Our Foundations from Decay

By hamilton_is_awesome

1.1K 60 82

This is a unique MCR fanfic. Me and my friend each wrote the different povs of characters so the characters s... More

Intro- please read!!🖤🔥‼️
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Mikeys POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Mikeys POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards Pov
Frank POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Mikey's POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV
Frank POV
Gerards POV

Gerards POV

14 0 0
By hamilton_is_awesome

We had made a plan: Mikey and Ray were going to scope out our competition— find some inside information about them and who they are whilst me and Frank buy costumes for our performance at the battle of the bands. 

After making our deal, all our hands went in the middle like we were the Power Rangers or something. "Alright, gang, and split!" Ray shouted as all our hands raised up. Ray wasted no time bolting through the door and dragging Mikey along with him, almost killing him in the process.

After those two were gone, I turned over to my boyfriend. "Alright, let's go shop for some clothes," I say, taking his hand in mine. I was so glad I could finally properly hold his hand after so long, his crutches were usually in the way, but he retired them; he told me they were 'too much a hassle' so I guess he settled for learning how to walk with a cast.

We walked down the street for a while. My home was on the way to the shops, so we passed by my driveway.

"Wait, Gee, look," Frank said, making me turn towards the familiar house. I stared, puzzled, as a shiny blue Honda-fit nested in my driveway. It was out of place, yet it was parked there so naturally as if it was welcome.

"Who's car is that, dude?" My boyfriend asked.

"I-I have no idea..." I really did have no clue. I thought that it was perhaps one of Dad's work friends, but Frank had a better hypothesis than I did.

"I had a dream about a blue car, and your dad was in that dream too with some woman. What if his lover is here?"

Oh, that's smart. How did I not think of that?

"You're right, I gotta get a look," I decide as I creep up to the window.

I assumed that Frank would try to stop me or rationalize with me, but he followed right behind me instead.

"What do you see?" Frank asked as he peered over my shoulders on his tippy-toes— sometimes I forget how short he is.

I focused on the intimate setting before me, a candle-lit scene with the wafting scent of a home-cooked meal slipping through the cracks of the window. My ear picked up muffled chatter followed up by a woman's laugh.

"I see my dad sitting at the table, a bottle of wine cracked open and two poured glasses. I can't see the other person, though." I whisper-shouted.

My dad placed his hands in the mystery woman's ones, holding her fingers in his grasp.

the sight of my father being intimate with anyone besides my mom was sickening. Ew, gross. I don't wanna see his mitts on some random woman he found off the street.

"We gotta find out who that woman is, I had a dream about her for a reason, and it wasn't a good one. I've got a bad feeling about her."

I agreed with him. Plus, I didn't appreciate my dad keeping secrets from us. If he ends up marrying this woman, she could be my potential step-mom, so I gotta find out what kinda person she is.

My eyes locked in with the pair, examining the room to take in any potential clues. But Frank's timing couldn't have been worse as an abrupt noise exploded from him, spraying saliva everywhere.

"Did you hear someone outside?" the woman's voice inquired.

"stupid allergies..." Frank mumbled while wiping his nose.

we ducked under the window, the sound of my dad's footsteps creaking closer to us.

I anxiously brought my nail up to my mouth, tearing it off of my finger with my teeth.

I looked over to Frank, who seemed like he could burst at any second. He was desperately trying to hold in another sneeze, both hands muffling his mouth shut in the attempt.

"There's no one there," my dad finally concluded, the sound of his footsteps retreating, causing Frank and I to sigh in relief.

"Dude, that was terrifying. I thought we were done for," Frank chuckled.

"Yeah, you just had to sneeze, didn't you?" I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he rolled his eyes, "we should get in there so we can get a closer look."

"How are we supposed to get in there?"

"Well, we can knock on the door or climb in through your bedroom window."

Okay, why does Frank sound like an expert? This is not his first rodeo.

"Alright, before we climb up my window on the second story, let's try knocking on the door."

"Good point," Frank replied.

We walked up to the wooden door, my knock making a hollow sound, reverberating throughout the house like it was an echo chamber.

I watched the doorknob twist menacingly, holding my breath while the door hinges screeched. Frank noticed my anxiety because he took my hand, intertwining our fingers together.

