Jagged Throne - Solo Leveling...

By Sehanzinho

441 31 5

After strange portals started appearing around the globe, the world needed to change, and it did, Hunters, th... More

0 - The Beginning
1 - The World We Live In
2 - Judgement
3 - Hunter
4 - Cut Off
5 - Stalker
6 - Training
7 - Friends
8 - Tainted Snow
10 - Despair
11 - Path
12 - Hell
13 - Purgatory
14 - Endure

9 - Immortal

10 2 0
By Sehanzinho

Inside the Red Gate, the air grew colder by the second. Jin-Woo, Crimea, Kim, Song-Yi and Heejin were the only ones that managed to stay alive, this sure was going to be in the news all over the Seoul, as a disaster, for the White Tiger Guild and especially for the families of those eaten pretty much still alive.

The environment started to distort, vanish. And Jin-Woo alongside the others knew that they needed to get to the portal quick. Jin-Woo and Kim hopped onto Tank, while Crimea used the blood from Baruka alongside the 'Fiend' sign to create a large wolf made of blood, who served as a mount, quicker than Tank.

The portal was already disappearing, but with one last jump, they all made it out.

Crimea absorbed the blood hound while Sung Jin-Woo retreated Tank, Heejin and Song-Yi were caught by Kin before both fell. Kim put both down gently and then returned his arms back to their normal appearance. Crimea sighed in relief, but then felt something moving on his chest area, inside his jacket pocket.

He then remembered, Nu was still there!

Before Crimea could even start to get worried, Nu's tiny head sprung out, looking around excitedly, making his usual sounds. Kim smirked and poked the bird's head. "Still there?" He chuckled, crossing his arms.

Heejin approached Jin-Woo and swallowed, before speaking out. "Y-You know... You should join us! Become member of the Tigers!"

Jin-Woo brushed her aside and put his dagger down. "I refuse." He responded, looking at the approaching black car.

Crimea and Kim noticed it too, and turned to it. The bright lights forced Crimea to look away for some time before his eyes adapted.

From the mysterious car, a tall and muscular man in a suit left, followed by a smaller and leaner one, with yellow highlights on his brown hair.

Heejin immediately recognized both figures. It was Baek Yoonho, Boss of the White Tigers guild, A S-Rank Hunter known for his sharp eyes. By his side was Kumiho Bikko, a A-Rank Hunter who served as the most loyal pawn of the Tigers.

Baek ignored Kim and Crimea, walking past them and approaching Jin-Woo.

"Sung Jin-Woo... You better have a extremely good explanation of why you 5 were the only ones who left that fucking dungeon." Baek said dangerously, his orange eyes glowing with power, his fingers pulsing with need to punch something.

The Aura of a Rank S was noticeable by miles away, and this was the first time both Crimea and Kim felt something like it.

Sung Jin-Woo remained calm and refused to look at Baek's eyes. "I don't have to answer. It should be pretty obvious that they all died." He explained.

Baek gritted his teeth and his aura only got more intense. "You little arrogant brat..." He whispered with authority expressed on his deep voice.

Jin-Woo unleashed his own aura, putting a surprised look on Baek's arrogant face. He didn't even needed to say a word and Baek made way for him. To Baek's sharp eyes, he noticed how Jin-Woo's shadow moved eerily, filled with a hunter intent.

Heejin sighed and approached her leader. "Ignore him..." She said, putting a hand on Baek's shoulder. She then turned to Bikko, and saw him circling Crimea.

While Baek was entertained with Jin-Woo, Bikko was provoking Crimea arrogantly. "It took so long! Oh, i forgot... You are another Shit Rank Hunter, aren't you? So shit it couldn't clean a fucking red gate before every rookie was dead!" Bikko's voice was dangerously filled with both rage and disdain.

Crimea ignored him and tried to walk away, only to be stopped by Bikko's stretched arm. Kim took a step closer, pissed off, but Crimea shook his head, putting the dragon at ease.

Bikko giggled and approached Crimea once again. "Hihihi... So mysterious!". He looked down and spotted Blood Maiden, grabbing onto it and playing with it, Crimea remained silent.

