Helluva boss/Hazbin Hotel X M...

By Sirenfox28

157K 3.3K 2.4K

(y/n) a normal teenager in high school was living a pretty normal life, at least until he learns that his par... More

Bio and Harem (not the final list)
Season 0 episode 1 the start of it all
Season 0 Episode 2- one helluva screw job
Harem update (please read everything and comment)
season 0 episode 4 The Good, The bad, The new normal
season 0 episode 5 now that's good television.
season 0 episode 6 one hell of an impression
season 0 episode 7 The Hellborn Militia
you see helluva boss season 2 trailer
how's season 0 so far?
season 0 episode 8 a unstable deal
season 0 episode 9 A Slice Of Red Velvet.
Season 0 Episode 10 Too Close For Comfort
Season 0 Episode 11 Paradise with a price
Season 0 Episode 12 new years extermination day
harem update (for hazbin hotel not helluva Boss)
Season 1 Episode 1 Now That's Entertainment
Season 1 Episode 2 musical fashion
season 1 episode 3 An angel sent from hell
Season 1 episode 4 overture.
Season 1 Episode 5 radio killed the video star (part 1)
Season 1 Episode 6 radio killed the video star (part 2)
how Season 1 so far?
season 1 episode 7 Humans First Nature
Season 1 Episode 8 a date with a overlord
Season 1 Episode 9 scrambled eggs (part 1)
Season 1 Episode 10 scrambled eggs (part 2)
harem update
season 1 episode 11 Masquerade (part 1)
Season 1 Episode 12 Masquerade (part 2)
Season 1 Episode 13 Season Finale
season 2 episode 1 first day on the job
season 2 Harem update (helluva boss only)
Season 2 Episode 2 Murder Family
season 2 episode 3 Loo Loo Land
Season 2 Episode 4 Friend Meet Friend action
season 2 episode 5 spring broken
season 2 episode 6 C.H.E.R.U.B
season 2 episode 7 Back to hell, I mean school
Season 2 episode 8 the harvest moon festival

season 0 episode 3 first day in hell

5.9K 119 177
By Sirenfox28

Start of episode 3

Y/n got off the bus, today was Monday and that ment one thing.... School. While that usually would make any teenager sigh and wish for it to be over already, today was different. School was probably the most normal thing in y/n's life right now so he wasn't complaining in fact he was happy good number of hours of something normal would be awesome. He goes to the cafeteria where all the other students who arrived early would be. Y/n looked for a bit and saw his friends so he walked up to them.

Y/n: hey guys (sits down)

Ember: speak of the devil you finally arrived.

Y/n: well mom and dad aren't home at the moment so I had to take the bus.

Cynthia: must suck.

Y/n: I got to listen to some music. And no one bothered me so.

Cynthia: you know if you need a ride my mom is always willing to... Or would you prefer your girlfriend Verosika do it. (Sounds irritated)

Y/n: oh for the love of- she's no my girlfriend

Troy: then explain this

Troy gives y/n his phone and what Y/n saw was shocking to say the least

News: "Verosika dating highschool boy?"

There was a picture of the two of them at the restaurant and their hands were touching. Y/n decided not to read the article because a picture is worth a thousand words

Y/n: nope false all of it. We did talk about relationships but she mentioned her ex boyfriend and I told her how I never had a girlfriend

Cynthia: right so explain the hand holding.

Y/n: friends can hold hands right?

Cameron: a hand shake yes, that don't look like no hand shake I've ever seen.

Y/n: so you rather believe a picture over your best friend.

Everyone: yes.

Y/n: wow really feeling the love right now guys (sarcastic)

Ember: you could have just told us you were hanging out with her and not say you had a upset stomach.

Y/n: hey that (pointing to the phone) took place Sunday day. Saturday was when I had the upset stomach.

Everyone looked at him with suspicion but decided the topic could be put on hold for a bit.

Y/n: so did you guys do practice without me? I mean I don't really care just wondering.

Troy: yeah it didn't last long though. Considering a band requires all it's members.

Y/n: yeah yeah I'll be fine next Saturday. Promise.

After another 20 minutes the bell rings meaning it was almost time for, first period. Everyone goes to there classes. Once y/n reached his class room and sat down he noticed 3 guys walk up to him.

Guy 1: hey there.

Y/n: hey

Guy 2: we got a question for you.

Y/n: if it's about the homework we were assigned over the weekend I'm afraid I didn't do it. You'll have to ask someone else.

Guy 3: I'm betting it's because you were spending all weekend with Verosika.

Guy 2: yeah everyone knows you and Verosika are all buddy buddy with each other. Some say they saw the two of you going on a date.

Y/n: it was not a date just two friends hanging out, and talking. Why do you guys even care.

