Adam X Lute: Undying Love

By NotADimer1

25.2K 548 830

Hazbin Hotel AU Adam X Lute Photo credit: scout_ish More

Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Lute: Pov
Adam: Pov
Adam/Lute Pov:
Charlie: Pov
Adam/Lute: Pov
Charlie: Pov
Lute: Pov
The show must go on

Extermination Day

584 15 39
By NotADimer1

*1 day before extermination day

I sluggishly laid on my bed hanging my head off the side of it. There's a lot of things on my mind like the extermination is back. I've had a few months to cope with it But I don't know if I should be happy or scared. It's not like I've really made friends around here but I'm trying to be better I really am. I mean there's I chance I could see Lute again. And my god I just thinking about the possibility of seeing her gets me hard.

But on the other hand I'm kinda a sinner now. So maybe trying to find her wouldn't be a great idea. But I can't not try right? She would still recognize me she wouldn't try to kill me right? I was brought out of my thinking with a knock at my door

"Come in" I say lazily

"How are you doing" Charlie says walking in

"Fine I guess"

"I know it's hard having your own people try and kill you"

"Why do you care?" I scoffed turning away from her

She paused for a moment "because I care about you Adam"

"But why? I destroyed this hotel and killed your friend and almost killed you, I can keep going tits"

"Well..... I may never forgive you for that and a part of me wants to see you suffer for what you did" she took a moment to calm herself down

"But ever since you came back you've changed and I've seen you grow" she gave me a genuine smile no one ever did that, well maybe lute.

"And when I say I care I mean it" she added

"I uh thanks" I replied

"Oh and me and vaggie are going to leave soon to meet my dad so be good ok"


I walk out my room to get something to drink when a saw angel whore in the hallway. Oh this is gonna be great I'll try my best to avoid him.

I slowly walk past him trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry" he blurted out

I stopped in my tracks "what?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how much the photo meant to you"

I paused for a moment "I guess I'm sorry I yelled at you". With both just stood there for a moment and he nodded to me and walked away.

Let's just say I can't get any sleep, extermination day was upon us. For the first time I'm scared? So many bad things could happen. But Charlie talked to her dad and said that the hotel was off limits which is a relief I guess. I'll probably just sit in my room and look out the window and cheer when one of my girls gets a kill.

But Charlie insists that we stay together as a "family" yea ok. I mean bar cat wasn't too bad we shared a few drinks. Angel whore was getting better. Cherri and vajie still hated me. But I mean it wasn't too bad. I really hope this just passes by quickly. I really hope we yes I said we stay alive

I really hope that I'm ready for this


Oh how I've been waiting for this moment for six months. I haven't gotten any sleep in the past six days. I'm just overjoyed I can finally show those fuckers in the hotel the pain and suffering they caused me.

I await by the heavenly gates with a forced grin as the exorcist arrive. I can't sit still I'm excited? But I guess I have to make a speech I'm not good with talking so here I go

"It's time to kill demon scum" loud cheers came from that

"You all failed last time so show me, no show Adam and your fallen sisters that heaven will not lose again" even more thunderous cheers came from that as the portal opened.

"Remember no attacking the hotel" I yell as I swooped into the portal. Of course the hotel was the first place I was going.


I land on the pathetic roof it was even uglier than before. Only if Adam was here to destroy this one to. Anyway I spot someone on the balcony looking out to the portal. Oh goody my first kill. As I get closer I realize it's that bitch vagina oh how poetic. And would you look at this she standing next to her "girlfriend" I audibly gaged

I charged at her as fast as I could I need to take care of the other one as she was stronger. With the full force of my metal arm I punched that bitch across the balcony.

"Charlie!!!!" She screamed, ah music to my ears

"No you don't bitch" I grab her but she flung out of my grasp and punched me in the face. I grabbed her hair and slam her on the ground pinning her with my obviously stronger arm by the throat. Pulling my sword out

"Don't!" I here the princess yell

"This is for Adam" I raise my sword up ready to slash it down ending her pathetic life-

"LUTE!" Everything faded into blackness that voice I could never forget it. I dropped the sword right out of my hand. I slowly turned around no it couldn't be I had to be hallucinating again he's dead but he's right here in front of me how.


Holy fuck it's her it's actually her she's here. I froze right after a called for her. And we've just been staring at each other. "Lute" I say in a softer tone. She gets up and walks closer to me. Still just staring. She reaches out her hand and I take it

"Your real" she mutters

"Your damn right bitch" I give her a reassuring smile

Before I could say anything else she grabs me squeezing me so hard a couldn't breathe.

"It's been so hard without you" she starts breaking down in front of me.

"I know, I know babe" I pull her close to my chest as she loudly sobs into me. Fuck man it hurts seeing her like this but no I can't cry. Fuck it just this once. 

"I've missed you more than anything lute" I take her mask off and stare right into her beautiful golden eyes.

"I-if I knew you were down here I would've stopped at nothing to find you" she started crying again "I'm so sorry Adam" wait so she didn't forget me? I fucking knew I picked the right girl.

"It's ok babe, I'll never leave you again"

"You promise?" She gazed up at me

"I promise" I grabbed her chin and slowly moved her up and I kissed her softly. As I try to that she violently grabs the back of my head and shoves her face onto mine like we were welding them together, It's kinda hot

I'm just in awe as she viciously kisses me like a she needed me more then air.

"Adam" I here Charlie say, fuck she's not gonna be happy with lute

I stand up picking Lute up bridal style "please Charlie don't be upset I know she just destroyed both your asses but I won't let you hurt her".

"She's a psycho" vajie yells

"But she's my psycho and you will have to kill me again before you get to her"

Vajie just growled

"Just keep her away from everyone else for now, ok?" She said sounded defeated

"Yes of course we are gonna cuddle in my room until she has to leave" I say with a grin


I laid on my back on Adam's chest he had his wings around me and was playing with my hair. I was expecting to wake up like this was just some dream my subconscious made up. But no it was him it was really him.

"I love you Adam" I said

"That's the 400th time you've said that since we've been in here."

"And I'm going to say it 400 more times before I leave" I said moving closer to nuzzling his chin

"I love you to bitch, hey when do you need to leave?"

"I still got another 3 hours"

"I could use more time with you darling" he paused for a moment "that was really cringe I won't say that again"

"It's fine" I cupped his cheeks "I could use more time with you to babe"

"Don't get all sappy" he said trying not to blush

"You know you love it" I replied

"No I love you" he said with a cheeky grin


"I don't want you to leave" I whined

"I know I know but I need to get back up to heaven"

"But I just got you back" I said grabbing both her hands with mine

"I have all of next week off, I be with you then"

"You better or I'll personally come up there and drag you down" she just laughed at that, man it was so good to have her back.

The loud alarms from the church clock tower rang indicating the extermination was over.

"I'll see you next week babe" I said

"Me to lover boy" we kissed one last time before she took to the sky

It was hard letting her go again but a at least I know she won't leave me this time.

(There's one more chapter left in the fic so stay tuned 😈)

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