Alice Human Sacrifice

Від WolfKnight319

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A story of unknown tales in Wonderland has never been told by mortals before, but in reading this story and s... Більше

Alice Human Sacrifice - The Origins of The Dream of Wonderland
Alice Human Sacrifice - Shadow
Alice Human Sacrifice - Lance
Alice Human Sacrifice - Anthony/Angel Dust

Alice Human Sacrifice - Sans And Papyrus

3 1 0
Від WolfKnight319

~Alice of Heart: The Brothers With Determination in Wonderland~

Few Months have passed since the Alice of Clover was reborn, and crowned to be the new king. This of Wonderland seemed to fall into more than what many think, leaving them to soon stay clear from anyone marked by the symbols. Even as many happenings come, the residents dare to never come near the doors guarded by the new Alice's who now live reborn in Wonderland. However, something was soon to come at the shine of dawn. From a town miles far away from Wonderland's reach, on one warm day of spring were two skeleton brothers, both dressed in buttoned shirts, and overalls and with a tie scarf around their necks in different colors. One in being the older brother was dressed in blue and his younger brother in orange-red. Both were in their garden in the back of their home, enjoying the peaceful silence with birds chirping. They set up their gazebo garden a few days ago, having tea, cookies, and cake together. The eldest in blue was named Sans, and the youngest in red and orange was named Papyrus, both to feel happy in each other's company and curious about new things to try or overcome.

Sans: Mmmm.. (sipping his cup of tea and feeling relaxed) Today seems very beautiful, isn't it, Papyrus?

Papyrus: Indeed brother, a lovely day as we also welcome the season of spring.

Sans: I agree. Still with you in wishing to be able to be the town's first knight, I believe after all of what we've been through might help us to build new beginnings.

Papyrus: Yes, indeed true. Especially as...we do miss our family for our years of loss.

Sans: It'll be alright, Papyrus. I tell you what when after we finish the tea and cake, we can go on a walk around town and try to help our friend Toriwl in her bakery shop.

Papyrus: Excellent idea brother! Let us do so, and also see our friends along the way.

The brothers always seem to have good thinking in things. When they soon were done, they began to walk towards their hometown and greet their friends along the way. Each in bidding the brothers good morning, and wishing them a great day. After a few minutes, the brothers reached their friend named Toriel in her bakery shop. Sans knew that the bakery had always been a very good place to see all kinds of good desserts, beverages and even treats for children to enjoy. But the best thing about the bakery was its famous pie, the butterscotch-cinnamon cream pie. But as the brothers knocked on the door to open it, neither saw a bird soon landed on a wooden fence with a letter held in its claws. The seal on it seemed to have a clover on it...meaning it was from someone who bared the clover on them.

Sans: Hello? May we come in, miss Toriel?

Toriel: (seeing the brothers enter her shop and smile) Hello Sans, hello Papyrus, please come in. How are you both doing today?

Sans: Very well, thank you. To this, we both are wondering if my brother and I may ask you to help with anything you need. Especially to help you bake more cakes and pies.

Toriel: Yes, I would be happy to have some extra help. In truth, my husband Asgore is visiting one of our neighbors to help with their garden and trimming the bushes, he won't be back until later in the evening. Until then, and to wait for our son Asirel to come home, I will be happy to have some help.

Sans: We are happy to assist you. Even to work to the bone of our best.

Toriel: (giggles in a smile) Thank you, Sans. Come with me to the kitchen in the back, I need help in baking pies first, especially my special pie, the Butterscotch-Cinnamon Cream Pie, with whipped cream and sugar sprinkled on top. In the meantime, Papyrus should help to add the cake decorations and toppings as they need a special flare to help.

Papyrus: Thank you, Miss Toriel. I shall do my best for in being someday "The Great Papyrus"

Toriel and Sans smile in seeing how Papyrus was proud to help, even as a young man with big dreams.

Sans: Yes, and to add to what you have done in bringing smiles to all the townsfolk, we thank you.

For the next few minutes, the brothers were helping Toriel with the pies, decorating the cakes, and making many goodies to bake together. Sans even was able to help Toriel find very good flavors for each tea and fill the small bowl with mint candies he loved since as a child. It was a very good aid for the brothers as they were very great helpers in their town.

(( To Be The Legend You Were Meant To Be {Sans and Papyrus teamwork song} : ))


I used to think that stories were just that

Set in stone, concrete as a fact

It didn't dawn on me

That I could change history

Sans was in having his power to pick up and put things away while baking the pies.


