Life As We know It

By lexidulac

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Story follows Angel and Lex just dealing with the shit life they have been dealt. At least they have eachothe... More

Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5


107 3 1
By lexidulac

Lex leaned against the door to Angel’s dressing room. “You about ready to leave?” She lit a cigarette and took a drag. “Been a long night.”

Angel smiled, his hair still slightly wet from the shower, wearing nothing but a towel. He grinned lazily at Lex. “Just about. You look pretty wiped out. You gonna be alright?”

Lex nodded. “I’ll manage.” She exhaled, “Want to stop for a little pick me up on the way back to the hotel?”

“Sure,” Angel said, grabbing a shirt off the rack. “Can never say no to that.” He turned and gave her a smirk over his shoulder. “What are you in the mood for?”

“Depends,” Lex replied with a shrug. “Are we fuckin or sleepin?.” She watched as Angel slipped into his clothes, her eyes lingering on his bare chest and abs before looking away.

Angel smirked, walking over to her. “We can do both if you’re up for it.” He smirked taking the cigarette from her.

Lex chuckled, taking the cigarette back. “You’re such a fuckin tease.....Want some blow? Or maybe just a couple of joints?”

Angel shrugged, “ Either is fine with me.” He kissed her cheek. “But if you want to get a joint or two we can’t smoke in the hotel, Charlie will have a fit.”

Lex  chuckled. “ Then we’ll just have to smoke em before we get there.”

Angel smirked, “You always were a rebel.” He took the cigarette back and finished it before stubbing it in the ashtray. “Alright then, lead the way toots.’

Lex smiled as they headed out the door and down the street. “So......” She giggled as they stopped at the vending machine and she hit the button. “Where do you want to go?”

Angel slipped his arms around her waist, pressing his chest against her back. “I was thinking we could just sit outside at the hotel.” He nuzzled her neck.

Lex shivered at his touch, the feeling rushing through her body like fire. She pressed her ass back against him, enjoying the feeling of being so close to him. “Sounds good to me.” She smiled and tucked the baggie in her pocket pulling a cigarette out and lighting it as they started walking again.

They arrived at the hotel and made their way to a secluded bench. Angel sat down, pulling Lex into his lap as he did so.

Lex wrapped an arm around his neck as he pulled her into his lap, feeling the hardness of his cock against her thigh. She took a deep drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke out in a long stream as she took the baggie from her pocket. “You wanna roll?”

“Sure.” Angel took the baggie from her as she moved to sit beside him. He rolled a tight joint, using his tongue to seal it. Handing it to Lex, he took the cigarette from her taking another drag. “You ever been so fucking horny you just wanna fuck for days?”

Lex giggled as she took the joint from him, putting it to her lips and lighting it. “Yeah... But you’re always horny.” She teased, blowing out the smoke.

Angel grinned, “I’m just naturally blessed like that.” He reached over and took the joint from her. taking a drag before passing it back to her. “So.... what would you do if you had a day  that wasn’t filled with sex?” He asked curiously.

Lex took another drag, holding it out to him when she was done. “I’d probably sleep all day or take a long bubble bath and just unwind.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “What about you Dusty? What would you do?”

Angel took another drag before answering, “I’d probably spend the day fucking you, and then we could both take a long bubble bath together.” He winked at her, hand finding its way to her thigh.

Lex giggled softly “It’s supposed to be a day without sex ya dork.”

Angel let out a chuckle and slipped his tongue into her ear before whispering, “Sooner or later, even that day will include sex.” He nipped at her earlobe, his fingers slipping up her thigh.

Lex rolled her eyes and gave him a light swat on the chest “Damn you.” She jumped as the front door opened.

Angel looked over at the front of the hotel. “It’s just Smiles.... no biggie.”

Alastor chuckled as he walked over. “Charlie thought she heard voices out here.... why are you sitting outside?”

Lex shrugged, taking another drag..“Just getting some fresh air before we head to bed.” She held the joint out to him. “Wanna join?”

Alastor smiled as he waived the smoke away. “No thank you dear.” He leaned against the wall, “Long night at work I take it.”

Lex giggled, passing the joint to Angel. “Yeah, it’s been a long night.” She stretched out on the bench laying her head on his lap, looking up at him with a lazy grin.

Angel took a drag, holding it deep in his lungs before slowly exhaling. As he handed it back to Lex, he couldn’t help but notice how fucking cute she looked like that. Smiling down at her, he felt his heart skip a beat. “You look adorable when you’re relaxed.” He murmured, tracing his fingers through her hair sighing contentedly. He closed his eyes and leaned down to kiss her softly. "Maybe we should just stay out here all night." He suggested softly, enjoying the warmth of her body against his.

Lex giggled, her eyes drifting shut as she felt his lips on hers. “Mmm, that sounds nice.” She mumbled between kisses.

