Whispers Of Regret | Hyunlix

بواسطة Cookie_buttereu

8.6K 592 2.9K

In the hushed corridors of a grand mansion, the echo of heavy sobs pierces the stillness. A desperate plea ha... المزيد

Cœur brisé - Broken heart
Chéri(e) - Sweetheart
Je t'aime - I love you
Éternité - Eternity
Fleur - Flower
Doux rêve - Sweet dream
Charmant(e) - Charming
Douceur - Sweetness
Cœur - Heart
Abîme - Abyss
Courroux - Wrath
Chaos - le chaos
Éclatant(e) - Dazzling
Sombre - Dark
Lumière - Light
Grâce - Grace
Ténébreux - Sinister
Désespoir - Despair
Douleur - Pain
Larmes - Tears
Souffrance - Suffering
Amertume - Bitterness
Amour déchu - Fallen love
Brutalité - Brutality
Peine - Suffering
Brume - Mist
Lueur - Glow
Désir - Desire
Tentant - Tempting
Étincelle - Spark
Agonie - Agony
Espoir - Hope
Séduction - Seduction
Fleurir - To Bloom
Souffle - Breath
Flamme - Flame
Effeuillage - Petals falling
Apaisant - Soothing
Confiance - Trust
Crépuscule - Twilight
Lien - Bond
Pulsion - Urge

Enivrant - Intoxicating

158 12 57
بواسطة Cookie_buttereu

La jalousie est l'ombre de l'amour, elle grandit avec lui

Translation: "Jealousy is the shadow of love, it grows with it."


As the car glided to a graceful halt in front of the magnificent mansion, the hands of the clock had already danced past 8 pm. With a soft click, the doors opened, and the duo stepped out, their footsteps echoing against the marble pathway leading to the grand entrance.

Wrapped in the cool night breeze, they walked silently. It had been a hectic day, filled with errands and appointments in preparation for their upcoming wedding.

They met with their wedding planner, whose excitement reached new heights. Despite the blonde's minimal effort, the planner overflowed with creative ideas, prolonging the meeting beyond the usual duration.

After the two completed the identification process, the grand door of the mansion creaked open, beckoning them inside. Stepping across the threshold into the front hall, they were greeted by the maid's warm smile as she offered a polite, "Welcome, young masters," before bustling off towards the kitchen.

Their footsteps whispered softly against the polished marble floors as they ventured through the hallway towards the living room. Among the plush furnishings, they spotted Hyunjin's parents, comfortably seated on the couch.

As the approaching footsteps reached her ears, the lady looked up, her tired expression swiftly transforming into one of delight upon seeing the two entering the room. Rising from her seat with a squeal, she hurried over to the blonde, "Omo, son, you're here!"

Despite the weariness etched on his face, the younger managed a tired yet affectionate smile as he hastened towards the lady, enveloping her in a tight embrace and burying his face in the warmth of her neck. "Eomma, I'm hungry," he murmured softly.

With a gentle chuckle, the lady lovingly patted his back. "I know, sweetheart. I've prepared all your favorite dishes. Come, let's eat together. We've been waiting for you both."

The mention of her cooking ignited a spark of excitement in the blonde's eyes. Pulling away from the embrace, he wasted no time in making his way to the dining area, his steps quickening with excitement. Chuckling affectionately, the lady trailed behind, her heart swelling with fondness.

As Hyunjin observed the heartwarming scene unfolding before him, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. It had been far too long since he had experienced such familial warmth and affection in their interaction.

The younger used to spend a lot of time in the mansion. The cooking sessions with his mom were a daily occurrence, where the ravenette would volunteer as the taste tester for their cooking adventures. With a soft sigh, he made his way towards the dining area, his dad setting aside his magazine to join the family.


"Mmmh, I've missed your cooking, Eomma. It's delicious," the blonde murmured, savoring each bite of his wonton noodles. The lady's grin widened as she nodded in satisfaction, her eyes twinkling. "Eat as much as you want, everything's for you. You've gotten so skinny. What were they feeding you in Australia?"