Now I know I'm writing my own song

Fight my way to the ending that I want

I'll turn a tragedy

Into an epic fantasy

Papyrus began to add many decorations as he seemed to enjoy seeing how each one looked, unique and different in many ways. Outside of the town, all of the residents were busy doing daily chores and requests, while working together as they seemed excited about spring.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

You can be a hero (hero) too


Take my hand, I'm here for you

Come away with me

Be the legend you are meant to be

You'll always be

Ever free

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you are meant to be

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you are meant to be

Toriel, at the front counter, was cleaning it and soon organizing things to put on it.


There was a time when fear would hold me down

'Cause I let it chain me to the ground

Look at me now, I'm soaring high

It's never boring in the sky

Sans then comes out placing the pies and treats in the glass shelf beside the counter for the customers to see while placing some for food tasting to see which ones the customers will buy.


I know I've got friends on my side

Whatever trials I'll take them all in stride

Papyrus then came out to do the same for the cakes he finished decorating and organizing them onto their shelf.


Together we will shine so bright

Radiant brilliance in the night

Toriel smiled in glee and then began preparing some beverages for the customers to drink. Even to give a reward to Sans and Papyrus for their hard work with her.

Sans, Papyrus and Toriel:

Hey! Hey! Hey!

You can be a hero (hero) too


Take my hand, I'm here for you

Come away with me

Be the legend you are meant to be

You'll always be

Ever free

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you are meant to be

Oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah, ah-oh, oo-wah

To be the legend you are meant to be

After the time with Toriel, the boys were able to have some spare goodies, pieces of her pie and cakes to share for later and to enjoy on their walk home. The brothers waved goodbye to Toriel and opened the door for the customers to come as there were some already come. The bird soon saw the brothers and began to follow them in reaching their home. As the brothers entered their home, Papyrus soon began to then set up the table for later. But before filling the kettle with water he then spotted the bird landing on the fence while carrying a letter.

Papyrus: Neyh? What is that?

Papyrus soon walks outside to the fence, swe the bird up close. He then gently takes the letter and pets the bird before entering back to their house. Sans was sitting on a rocking chair, in the reading room beside the living room. He was reading a book about the world and its regions to discover for future adventures. It made Sans smile when thinking of traveling with Papyrus on land, and on water while having their father's yellow boat to use after repairing it someday. Then, Sans soon hears his brother entering the room, after a knock first was heard.

Sans: Papyrus? What is it?

Papyrus: Sorry to bother you, Sans. But, a bird has delivered a letter to us

Sans: A letter? How did it come here?

Papyrus: I do not know, but it seems to be an important letter.

This confused both brothers and as they began to have a look while opening it, inside was a folded paper and a car with a heart, half yellow and half orange. The brothers have never seen a card of this kind before. But for the letter in their hands, it read clearly for them to go see.

"Greetings young reader or readers, I, Anthony the King of Wonderland, am writing this in praying to ask for aid along with advice and to prepare for any new tasks to come. The card inside will be the key to help you find the entrance to the kingdom Wonderland, and in allowing you to return home safe and sound. But there is something you must hope to follow. Stay together if traveling with friends or family, to be safe and cautious. Work on solving problems and puzzles together as best you can. And the most important warning is this one, follow it loud and clear. Never approach the doors or people marked Spade, Diamond and/or Clover. But if a new figure comes with the Heart, keep safe and NEVER have the madness to consume the reader of the letter. Please come to the castle when you reach the village and meet me inside for a meeting. I wish you good luck."

The brothers each raise a brow, this concerns the two a little but confuses them a lot. They wondered why the letter would say this, with a warning included. However, they have not heard of Wonderland before, nor know how to get there. Reaching this kingdom seemed to be not their choice to ignore, so they decided to leave it for now. A few days passed since then, and the brothers continued to help their friends in the town. But one day, Sans and Papyrus were in their room and doing the last of their chores. But while they were doing so, something began to catch Sans' eye. He didn't know what to make of it, but what he saw was a cloaked figure, formed like a young woman, carrying a rabbit doll in their arms, humming a song as they were walking to the town's forest far away.

Sans: Hmm? Who's that?

Papyrus soon comes out, finished with his chores and notices Sans, staring at the window. Papyrus began to wonder what Sans spotted just now.

Papyrus: Sans? What is the matter, brother?