I was greeted by my dad's warming face, which looked more nervous than warming at the moment.

I eyed him up, he was wearing decently classy clothes and, furthermore, product in his hair— It was clear he was making an effort of himself. The intoxicating smell of cologne surrounded him, following him around like a cloud with separation anxiety.

"Uh, hey, Pa." I greeted.

"Son? What're you doing here?" he spoke in hushed tones, aware of the lady waiting inside for him.

"B-band practice is over. Who's car is in the driveway?" I blurt out, not being able to contain my curiosity any longer.

"I have important company over. Now's not the best time for you two to be here."

Is he kicking us out? 'cus of this rando?

"Are you in there with your lov-"

"Here, here's 40 bucks. How about you and Frank go to a restaurant or something, okay? I'll talk to you later, Gee."

he briskly shut the door. I turned over to Frank, dissatisfied with the outcome.

"Plan B, then?" he presumed.


Me and Frank made our way to the side of the house where my bedroom window was located. Our only method of getting in my half-open window was to climb the tree next to it.

It wasn't a crazy-tall tree. It was a manageable height. The tree was girthy, though, with layers of bark encasing it like it was an ancient, aged cheese.

"Okay,  I'll boost you up, and you grab onto that branch and then crawl into my window from there," I instructed Frank.

"Why am I first?" he whined.

"Because, honey, you're shorter and smaller than me. I can reach the branch but you can't" I smiled at him like he was a dog, patting him on the head. He just stuck out his tongue at me. so cute. He's just like a chihuahua.

Frank gave in and stood on my stepping-stone hands. The boy reached his hands out for the branch, just barely being able to grasp it. I stared up at him, his butt being kinda close to my face.

"Nice ass," I comment, admiring his tushy.

heheh, time for my revenge. This is a taste of his own medicine for always flustering me.

I think my scheme worked initially; Frank wobbled around, almost letting go of his branch, but he regained his balance, "I'm not the one who has a cute heiny." he replied while looking down at me and winking. He was in such a drawable pose, not to mention he looked seriously hot in that angle, holy shit.

The boy chuckled as he knew he'd won the battle yet again— the wide-eyed, flushed expression on my face being proof of it. But he hasn't won the war like I, one day, will.

"S-so you've stared at my ass before?" I asked him as he leapt up out of my hands and wriggled onto the branch.

I had never given much thought to Frank admiring me physically, or sexually, but I was just now realizing what comes with being in a relationship with someone. I suppose these things are inevitable. How could he not have eventually taken notice of my attributes, I mean, I'm doing the same to him right now.

"I try not to," he simply says as he walks along the arm of the tree, reaching the window and opening it all the way. "Sometimes I can't help myself," he admittedly mumbles.

Frank hops in the window. "C'mon!" he yells down at me.

Unlike Frank, I was perfectly capable of reaching the branch, though I struggled to wriggle on top of it.

I finally made it onto the stark branch, its rigid surface making my skin slightly itchy. My eyes glanced down. The height seemed to be double its size than when I was on the ground.

"Frank, man, how did you do this with a leg cast?" I exclaim, hugging the branch for my dear life like a koala.

"Here, take my hand," my boyfriend said, extending his gracious arm towards me.

My sweaty hands grabbed ahold of his wrist as I got on my knees, slowly shuffling my way towards him.

Frank swiftly yanked my arm, pulling me through the window as we stumbled onto the ground.

I hesitantly opened my eyes, wondering if I was dead or if I stuck the landing.

"Frank?" I call out, turning to see him splat on the ground next to me. 

"We gotta sneak downstairs," I say, lifting my bruised body off of the ground.

"Ugh, I'm never doing that again," Frank responded groggily, gathering himself from the floor.

We tip-toed down the staircase. I immediately hear them talking, the lady's obnoxious giggle being even clearer now. 

I peered my head out from the side of the staircase, seeing the back of my dad's head.

"Can you see her now?" Frank whispered.

"No, my dad's head is in the way, but it's too damn dark in here to see, anyways. They just had to have a candle-lit dinner."

Frank smirked at me, "Candle-lit dinner? Imagine us doing one of those. That would be pretty romantic."