Guy 1: dude Verosika is the hottest popstar in the world, we figured if you would be willing to introduce us to her?

Y/n: I'm not going to do that. It's obvious your only intentions are to get in bed with her and it's not happening

Guy 3: look at him getting all defensive. Seems like the two of them really are dating.

Y/n: we're not- I've said this so many times I'm not going to say it again.

Guy 2: well how about you give-

Teacher: alright class sit down we got a lot to cover before next week's test.

Lunch time

We currently find y/n laying face down on the table

Y/n: (groan) this day sucks

Ember: what fail a test or something?

Y/n: no one will leave me alone when it comes to Verosika.

Troy: no surprise..... You wouldn't happen to have her number would you?

Y/n: I'm not giving you her number. In fact (stands up) I'm going to walk to my next class and get some peace and quiet.

Cameron: but lunch isn't over yet.

Y/n: oh well (walks away)

Once y/n arrives at the door to his next class he leans against the wall and sighs in relief.

Y/n: seems like school wasn't going to be as normal as I had hoped.... It's can't get any crazier right?

Time skip all the way to home

Alastoria: well y/n I have some news for you. We're going to Hell.

Y/n: WHAT?

(Intro music)

Alastoria: that's right, you're going to be the first living soul to see hell for what it really is.

Y/n: no no no no no no, not happening I ain't going to hell, not any time soon.

Alastoria: well I can't leave my cute itty bitty human all by himself now can I (she said while lightly pinching y/n's cheek.)

Y/n: ow and please don't do that your not my mom.

Alastoria: (Appears behind y/n and leans her head on his shoulder and hugs him from behind) I can think of another role for me to play in your life (whispers) if your interested.

Y/n: (blushing) nope nothing at all.

Alastoria: oh well. (pulls him close) Please hang on.

Y/n closes his eyes and soon he opens them and looks around

Y/n: wait.... Is this hell?

Alastoria: that's right.

Y/n: but where's the fire, the screaming, torture, all that stuff. Shouldn't it be a burning wasteland?

Alastoria: maybe when it all first started but as you can see that's not the case. Now I'm sure you have lots of questions but we must be on our way

Y/n: w-wait, won't demons here try and kill me,

Alastoria: don't worry about that my dear. (Menacing voice) I'll kill everyone who comes even close to you. (Back to normal) Now shall we be on our way?

Y/n: (nervous) lead the way.

Alastoria and y/n proceeded to walk through the streets of what he learned was called pentagram city, which he wasn't surprised. As they made their way through the city some demons who y/n learned were called sinners looked at him like they completely lost it, a human in hell that's something you don't see everyday. Other sinners were dumb enough to try their luck only to be brutally killed by alastoria. Soon after an hour they arrived at their destination

Alastoria: and we're here.

Y/n: "happy hotel" wait is this one of those Hotel you go to for sex?

Alastoria: of course not (snaps fingers and it went from "Happy" to "Hazbin")

Y/n: (relief sigh) okay not a sex hotel.

Alastoria: now if you're interested we can always go to one. There are quite the numbers of them.

Y/n: nope not happening

Alastoria only shrugged her shoulders as the two walked up the stairs.

Once the reached the top and alastoria opens the door, but no one was around.

Alastoria: hello? Anyone home?

a female demon walks into the lobby after hearing Alastoria's voice

???: Alastoria?

Alastoria: Ah Charlie good to see you.

Charlie: where have you been?

Charlie Morningstar
Princess of hell, Hotel founder, and Absolutely f**king adorable

Alastoria: apologies for my unexpected absence but as you can see (revealing y/n) it was important.

Charlie: (surprised) are.... Are you human?

Y/n: yes, name's y/n

Charlie: I've never met a human before, wait if your here (gasp) did you make a deal with Alastoria?

Y/n: nope, my garbage parents did. They exchange my soul for what was pretty much endless amounts of money. Now I'm the official property of this lady right here (points to alastoria)

Alastoria: oh don't say that. (kiss on the cheek)

Y/n: please stop. So what is this place?

Charlie: this is the hazbin hotel. here we try to rehabilitate sinners to become better and hopefully get them into heaven.

Y/n: you made any progress?

Charlie: well um....

Alastoria: (laughing) it has been a complete and total failure, quite entertaining if I do say so myself.

Charlie: it will work I know it.

Alastoria: (shrugged shoulders) well that's means more entertainment coming my way, but for now I have important business, so Charlie be a dear and watch over y/n while I'm gone.

Charlie: I can do that, come on y/n let me show you the rest of the hotel.

As Charlie quickly drags you up stairs while Alastoria left the Hotel.

Charlie: so you saw the lobby of the hotel, it's usually were me and everyone else hangs out.

Y/n: who's in the hotel?