Sans: I don't know, but I just saw a young person cloaked and holding a rabbit doll. They just walked towards the forest on the outskirts of the town. I am beginning to wonder who, or what they are.

As Papyrus also looks, he too, saw the cloaked person with the rabbit doll. They then smiled while turning to look at the brothers in the house, she smiled and waved signaling the brothers to follow her.

???: Hehehe~ Come and play with me.

Soon, both brothers gathered what they needed and began to follow the figure. Both in being curious but also in being cautious, they followed the figure to the forest where she entered through a huge cave by the old oak tree that seemed to be covered in vines of flowers and moss of fresh green mint smells. Sans and Papyrus wondered about something as they gazed upon the cave for a moment, however, it made them both remember that the cave was also said to be cursed because of a rumor children speak about. The rumor told that visitors who dare enter the cave, never return alive again as spirits of the missing haunt the cave entrance, warning many travelers to avoid the cave at all costs.

Papyrus: I'm not sure about this brother, I...I remember the rumors, and fearing them to be true over the years.

Sans: Me too, however, I am not scared to take risks. Plus, when we are together through challenges such as this, nothing will keep us apart.

Sans then held Papyrus' hand, knowing to keep his promise to earlier. In moments, both Sans and Papyrus enter the cave together and keep each other close. They walked inside the cave and in looking around their surroundings also saw strange roses colored red, green, blue, yellow and orange. After 10 minutes of walking inside the cave, the brothers soon felt something under their feet and slipped down a huge hole, leading them to go down.

Sans and Papyrus: WHOA!!! (shocked by the sudden fall)

The brothers held each other's hand as they continued to fall for 18 minutes, soon a flash of light surrounded them. The brothers noticed that it was the end of the tunnel, soon to fall from the sky and onto a huge bed of tree-sized mushrooms to break their fall. They slowly stand up and dust themselves from the dirt or debris of their fall, now to realize they have entered the kingdom known as Wonderland.

Sans: What is this place?

Papyrus: I...I don't know, Sans. But it seems lovely here.

The brothers had never seen a kingdom such as this, plus there were weird-looking creatures and insects that didn't resemble animals and bugs. Especially as Sans then noticed the pathway up ahead all red like roses. As Sans wondered about this, he and Papyrus then soon heard the girl's voice call out to them, as she was near a forest entrance.

???: Yoohoo~ (the girl holding the doll smiles to the brothers) Follow me, hehehe~

The brothers felt surprised to hear the girl speak from afar, sounding still excited for an odd reason, they were confused and unsure at first. They began to walk on the red path, as they were feeling curious about what was on the other side of the forest.

Sans: This forest seems to look harmless, but I sense something off in there. We should avoid getting lost in the forest. Better stay close to me, Papyrus.

Papyrus nods, holding Sans' hand. And so, the brothers began to follow the girl once again, this time with some curiosity in mind of what this adventure would lead them. As the brothers walked through the forests for some time, Sans came to see all around the areas of the forest's paths and moss on the trees were all drenched in red like paint or something else. It didn't seem to appear what people thought, yet there was no time to guess the answers. Papyrus stayed close to Sans not wishing to be lost, and as he seemed to feel uneasy about the forest, Sans remained to keep Papyrus calm and to help him not worry. Before reaching the exit after minutes to an hour, the boys were starting to remember one of the warnings in the letter told of the doors and/or those marked with the symbols mentioned on the card. Because of that...the boys saw a black and red hedgehog inside a cage, crossing his arms and looking asleep.

Sans: (whispers to Papyrus) Let's avoid going near him and the door... For this, we need to leave the forest and find the person with the rabbit, too

Papyrus: (nods) I understand, but look at him closer Sans. He seemed to be starving to death.

As Sans took another glance at the man in the cage, it seemed that Papyrus had a correct point. Sans decided to approach the cage but not the door, he hoped that the hedgehog inside wouldn't slash off his hands. In a moment, the hedgehog slowly opened his eyes and looked to see the boys approach his cage. He sensed that the boys were aware of the dangers which be why they didn't come closer. He then watches Sans open a box and offer some food for the hedgehog on unused napkins Sans liked to collect. And as Sans carefully slid the food on the napkin through the bars. He watched the hedgehog slowly take it.

???: Why are you giving me food? Do you know that I am to be dangerous if I am free from the cage at night?