The blonde shook his head, setting down his chopsticks for a moment as he took a sip of water. "After Lino Hyung left, it was just Jisung and me. Since I prefer cooking myself over relying on a maid, most of the time when I got busy with my studies, I ended up ordering takeout. I couldn't trust Jisung with the kitchen. At one point, Hyung started staying with us, and he ended up doing most of the cooking."

As he spoke, the ravenette's gaze flicked up, his expression momentarily clouded with curiosity and perhaps a hint of jealousy. Before he could interject, however, the lady's excitement bubbled over. "Omo, how is he? Tell him I miss him. Is he still as good looking as before?" she asked eagerly, leaning forward with anticipation.

The blonde's smile widened, his eyes lighting up with fond memories. "Yes, he's doing well. Even though he keeps complaining that he misses me, he'll be coming to Korea soon. And as for your last question, when is he ever not handsome? In fact, he's become even more good looking," he replied, his tone affectionate and tinged with amusement.

The lady beamed at his response, her heart swelling with warmth. Adding more steak to the blonde's plate, she urged him to eat more, her gestures filled with motherly care and love. Oblivious to the subtle undercurrents of emotion swirling from a particular someone, they continued their meal.

Both of them remained oblivious to the ravenette, who seethed with jealousy. Mr. Hwang wore an amused expression as he watched his wife subtly eyeing Hyunjin, while the latter stared down at his food, gripping his chopsticks tightly. Chuckling softly, Mr. Hwang shook his head.


As the four of them lounged comfortably on the couch, the blonde, with his head nestled in the lady's lap, enjoyed the tender caress of her fingers running through his silky, blonde locks. It was a moment of pure relaxation, with the soft murmur of conversation and the occasional laughter filling the air.

Amidst this calm setting, Hyunjin sat nearby, engrossed in his phone. However, his gaze kept drifting towards the blonde, unable to resist stealing glances every few seconds. Each stolen glance was filled with an undeniable longing, a silent admiration that spoke volumes without words.

Although the younger one pretended not to notice, each glance sent a flurry of butterflies fluttering wildly in his stomach, a sensation he couldn't quite control. It was as if his heart knew something his mind hadn't quite caught up to yet, and with each glance exchanged, the tension between them crackled like electricity in the air, igniting a fluttering sensation deep within his chest.

"Ma'am, we've cleaned the room," one of the maids said politely. "Oh, really? Thank you. You may leave early today," Mrs. Hwang replied with a soft smile. The maid bowed and left.

The blonde's curiosity was piqued, and he raised an eyebrow. "Eomma, why did they clean the room? Isn't the mansion already cleaned daily?" he asked innocently, unaware of the painful memories that lingered within those walls.

The woman let out a sigh, her fingers trembling slightly as she gently caressed the blonde's hair before answering. "That room has been unoccupied for 8 years," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hyunjin only goes there when he misses—" She stopped abruptly, unable to bear the weight of her words, and took a shaky breath, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

The blonde's eyes widened, his heart constricting painfully in his chest. He turned to look at the ravenette, who was scrolling through his phone. Sensing the younger one's gaze, Hyunjin glanced up,  their eyes met, a torrent of unspoken emotions passed between them, each longing for something they couldn't quite grasp.

A heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioning and the distant sound of crickets chirping outside. The blonde felt his eyes start to moisten as he noticed the depth of sadness in Hyunjin's gaze, a pain mirrored in his own heart.

Before he could lose control of his emotions, the younger one averted his gaze and sat up on the couch, his movements stiff with unresolved tension. "Eomma, I-I'll go freshen up," he stammered, his voice trembling with suppressed emotion. With a nod from the lady, he made his way towards the stairs, his footsteps echoing hollowly in the empty corridors.

The ravenette followed his gaze as the blonde disappeared onto the second floor, a sense of longing and regret weighing heavily on his heart.


The warm water trickled down his smooth baby skin, its gentle caress a stark contrast to the swirling mess of thoughts in his mind. Each droplet seemed to carry with it a painful reminder of the memories he couldn't escape.