"Leave him alone, Bikko! It isn't worth it" Baek warned, making his way towards the vehicle, clearly expecting Bikko to follow, but when he didn't, Baek unleashed his Aura again. "I. Said. For. You. To. Fucking. Let. Him. Alone" Baek whispered, his eyes turning feral.

Bikko laughed and winked at Crimea, before extending his hand and taking Nu into his hand. "Well, thanks for the gift!" Bikko said, turning around and walking towards the car.

Kim opened his mouth to protest, but was quickly shut down and from Crimea's body, a dread aura covered the entire area, a low red mist threatening to create a powerful fog.
Crimea's eyes slowly opened, beaming with black lightning and crimson mist. His hand closed tightly, with pulsing veins.

Kim stumbled backwards, and Bikko whistled. Baek and Heejin were surprised, and Song-Yi ran after Jin-Woo, feeling how dangerous the situation was.

"Don't fucking touch him" Crimea whispered, taking a powerful step closer.

Bikko laughed again and covered the bird with his hand, threatening to kill it instantly using his transfiguration powers. "Oh~ and what will the Shit Rank do about it??"

Crimea noticed the intention behind Bikko's words and quickly clawed the air, shocking everyone around. 'Rupture' was used on Bikko's arm, sending it cold to the ground. Bikko stumbled backwards in surprise, he grunted in pain and then smirked again.

"I still have the other one, you know?!" Bikko shouted, grabbing Nu again.

Right when his hand touched the tiny vulnerable bird, it was cut off again. Crimea gritted his teeth and grabbed Nu, handing it over to Kim. Crimea then proceeded to look down at Bikko, who was now collapsed on the ground, struggling to keep balance without both arms.

Crimea face contorted with rage as he started unleashing a barrage of 'Ruptures' onto Bikko's body, clawing it apart and apart, deeper, stronger. Bikko's blood accompanied his distorted screams of pain, as his skin was destroyed and unrecognizable.

Baek roared and dashed towards Crimea, successfully punching him right on the temple, sending him colliding agaisnt the concrete wall of the building next to them. Kim felt the instinct again, stronger than ever. He felt his canines growing large, his skin turning into hardened scales, but before losing control, putting Nu down behind a pile of crates. "S-Stay... S-Safe, little... Guy" He whispered before biting onto his own hand and then in lightning speeds grabbing Baek's face and crushing him down onto the floor, drooling over him like a beast.

Beak eyes widened with rage, and his hair turned white. "You!" He shouted, using his beast like fists to punch Kim's hardened abdomen and sending it flying upwards. "Bikko... Put yourself together." He whispered before jumping high on the air and kicking Kim back to the ground.

Crimea's brain was confused by how things got messed up so quickly, mixed with rage towards Bikko, and from the rumble he was in, he shot a hollow towards Bikko, who dodged it and using his powers, linked back his fallen limbs.

"This is going to be fun~" He cooed, stretching his arm and grabbing Crimea, spinning him around.

Crimea grunted, feeling the crushing strength of Bikko's enlarged hand, but managed to form the 'Fiend' sign, creating a blood wolf from Bikko's blood.

The beast lunged at Bikko's throat and even though failed to bite, it made Bikko loose his grips, Crimea moved through the air with efficiency and threw blood maiden towards Bikko, who pierced the wolf with a blade that came out of his stomach, then turned tonthe flying blade and smirked. "So fucking predictable!" He laughed, stretching his neck to the side to dodge the throw.

Crimea's aura only got more intense as he delivered a downwards kick onto Bikko's head, provoking a strong concussion.

Taking advantage of that moment, using his right hand, he retrieved the blood maiden using the 'blood link' and with his left he made another 'rupture'. Clawing a deep wound onto Bikko's chest.

"F-Fuck" Bikko cursed under his blooded mouth, he then regenerated his chest and crushed Crimea down with a heavy kick, followed with multiple punches.

Crimea's hardened body started to fail, but his rage served as fuel, he used his 'shift' to control the 'blood link' and send the blood maiden upwards, then pushing it down, like a arrow coming from heaven, it pierced right onto Bikko's left thigh.

"Ha! Nice one, shitty!" Bikko disdained, grabbing Crimea by the collar and then throwing him away.