I let myself imagine it for a moment: the glow of the candles casting on Frank's perfect features, holding his hands under the table as we talked about anything and everything, pretty rose petals sprinkled around us, and my heart racing to the beat of the amorous music in the background. Yeah, it sounded magical. I almost got lost in it when I brought myself back to reality. 

"Now's not the time. We're on a mission," I say in a Batman-like voice.

"Okay, well, what do you see?" Frank asked me.

I scanned the scene; her pink, studded purse was toppled over on the ground, its contents spilling out. A cheap-looking perfume, red lipstick, a flask of alcohol, and some crumpled cash (stolen, I presumed). She looks like fun, I scoffed to myself. She almost reminded me of someone.

My eyes wandered up her silhouette, long, claw-like, nails embedded in her fingers. I could smell her. It was potent, probably the cheap perfume that was in her purse.

Just then, Frank broke my train of thinking. "Wait, Gerard, I recognize her voice!"

I whipped around to face him, I was dying to know who it could be.

What? How does he know her?

"Dude," he began, "I think it's my mom!"

I looked back at the pair, My dad... dating Frank's mom? The same woman who kicked her children out of their house? She's an awful person, the kind my dad would hate.

I was aghast. None of it was adding up. Why would he ever date her? I knew something wasn't right.

"Frank, we gotta do something. We gotta confront them. " I looked over at him again, hoping he'd be on board with it just like he was before.

"Okay, but not now, Gerard. They're literally in the middle of a date." he pointed out, urging us to leave.

But the more I heard that woman's voice, the angrier I got. This is who he decides to replace Mom with? This human garbage?

I felt my jaw clench as my gaze hardened. The thought of this nasty lady barging in on our family and thinking she could be our new mom made my blood boil. Not to mention, she's Franks' mom, so Frank would be my... stepbrother?!

"I can't leave, Frank. How am I gonna stand by and let this happen? She's totally brainwashing my dad!" I exclaimed, feeling my hands shape firm fists.

Frank grabbed my hand, forcing me to unclench it and hold his as he dragged me to the side.

"Gerard... not now, trust me. It will turn ugly if we ambush them. That's not the way to do it, I know first-hand." Is Frank talking about the times he loses his temper?

"Really? I'm surprised you aren't as angry as I am, if not angrier..."

"Well, I made a promise to you, didn't I? I'm pretty fucking angry, Gerard. But I'm trying my best not to act on it— for your sake, for you." 

This made my heart melt. I never noticed how much restraint Frank would often have to show, and for that, I commended him.

"Aww, I have the sweetest boyfriend ever," I gushed, pulling both his hands closer to my body.

Frank smiled at me, biting down on his bottom lip, yet another sign of some sort of restraint he was performing. his eyes glistening in the room's lowly lit atmosphere.

"C'mon, Gee, let's go."

We inevitably found ourselves by the same window we clambered through. I was the one who crawled out the window first. Since I was taller, I could reach the ground easier than Frank could, meaning I could help him get down once it was his turn.

My feet safely met the ground, little gusts of dust flying out from under my shoes as I landed.

Let me tell you, climbing down was certainly easier than climbing up.

Frank was dangling from the branch, a lengthy distance separating his feet from the earth.

"Want some help?" I asked before deciding to help anyway.

I put my arms out in front of me to catch him from his armpits.

"Jump!" I yelled up at him, and he released his hands, complying with this extreme version of a trust fall. I hooked my arms under him, successfully catching the boy. 

We did it! A rush of dopamine kicked in, but I celebrated too early as we were sent tumbling to the ground, not again. *mental facepalm*

Frank landed on top of me, winding the air out of my lungs. His body weight was lifted from my ribcage as he got up pretty quickly.

"Oh my god, Gerard, are you okay?" Franke exclaimed, frantic worry present in his voice.

"Uh, yeah, I suppose so." I coughed out, trying to stabilize my breathing.

I got up, my body aching all over.

My face really stings, I thought as I brought my nimble fingers up to my cheek. I felt the indent made on my skin and the moistness of my fresh blood.

I stared at my fingers, a translucent red solution adorning it. I realized I could taste that watery metallic tinge as I licked my lips.

Oh God, how roughed up am I?

"F-frank, did I cut my lip?" A wave of panic hit me. How was I meant to kiss Frank now? How can he even look at me when I look like I was in a car crash?

