Bold and the Beautiful Altern...

By bbstories86

3.5K 230 3

To know what the story is about please go to season 1 and 2 before reading this one. More

Not jealousy, but fear
All over social media
Maya's tears
Flo at SP
Goodbye for now
Comforting Finn
Flo's idea
Brooke's fury
A trip to Steffy
Old friend
It hurts
I'll choose him
Hope's guilt
I'm dying
A day full of tears
Thorne feels Brittany's pain
Bold move
RJ's proposition
Hope's confession
Sheila's plea
A brother's advice
Finn's breaking point
It was...
Tell me the truth
Arguing about Sheila
Worried Taylor
Hurtful words
More News
Every breath hurts
What does Sheila want?
Still obsessed?
How could you?
The island
Boat trip
More lies
I can't do this
Angry sister
Emotional blackmail
Maybe this will make me remember
Another horrible lie
Let's forget the past
No forgiveness
Steffy's anger
I'll deal with her
One way ticket
Dave's visit
Never see Sheila again
Mysterious call
You're a monster
Excuses, excuses
Liam's heartbreak
Caroline's shock
Change of plans
We are done
My fault
Wedding cake
Support him
Fashion show disaster
Liam's honesty
Is he healed?
His family company
Wedding celebrations
Brittany's rage
Where is he?
It's Sheila?
Caroline is fed up
Taylor remembers
Thomas's grief
She's not a psychopath
Shocking encounter

Is it really you?

26 2 0
By bbstories86

It's early morning in LA. Brooke, Donna, Eric, Thorne, Macy, Brittany, Stephen, Rick, RJ, Coco, Bill, Katie, Wyatt, Flo, Liam, Jack, Deacon and Sally are all at Logan's mansion. 

Brooke: I just don't understand why Ridge and Massimo wanted us all to gather here.

Stephen: I guess he wants to declare his love for you in front of your closest family. 

Coco: That sounds romantic.

Rick: Sorry, but that would sound pretty lame... And meaningless... Massimo told my wife to be at his place this morning... Steffy, Taylor, Nick, Shauna, Finn... They are all at Massimo's home... I don't get it. Why some of us have to be here and wait for Ridge while others have to be at Massimo's home and wait for him?

Next scene: At Massimo's home. Taylor, Shauna, Nick, Finn and Steffy wait for Massimo to arrive home.

Steffy: I have a bed feeling about all of this... 

Taylor: Me too.

Shauna: Maybe Massimo will come back with good news?

Finn: This whole thing is extremely weird.

Diana walks in.

Diana: Hi everyone.

Steffy turns around and Finn tries to calm his wife down.

Diana: Steffy I know you hate me now.

Steffy: It's not that I hate you... I don't know what I feel... I'm so angry with you. How can you be so naive? 

Taylor: Steffy... Let's show Diana some sympathy please...

Diana: Thank you Taylor.

Shauna: We are all nervous... 

Steffy: Well we are more nervous Shauna... You don't even know how crazy Sheila is.

Diana: Maybe it's not about my mom. 

Steffy: Do you see who was invited here? Everyone that can be interested in the "Sheila case".

Diana: Well my husband was invited to his mothers home together with many other people... So please wait until we find out before you judge the situation.

Next scene: Hope is in the car with Ridge. She looks through the window.

Ridge: Do you recognize those places?

Hope: I have flashbacks... I know it looks familiar, but it's still foreign to me. If you dropped me off from the car right here... I don't think I would be able to get home... I don't know how home looks.

Ridge: Well right now I am taking you to your mothers home where you will be welcomed like a queen.

Hope: Ridge...

Ridge: Yes?

Hope: Do I get along with my mom?

Ridge smiles.

Ridge: You are best friends.

Hope: And my siblings? 

Ridge: They adore you. You are everyone's favorite.

Hope looks lost and smiles a bit. 

Next scene: Back at Brooke's home.

Liam: I am pleased that Ridge thinks of me as your family... I am glad to be here with all of you.

Deacon: I... I am confused about myself. I mean... Ridge doesn't like me... And he also told you to invite me... 

Brooke: Yes. You are on the list.

Deacon: Brooke, it makes no sense. We both know it.

Macy: You and Brooke have Hope together... Remember?

Deacon: Yes, but... Why does it matter to Ridge now? It never did before.

Eric: Deacon has a point. I don't understand why Ridge wanted to invite him here for this.

Thorne: Yeah that doesn't add up.

Bill: I know that I am on that list only because I'm Katie's husband... There is no way Ridge would invite Deacon without a good reason.

Stephen: This is so all so confusing.

Brittany: We all need to relax and wait for Ridge. I am sure he will tell us everything.

Ridge walks into the house smiling.

Brooke: Ridge... 

Ridge: Hello Brooke... I'm glad to see you all here. 

RJ: Dad, what is going on?

