Vaidehi - His Second chance

By Imperfectwrts

545K 44.6K 4.5K

ใƒŸโ˜… "๐˜œ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜น๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ถ๐˜ญ" โ˜…ๅฝก Vai... More

1. Rejection
2. Disclosure
3. Runaway
4. Set-Up
5. Pondering
6. Wedding
7. Wedding Night
8. Four feet
9. Rose and Lavender
10. Pag Phera
11. His Rage
13. Thief Singh Suryavanshi
14. Fever
15. Cursing
16. Angry?
17. Blocked!
18. Laila Majnu?
19. Jealous
20. Moonlit Conversation
21. Will you go on a Date?
22. Jungle mein Mangal
23. Golgappa
24. My Home
25. Movie Night
26. Day Dreaming
27. Falling in Love
28. Revealing the past
29. Confession
30. Kiss Me
31. Lovely Moments
32. Reward
33. Proposal
34. Permanent booking
35. Official Date
36. Make Love to me
37. Passionate Night
38. Puja
39. Photo Album
40. Accident
41. A New Start

12. It is Us

13.6K 1.1K 42
By Imperfectwrts

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Play 'Darmiyaan'



Anger, rage - traits I had always loathe in anyone.

On our first night, I mistook his demeanor for mere ill temper. But today, I witnessed the fiery intensity in his eyes, an intensity that seemed to radiate heat, as if something dormant within him had come alive. For a moment, I feared he would strike me, mirroring the actions of  Shika di's husband.

I could feel the heat spreading from his body, fueled by anger. Yet, I chose to remain defiant and withheld the truth from him. It was a matter concerning my family, and I was reluctant to invite any further trouble into my new life.

I flinched as he closed the car door with force, nearly yanking me out of the vehicle. His sudden reaction left me apprehensive, and coupled with my nervousness, the atmosphere grew tense.

He took me back to my parents' house, the last place I wanted to be. Sometimes, I despise him enough to envision smashing his head against a wall. But reality sinks in – he's a giant, towering over me. If I so much as raise a hand to him, he'd snap my neck before I could even touch him. I'd need someone's help for that, and Samaira would be the perfect accomplice, with Avika adding the finishing touch.

God, my mind! I'm picturing attacking him right here, in front of this house where they could all gather to kill me and bury me together. Even my husband would be delighted to join in.

At least these thoughts are preventing me from crying, or else an emotional person like me would start all over again. Don't cry, Vaidehi. Don't act like a silly child.

And then my father descended the stairs. I couldn't meet his eyes, not because I had done something wrong, but because I didn't want to appear weak in front of him, not wanting to show his fear affecting me.

Then both my husband and Bapu went inside for a private conversation. And here I was, left alone to sit under my mother's piercing gaze.

She smiled at me impatiently, her thoughts seemingly consumed by what transpired between the two men inside. Perhaps she wondered if I had told him anything about Shlok or the incident with the slap.

Suddenly, the sound of raised voices echoed from inside, causing both of us to tense up. She was worried for her husband, who was also my father, while I was anxious about mine, who seemed as careless as he was angry.

My husband emerged from the room, his presence exuding a dark aura that was both unsettling and oddly comforting. His disheveled appearance, with his hair in disarray, sleeves rolled up, and the top button of his shirt undone, only highlighted the rage etched on his face. I knew that any sound from me would likely set off this walking time bomb. Right now, he looked like the epitome of wrath, a walking manifestation of death itself.

What transpired in that room?

My gaze drifted to his hand, which had been bandaged earlier but now had blood seeping through. I glanced back up at his sweaty face, searching for any sign of pain, but found none. Was I really that bad at reading expressions?

"We're leaving, Vaidehi," He held my hand and dragged me out despite of my protests.

"Sanskaar, stop it!" I pleaded, trying to free herself.

"Leave my hand.."

He guided me forcefully into the car while I stole glances at the figure of fury beside me. He slammed his door shut and started the car.

"Not now, not ever. I didn't hold your hand just to let go, Mrs. Vaidehi Suryavanshi," 

Earlier, I thought he was merely ill-tempered, but now I realize he's adamant as well. Whether he sees me as his wife or not, I'm stuck with him.

Divorce wasn't an option given by my parents, and now I know it isn't a choice offered by him either.

I'll have to live my whole life as Vaidehi Sanskaar Singh Suryavanshi.

If that's the case, at least we'll have to end this hostility for God's sake. We can't live like this. Maybe being normal friends is a better option.

I glanced back at him, his left hand clenched into a fist while the other gripped the steering wheel. Blood stained his hand, a sight that sent a pang of concern through me.

Without thinking, I reached out to examine his wound, despite my limited medical knowledge. Although I was a fine arts student, medicine had always been a hobby of mine. I couldn't stand seeing someone in pain, whether they accepted help or not.

He sighed heavily, his teeth gritted, but he didn't say anything. His silence spoke volumes.

However, he jerked my hand away abruptly, startling me.


"Don't," he growled, his intense gaze sending a shiver down my spine. With a firm grip on the wheel, he focused back on driving.