Crimea hurled through the air almost unconscious, with blood leaving his nose and mouth. Before he collapsed agaisnt a building, Bikko appeared behind him, creating bladed whips from his arms and slashing Crimea apart, then transforming his mouth to a much bigger version and roaring into Crimea's ears, rending him temporarily disabled.

Crimea grunted in pain and moved through the air to grab Bikko by the hair, delivering a barrage of ruptures again and again, but Bikko healed himself through it all, laughing uncontrollably while being covered in his own blood. "AaAAAAH! SO MUCH FUN!!" he shouted, putting his hands together and using them as a mace, knocking Crimea to the ground, crushing the stone apart.

Crimea slowly rose fron the debris, his clothes ragged up as if he was fighting for years. "How... How" He stuttered, holding onto a pole for support. Bikko landed in front of him and healed in front of Crimea's eyes.

"You know, shitty... You're SO weak than you're making ME feel like a Immortal~" He licked his lips, noticing the state Crimea was.


Meanwhile, Baek was beating Kim up, grabbing onto his limbs and crushing them against the floor. Kim couldn't help but squirm in pain, the difference in power was so massive, he just couldn't see a way through.

As his eyes slowly closed, a figure appeared behind Baek, ethereal like in a dream. It was a tall man, with medium-long black hair that fell on his shoulders, piercing red eyes with a golden glow.

The man giggled, crossing his arms while leaning agaisnt a pole. ( "Oh... Don't disappoint me, dragon... This guy should be no problem for you") The man said, his deep voice echoing around the entire world, at least seemed that way.

The mysterious figure then approached Baek, who was oblivious to it's presence. (I'll lend you a hand... But only one, okay? And don't limit yourself that much, kid. Sometimes it the best decision isn't made by us~) The man whispered before putting his finger on Baek's shoulder.

Baek then felt a wave of fear shattering his very soul, a presence that seemed to reign over everything he knew and valued.

The entire world was cowering before the power of such a foreign touch, so foreign that Baek's brain was confused, should he feel pain? fear?

The sky seemed to melt, bleed profusely. A mighty room it was, full of stars, possibilities, dreams... who faded away in a impossible song, one of submission and commitment.

After such a powerful experience, he was sent flying miles away, colliding agaisnt buildings, carving holes through them.

"Who... Was... That man?" Kim asked, slowly standing away, feeling his heart beat quicker than ever. "And... How did he... Do that?" He asked, sending the consecutive crumbling buildings that were pierced by Baek's body.

But suddenly, Kim felt a wave of despair. "N-... No...? Why am i... Saying no?"

"No? No? N-... No... N... M-y KING!!" A roar echoed through Kim's insides, his instincts weren't threatening to consume him, they ignored Kim completely. "Wh... Where?!" Kim roared, feeling a massive quantity of mana surround his limbs, his muscles straining to keep up.

Baek opened his eyes and couched blood, lots of blood. He caught his breath and looked behind, seeing the row of buildings he collided agaisnt. "Th-That... Kid... No, impossible... Who... Was That?"

Baek stood up and couldn't believe his own eyes, a aura of pure power that towered over the buildings around them, alongside it, a roar, that echoed throughout the entire city.

Baek's sharp eyes that never failed to analyze someone's potential and power, failed this time. The energy was so violent, strange... so mighty.


Back with Crimea and Bikko, both glared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move.

Bikko was grinning arrogantly, for him, it was obvious Crimea couldn't do nothing, and he was right. Crimea wasn't moving, shocked.

But although Bikko didn't knew this, Crimea wasn't scared, he felt excited, this was the first time he used rupture on a human without killing them. Bikko was arrogant, but stupid, Crimea's blows and attacks were weakened by 2 things and he eagerly explained them to Bikko.

"Hey, piss hair... Don't think too much of yourself now... I'm only starting...but, i will explain to you something... Lend you a hand" Crimea whispered weakly, wounded but grinning like a madman. "My powers are weakened, and since you're such a powerful hunter... You probably remember... That when hunters leave dungeons, their mana reserves are shaken and that's why my blows aren't being fatal...also... Kim isn't near, that's another factor... And finally... A row of ruptures gets weaker and weaker by each time i use it!"

"That's why you've healed completely of the last one i used, but still have cuts from the ones i used to cut off your arms." Crimea finished, pulling his hair back, staining it with his blood, his explanation was confusing, but hoping to a better one from someone in his state would be useless.