Sans: Well, my little brother Papyrus wishes to help even the unfortunate to some hope and a second chance to grow. Still, please have some of our food to eat so you don't starve to death. If you'll excuse us, we must be going now.

Papyrus: Goodbye Mister Hedgehog Swordman (waving goodbye to the hedgehog, hurrying with Sans to the forest exit)

The hedgehog seemed surprised despite his looking calm and in anger. However, he decided to eat what the brothers gave him and build his strength. But in the moment while eating, something came to make the hedgehog think of the trouble that will follow the brothers unaware to have them off guard. But one positive thought came to mind and the hedgehog softly smiled to then look up at the sky from his prison, revealing to be Shadow, the reborn Alice of Spade.

Shadow: Those boys are young...but I can tell that they're determined to look after one another. Just like when Maria was able to look after the Chao in my old home's village. I do hope the boys shall be safe in the bracing pure light.

Later that day, the brothers were able to find their way out of the forest and saw the path become normal once again. And within the far distance saw a village, it appeared to seem barely abandoned yet still living as there seemed to be something inside. But as they felt more curious, the girl's voice from earlier was soon heard from around them.

???: My, my, you're both very something special. (the figure smiling as she was up ahead) Hehehe, I am happy you two escaped and unharmed. If you're both coming to the castle, to meet with the young king? So am I, perhaps we will go together.

Sans: Whoever you are, I doubt that. Plus you're fast despite you being a young girl. But, could you at least tell us who you are?

???: Not yet, sillybones. You'll have to catch up with me to find out. Find me in the town and you shall see~ (holds her rabbit doll close and runs in with a giggle)

This left the brothers confused and unsure of the girl. It also left them both with one question: Who was she, and why was she heading towards a castle? Soon, they both walked to the town trying to not let confusion come into their mind. As the brothers walk through the tunnel entrance, Papyrus soon pauses in his tracks, rubbing his left arm with his right hand. Sans noticed this and turned in a little worry.

Sans: Pap, you alright?

Papyrus: I... I don't like this Sans, the girl seems to be giving me a kind of feeling she might be pulling a prank on us sometime.

Sans: Me neither. An though she went ahead of us, this seems to make me think that the little girl is indeed planning something. We better go to find them and have the answers at the castle.

Papyrus nodded, in then calmed down to give Sans a hug for comfort. It always helped both brothers to cheer up in moments like this. After calming down, both brothers then hurried to the town, maybe to find out what was going on. As they made it, they noticed countless roses in red, white and blue on all the walls, and someone singing above...

Who they saw was a young man with tendril-like hair, singing some kind of melody, also was marked with a symbol of a blue diamond like the door by the fountain. He was in singing a song above the fountain while dancing in the sky. The brothers were in seeing in person, the reborn Alice of Diamond, Lance.

((Dear Rabbit song: ))


Dear Rabbit, my legs are getting weak chasing you

The snow fields wouldn't seem so big if you knew

That this blood on my teeth, it is far beyond dry

And I've captured you once, but I wasn't quite right

So I'm telling you that you'll be safe with me

Lance soon casts an illusion of a wolf and a rabbit through the winter fields on a cold day in Wonderland.

Ooh, ooohhh

Rabbit, my claws are dull now, so don't be afraid

I could keep you warm as long as you can just try to be brave

Yes, I know I'm a wolf, and I've been known to bite

But the rest of my pack, I have left them behind

And my teeth may be sharp and I've been raised to kill

But the thought of fresh meat, it is making me ill

So I'm telling you that you'll be safe with me

As Lance's illusions continue, Sans and Papyrus are in shock seeing the events foretold in the song, especially the chosen death of the rabbit.

Oooohh, oohh

At the end of the song, the wolf was in guilt of hurting a innocent creature, and wishing to not ever to kill a rabbit ever again.

So Rabbit, please stop looking the other way

It's cold out there, so why not stay here under my tail?

Sans and Papyrus were silent and uneasy about the song at first, but their understanding of its meaning made them see it clearly. So they decided to quietly leave some food for Lance to eat and to give him no disturbance.

