The Neighbor (Kind of a Stati...

By bxrbiee_lover

660 7 0

Ashlee Bishop is a teenage girl who lives right beside a house that's been empty for awhile. Until a set of f... More

Introduction pt.1
Introduction pt.2
๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ two
๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ three

๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐จ๐ง๐ž

95 0 0
By bxrbiee_lover

Ashlee's p.o.v

I woke up with my mom aggressively shaking me and telling me to wake up. I sat up and looked up at her while I yawned and rubbed my eyes. When I finished rubbing my eyes she told me that we got new neighbors moving into the house right beside ours. I told her that it was so cool and to let me go back to sleep, but she told me to get up and get ready for school. I shrugged and said okay and I got out of bed. I got in the shower right after I kicked my mom out of the room.

When I finished taking a shower I got my stuff ready for school and I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I saw my little sister Ellie and I put a smile on my face.

Me: Hey my little favorite sister!

Ellie: *smiles when she saw me* Ashlee!!

Me: *I put my arms out to hug her* Are you excited for the last day of school today?

Ellie: Yesss!!!

Me: Good because I am too!

Mom: Okay all of you get in the car.

Before we all got in the car, my mom gave all of us our lunches. After I grabbed my lunch I went in the car and I saw the new neighbors. One of their kids caught my eye. It looked like their oldest daughter. She looked amazing. She had beautiful curly hair and her skin was glowing. I felt my face getting red so I stared down at my lap. When everyone finally got in the car my mom started to drive us to school. She told us that she was gonna go to the store today to get some stuff for our neighbors and she wanted all of us to come with.

After my mom told us her plan, we talked a little more until we got to my school. When we got to school I said goodbye to my little siblings and I went inside. In here I'm popular, I have everything, I'm the cheer captain and everyone wants to be me or be with me. I used to date the captain of the football team, but things happened. We're still very close friends though. People here are very embarrassing. They make lists and put girls on either side. There are two sides, the best side or the worst side. I always make the best one.

Today was a very normal day. I got flirted with as usual, I went to my classes, I went to lunch and I sat with the popular kids, and now I'm heading over to cheer practice.

*after practice*

Practice was okay. As usual I went to the locker room and I changed out of my clothes and I went outside. Once I saw my mom parked at the front of the school, I quickly hopped inside. She told me to hurry up and get inside so that we can go to the store. My mom can't work long hours because she's pregnant with my baby sister. Any day now she's gonna burst.

When I got in the car we went straight to the store. When we arrived at the store, my mom told me to bring Ellie so that she could be with the boys.

Mom: Ashlee get some snacks for their oldest son and daughter and their two younger daughters. Their oldest daughter looks about your age so you'll know what to get.

Me: Okay, well should I get some toys for the little girls?

Mom: Yeah you should.

Me: Okay, well mom please be careful.

Mom: Always *smiles*

Ellie: I love you mommy

Mom: I love you too my sweet little butterfly

Once me and Ellie said goodbye to our mom we went to the snacks aisle. When we got there I picked some snacks that I thought the older kids might like. I also told Ellie to pick some snacks their youngest daughters might like. Once she got them she looked like she also wanted a snack so I told her that I could get it for her. After we got the snacks, we went to the toy aisle and I told Ellie to get toys for their little daughters. I also told her that she could pick out any toy she wanted. Once we got everything, we brought it to mom and she smiled at us.

Me: Are you guys done?

Mom: Yeah I just need to get one more item and then we can go.

Me: Mom give me the cart, I can go to the register and wait in line and the boys can go with you to get that one item.

Mom: Okay, well here's my card if you need it, if we can't make it in time.

Me: *whispers* ma I told Ellie that she could get one snack and one toy and I told her I could get it, but I didn't bring any money. Uhm do you think you can buy it for her?

Mom: Sure *chuckles* just go honey. I love you

Me: I love you too mom *smiles*

I took the cart and brought Ellie with me to the cashier register. We waited in line until it was our turn and mom wasn't able to catch up so I just decided to go without her. Once everything was paid for I got a call from my mom.

Mom: Ashlee honey?

Me: Yeah mom?

Mom: Call your dad honey

Me: What? Why?

Mom: Ashlee I'm having the baby. My water broke

Me: What?!

Mom: We're in the candle aisle

Me: Okay, mom we're coming.

Mom: Thank you honey. I love you

Me: I love you too mom

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