There's No Way (JenLisa)

By TheMissusKim-M

6.2K 273 53

Months before, Lisa confessed her feelings and Jennie has turned her down. They're friends, she doesn't see L... More

1: You Touch Me And It's Almost Like We Knew
3: Trying To Keep Our Feelings Secretly Covered
4: With The Way That We're Looking At Each Other
5: Every Second With You I Want Another
6: But Maybe We Can Hold Off One Sec
7: So We Can Keep This Tension In Check
8: There's No Way That It's Not Going There

2: We Knew Someday That We Would Have Regrets

749 35 3
By TheMissusKim-M

Jennie has just finished retouching her make-up and was spritzing her favorite perfume when Lisa's girlfriend came to the apartment. Lisa proudly introduced her to Jennie.

The woman was cheery, charming and very chatty. Okay, the girl was pretty, too. She's thin and had a nice tan that suited her dirty blonde hair. In just the first five minutes of meeting her, Jennie already learned about how, when, where did Honey and Lisa meet. In Honey's extended version, it sounded like kismet. Honey just broke up with her ex-girlfriend, and according to her talking to Lisa helped her easily moved on. I bet, Jennie thinks. the blonde even gotten quite emotional and looked like she was about to tear up when she said that. And Lisa was eating it all up. Jennie realized her friend looks smitten.

She also realized that she dislike Lisa's girlfriend, and that's putting it mildly.

There's something sketchy about the woman. When Jennie asked about where did Honey grew up, the woman deflected and talked about how much she liked Lisa's outfit.

"You look hot, love. That jacket alone costs a fortune! Good thing you're loaded." Jennie's eyebrows shot up when instead of getting put out like she normally does when someone was that tacky, Lisa grinned and looked pleased about the half-compliment.

"I must agree, you look gorgeous as always, Lis." Jennie added, with emphasis on as always. Hers was a sincere compliment, she wanted to add that it has nothing to do with the jacket but she thinks that would be laying it thick.

"I know, I'm the hottest, okay?" Lisa even twirled finishing with a slight bow. Goofy grin plastered on her face.

Lisa's always been a likeable person. People are drawn to her. Maybe it was because she knew how to appear self-deprecating and modest even if she was bragging and say dorky things.

And there was that sense of humor. The first time they talked was for a school project. The Thai was a new transfer student back then, a math whiz and was already a funny kid. Jennie laughed the whole time they were in Jisoo's room doing that Math project, because of Lisa's antics. Lisa was the ball of sunshine of their group.

She was drawn to Lisa from the start, that was a fact. And Lisa felt the same thing. They have the same sense of humor. And even after college, where a lot of their common friends got busy with their own lives-some went abroad for work or got married, they remain friends together with Jisoo. Well, except for the last seven months, of course.

Another thing, Jennie was surprised how Honey was already familiar (too familiar if she'd be totally honest) and at ease wandering around Lisa's place. While loudly recounting how the new lovers' relationship developed, which really an increasingly uninteresting topic for Jennie, the blonde went straight to Lisa's bedroom closet, picked one of Lisa's jacket put it on then asked the Thai if she can borrow one as an afterthought. Lisa was all smiles nodding enthusiastically, completely engrossed listening about her own meet-cute story. The heck was that? This girl's audacity to touch someone else's belonging was getting on her nerves. But Lisa, the girlfriend who should say something, was fine with it, so why was Jennie the one getting annoyed? Those weren't her things to be protective of. And it's not like she didn't borrow things from Lisa before. The woman has an impressive wardrobe collection of clothes and shoes. How was that any different than Honey wearing Lisa's things? Was she just being unfair to the blonde?


She eyed Honey's hand that snaked around Lisa's right arm as they ride the elevator going down the building car park. Jennie was a step behind the two, so she saw how Honey also clasped the Thai's hand with hers in a tight grasp.

Possessive much? You don't even look together. She's way too god for you, blondie.

Jennie stilled. Why was she being like this? She tried to mentally shake that thought form her head. Maybe she was just like that because she's protective of Lisa. Always has been. And since she realized how much she missed Lisa after their falling out, it's bound for her to feel a little bit genitive of her friend's attention.