*Why would Hyunjin leave the room after I left? For so long, I thought he was still staying there. Shouldn't he be glad that I'm gone, so he can finally take his girlfriend in? He's the one who said he fell out of love with me. Or maybe my presence in the room was a disturbing reminder for him, driving him to erase every trace of our memories?*

Unnoticed by anyone but the cascading water, a lone tear traced its path down his cheek, mingling seamlessly with the falling droplets. With a heavy heart, he tried to stifle the flood of emotions threatening to engulf him. *It had been eight long years, surely Hyunjin had moved on by now. Perhaps, if not for Grandpa's final wish, he wouldn't even entertain the thought of marrying me*

Taking a shaky breath, he reluctantly turned off the shower, the deafening silence echoing the emptiness of his soul. With trembling hands, he reached for the towel in the cupboard, each movement weighted down by the burden of his unresolved emotions.

Wrapping himself in a bathrobe and drying his hair, the blonde gazed at his reflection. He had forgotten how to smile. There was a time when a smile was a permanent fixture on his face, but now it rarely appeared. With a sigh, he returned the hair dryer to the cabinet and closed it, opting to style his hair with just his hands.

Exiting the bathroom, he made his way to his bag where he kept his clothes. Retrieving them, he made his decision. He should just go along with the marriage thing. Hyunjin probably sees it as a promise, nothing more. Why fret over something that happened eight years ago? They both had different lives now. It was time to stop dwelling on it. Thinking about it would only lead to more grief.

As he dressed himself in a satin navy blue pajama, the color seemed to mirror the turmoil within him. Each movement felt mechanical. With a heavy heart, he turned away from the mirror, only to be met by the sight of Hyunjin entering the room.

With a soft click, the door locked, and he faced the younger. Meeting the eyes of the ravenette, the shorter felt a pang of sadness wash over him. Despite the passage of time, their bond remained evident, a painful reminder of what could have been. As the ravenette drew closer, the blonde couldn't tear his gaze away, their unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.

Standing face to face, Hyunjin reached out, his hands tender as they cupped the blonde's face. Gently rubbing his thumbs over the younger's eyelids, he asked softly, "Were you crying?"

The room seemed to shrink as they stood face to face, the air thick with tension and unspoken emotions. The younger's heart hammered in his chest, his breath catching as he felt the heat radiating from the ravenette's body. Every nerve in his body screamed with the intensity of their proximity, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirling within him.

As their eyes locked, the silence between them spoke volumes, a haunting echo of the words left unsaid. The blonde's voice was barely a whisper, yet it cut through the heavy atmosphere like a knife, tinged with a bitter edge that mirrored the pain in his heart.

"Why does it even matter?" he questioned, his voice trembling with the weight of his emotions. "That's none of your business."

Closing the distance between them, the ravenette's touch sent a shiver down the younger's spine, his fingertips tracing the contours of his cheeks with a tenderness. His voice was low, laced with a raw vulnerability that mirrored the ache in his soul.

"But why wouldn't it be my concern?" he breathed, his words hanging in the air like a whispered confession. "Your beautiful eyes... they shouldn't be stained with tears of sadness."

A tear trickled from the corner of the blonde's hazel eyes, tracing a path down his cheek until it met the ravenette's hand, cradling his face. Its warmth seeped into the ravenette's cold heart, igniting a fire of conflicting emotions within him. With a trembling hand, the younger gently placed it atop the ravenette's, his voice barely audible.

"Why..." he whispered, the word hanging in the air like a delicate thread.

Caught in the depths of the blonde's tear filled gaze, the ravenette's eyes glistened with unshed pain, a reflection of the ache that permeated his own soul. With a gentle yet achingly tender touch, he wrapped his arm around the younger's waist, drawing him closer until their bodies were mere inches apart, the air between them thick with longing and unspoken desire.

"Why... what?" he mumbled softly, his voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and yearning.

The shorter gazed directly into the older one's eyes before mustering the courage to ask the question that had been weighing on his mind since earlier.

"Why did you leave this room behind?" The ravenette's expression betrayed surprise, never expecting the blonde to ask him. Before he could delve further into his thoughts, the younger continued, each one piercing deeper into the heart of their past.