Sans: (whispers) Let's be quiet, and try to not disturb him (holds Papyrus' hand as they walk away)

Both the brothers start to then tip-toe away from the singer, and in keeping an eye out for the figure with the rabbit doll. As the singer came to the end of his song, he saw some fresh food and floated down to begin eating it. This made Lance smile in sensing the brother's presence and having his hope rise again. At the same time, the brothers were trying to search all over the area for the young girl, but all they noticed were some rose petals on the stony ground, and part of the blue and white ones looked drenched in a bright sombre red. But then, Sans and Papyrus soon come to notice something before they fully leave the town square What they come across in leaving the village is a kind of painting of a white rabbit leading a trail of rose and orange rose petals on the wall. Sans and Papyrus had never seen of something such as this painting as they gazed upon its form. It made them wonder if the figure was close by, and if she had drawn the painting. Just as the brothers wondered about that, they then suddenly heard a new voice speak to them.

???: Hello there. You two seem new here, coming down below a tunnel and here to Wonderland...are you both looking for someone?

The two looked up, jolting in shock. They thought to see another cloaked figure with more of a male appearance, also wearing a cat mask of the colors pink, and purple over his face, this confused them both to this.

Sans: Yes, did see a girl cloaked up and with a stuffed rabbit run by here?

???: Yes I did. She did come this way, but she took shortcuts to go to the king's castle. Might need to hurry or a monster will come to attack you both~ (soon fades like a ghost before the brothers, smiling away)

Papyrus shivered to the man fading like that, but Sans, however, seemed to be more aware.

Sans: Come on, Papyrus. Let's hurry and find the girl.

Papyrus nodded, to then took deep breaths to calm down. The brothers then held each other's hands once again, and hurried out of the town, taking the cat-masked man's advice. Time passed, and the brothers were able to finally find the girl figure, holding her rabbit doll and standing at the entrance of the king of Wonderland's town gates. As the brothers watched in silence from afar, she walked through the gates like a spirit.

Sans: Looks like she is going in there. But this still made me wonder...why would she come to this place like we are?

Papyrus: And how did she walk through the gate like a spirit?

Both brothers began to wonder in curiosity and caution when they both soon heard the sound of horse hoofs, galloping forward and a carriage coming. Sans quickly hid himself, and Papyrus in some bushes wondering what or who was coming. What they both saw was the young king dressed in green and white but with the clover mark on his left eye. Sans wondered if the king in the carriage was the person the brothers came to meet The carriage stops allowing the gates to open in time. As the young king opens the carriage door, he carefully walks out and dusts himself. However, something seemed to have the young king thought to see something or someone hiding in the bushes. He first thought to see either the brothers in hiding or the cloaked girl holding her rabbit doll, soon the door opened more and the horse pulled the carriage through. The young king began to feel cautious of this but looked concerned as he spoke to where the brothers hid.

???: Hello? Is someone there?

Sans and Papyrus didn't know what to say, they remained silent even as they noticed the clover marked over the king's left eye. With them both still as stone, the two stayed hidden.

???: I do not mean any harm...I was in hopes that there be someone who received my letter or if there be a visitor to come

Papyrus looks at Sans. They began to wonder if this was a trick, but in looking at the king, he saw the young king seem heartbroken about something, with nothing to reply back, the king sighed and began walking away through the entrance gates. Sans and Papyrus then came out of hiding and peeked in hiding behind the bricked wall and saw the king's castle looking abandoned and highly haunted with many demon eyes all over the building and black vines covering it. Sans began to see how the king was feeling alone all of the time, even with the kingdom like this. Just then, the girl with the rabbit doll appeared behind the brothers.

???: Boo!!

The two jolted in shock, and turned to see the figure they were looking for behind them, smiling and holding the doll in hand in giggles

Papyrus: Y-You?! How did you appear like that??

Sans: How did you do that?!

???: That's a secret to never reveal. Hehehe, sorry for the scare. Yet I loved seeing how far you two got so far. Are you both not going to say hello to King Anthony?

Sans: You mean the king with the clover over his eye?

???: Yes, he was so lonely as all of his friends and beloved allies were now trapped in an immortal sleep behind the glass of an unbroken mirror in his room. However, let's go inside, or you'll be late~

Soon, the brothers get playfully pushed by the figure as she wants them inside the castle. The brothers were then to come inside the castle after being pushed playfully by the girl in 7 minutes, and in entering the castle, Sans and Papyrus were escorted to the throne room, then saw the king sitting in his chair. The young king was looking a small mirror in his hand while holding a drying cloth in the other. As he then began to sigh sadly, he lowered the mirror and then turned his head, suddenly seeing the brothers.

Anthony: Oh my! Visitors, thank goodness that the letter reached out to some guests. I deeply apologize for all of the troubles you've been through. May I ask for your names, please?