Jack: Exactly uncle Ridge... We need to know

Deacon: Why am I hate Forrester?

Ridge keeps smiling.

Next scene: Back to the Marone house. 

Steffy: This whole waiting is killing me. Thanks God the nanny has our children. I wouldn't want them to see me so stressed.

Finn: Babe, maybe those will be good news?

Taylor: I feel fear... I don't think those will be good news for our family... 

Diana: We don't know it yet. This whole thing is bizarre... 

Massimo walks into the house with Thomas.

Everyone is shocked.

Taylor: Thomas?! 

Taylor hugs him. Steffy comes over and hugs him too. 

Diana hugs Massimo.

Diana: Dad, what is it about.

Massimo: Please come in...

Sheila slowly comes in... 

Everyone looks horrified.

Finn: Mom...

Nick: What the hell?! What is Sheila doing here?! 

Steffy: I knew... I just knew it. I'm calling the cops... I don't care that grandpa has other plans.

Massimo: Put... the... phone... down.

Steffy looks at Massimo.

Massimo: Nobody is calling the police.

Next scene: Back to Brooke home.

Brooke: Ridge... Why are you smiling? And why did you told me to invite all these people?

Ridge: There is a very good reason.

Brooke: Well I hope it's a good one. I almost wanted to say no... But on the phone you insisted so much... 

Rick: Come on Ridge... Don't let us waiting too long.

Bill: Yeah... Just get on your knees and declare your love for Brooke. That's probably what you planned, right? 

Ridge: I will do that later... First I have something better. Much better. 

Sally: Jack, it means it's not about Sheila...

Jack: I don't understand what's going on.

Jack looks confused.

Ridge: Don't worry Jack... It's not about Sheila. It something that will make all of us extremely happy. 

Eric: Don't let us wait. 

Ridge: Ladies and gentlemen...My gift from me to my wife. 

Ridge opens the door. 

Ridge: Please come.

Hope slowly walks in and she looks shy..

Liam: Hope?

Brooke starts crying.

Brooke: What?

Thorne: Dear God.

Everyone in the room is shocked.

Brooke slowly walks towards Hope and touches her face. She starts sobbing uncontrollably and hugs Hope tight. They both cry.

Hope: Mommy... I have a mom. 

Brooke looks confused when she hears Hope's words.

Next scene:  Back to the Marone mansion.

Taylor: Massimo, why don't you want the police to be involved and why is my son here?  Did Thomas catch Sheila when she tried to escape the villa you gave her? 

Thomas: No mom... I'm definitely not a hero in this story.

Nick: What story?

Sheila: I didn't escape. I helped Massimo.

Steffy shakes her head and looks annoyed.

Steffy: Yeah right.

Shauna: I am confused... How did you help my husband exactly lady?

Massimo: I found Hope Logan.

Finn: What? Hope's body has been found. Her husband confirmed that the burned corpse has her dress on. 

Sheila: Look, I do not know the details of what Hope was wearing or anything like that... But Massimo sent me on a plane... And when I was inside I saw Thomas was one of the passengers too. I decided to go after him... 

Taylor: Why?! 

Nick: She probably had bad intentions. 

Sheila: Thomas acted out of the ordinary and because I am a very curious woman I wanted to find out what he is up to. 

Steffy: You are sick!

Sheila: Well I'm not the only sick person in this room... Your brother isn't exactly on the normal train either.

Massimo: Enough Sheila.

Taylor: Thomas, what is Sheila talking about and how is that connected to the body of Hope Logan?

Thomas isn't able to talk.

Sheila: He is silent because he is ashamed. 

Diana: Mom... Can you explain how did you find my sister in law? I am so confused.

Sheila: Honey, Hope is not dead... She's alive and well.

Everyone is shocked. 

Taylor: What?!

Sheila: Hope lost her memory and Thomas was pretending to be her husband. She believes him. I overheard them talking on the beach. Taylor, your son is insane. 

Taylor started crying. Thomas looks guilty.

Next scene: Back to Brooke's house.

Brooke: Hope... Of course you have a mom...

Ridge: She lost her memory.

Bill pushes his son: 

Bill: It's your wife Liam... Go to her.

Liam walks towards Hope in total shock.

Liam: Hope...

Hope: Who is this handsome man? My brother?

Katie: Hope, that is your husband... And I am your aunt Katie... This is grandpa Stephen, aunt Donna, Rick your big brother, RJ and Jack your younger brothers... So many of your friends and that's your dad... Deacon. 

Hope looks at Deacon. He can't stop crying. He walks closer to Hope and touches her shoulder. 

Deacon: I can't believe it... It's really you? 

Hope: My parents love me. 

Brooke: Yes, we do.

Deacon and Brooke hug Hope. Everyone is crying. 

Liam smiles, but he looks worried too. 

Next episode: 

Ridge tries to find excuses for Thomas.

Sheila has demands.

Hope reunites with Beth. 

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