Fall Again (a Michael Jackson...

By sorayasosito

1.4K 75 125

When Michael Jackson gets admitted to Clemmie Woods psychiatric hospital- he feels like his life is over. Th... More

1. Breakdown
2. Hopes backstory
3. Michael comes round
4. A new patient
5. Clemmie Woods
6. Famous patient
7. Grayson ward
8. Hope meets Michael
9. Nightmares
10. Flashback
11. The aftermath
12. Morning
13. Getting to know Hope
14. James returns to school
15. Hope comforts Michael
16. Hope gets a call
17. Whats happened?
18. James is in hospital
19. Michael relapses
20. Emergency
21. Cold
22. An unsettled day
23. Finding Mike
24. Hope searches
25. Alive
26. Chat with Jamie
27. Michael returns to Clemmie Woods
28. The night of James' attack
29. Drunk
30. Horror
31. Bad night
32. Michael in distress
33. I'm ugly
34. Kiss
35. Happiness
36. Visiting James
37. Hotel flashback
38. Bad news
39. A disturbed night
40. Back at work
41. Michaels news
42. Thinking about Michael
43. Free
44. Neverland Mansion
46. Michaels not feeling well
47. Waking up
48. Autumns night out
49. The pool
50. Love
51. Hopes flat
52. Happier times
53. Demons
54. Monday

45. Cheese toastie

27 1 0
By sorayasosito

Michaels POV 🥀

Hope was sitting on my bed, scribbling away at her notes, while I lay back and watched old movies on the TV in my room.

She occasionally glanced at me and smiled, then turned back to scribbling. Then she glanced at the clock and exclaimed "Mike, it's time for your meds!"

She got up and hurried out the room to the locked cupboard where all my meds were - and I sat up on the bed and waited for her to return.

She returned a couple minutes later, holding a small plastic cup full of pills and a glass of water.

She watched me put each pill in my mouth and take a swig of water, then swallow them. I smiled at her then opened my mouth to show her they'd gone down, lifting my tongue up to show her I wasn't hiding them beneath it.

She smiled at me and then sat down on the bed again, and I shuffled nearer to her, wanting another cuddle but not wanting to seem forward.

But she was happy to hold me, and I cuddled in her arms, feeling her lips against my hair as she gently kissed my head.

"I'm going to have a shower.." I told her, feeling sweat pool under my arms.

"Okay Mike, let you know if you need any help." She replied, and helped me off the bed. I headed for the bathroom, turned on the shower, and put it on hot.

When I got out I realised I hadn't brought any clean clothes, and cursed silently to myself. I wrapped the towel around my body, then headed to my room, my wet hair dripping down my shoulders.

Hope was in the hallway outside my room, holding a fresh pair of clothes.

"You forgot." She smiled and handed them to me, and I kissed her cheek and went into my room to change. All my clothes were drooping off me from the weight I'd lost.

I frowned at myself in the mirror, just as Hope came in. She saw my face, "Hey hey hey, what's wrong? What's wrong Mikey?"

"I'm too skinny ... too pale..."

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Michael Jackson, you are perfect the way you are."

She felt my bony wrists, sliding her hand up my arm. "You could do with a bit of weight gain though, how about I make you a cheese toastie?"

"How did you know? Those are my favourite things to eat!"

She grinned and tapped her nose. "I know these things."

She came back about twenty minutes later, holding a delicious smelling cheese toastie, which I devoured within minutes.

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