"This is everything i ever wished for!!" Crimea laughed to the skies, completely ignoring the pain from being beaten and crushed again and again.

Bikko eyes widened, surprised by Crimea's sudden excitement and how he thought about everything that happened since the start of their fight.

But, his arrogant nature took over again, he giggled and readied his arms. "I'm still immortal, you know??"

"Oh yeah?! Guess i gotta go with all i have to kill a immortal like you!!" Crimea shouted maniacally, dashing towards Bikko and delivering a punch right onto Bikko's face, pushing it deeper inside the skull.

Bikko grunted in pain, but didn't had time to follow up with a move of his own, Crimea kicked his balls and then pulled his hair, dragging his face around the hard stone of the street.

"HahahaHAHAHAAH!!" Crimea laughed, throwing Bikko into the air and aiming a 'Hollow'. Bikko was still in excruciating pain, but dodged Hollow by forming a hole on his own body, then putting it back together.

Crimea laughed it off and jumped next to Bikko, punching through his arms and sending his collapsing agaisnt a tall building still in construction, sending it rumbling down.

Bikko threw up blood as his body collided agaisnt the concrete wall, he fell down and tried to stand up, only to be hit with Crimea using a iron pole, piercing Bikko's cheeks with it, then pulling him up and putting his jaws apart, sending him flying away again.

"Come OOOON! HEAL YOURSELF!!" Crimea yelled, walking slowly towards Bikko, who landed on the ground next to where the portal was, feeling his bones almost destroyed by this point.

"Uh... Uh... How the fuck..." Bikko whispered, removing the iron pole from his mouth and then quickly healing himself. "You're... Pissing me... Off!!" He roared, dashing towards Crimea and grabbing his face, throwing him down with brutal intent, Crimea's body passed through diverse floors, eventually landing on one.

"Aah..." Crimea coughed out blood, wiping it off his lips and delivering a uppercut to Bikko's chin while he was falling from the floor he was in. Bikko's chin broke, but not completely.

"That fucking hurts!!" Bikko screamed, enlarging his hand and using it to smash Crimea, who dodged it easily, taking a step to the side.

Bikko was getting desperate, he wasn't used to this feeling, the feeling of not having control over a fight. The only time he felt like this before was on his first and only fight agaisnt Baek Yoonho.

Crimea smirked and created tiny sparks of fire between his hands, "Burn!!" He shouted, transforming the innocent sparks into a long fire arrow, shooting it towards Bikko, who felt his life melting away due to the heat coming from the powerful arrow.

Bikko managed to dodge by crouching down, he then looked behind him and saw the Arrow exploding mid-air, in a large sphere of flames. It was a beautiful scene to watch.

"Nice trick... If you worked at a circus that is" Bikko teased, standing up and forming blades form his fingers, he slowly traced a sharp line agaisnt the concrete, approaching Crimea slowly.

Crimea felt his heart slow down, he felt his fingers getting colder, followed by his arms, but he ignored it completely. Instead, he put his hands together and formed the combined 'Wound' sign, healing off his lesser injuries.

Then he smirked and dashed to Bikko, punching him right on the temple, followed with a kick to the knee, then a knee to Bikko's head. "You Like that, bitch?!" Crimea shouted, grabbing onto Bikko's hair again and using it to throw Bikko agaisnt the wall.

Bikko healed himself again, but still felt the pain from all of Crimea's blows. "I like it so fucking much~" He responded, stretching his fingers to bladed whips, slashing Crimea's skin piece by piece. In the middle of the attack, Bikko opened his mouth and grew it bigger, trying to bite down on Crimea's neck.

Crimea grunted in pain due to the cuts, but as he noticed Bikko's move he immediately grabbed onto both jaws. "So close~ it gets dangerous~" He whispered teasingly, putting his hand on Bikko's face and trying to burn it alive.

Bikko smirked as he felt the heat forming on Crimea's hand, his plan was a success.

The conditions were met, and Crimea was close enough for Bikko to use his 'Transfiguration' powers to explode Crimea's very essence. He touched Crimea's shoulder and unleashed his power in a wave of energy, trying to blow it all apart, until only Crimea's screams of despair were left as a amazing memory.