This man has no idea how to behave like a decent human being. Not my problem.

The car came to a stop outside his house, and he leaned over to my side to open the door. He was almost leaning into me, his unusually warm breath brushing against my neck, while his blood-stained hand gripped the steering wheel.

"The door's open," he stated, looking out the window on the other side. I realized I had been lost in thought. Wait! Wasn't he just leaning towards me a moment ago? How—

Sighing, I stepped out of the car and walked into the house. Thankfully, the hall was empty, and I silently made my way upstairs to our room.

I heard footsteps approaching, and I knew it was him. He entered the room, loosening his tie, and I decided to break the silence.

"Sanskaar, your hand," I said, gesturing towards the bloodstains on his hand.

"So? It doesn't concern you!" he snapped, his tone sharp as he walked towards me. I instinctively took a step back. Is he angry?

"It does, Mr. Suryavanshi. Anyone's pain concerns me," I replied firmly, meeting his intense gaze.

"And yours?" His voice softened to a whisper, his hands resting on either side of the wall, trapping me with his piercing stare.

I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

"Truth. Let me remind you, Mrs. Suryavanshi, that I hate lies. Keeping silent about something when asked is as good as lying," he stated firmly, his eyes searching mine for answers.

"It was my private matter. You don't need to know about it. And what you did at my parents' house wasn't right. Stop barging into my life," I retorted, trying to assert my boundaries.

"Us. It is us that is private. What's private for one of us is private for both of us. And it's our life, not just yours. The day we wed, it meant that one action of either of us would affect the other as well. So, I have every right to be involved in our lives. Got it?" he countered, his words leaving no room for argument.

I waited for him to retreat into his study, and as soon as he did, I retrieved a fresh pair of clothes and made my way into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I began to undress, the familiar routine offering a momentary distraction from the chaos of my thoughts. With each article of clothing that fell to the ground, I felt a weight being lifted, yet a heaviness settled in my chest.

Maybe this marriage was indeed a terrible mistake.

"It is us."

"Our lives."

His words resonated with each drop of water that cascaded down my body, mingling with the silence of the room. "It is us. We are together," Shlok had told me the same words. Those words echoed in my mind, haunting me as I compared him to Shlok. I couldn't help but draw parallels between them, searching for similarities amidst their differences. Shlok never displayed anger like this, while this man seemed to be consumed by it.

I stepped out of the shower, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as the warm water cleansed away the day's frustrations. Dressed in comfortable pajamas, I made my way into the room, only to find him sitting on the sofa, his eyes closed. For a moment, I wondered if he was asleep, but the tension in his posture suggested otherwise.

Hesitating for a moment, I approached him cautiously, but he remained still, his breathing steady. Standing directly in front of him, I waved my fingers in front of his eyes, but there was no reaction. Was he really asleep, or was he simply ignoring me? I decided to test him, holding up four fingers in front of his face.

"How much is this?" I asked, but he didn't respond. Trying again, I held up two fingers, but still, there was no reaction. It seemed he was truly asleep, his exhaustion finally catching up with him.

Good. Now I can look at his hand.

Satisfied that he was truly asleep, I gently took his cold hand in mine, carefully examining the wound. There were a few glass pieces embedded in his skin, which could potentially cause infection if left untreated. With a delicate touch, I pulled them out one by one, noticing a slight hiss of pain from him, but he didn't stir.

And then this man was acting as if he doesn't feels the pain.

As I finished tending to his wound, he murmured something in his sleep, but I couldn't quite make out the words.

After washing my hands and returning the first aid kit to its place, I prepared to head to bed. Glancing back at him one last time, I couldn't help but notice how calm he looked in his sleep, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. It was a rare moment of tranquility, one that made me wonder what lay beneath the layers of anger and hostility.

The door knocked, breaking the silence, and I opened it to find his mother standing there.

"Baccha, won't you two be coming downstairs for dinner?" she asked with a warm smile. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was already dinner time.

"Umm... actually, he is sleeping," I replied awkwardly, giving a sheepish smile.

"It's fine, I will send both of you food upstairs. Wake him up," she said, patting my cheek affectionately before heading downstairs.

Soon, dinner arrived for both of us, and to my surprise, it was served on a single plate. What the-This is a terrible idea. There's no way we can eat together. Never.

Why do his mother have to do this? Oh god! This family is insane!

But first, I need to rouse this crazy man. How? Let's see if this devil wakes up with just words.

"Mr. Suryavanshi," I called out tentatively, but my voice sounded feeble even to my own ears. Okay, time to clear my throat.

"Mr. Suryavanshi!" I tried again, this time with more volume. But it seemed like his slumber was too deep to be disturbed by mere words.

"Sanskaar!" I called out louder, but he remained unmoved. Who on earth sleeps like this? He's worse than Kumbhakaran!

I leaned in closer to his ear and repeated his name, but all I got in response was him pushing the cushion closer to his face.

Fine, one last attempt. "Sanskaar Singh Suryavanshi!" I shook him by the bicep, but he simply grumbled in his sleep.

