started seeing each other," Yuta said.

Gojo smacked the table, standing to his feet, "No way! Aw! I totally shipped you guys. My OTP in the group."

Yuta was a bit perplexed at why he was acting so casual. Sure, the man had always seemed like this. Maybe that's how he acted when things were going his way?

"Inumaki, could you scoot so I can use the little Gojo's room?" the white-haired man asked.

Toge did as asked. Gojo squirmed out from the booth and headed to the restroom. Yuta didn't think he had ever been there, but if Shoko and him were friends there was a chance.

As soon as he disappeared, Fushiguro said, "I think we have a problem."

"What's up?" Shoko asked.

"Gojo asked me and Yuji to help him move a bunch of junk out of a storage room in his house," Fushiguro grumbled.

"Okay, so?" Shoko placed her elbows on the table.

Yuji pressed his lips together, "I don't think he remembers anymore. I'm pretty sure the junk he's talking about are the key components to the machine."


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