However, as Crimea screamed it pain from the transfiguration touch, Bikko was surrounded by a black domain, jagged red lightning cutting parts of his skin off. And from the now total darkness, a throne was formed by his own blood.

A figure appeared without Bikko even realizing, a tall man with pale skin, black lips and hair, red piercing eyes with a mysterious golden touch. The Mysterious figure sat down on the throne and with his black nails formed the hollow sign.

(... "You know... I wasn't expecting you to be the one hiding away in a guild... You disappointed me, Counselor....)

The mysterious man words seemed to shatter something inside Bikko, crushing it down to submission.

(... You should know, Counselor... I hate weaklings, especially the ones who think they're strong... Just like your shell...)

The thing inside Bikko seemed to disappear for a moment, as the mysterious words from the figure seemed to be directed at himself. The 'Hollow' sign, felt so... crushing, to both soul and blood.

(... Kumiho Bikko... I will remember you... As the only immortal who felt death itself...)

As the man stopped speaking, a tear fell down from Bikko's left eye, the mysterious figure then stood up and vanished in thin air, alongside the domain.

Bikko's was completely shaken, kneeling down involuntarily, his eyes widening even more as he noticed, Crimea collapsed on the ground, with a crimson aura leaving his body. "W-W-.. What the fuck just happened..." Bikko stuttered out, darting his eyes to his left arm, that felt cold.

Bikko's body went cold as he realized why he was feeling so cold, his arm... Wasn't there. Paralyzed in fear and surprise, he remained still for some seconds, until his ears started to work again, maybe for the worst.

The first thing he heard, was a feral sound, Tainted with blood and saliva.

Behind him, was Kim, who was on all fours in a bestial posture, his arms and legs completely transformed into deadly weapons, his back filled with ragged cloths and deformed bones, who seemed longer than usual. But what really scared Bikko, was Kim's face, who was slightly transformed into a more aggressive way, his teeth now fangs, that held his severed arm tightly between the jaws.

The intense aura around Kim was also destroying in nature, alongside his eyes, who glowed in a violent red.

"W-What? What are you doing here?!" Bikko yelled, approaching Kim and crushing him down with his other arm, successfully linking his severed arm back to his body. "Where's Baek?! No... No... No, you couldn't have killed him..." Bikko whispered, knowing that Kim wasn't even close to achieving that trophy, but still fearing the worst.

"I'm here" Baek said, landing next to Bikko and kicking Kim's head, putting him to sleep immediately, seemed like Kim used all that power from before to save Crimea.

Bikko blinked his eyes several times, but then laughed out loud, they were the winners. "HahahHahahaha!!!" Bikko laughter lasted some seconds, before Baek opened his mouth again to speak in a powerful and decided tone. "Heal them both, we're going to pay for all the damage..."

Bikko's eyes widened, he was shocked by Baek's decision, but shook it off, doing as his Boss said and using his powers to heal Crimea and Kim injuries. However, while doing so, he couldn't feel better in anyway possible.

Both from the Mysterious Figure, and from the broken feeling of submission that consumed him.


"Please Crim..." A voice echoed, a familiar tone, tainted with sadness and despair.


Crimea's eyes opened momentarily, only enough to see that he was on his bed, wrapped in bandages, Nu besides him looking down at him curiously, and maybe a little bit happy.

Crimea sat up and put his hand on his forehead. "What... How..." He whispered weakly, before Maki entered the room and once she saw her brother she immediately rushed to him, giving him a tight hug, maybe too tight.

Crimea felt her tears on his shoulder and immediately felt bad. "M-Maki... What happened?"

Maki pulled back and looked at her brother through the tears. "You were out for that dungeon... and when you didn't come back after a whole day... We were so worried!!"

Maki's explanation was confusing, but Crimea understood it completely.

"And then... And then... Two guys appeared... Carrying you and Kim, both covered in blood. Mom almost went cold... So did i... It was Lumine that remained calm... And put you here and Kim on the couch... I will call her!!" Maki said, walking away to go grab Lumine, but was interrupted when Crimea pulled her back and hugged her tightly.

Maki eyes widened, but then softened immediately, she closed her eyes and melted.

"Sorry..." Crimea whispered, pulling back in pain. "... Is Mom okay?" He asked, leaning back agaisnt his pillows. Maki looked down and nodded. "I guess... She's been crazy worried..."