My exposed thighs were embedded with puffy scratches, and my knees were flaking loose skin that had been scraped off.

"How bad is it? Frank?" My voice wavered as my eyes couldn't help but swell up.

You know when you get hurt as a kid and you're fine, but just the shock of it makes you freak out? I think that's what was happening here.

"Oh, Gerard, you just got a little cut up, don't worry. we can wash off all the blood." he comforted me.

I scanned my arms, and my elbows were unexpectedly inflamed with crimson liquid gushing out.

"Ah! Oh my God, Frank! I'm bleeding out!" I whimpered. God, I'm such a wimp. What's wrong with me?

Frank rushed over to me, turning my face to look away from my arms.

"Gerard, don't look at it, okay? Look at me. Follow my breathing. In, and out."

I could feel myself tearing up again, but this time, it was because of how caring my boyfriend was. I know he isn't good with this whole 'comforting' thing, yet he's still trying his best, and he's succeeding.

"Take my hand, let's go back to the studio. You're okay, trust me."

I didn't shed another tear or whimper out another word. I just let myself breathe, practicing what Frank taught me.

The peaceful walk in the cool air helped calm me down. I felt the tears drying on my face and the stinging pain numbing down.

"Frank?" I spoke after what seemed like the first time in ages.


"Why do you think I- I was s-so fre-eaked out?" My voice shuddered as I spoke, still healing from my hyperventilating.

"Well," he spoke softly, warily, "I think you were just... stressed from all that happened today. I think you were having too many feelings and emotions at once, and you panicked— You were overstimulated."

I stared at the boy admiringly, How did he know all that? Sometimes, my simple-minded boyfriend knew exactly what to say. Sometimes, he seemed hopelessly wiser than me.

"How di-did you know?" I wondered in awe.

"My little sister, Kristy, she'd cry a lot whenever Mom would yell at her after coming home late or when she was drunk. It was heavy for a little girl. It made her fragile. But I was always there to help her. I think in the long term, it's made her stronger; I've made her stronger."

I suddenly became aware of the rosiness forming on my face as I found myself falling deeper for Frank. Wow, I'm really learning more about him. I'm finally starting to see who Frank Iero really is. He's a complex, beautiful person.

I wanted to tell him that, but I didn't exactly know what to say or how to say it. Maybe I can write him a song? Or draw it out for him?

I stopped thinking about it when I realized we were arriving at the studio. Hold on a minute...

"Frank, weren't w-we supposed to be getting costumes for the band?..."

I stared at him, his face dropped as he remembered what we were tasked with.

"Oh, shoot. You're right... Well, I doubt Mikey and Ray did much today, either." He assured me.

We entered the studio and were greeted by Mikey and Ray already there, sitting on the couch with a bunch of papers on a coffee table in front of them.

"Hey, where are the costumes?" Mikey immediately asked us.

"Oh! um, we didn't get them. We kinda got wrapped up in something, but we found out other important stuff!" Frank exclaimed, desperately trying to save our asses.

"You guys spent the whole day out there and came back with nothing?!" Mikey said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"What'd you do the whole time, make out?" Ray chimed in, adding his part to the argument.

"L-Listen," I hesitantly began, " Me and Frank found out who Dad's secret lover is!"

"W-what?" Mikey's stern face immediately dropped, the venom in his voice disintegrating into shock.

"Yeah, and we need to talk about it with Kristy, too," Frank told my brother.

"Kristy? Why does she need to get involved? Gerard, what's going on?" Mikey turned to me.

"U-um let's talk about this later, what did you and Ray find?" I say, averting the attention from me.

"I'll have you know," Ray began, standing up and holding files in his hand like it was his turn to be the detective, " Me and Mikey found out our competition. We are going up against nine other bands: " Bert's band, The Used. Pete's band, Fall Out Boy. Harry's band, One Direction. Hayley's band, Paramore. Lacey's band, Flyleaf. Brendon's band, panic! At the Disco. Brain's band, Placebo. Mark's band, Blink-182. Shaun's band, Seether. And Amy's band, Evanescence."

Wow, that was a lot to take in. It seemed that every clique was getting involved: The jocks- Shaun's gang. Theatre kids- Brendon's group. Popular boys- That Harry kid and his friends. The religious hippies- Lacey's band. I wasn't sure about all the kids and their social rank in this school, but I disliked or didn't know most of the people entering the competition.