The two looked at each other, they remembered following the warning of the letter and all, so they decided to ask about it first before trusting the king or not.

Sans: I..I am Sans, and this is my young brother Papyrus.

Soon, both brothers bow to respect the king while being cautious.

Anthony: Please, be at ease. I also sense that my letter has made you feel wary in fearful. Let me approach you with caution as I do not wish to see anyone become hurt or so.

As the king stood up, he then walked towards the brothers, as he did, Anthony kept his word as he was in doing it with caution. Anthony, now five feet from the brothers, offered to give a handshake to Sans and Papyrus. They were hesitant at first but came to slowly accept. The brothers soon began to pull out the letter, and, they then checked the card with the heart on it, while remembering it earlier.

Sans: I beg your pardon to this, but may I ask of the card that was with the letter?

Anthony: It is my ace of heart card, also to be my prayer for a miracle. I had heard of the events of the reborn Alice's before I, too, became one of the Clover. And in my last hope, I wrote the letters to seek out for help. But days after that, all of my friends and dear close allies became imprisoned in a mirror that cast them into deep sleep. Alastor was the only one left as he keeps my company from time to time. I dearly miss my friends as they are also my family to me.

Sans and Papyrus then felt sorry for Anthony for hearing the sad news of the king's event. They then look to the king, both to understand what it was like, losing people you love either by death or worse. But then, Sans began to see something as look like a human, but it was hard to tell of them being like a shadow.

Sans: (thinking) Hmm? Who was that?

When he tries to look, this makes him wonder in curiosity. However, Papyrus, noticed Sans becoming distracted and helped to remind Sans of what was happening.

Papyrus: Sans? You alright?

Sans: Sorry, I thought to saw something leave the room.

Anthony: That be Alastor in his shadow form, he comes to see what new things are to come. In the meantime, please feel free to rest up and prepare to explore before or after you eat. I can smell of food in your bag.

Sans: Thank you, I guess we both are starving to think of it.

Papyrus: I agree, we should go to eat and rest up.

Anthony: There is an unused guest room upstairs on your right. Please do come to visit or ask for anything.

The brothers nodded, and decided to go to eat before having a nap in the guest room. After that, the brothers then were exploring around the castle's garden and to clear their heads of the worry and confusion. But even as they did...they soon began to hear a different voice calling to them.

???: You there, young ones from another kingdom.

Soon as the brothers hear the voice, they saw a new masked person, a young woman wearing a bird mask as she seemed to dress like a warrior. She then began to turn entering the garden, but to also see the brother.

???: What made you both so quiet and too highly cautious? Do you not trust anyone?

Sans gets in front of his brother

Sans: At first yes, but to be honest, I feel my need to always protect my little brother since we were little and lost our parents when I was a child and Papyrus was a baby. Plus with the letter found in our town, Papyrus and I still kept our promise to keep each other safe and follow the letter's warning.

???: I see, however, there is a new area for you to explore, in a lovely field with a massive tree, they say that something is to being there and feeling alone. Does your curiosity grow while you are here in Wonderland?

The two look at each other, they seem curious about all that has come and gone. But the girl decided to try one thing to get them to understand something before anything came to them.

???: I suggest you should be on your guard, otherwise death will surely follow you no matter what.

Soon, the woman faded like a ghost, leaving a single feather behind, leaving Sans and Papyrus to wonder what she meant. The brothers then came to realize that they needed to return home, or something would happen in their hometown. While they both were trying to figure out a way to get home, Sans and Papyrus each wondered about retracing their steps to get home while thinking about the situation, but while doing so they soon started to hear a different voice calling to them. Sounding like a child speaking

???: Chosen...

Sans: Hmm? (starts looking around) Pap, did you hear that just now?

Papyrus: I did brother, it sounded like a child. But, why did it say chosen? Who or what is chosen?

Sans: (soon began calling out) Hello? Is anybody here?

Both Sans and Papyrus began to look around the surroundings, waiting for a reply. But no one or nothing was heard nor seen. Then a pathway starts slowly forming towards the huge field that was mentioned. The brothers began to feel curious about it, and both began to follow it, holding each other's hands. They seem to follow the pathway in wondering what the field contains besides its growing path. Sans and Papyrus continued following the path, holding hands and staying together. They later came to the end of the path, now miles away from the king's castle. The huge field before the brothers was massively huge, with its field all fresh green grass, and flowers of all sorts, and filled with countless gravestones of Wonderland's warriors, young and old residents who had passed away. The brothers began wondering how this graveyard was here when they heard the voice from earlier speak again, this time coming from a huge tree.