Crimea nodded and sighed, then the door opened again and Lumine approached, smiling in relief.

"Oh god... Are you okay, Crim?" She asked, approaching him and checking if there was any blood stain on the bandages.

"I guess... Thanks for the help" He thanked, bowing respectfully. Lumine nodded reassuringly and looked at Maki.

"You've been crying..." She whispered, noticing the teary eyes. Crimea chuckled and tapped on Maki's shoulder. "I'm okay, go rest a bit".

Maki smiled weakly and turned around, walking away. Lumine checked Crimea one last time before following right after Maki.

Crimea leaned back and closed his eyes, feeling finally excited about something, his hand trembled to intent to unleash everything stored inside his veins.


Meanwhile, Kim woke up, confused at first due to his environments, but shaking it off as he realized it was Crimea's House. He tried to stand up, but immediately fell down back to the couch, his muscles straining to even move.

Kim sighed and laid back down, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about his fight agaisnt Baek. "I didn't had a chance~" He whispered, looking at his right hand.

His mind then drifted to the mysterious figure that appeared while he was recovering from Baek's hard blows. He remembered the eerie feeling surrounding the man, his appearance was also strangely clear on his mind, especially the red eyes that seemed to Kim's instincts at ease, and in excitement at the same time.


A week later, after Crimea and Kim recovered completely from their wounds, they were called by Go Gun-Hee to go have a talk with him about the whole thing.

They walked there, and once inside the Association, they found Kureha, who rushed to them and punched Crimea's chest. Crimea grunted in pain and lost a little of his balance, before recovering with a smirk on his face.

"That's exactly what i imagined you would do..." Crimea whispered, looking down at Kureha, who was pouting with her arms crossed.

"You went nuts, right? Starting a fight with a freaking Rank A?!" She exclaimed, resting agaisnt the wall.

Crimea chuckled and put his hand on his head. "Well...". Kim chucked nervously, for Crimea. But then, Kureha hugged Crimea tightly.

"You're so stupid..." She whispered, pulling away and brushing away a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't you fucking do that again, though!" She said, punching his chest and walking away, towards Castro, who just nodded at Crimea.

Kim smiled and punched Crimea's shoulder, making him grunt again. "Let's go, CriCri~" Kim cooed, walking away. Crimea sighed and followed his friend.

As they entered Go Gun-Hee office, their eyes widened as they saw the old man, sitting in his big chair, talking with Baek Yoonho and Kumiho Bikko, who giggled when seeing Crimea.

"Enter" Go Gun-Hee said, motioning for them to sit down on other 2 chairs in front of his desk. When Kim and Crimea did as ordered, Go Gun-Hee started. "First of all... I don't think i need to say anything about the fight... Baek respectfully decided to pay for all the destruction, but i should make it clearer. Don't. Ever. Do. This. Again. We were lucky that it was a construction area and not a residential street. "

Baek nodded respectfully, with his arms crossed. Crimea and Kim did exactly the same, Bikko looked away and then seeing Go Gun-Hee dangerous smile, he bowed down.

Go Gun-Hee then continued. "We are losing a lot of hunters each day... Sending emails to their families... Imagine if we start killing ourselves..." He trailed off, looking down at his desk, then back at them.

"I will lower The White Tigers guild priority on raids... Kim, And Crimea, the training grounds are prohibited for a week." Go Gun-Hee said, turning around and crossing his arms.

"I can't fire you all, even if that's what i should do. Consider yourselves lucky, now... Go" Go Gun-Hee said, walking towards a large window.

Baek was the first to stand up a leave, Bikko followed him right after, complaining about their low priority on raids now. Crimea and Kim left last.

"No training grounds??" Kim whispered, sighing deeply. "That sucks."

Crimea remained serious, walking behind Bikko and Baek was uncomfortable, especially with his still feeling of hatred towards Bikko. He took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling.

Kim smiled and they got into the elevator, who slowly reached the main hall. As the iron doors opened, Crimea and Kim saw Lumine and Maki, with Nu poking out of Maki's backpack.

Kim laughed and approached them, while Crimea smiled honestly and followed behind, forgetting about his hatred for at least a few hours.

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