Well, I don't like Brendon; he's an arrogant ass. Me and Bert have hung out a few times for school projects, we kinda had a thing going, I suppose. Brain Molko also seems nice, he's a bit younger than all of us, but just as smart— maybe even smarter. I think I'd make good friends with the kid.

"The people we have to worry most about are the bands formed by the popular cliques- like One Direction. Of course, since they're more popular, they'll get more votes so they're our main competition. Also, Brendon has a certain charisma and showmanship that could work to his advantage on stage, meaning we'll have to cover all bases of putting on a show for our best chances of winning. And we generally wanna stay away from Seether, those guys will beat our nerdy asses to a pulp." 

I felt bad. Clearly, Ray and Mikey had put a lot of thought into their task; collecting data and writing down notes, while Frank and I embarked on some silly mission as if we were on Kim-possible. 

"Well, thank you for your work, Ray and Mikey", I mumbled feeling the guilt seeping in.

"Hmph," Ray huffed, "You should be. Now what did you do this whole time?"

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it" Frank announced, finally breathing like he was holding his words in for a long time, " Mikey, my mom is dating your dad. This isn't good, and we need to warn your dad and get my mom as far away from me and Kristy as possible. Our mom being here is a huge risk to all of us."

I turned over to Mikey, his expression beyond gobsmacked, "The crazy lady who kicked you guys out of the house? Does Dad know how evil she is?!" My brother exclaimed.

"It's likely he doesn't," I responded, "he probably doesn't even know that it's Frank and Kristy's mom— he would have consulted it with all of us before starting this weird family circle thing."

My dad having relations with Frank's mom was just the ribbon that tied this psychotic family together. Remember when I said we were all weirdly entangled in each other's lives somehow? Well, the situation just got squared by Pi or something(I don't pay attention in maths class).

"what are we gonna do?" Mikey frantically asked, staring hopelessly at me and Frank for clarity.

"What can we do besides warn Dad?" I answered.

"And if he ignores the warning?"

"Mikey, he wouldn't; family comes first. He puts us before anyone else, even himself." Even though I told Mikey this in full confidence, I was also trying to convince myself, hoping my words wouldn't be said in vain.

"ahem," Ray cleared his throat, demanding the attention of everyone in the room, "I've gotta get home now, you two lovebirds better have gotten our costumes before the Battle of the Bands next week."

Frank saluted to Ray, "Yes sir, we won't let you down" he jeered.

All four of us split from the studio, heading home after a long day of practising the one song which will get us to first place.

Me and Frank were already situated in bed, we decided to sleep on the same mattress two nights in a row.  Honestly, I don't even see a point in Frank having a crappy bed on the ground. We're both together and fit on this bed— it's more convenient. Plus, I do like snuggling him, I giggled silently.

An intrusive light shone into the room, breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Gerard?" Mikey says as he swings open the door. Me and Frank both stared up at him like deers in headlights. Frank's arm quickly snatched away from my body, my skin left barren of his touch.

"Oh- um, sorry if I was- interrupting", he shifted uncomfortably by the entrance, " But Gerard, are we gonna confront Dad after school?"

I saw the ambition in the kid's eyes, and to be honest, I really wanted to confront Dad, too. The longer my dad spent with that woman, the more unsettled I got by the second. 

"Yeah, good idea", I smiled at him, "now go sleep, me and Frank were finally getting comfortable."

"Trust me, I could tell you two were getting real comfortable alright."

I just threw my balled-up sock at him in response, Mikey hurriedly shutting the door as a shield.

He's gone now, Frank. Hold me again. I thought to myself, not having the guts to say it out loud.

I wonder what's gonna happen with Dad, though. he seems really in love. I just don't trust that woman, she can't be good for him. But how are we, his own kids, supposed to tell him that? It'll break his brittle heart.

I could feel stress wrinkles forming as I fretted over what was going to go down tomorrow. But miraculously, Frank threw his arms around me, dragging me into his body. There must be a God, after all. Well whatever's out there, I'm glad I have Frank. His minimal actions speak volumes, every touch thriving me, motivating me to go on, letting me know that maybe life is worth living. 

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