Enough is enough! This man is pushing Vaidehi's patience to its limits.

"Kumbhakaran!" I yanked the cushion from his grasp and tossed it aside, then shook him vigorously while shouting directly into his ear.

And yet, this sleeping monster remained undisturbed. Oh, dear God! What kind of creatures do you create?

I can't seem to wake him up. This man must be a descendant of Kumbhkaran, for sure.

I sighed in frustration, rubbing my temples. How can he sleep through all this?

Looking around the room, desperation setting in, I searched for something—anything—that might jolt him awake. Then, a sudden idea struck me.

Grabbing a nearby jug of water, I poured it over his head.

"Arghh!" he sputtered, suddenly jerking awake, his hair sticking to his face, his expression a mix of confusion and irritation.

Finally, he was awake.

However, in his shock, he grabbed my hand, which was on his bicep, and pulled me down with him.

We both ended up on the small sofa, him on top of me. Our bodies collided in an unexpected tangle of limbs and proximity. His weight pressed down on me, his chest just inches away from mine. I could feel the warmth of his breath against my skin, his heartbeat pounding against my chest, synchronized with mine but with a rhythm of its own.

It was the most awkward position imaginable. Now, I could smell his musky cologne, water droplets falling from his face onto mine, and a small droplet from his soft lips landing on mine.

Every movement, every breath felt amplified in the confined space between us. His muscles tensed, his arms inadvertently trapping me beneath him, while my own body instinctively tensed in response. Our closeness felt suffocating yet strangely electrifying, like two opposing forces drawn together by an invisible magnet.

There was an undeniable tension in the air, thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Our gazes locked for a brief moment, his eyes dark and intense, reflecting the turmoil within. It was as if time stood still, encapsulating us in this moment of raw vulnerability and unspoken desires.

But then reality crashed down upon us, breaking the spell. With a swift movement, I pushed him away, breaking free from the intimate closeness that had enveloped us

I marched straight to the bathroom, the cool water helping to clear my mind, if only momentarily. As I returned to the room, I found him in the midst of drying his face, the droplets of water glistening in the soft light.

"Is this how you wake up a man?"  His voice, low and husky, broke the silence, stirring something within me.

"No, this way wasn't even for animals" I replied back. 

"So I'm worse than an animal now?" His tone held a hint of amusement.

"You're not worse than an animal. You're a whole different species—a monster," I replied with a hint of sarcasm, though the truth behind my words lingered in the air. "You are a monster and you sleep like that"

"Then you should know monsters can eat humans in their sleep as well. Keep that in mind, wifey," I retorted, tossing the towel aside with a flick of my wrist.

His smirk only widened, and I couldn't help but wonder what lay behind it. What did he actually meant?

I tried to push aside my thoughts as he continued, "Won't you eat?"

"I'm not a monster," I replied absentmindedly, my mind still grappling with the events of the day.

He chuckled softly, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I'm asking about the food,"

I glanced towards the plate of food, my appetite diminishing at the thought of sharing a meal with him.

"I'm not hungry," I replied tersely, avoiding his gaze.

"I might be a monster, but I eat without a limit while sleeping only. So right now, I can't finish this much food. Now, help me finish it," he remarked with a hint of jest.

"Your figure doesn't say so. Anyway, I am not your helper," I retorted, folding my arms defensively.

"So, you are among those who throw food? How bad! I thought at least my wife behaves like humans, but this habit is of an animal," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

"This man!" I thought, exasperated. "It's your food, so you should finish it as I am not hungry." But then, my stomach betrayed me with a rumble, and I sighed inwardly.

Why do I have to embarrass myself always that too in front of this arrogant Atom Bomb?

"Does your stomach have its own mind because it is not working with the one inside your head?" he observed in a low tone. "Don't be stubborn and eat."

"I said I don't want to," I persisted.

"Fine, woman. Why are you becoming a loudspeaker?" he quipped, passing the plate to me. I shot him a look that said 'don't you have a brain?'

"You can eat first; I will eat after you. Now, okay?" he suggested, his tone surprisingly soft.

Did I replace the man who was shouting a few hours ago with someone else entirely? The sudden change left me feeling bewildered and unsure.

Lafzon se jo tha pare
Khaalipan ko jo bhare
Kuchh to tha tere mere darmiyaan
Rishte ko kya mod doon
Naata yeh abb tod doon
Ya phir yun hi chhod doon, darmiyaan
Benaam rishta woh...
Benaam rishta woh, bechain karta jo
Ho naa. sake jo bayaan, darmiyaan
Darmiyaan Darmiyan
Darmeyaan Darmeyan


Extremely sorry for the delay. *Touching my ears*

Do  vote comment because they are kind of stuck now. Lol, my notification count is dropping to zero.

Don't you think Sanskaar is a gentleman? Jo bhi kaho banda bahut cute hai..

Also, if any of you likes dark romance type books, you can add my new book in your library. it is called 'I Dare You'. I will release its aesthetic and blurb soon.

Just Stay Healthy and Happy as always.

Your author loves u all!

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