Unconventional Love

By dlkfxyt6

880 28 4

Isabel Reyes is a 19-year old senior in highschool, having lost a year from school due to her mom's death. Sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter Two

88 2 0
By dlkfxyt6

Morning arrives faster than expected and Isabel's alarm rings, she turns it off and with a groan she gets up swearing to herself, washing her face and brushing her teeth she walks to her closet, she pulls out a white top and a pair of black low waist jeans.

Getting in her car, she drives to school, silence fills the car as she drives, the thought of facing Ms. Gordon again weighed on her, she is not in the mood to see the woman and hear her stupidly hot voice explaining history.

Isabel parks next to the familiar blue expensive car and smirks to herself for an unknown reason.

Walking in the full hallways, Isabel finds herself wanting to leave already, she has no idea where Aria is but she knows she won't be in her class since she has history once again which only makes her want to dissapear.

"Ms. Reyes, you're early, that's impressive coming from someone like you." Isabel clenches her fists. "Someone like me?" The redhead chuckles. "Don't get offended now, you know it's the truth."

Ignoring her Isabel sits down with a loud thud. "Are you always like this, trying to fight people 20 years younger than you?"

Ms. Gordon smiles. "I'm thirty darling, not forty." The fucking pet name again. Isabel looks around, no one is in class yet. "Yeah, you look much older than thirty." Ms. Gordon doesn't react, she knows Isabel is only doing it to get a reaction out of her.

The redhead walks up to Isabel's desk and leans down, her cleavage being right on Isabel's eyes, she tries her best not to look, especially when the redhead is watching her every move.

"What do you want Ms. Gordon?" The redhead's blue eyes pierce into Isabel's with a smirk on her face.

"What I want is very simple darling." Isabel gets up, looking up to the blue captivating eyes in silence. "And what is that ma'am?" Ms. Gordon smiles mischievously.

"To break the strong character, you think you have." The redhead whispers in Isabel's ear, causing goosebumps to appear all over her body, before Isabel can say anything students enter the classroom and Ms. Gordon clears her throat, distancing herself from Isabel.

"That's a promise Ms. Reyes." The redhead states before welcoming all her students. Isabel bites her lip and sits down crossing her legs,

She pulls out her phone and texts Aria to meet her when the bell rings. "Put your phone down Ms. Reyes." Rolling her eyes Isabel puts her phone back in her pocket.

She looks directly at the redhead in front of her, with not a single word said the redhead starts the lesson, glancing at Isabel from time to time to make sure she's paying attention and of course she's not, like always.

"I thought you understood what I told you yesterday Ms. Reyes." Isabel doesn't even understand what the redhead is referring to.

"Enlighten me." Sarcasm drips through Isabel's mouth which only makes Ms. Gordon bite her bottom lip, oh those lips. "Do you think you're impressing someone with this behavior?"

Isabel stays silent for a moment, that's how she naturally is and she can't really change it. "No ma'am, that's how I am, not my problem if you dislike it."

The redhead chuckles. "Class let's continue because Ms. Reyes has nothing important to do rather than annoying us." Isabel frowns at her professor's words. "You pick on me and I just answer to you." Isabel says clenching her jaw. "Enough! Ms. Reyes."

Sitting through the boring lesson, counting the minutes for the bell to ring, only her voice can be heard while she explains a topic.

Only a few students raise their hands asking the most idiotic questions while others just look at their book or her, the hot redhead who's presonality sucks, or that's how Isabel thought at leasst.

"You have one week to turn in your assignment, don't forget it, it's important for your grade." Ms. Gordon says as the bell rings and everyone gets up including Isabel. "Ms. Reyes, a word please?"

Isabel rolls her eyes but stays back, after every single student is out, Ms. Gordon closes the door and rests against her desk looking at Isabel. "Why are you doing this to yourself Isabel?"

Clenching her hands into fists Isabel speaks up. "Doing what to myself?! God, I'm so tired of you." The redhead raises a brow at Isabel raising her voice but she doesn't stop her.

"It's your last year Isabel and you're nine-teen, try to get good grades." Is this what it's all about? Grades?

"Your previous teachers told me that you were really great, not an A student but you were good, I'm just trying to understand what's wrong."