Charlie: oh there's me, my girlfriend Vaggie, Alastoria, there's also the bartender Husk, our janitor Niffty, and finally our first, and only resident of the hotel Angel dust. (Charlie noticed someone in the distance) Oh and speaking of, Angel hey I want you to meet someone.

Angel dust turns and sees y/n

Angel: well hello good looking pretty far from home aren't you

Angel Dust
Porn star, sexy, and the hotel's first guest

She walked up to y/n and got real close to him. I can keep, you company for the right price.

Y/n: (blushing) I um... N-no thanks

Angel dust: what if I give you a little discount (wink)

Y/n: I...

Charlie: alright Angel (lightly pushing), remember this is a hotel for rehabilitation not-

Angel: don't worry babe I'm just being friendly (looks at you) but if you're ever interested let me know

Y/n: um sure

Angel: see you later handsome (walks away)

Y/n: interesting character, who was that?

Charlie: her name is Angel dust and she's well, she's a porn star.

Y/n: a porn star? Is there porn in... You know what I'm not surprised. This is hell I would be surprised if there was charity that didn't hog all the money

Charlie: yeah we don't have those, we don't have charities to begin with. Now to continue the tour.

They go up another few floors

Charlie: so what do you think so far?

Y/n: it's really big

Charlie: yep have to Make room for when the place starts pouring in with souls that wish to be rehabilitated.

Y/n: I hope everything works out for you.

Charlie: thanks y/n.

They started hearing someone coming there way.

???: gotta get rid of it, rid of all the dirt.

There was a small demon with a broom sweeping the floor like a complete psycho.

Charlie: oh, boy

Y/n: what?

Before anything else could be said the small demon saw y/n and gasp with surprise then somehow got right in his face.

???: a boy finally.

Y/n: um.... And you are?

???: Niffty

Hotel Janitor, completely crazy, makes you uncomfortable.

Y/n: um.... Hi

Charlie: were 85% sure she's harmless

Y/n (thinking): I'm 100% sure she's crazy

Charlie: Niffty please let go of him.

Charlie was prying Niffty off of Y/n, well trying to. Niffty has some unexplained strength when it comes to meeting guys, but finally Charlie was successful in getting Niffty off him.

Charlie: Niffty you have you finished cleaning all the rooms on the floor?

Niffty immediately grabs the cleaning supplies and enters a random room yelling "kill the bugs and remove the dirt"

Y/n: um.... Okay then, can we please go to another floor.

Charlie: yeah good idea.

The two head up a few stairs to make sure that Niffty didn't follow them and interrupt the tour,

Y/n: how many floors?

Charlie: oh um.... Have to recount, I've been mostly focused on advertising the hotel.

Y/n: advertisment, what have you been trying?

Charlie: well more like what I'm going to try.

Y/n: what are you planning? Wait let me guess does it involve Angel dust's talents doesn't it?

Charlie: no no no no, I am not going to do that.

Y/n: okay, because that doesn't seem like a good idea.

???: what's not a good idea?

The two turn and see a cat demon with interesting wings

Charlie: using porn as an advertisement for the hotel, Husk.

Husk: that's a horrible idea.

Husk- drinker, gambler, Keith David

Husk noticed y/n and was shocked.

Husk: okay I think I've had enough alcohol for tonight. (Tossed the drink in a random direction)

Charlie: Husk this is Y/n he's actually here because of Alastoria.

Husk: oh.... I need a new drink (goes down stairs to the bar)

Y/n: okay then, seems like a nice guy.

Charlie: he is.

You and Charlie eventually reach the highest floor and arrive at what you assumed was Charlie's room. She opens the door.

Charlie: hey vaggie (she said in a singing tone) you in here

Vaggie: in the bathroom (the bathroom door opens to reveal a female demon)

Hotel Manager, Charlie's Girlfriend, bisexual (in this story)

Vaggie: what the? (Complete shock) A human, In hell?

Y/n: yeah, quite the journey I've been on for the past 2 or 3 days.

Vaggie: but how are you here?

Y/n: well to make a long story short, my parents sold my soul to the radio demon, and considering Alastoria didn't want to leave me by myself like she's my mother I'm here in hell.

Vaggie: where is she anyways?

Charlie: she left not too long after returning.

Vaggie: for someone who wants to help she sure doesn't do much around here.

Charlie: I know it might not seem like it but Alastoria has been quite helpful, I mean we got Husk and Niffty. Some extra staff is always welcome also y/n is here, I'm sure he be real happy to help out.

Y/n: no comment at the moment.

Vaggie: Charlie, I think the human has more important things to do than help you with the hotel

Charlie: like what?

Vaggie: Alastoria might have brought y/n to hell but unless summoned, no sinner can reach the surface.

The room was silent for a moment until y/n broke it.



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