Jennie's impression on Honey didn't improve when they gone to the car. The blonde received a text message. She then told Lisa that two of her friends, instead of getting a taxi to meet up at the club, thought it was a good idea just to carpool with them. And she didn't even ask Lisa if it was okay, she just told Lisa like one would a chauffeur, with a sickly-sweet tone. Her whipped ass friend just agreed.

The more things she learn about Lisa's girlfriend, the worse Jennie'a impression of her she gets. Funny, because if she didn't know this woman was Lisa's girlfriend, she won't even get a rat's ass about Honey and her lack of respect for someone else's belongings.


Before they gone to the club, they went to a restaurant across the bar to eat dinner first. Honey and her two friends, whom Jennie tagged as Silver and Gold because of their respective sparkling outfits, ordered lobsters, wagyu steaks and even picked an expensive wine. But when the bill came, the three didn't even attempt to pay their share. Jennie took the tab, and subtly whispered to Lisa that since it was the Thai's birthday, they'll share the bill. Lisa chuckled. Although Lisa was a generous person, the woman was sensible when it comes to her expenses. It must be the accountant in her.

The club was called "Cakies", it's situated between rows of clubs and restaurants in Itaewon. The dance floor was compact and the lounge-style club offers a luxurious interior and clean atmosphere, with chandeliers dangling from the ceiling and velvet couches in the VIP sections. The club was posh enough to get away with it. There's a band playing on stage. The vocalist was a guy who might still be in college or at his early 20's at most. He was clean shaven, with a boy-next-door charm.

"That guy looks cute." Jennie observed.

"Who? Where?" Lisa asked. She's standing at Jennie's right. Honey was busy scanning the place, probably looking for her other friends. The Gold and Silver twins already went ahead of them before she even got her credit card back from the restaurant.

"The singer, he's cute."

"Jen, that boy looks like he's just finished high school." Lisa scoffed.

"Well, the girls on his high school got lucky then."

"Luckier than the girls on my high school?"

"Touché, Manoban." Lisa was indeed very popular on their school, especially with girls.

"Look, there's Jamie and Chan!"' Honey exclaimed, pointing at the other part of the club while grabbing Lisa's arm hard judging by the way the Thai winced slightly. Jennie thought that the other woman might have done that because Lisa and her were talking in hushed tone and laughing.

They walked right through the sea of grinding bodies towards the table where the rest of Honey's friends are sitting. She didn't know any of Honey's friends, but at least Lisa seemed to have met them before. They all cheered and greeted the Thai a happy birthday.

But Jennie didn't like what she heard from one of Honey's friends. It was a joke and it seemed she was the only one who overheard it.

"Good, here's the financier. Finally, we can order drinks as much as we want."

What was that? Were these people expecting Lisa to pay for everything? Lisa said Honey was the one who insisted for them to go clubbing and meet some friends. Jennie was turning suspicious. Although Lisa came from an affluent family, she's too young and too pretty to be someone's sugar mommy, let alone a benefactor to all these wannabe yuppies. Too pretty... really, Jennie?

Honey introduced Jennie to her friends. There were three girls and a guy. Again, she felt like these people were already waiting for them there. And the girls were looking at her like they already know things about Jennie. Honey was texting the rest of the way to the club and even at the restaurant when they were having dinner. She couldn't help but think that the woman texted these people about her.

How rude.

The moment they sat down. The pale guy with a thin moustache called the waiter and ordered food and bunch of drinks.

"What do you want, Jen?" Lisa smiled at her. They were sitting next to each other, while Honey was busy laughing with her friends on the opposite side of the table.

"Just bottled water. I'm still full from the dinner." Jennie knew Lisa was a generous person. She will never say no if she was ever asked to pay for the bill. She wouldn't want people think she was frugal with money. But Jennie also knew how Lisa would tell her later, how much she spent tonight up to the last cent. She smiled at the thought. It's not like Lisa was being an ass, she was just wired like that. Calculating her expenses, and her friends', no matter the circumstances is one of Lisa's idiosyncrasies.