The redhead explains which makes Isabel nod, her hazel eyes lighting by the sun hitting her face. "That's my problem, thanks for your concen"

Isabel answers and turns around to leave only to be stopped by the redhead's hand on her arm pulling her back. "Can you listen to me for just a minute please?"

Isabel's eyes widen for a few seconds when she feels the redhead's touch, her muscles relaxing for a moment.

"Look, Isabel, I'm not sure if you realize but you're not doing good and I'm not saying it to make you feel bad, I just want to help."

Isabel just stares at her not sure how to respond, after a few seconds of silence, Ms. Gordon's voice softens as she speaks again. "I've only known you for two days and I can see that you're smart, however you have to try a little harder."

The redhead notices that Isabel stays silent and she sighs. "You can go." Isabel grabs her bag and walks out of the classroom not really caring about what Ms. Gordon said.

Meeting with Aria, they hug eachother and start talking about random things or just the gossip going around school.

"Ms. Gordon is really getting in my nerves." Isabel admits and Aria rubs her shoulder as they walk to the gym, they have P.E together and both girls love to play volleyball so that's how they're gonna spend their time.

Aria grabs the ball and Isabel follows behind her and they start playing. "I swear, that bitch is gonna drive me crazy." Aria laughs as she throws the ball to Isabel.

"Don't stress about her, a friend of mine used to have her as an english professor and even students that made no effort got a satisafctory grade."

Isabel shrugs and suddenly she smiles. "I'm gonna make her life a living hell." Aria sighs, she knew her bestfriend had changed ever since her mom died, she used to be really different but now she's cold towards people, kind of mean and really stubborn.

"Maybe you should calm it down a little, she just cares about you." Isabel starts laughing at her best friend. "Oh, come on Aria, you can't seriously believe her bullshit."

Aria doesn't say anything because she knows an arguent will start and she doesn't want that. "You've lost yourself Bella and I'm afraid of even speaking, I'm scared that I'll say something wrong and I'll lose you again.


Isabel throws the ball on the floor and looks at her best friend. "Why do you say that?" Aria sighs not wanting to argue. "I don't want us to fight."

Isabel clenches her jaw hardly. "We won't" Aria licks her lips and looks at her best friend's hazel eyes that are glowing by the sun.

"Ever since your mom died, you changed for the worst an-" Isabel shakes her head and cuts her off. "I am not doing this Aria!" Aria closes her eyes, she has to tell her, it's getting bad. "You're not okay Bella, I'm only saying this because I care about you."

Isabel turns around walking away leaving her best friend feeling guilty for even opening her mouth but she had to and she has to say even more to her but Isabel won't listen, whenever her mother's death is mentioned she gets angry and walks away not wanting to hear anything.

"Wait." Aria yells and follows after her best friend. "I didn't want to upset you, I'm sorry." Isabel rubs her forehead. "You're right, I just need time." She says before dissapearing in the hallways by herself.

Ms. Gordon who's seating outside talking on the phone sees Isabel looking well not how she usually is, her features look different, her eyes don't have the confidence they usually hold and that makes the redhead feel worried, she hangs up the phone and approaches Isabel.

"Hey, want some company?" Isabel looks up at her and shrugs. "Are you okay?" Isabel nods. "I'm fine." Ms. Gordon shakes her head. "Your eyes are saying a different story darling." Isabel smiles a little at the name and it doesn't go unoticed by the redhead. "That's better." Isabel closes her eyes for a second. "Thanks"

Ms. Gordon places her hand on Isabel's shoulder and rubs it, Isabel blushes but her teacher's touch feel so soft on her bare shoulder.

"I guess, you look younger than thrity." The redhead starts laughing at what Isabel said and nods. "You're unpredictable darling, but thank you." Isabel's heart warms up for some reason and she doesn't like it but it's nice.

"I'll see you around Isabel." Ms. Gordon says before walking down the hallway to her office. Isabel finds herself smiling watching her professor go, the redhead's touch still lingering on her shoulder.

"What is happening to me?" Isabel mumbles to herself as she walks to her locker, she tought she hated her but here we are now, Ms. Gordon being the reason Isabel is smiling and not thinking of the what Aria told her earlier.

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