"Is it because of me?" he questioned, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "D-Does this room remind you o-of us? D-Does our p-past still haunts you?... Do you regret it that much, Hyun...?" A small sob escaped the shorter's lips, tearing at the ravenette's heart to see him in such a state. It had been eight years since he last heard the blonde call him Hyun, eight years since that nickname had graced the younger's pretty lips. Eight years since their relationship had been tainted by the bitter taste of separation.

Without hesitation, the ravenette pulled the younger into his embrace, holding him tightly against his chest as if trying to shield him from the pain. The taller buried his head in the younger's neck, inhaling his soft vanilla scent. It calmed his racing heartbeat, even as tears continued to flow freely.

With trembling lips, he shook his head and a voice thick with emotion, he whispered into the silence that enveloped them. "Never," he vowed, his words an oath to the memories they held dear. "Those memories are all I have left to hold onto, the only thing keeping me going."

Tears streamed down the younger's face, his sobs muffled by the taller's shoulder. His fingers clung desperately to the fabric of the older's shirt, seeking comfort in the warmth of his embrace. With each beat of the ravenette's heart, a wave of comfort washed over him, the rhythm, a familiar lullaby in the midst of their heartache.

The scent of chocolate, a scent he had long associated with the older, wrapped around him like a soft blanket, a reminder of the bond they had once shared. It had been eight years since they had been this close, and the intimacy of the moment stirred up a whirlwind of emotions in the younger's heart.

As he began to drift away, lost in the haze of his own grief, he felt the ravenette's breath against his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. The warmth of it, coupled with the weight of the older's words, sent a jolt of electricity through him, igniting a spark of desire that he had long tried to suppress.

"You'll never be a regret to me," the ravenette whispered, his voice barely audible against the younger's skin. "Not in this lifetime, nor in the countless lifetimes to come." His voice faltered, a heavy weight of unspoken words hanging in the air between them, before he pulled away slightly. "The only regret I have..."

Their gazes locked in a silent dance of longing and hesitation. The older's eyes traced the curve of the younger's lips with an intensity that sent shivers down the younger's spine, while the younger's gaze held a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

With each passing second, the tension between them grew thicker, an invisible thread pulling them closer with each heartbeat. The younger felt a surge of heat coursing through him, his breath hitching as the older leaned in. The older's breath came in shallow gasps, his eyes flickering between the younger's lips and eyes, silently seeking permission.

Time seemed to stand still as they hovered on the brink of crossing a forbidden boundary, their hearts racing in anticipation. Their breaths mingled, hot and heavy against each other's skin, igniting a sudden urge that neither could deny. The air crackled with raw desire, their bodies drawn together by an undeniable pull.

Their lips were mere inches apart, tantalizingly close, the promise of sweet release hanging in the air. But just as they were on the verge of surrendering to their desires, a sudden, piercing sound shattered the fragile bubble they had created, jolting them back to reality.

Startled, they pulled away from each other, their moment lost in the harsh intrusion of reality. As they took a moment to collect themselves, the weight of unspoken longing hung heavy in the air.

The blonde's gaze drifted across the room until it settled on his incessantly ringing phone on the nightstand. With a subtle glance towards the older, he broke the silence. "I'll grab that call," he offered quietly, sensing the frustration etched on the older's face.

With a nod heavy with resignation, the ravenette turned away, closing his eyes briefly, cursing whoever dared to intrude upon their moment. That person is a pesky fly buzzing around them. Running a hand through his tousled raven hair, he moved towards the cupboard, the echo of his footsteps a steady rhythm in the quiet room.

As he reached for a shirt, the younger's voice floated into the room. "Hyung! I've missed you so much," the voice exclaimed, brimming with excitement and warmth. "How've you been? I'm sorry I haven't called sooner; things got really busy," the voice continued, the blonde already moving away, the sound of footsteps gradually fading into the distance.

The ravenette's brow furrowed in annoyance. Who on earth could make Felix's smile light up so brightly, and why in the world were they calling at this ungodly hour? With a deep frown etched on his face, he stomped towards the shower, feeling annoyance surged through him, manifesting in the heavy thud of his footsteps. Each step echoed his frustration, a silent protest against the intrusion of their precious time together.