???: Chosen... Alices' of Hearts...

Sans: Alice's...of Hearts? Thats weird.

Papyrus soon felt confused just as his brother also felt, but as he and Sans felt puzzled, they both soon heard footsteps, slowly approaching from behind them. Sans and Papyrus quickly turned and with Sans then activating his powers, kept Papyrus close to Sans for protection. The brothers were in seeing a man, with a dragon mask over his face approaching the boys dressed like some kind of summoner.

Sans: Who the heck are you? Are you stalking us?! (in seeing not the figure with the rabbit doll or the cat-masked being, but in seeing a man with black hair wearing a dragon mask over his face)

???: (the dragon-masked man smiles) Hmmm....fresh new souls, were in Wonderland and soon to become a perfect sacrifice. I wonder how to play with you two?~

Sans didn't seem to find this man funny at all, plus threatened to have them dead just by the encounter with the masked man, which made him upset. His eyes glowed blue and his hands were covered in a blue-like fire.

Sans: I do not know who you are, I am not going to have you end the lives of many people you encounter. And for your information, you are going to end up having to be punished.

???: Oh, sounds like you seem to be a very brave young fighter. (the dragon-masked man smirks more) Well then... Go ahead, take your best shots. This is going to be fun for me to play with you.

Upon hearing this, Sans soon began to fire his attacks at the dragon-masked man, knowing that some of his attacks had bone-shaped spears to attack the man, along with grabbing one of them to use as a staff bo. Sans then dodged incoming attacks as the masked man slashed his clawed hands to the bones to break them. His back than sprouts out huge black wings opened from behind and charged to attack both brothers. Luckily, Sans were able to block the man's incoming attack. Papyrus then decided to have his power aid Sans in the battle. They seem to have an advantage over them, but in this, Sans knew that they needed to remain on their guard. Just then, Sans suddenly noticed the masked man preparing to attack Papyrus, who was soon off guard by something. What both the brothers saw was a shadowy pair of beings that seemed to have heart marks over their eyes. They soon came in front of the boys and had their powers to push the masked man away. But the dragon-masked man wasn't about to go down that easily.

???: Seems like these Alice's never learn!

In a quick flash, he swings his arm and fist, suddenly hitting Papyrus on his chest to send him flying backwards, hitting the ground, and nearly passing out by the tree.

Sans: PAPYRUS!! (soon became furious as his powers built up more) You hurt my brother, now I AM going to dunk you dead to the ground!! You dirty brother killer!!!

Sans' power began to grow more overpowering as he carved and created two beastly skull heads with fire-breathing abilities. As they fired their flames, the masked man was then hit and sent back but flew up and vanished away in black and purple smoke, laughing as it echoed all over the area before being silent. Sans saw the masked man finally gone, for now. But he hurries to Papyrus, helping his brother to be carried on Sans' back. As Sans did so, the two beings from earlier walked to him and hurt but conscious Papyrus, each holding hands as the brothers did.

Sans: I...I don't know what or who you are but thank you for saving us. We need to find shelter and help my brother heal.

One of the shadowy beings soon floats to Papyrus, and with a gentle touch, they smoothly heal Papyrus. The injuries on Papyrus slowly began to fade and be healed. After it was done, one of the figures introduced themselves to Sans and Papyrus.

???: Forgive sister and I was once the Alice of Hearts

Sans: The Alice of...Hearts? So it was you both who spoke to us earlier? But...what happened to you both?

???: (the second shadowy being, being the sister to her brother then helps Sans and Papyrus to the tree) Let us sit down...and explain our unfortunate end.

Soon, the four sat by the huge tree as Sans and Papyrus began to then hear the two explain what happened to them. In their previous life, they were a pair of twins. A brother and sister were exploring Wonderland together when following a white rabbit. They came across fascinating places and their curiosity led them to Wonderland. But...their fate was unknown as they were last seen sleeping together under a tree, unable to wake again. Soon, they began to reveal their forms to the brothers, each in looking identical and young...but parts of their body seemed to be in cuts.

Papyrus: My goodness! (shocked by the result)

Sans: My God..! (he gulps and looks at the pair Alice's of Hearts) I...I now understand what happened. But, may I ask what you wish from us in turn to thank you for saving our lives?