When they were in college, Jennie was tagged as "Ms. Friendship" by Jisoo. Since out of the three of them she talked to most people, like she got friends from all walks of life. She even has befriended Jisoo's neighbor's nanny. But she chooses the people she will be friends with. And quite frankly, she didn't feel any interest to befriend anyone from Honey's group. She can't relate about the topics they were talking about, or who. And she can't understand whatever they were laughing and high-fiving about.

She just entertained herself watching the band play. The vocalist was not only good-looking, the boy can really sing with a versatile voice.

"You've got a pretty kinda dirty face..."

Lisa and her sang along simultaneously. Making them both laugh.

"When she's leaving your home..."
"She's begging you to stay, stay, stay, stay, stay.... Aren't you going to the loo?" Lisa asked, mouth almost touching her ear. It wasn't the first time Lisa whispered to her in the whole course of their friendship, and every time there will be goose bumps on her skin with the soft sounds sending tingles run down her spine.

"W-what?" She turned to see that Honey and the three other girls were gone. Only them and the other guy were at the table.

"They went to the comfort room. Go ahead, and I'll guard our drinks."

"Oh, alright." She really did need to pee, anyways. She stood up and look for the toilet.

There was a long queue for the restroom. Not a surprise, since the club was jam-packed. She saw Honey and her friends at the front of the line. There were several women between them, that's why the group didn't notice her. They were busy chatting.

"She was pretty like a cat, but she was a snob," said one of the girls they picked up and had dinner with, Goldie.

Jennie's spidey senses, tingled. Her ears perked up. Were they talking about her?

"She was so tiny! Her legs are so short." Said the other one, the Silver twin.

Honey giggled. "Short and snobby. The bitch is so full of herself, for real. Tagging along, not even realizing she was not welcome?"

"But Lisa is really close with her, didn't you guys notice how sweet she was to Jennie? Girl, be careful... Are you sure they are just friends?"

"Yeah, I noticed that too. They were having some cute moments, I could barf."

"Please, she was just a clingy friend. And like, she can try but Lisa's my girlfriend." Honey sneered.

"Don't let Lisa slip from your hands. You already hit the jackpot, the woman's fucking loaded."

"I have no interest in letting her go, Jamie. Lisa's my meal ticket. Do you know the SUV is only her second car? She got another one, a Porsche. My nipples get hard just thinking about the time that I can drive that on my own."

"Don't forget to invite us for a test drive, girl!"

"Of course!"

The group snickered and again high-fived each other.

What a bunch of freeloading asshats! You think I'll let you bitches do that to Lisa?

She couldn't consider herself a good friend if she didn't do anything to stop these leeches from smooching off Lisa.


When she came back from the washroom, Jennie scrutinized how Honey and her friends ordered another round of drinks, guzzling every shot like they were parched from exploring the Sahara dessert.

After a couple of rounds, Jennie began sabotaging the group's fun. When the waiter came and asked who'd sign to pay for the first batch of drinks, Jennie grabbed the bill. With a loud voice she asked the group whose drinks were whose, and recited the amount. The table went silent, Lisa looked at her with a startled expression but an amused one judging by the slight smirk on her face.

No one from Honey's friends looked at her, they were busy pointing fingers on which drinks are whose. One even said, "Isn't this a birthday party? I thought Honey said there will be free drinks?"

Jennie tried hard not to roll her eyes at that. Seriously, these group are just scroungers. But Lisa being Lisa, took the receipt and signed for it.

To avoid having Lisa to pay for the next round of drinks, she asked Lisa to dance. The taller woman loves dancing, and sure enough excitedly agreed. The Thai easily asked approval from Honey then sauntered to the dance floor. They danced to "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon. The band was taking a break. She looked up to check and saw the handsome vocalist was staring at her.

While they were dancing, Lisa was being goofy, but oh boy, the woman can move. She felt exhilarated being close and laughing like that with Lisa. After a few minutes, possibly, the group was avoiding to deal with more signing for drinks without Lisa, they all proceeded to the dance floor with Honey on the lead. And as Jennie expected, the blonde took her dance partner away. But that's alright. Her first step was a success. She's pretty sure the woman will complain about her to Lisa.

And Jennie's just getting started. She's not yet done with her plan. She's just waiting for the perfect time to strike. No way in hell will she let Honey take advantage of her Lisa, she meant, her friend Lisa.
There's no way.

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