As the water cascaded down, washing away the tension of the day, his thoughts lingered on the mysterious caller. Despite his irritation, there was an undeniable pang of curiosity, mingled with a touch of jealousy, gnawing at his mind. But for now, all he could do was focus on the comforting rhythm of the shower, hoping to wash away not just the grime of the day, but also the unsettling feelings stirring within him.


After showering, he stepped out, only to find the blonde still absent. Feeling a mix of impatience and concern, he settled by the bed, hoping the younger would soon appear.

Attempting to pass the time, he resorted to his phone, but an hour of scrolling only deepened his restlessness. With a frustrated sigh, he turned off the device and attempted to drift into sleep. Yet, his mind refused to settle, consumed by thoughts of the blonde.

Just as he contemplated searching for the shorter, the door swung open, revealing the younger with a small smile. However, the sight of the older's troubled expression immediately wiped the smile from his face. "You haven't slept?" he asked, his concern evident.

The ravenette's anger flared at the sight of the younger's smile, his mind racing with the thought of someone else causing Felix's happiness gnawed at him, igniting a whirlwind of emotions within.


The blonde couldn't help but sneak nervous glances at the taller, whose intense gaze seemed to pierce through him. With a furrowed brow, he approached the other side of the bed, concern evident in his voice. "Hey, everything alright?" he asked softly.

Snapping out of his reverie, the older turned towards the blonde, who had already settled onto the bed. "Uh, yeah, I'm okay... So, who was that?" he inquired, curiosity laced with a hint of jealousy.

For a moment, the blonde's brow furrowed in contemplation. Then, a warm smile spread across his face as he realized who the taller is referring to. "Oh, it's just someone I met in Australia," he explained affectionately. "Hyung's really special to me, he-"

Before the younger could utter another word, the older cut him off with a scoff, his tone laced with skepticism. "Special? Is he your boyfriend?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing slightly as he awaited a response.

Taken aback by the abrupt interruption, the blonde's eyes widened momentarily before narrowing in defiance. With a hint of provocation, he shot back, "And if he is? Got a problem with that?"

A tense silence hung in the air as the ravenette's jaw tightened, his expression cold. "Oh, please," he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Why would I care who you date?"

The blonde paused, his gaze flickering briefly before averting away. "Of course, why would you have a problem?" he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness. "We're already over, so I guess you have no right to question who I talk to."

Before the blonde could turn away, the ravenette's hand shot out, stopping him in his tracks. With a determined look in his eyes, he leaned in closer, causing the younger's breath to hitch in anticipation. "What are you doing?" he managed to stammer out, his voice barely above a whisper.

Locking eyes with the younger, the ravenette spoke softly, his words carrying a weight of sincerity. "I still believe that I'm the one who fits you best, no matter who you're with," he confessed, his voice barely audible over the pounding of their hearts.

The younger looked puzzled before frowning. "Have you seen him? He's the epitome of perfection. So stop being so full of yourself, Hwang." If Hyunjin was annoyed earlier, now he was even more irritated.

The tension in the room crackled like electricity as the blonde's voice sliced through the air. "Now get the fuck off me and go question your fucking Aera, and put your possessiveness there."

The older's eyes widened in shock before narrowing into a glare. "Why did you bring her up? I don't even like-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the younger pushed him away, hastily placing cushions between them before lying down, facing the other side. "I don't fucking care about either of you. Now stfu and go to sleep. I've got to finish my office pending tasks before the wedding," he muttered bitterly.

With a furrowed brow and a frustrated pout, the ravenette struggled to find the right words. He wanted to say more, to express the emotions swirling inside him, but he knew better than to provoke the younger further. He didn't want to risk being kicked out of the room, or worse, out of the mansion by his mother for upsetting her son.

With a resigned sigh, he cast one last glance at the younger's back, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Despite the tension between them, he found comfort in the proximity, knowing that at least for now, he could be close to the younger. With that comforting thought, he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to claim him, hoping that tomorrow would bring a brighter day for them both.

Haha, I've messed up this chapter pretty badly, my bad. Had an event yesterday and this headache is making it hard to type. Sorry about that, hope you can forgive me ^^


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