The twins looked at each other, surprised to hear this question. They began to think in the moment, they nodded and wished to tell Sans and Papyrus what they wished, especially to explain one thing to break the curse from all who were chosen like them.

???: (the brother first spoke) In our answer, we wish to break this curse...even to help you return home.

???: (the sister added) And to have redemption while in sharing our bond with you.

Papyrus soon began to ask his question to the twins, wondering what they meant.

Papyrus: What do you mean?

???: (the brother then clearly tells of what he and his sister mean) We both ask...if you will take our place while we will bond with you. In both will be safe and spared and continue to explore all of Wonderland, sharing your knowledge with the residents along the way. But beware of the Jabberwocky, the man you saw will try to come back and kill you for fun. Please...give us a chance and allow us to help you.

Sans: (felt surprised by this) This seems too risky of the proposal. But, you have a real point about that man from earlier.

Soon, Papyrus and Sans began to think about this, each thinking of what to do in the situation, and avoid seeing the dragon-masked man again. In minutes of the brothers thinking, they look to each other, seeing each other's concern about the answer.

Papyrus: Sans, I understand how we both cannot leave unfortunate souls to pay a bloody price, but if we do this...we might never see our friends again.

Sans: Papyrus, I can understand this, too, feeling unsure and all. But the twins seemed to be in a lot tougher times than us, even before they died. I think with their advice wisdom, and our determination to guide us, we can help all in Wonderland, just like our friends back home. Do you agree? (smiles to hold Papyrus' hand, knowing to choose the answers)

Papyrus looks down for a moment but nods. He knew of how this was to be in the hope of returning home. Then, both brothers then held each other's hands, soon beginning to look at the Alice's of Hearts before them.

Sans: Alice's of Hearts. We are both ready. And even if one has the look of someone who died three times in our shoes... let's say, we're going to help them no matter that.

???: (the brother then held his sister's hand as he nods) We then accept it too, but in fair warning...the process will hurt. Brace yourselves to become now, the reborn Alice's of Hearts.

Soon, the Alice's began to enter the brothers, seeping like ghosts. At first, Sans and Papyrus each felt the pain they were warned of and fell to one knee each. The pain took in a few moments, and once it had come to an end, they soon began to feel at ease, and Hearts in yellow and orange appeared on opposite eyes of the brothers. They both soon stood and began to hold each other's hand, walking away from the tree.

Papyrus: So, this is how it will begin, right Sans, my brother?

Sans: Yes, Pap. This is where our new life begins. (smiles softly) I have to admit, coming here was never a bad idea...after all. Don't you agree, Papyrus?

Papyrus nodded and smiled in agreement with Sans.

Sans: Now then, let's go give the kingdom a good time while giving the evil...a bad time.

As the pair walked away from the tree and towards the graveyard, doors with hearts half of the colors yellow and orange appeared behind them as they attached themselves to the tree's hollowed hole. At the same moment, a young figure was sitting on one of the branches of the tree, sipping a fresh cup of black tea in hand, and holding something while then singing a melody.


From the bright forest, that is where the journey starts. A tea party with blue roses is where the forest parts. The invite from the queen it actually was... The tramp card, the Ace of Hearts!

She continued to sing and soon pulled out what appeared to be a huge deck of cards in hand while holding her cup of black tea.

The Fourth Alice was a pair of siblings who were boy-twins.

Straying into Wonderland is where their tale begins.

Wondering across the world, they passed through many doors.

Curious of this place, they travelled and endured.

The stubborn older brother, the clear younger brother, their close to see the nature of the "True Alice" in hand.

Both would never from the dream that they had planned. Forever they'll wander hopelessly in Wonderland.

The woman in the tree was in fact, Hannah the Dream of Wonderland, now fully evolved as a human, dressed as a queen with a crown on her head and her dress in shades of purple, bearing also the symbols on the cards. Now that the chosen Alice was found and in taking new roles, a smile form on her as she then asked one question.

Hannah, the Dream of Wonderland: I wonder... Who is the next Alice?

She then giggles and returns to the void with the cards in hand, now to seek out another Alice or someone new to enter her kingdom, her Wonderland. But who will come into the kingdom next? And will their fate be like the four unfortunate but pure souls reborn as the Alice's of Spade, Diamond, Clover and Hearts? That is a story...for another time.

~The End...Until Next Time~

((Ending song - Alice of Human Sacrifice English Remixed ver. RafScrap & Co.:  ))

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