Angel moved a hand down to cup her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I want to do so many things to you right now.” He whispered, his voice thick with desire.

Alastor smiled as he watched the two. “You two behave.” He chuckled as he turned to walk back inside.

Lex took a drag, her eyes fluttering closed. As she released the smoke into the night air she spoke. “Hey Al?”

“Yes?” He asked with a grin, turning around to face them.

“You want to join us later?” Lex suggested, looking up at Angel with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Alastor looked between the two, his grin widening. “I may take you up on that offer.” He chuckled, giving them both a knowing wink before disappearing back inside.

Angel couldn’t help but laugh at Lex’s bold offer. “You really don’t hold back, do you?” He teased, nudging her playfully.

Lex shrugged. “Why not? The three of us are fucking hot together.” She took another drag from the joint before holding it out to him. “Wanna hit this before its gone?”

Angel couldn’t resist the invitation, reaching out to take the joint from her. He inhaled deeply, feeling the smoke fill his lungs before releasing it slowly. “Fuck, you’re right...... that was hot.” he said, looking at Lex with a sultry gaze.

Lex watched as Angel took another drag, her heart racing at his close proximity.  She trailed her fingers down his chest. “We should probably get inside.”

Alastor smiled as they walked i to the lobby, He found himself even more aroused by the sight of them together.

Charlie smiled. “I was about to come find you.” She sat down in the chair. “Why didn’t you two just come inside.....” She wrinkled her nose as they sat down... “Oh.... now I get it.”

Lex leaned against Angel running her fingers along his leg as she looked at Charlie. “Angel knows you don’t like drugs in the hotel.”

Charlie shook her head. “He’s right... I don’t.” She sighed. “You two stink...... I have never liked the way that stuff smells.”

Lex giggled, leaning in to kiss Angel passionately. “We’ll take a shower,” she smiled as she grabbed him thru his clothing squeezing lightly.

Angel smiled, standing up. “Sounds good to me.” He said with a chuckle as he followed her towards his room.

Charlie watched them disappear down the hall, shaking her head with a small smile. “What am I going to do with those two....”

Alastor smiled. “They really are something....”

Vaggie shook her head... “I hate to say it babe but they are hot.”

Alastor laughed, “You have no idea....”

“Alastor!” Charlie blushed, “We don’t want to know.” Charlie shook her head with a small sigh, smiling softly as she gazed up at him, “Everything doesn’t have to be about sex.”

Alastor chuckled, “Hard not to think about it with those two around.” He smiled “If you two beautiful ladies will excuse me, I actually have plans with them.”

Charlie smiled, “Well, have fun.” She watched as he walked away, then turned back to Vaggie. “I’m sure there are plenty of other things we could do besides thinking about sex.”

Vaggie sighed. “Yeah ....” She shifted in her seat feeling the heat between her legs.

Charlie looked at Vaggie, noticing the discomfort she seemed to be in. She couldn’t help but feel a pang of desire. “Are you okay?” She asked softly, her eyes trailing down to Vaggie’s lap.

Vaggie looked up at her and blushed deeper, her heart racing. “I-I’m fine, really,”

Charlie leaned in closer, her lips just inches from Vaggie’s. “You’re  turned on by them.....”

Vaggie nodded nervously. “I can’t help it.” She sighed. “With everything that’s been going on we really haven’t had any alone time.” She softly kissed Charlie on the cheek, “But that’s ok... I get it.”

Charlie grinned, pulling Vaggie into a kiss. “I love you,” she murmured against her lips. She trailed her hand down to Vaggie’s thigh, feeling the warmth between her legs. “Let’s  go to bed..... the hotel business can wait til tomorrow.”

Vaggie shivered, closing her eyes as Charlie’s hand slipped between her legs. “Mmmm....” she moaned softly, wrapping her arms around Charlie’s neck. She felt herself grow wet and needy at Charlie’s touch.

“I know Lex offered to teach us a few things...... have you ever thought about taking her up on that offer?” Charle kissed her softly. “ I actually thought about it the other day...... I’m  not good at intimacy... thought maybe she could help.”

Vaggie smiled into the kiss, feeling her heart race at the thought of the offer. “That’s actually really sweet of you, but we don’t need help with our relationship.” she murmured before pressing a soft kiss against Charlie’s lips.

“I want you to feel good Vaggie..... there’s no need to be shy about it.” she whispered into her ear, biting gently on the lobe.

“M-maybe.... I don’t know...” Vaggie whispered, feeling nervous and excited all at once. Charlie’s bites sent shocks of pleasure through her body, making it hard to focus on anything else. “I trust you, Char.... I’ll think about it.”

“Good.” Charlie purred, nibbling down her neck. “Let’s go to bed.”

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